GEORGE DAWES UKHAK rMENT OK PIHHtltltSM, ttaturday, June Uti, 19t4 CANADA AUCTIONEER I'iicr.e Black 846 anil Red 12 business Cf Professional 4 tei 1, KnJiiMli Full t'mliHay tan REFRIGERATION Sales and Service BOB FRANKLIN Days Black 556; NitesRed 4,'iO 1025 Ambrose Avenue FROM we CHOP SUEY . . . . . . CHOW ME IN Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phjne 133 FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS 39A SUITES FOR RENT 5-ROOM apartment. Also some solid rock, all open cut. and the con-furniture for Sale. ADDlV No. 1 etructlon of twelve reinforced con Levin Apts. 610 6lh Ave. West Phone Oreen 332. ( 151 ( . Tenders will not be considered newly decorated less made on the form auDolled by BUSINESS PERSONALS I plJONEI8 your Northland Dairy, ; for dallv delivery fVfpnl -Run day. By looking after your milk your milk will look after you Keep It cool. All milk guaranteed. UI) FOR RENT Offices !n tile Stone Building, modern, sl.eam heated, centrally located. Apply Room No. 3 Stone Building or phone 424. ,153, CHIMNEY and chesterfield cleaning ridrf in,,,,.. ! Oreen 773, Mr. J. Kempster. I (152) WORLD'S FINEPT :I fanitr KLKCTItOLUX. Phone Blue tor parts Sales Service ! (C) j : ' hAW mine All types of saws, j I reclslun Saw Filing, 215 1st Avenue West, city. (166) PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income lax specialist. S. O. Furl;,! Stone Building. Phone 424. I (20m) SPENCE Si Matiuk, painting con- tractors Phone lot iivx Riue' evenines 11791 1 L!zl WILFORD Electrical Works mo- tors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. , U72 Red 165 FOOD PLAN REDDY-PAK FOODS LTD. A Supermarket in your own home. No. 1 James Blk. Blue 593 NEW FL'El TANKS 60 On!. Tank , ." 1 10 00 375 Oal. Tank HU 00 215 Clal. lank 7&.0C yi Cut;e Steel 3 Extra. !NJUSTItlAL TI.)INV. CO. Oreeu BB4 - ii21 1st Ave. Mrs Rowe DRtSSMAKING 234 Third Avenue East, over Rupert Cattery Shop. Phone Blue 126. IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS LEARN TO DRIVE Contact: Box 105, Prince Rupert DUAL CONTROL CARS Advertising in Daily Broadway Cafe BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING rott TAKE CUr ORDERS h one 200 Popular Steamer Prince Rupert SAIL8 FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service For reservations write 01 I call City or Depot Office I Prince Rupert, B.C. OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER ' 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 rAr)i IM Tni fy i ikir-vl Lo ig 1 iuv.i in it. Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smttherj F.very Tuesday and Friday. For cfr.rectlorj Phone 632. SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERER ACCOUNTANT James Block, B08 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, BC. Phone 347 P.O.) Box 274 THE SHARON HOP Everything in Infants' arid Children's Wear.. 216 Second St. Players AN Wet BRIGHTON. Eng. W Mem-!"' bers of the British Sub-Aquu-' Club in this seaside resort set- tied down to a game of whist, 'v under 10 feet of water in the public pool, using a steel tabU1 and metal cards. News Brings Results Sealed tenders addressed 10 the Chief (Supervisor of Fisheries, lllu West (leorKia Street. Vancouver. R(.'., and endorsed n the outside of the envelope "Tender for the construction of fishway at Kajusdis Palls" wili oe received up to noon of the 2nd day of July 1064, for the constrWtinn of Fishway on the Kajusdis River about four miles from Bella Bella. B.C. The work consists of the excavation of approximately 140 cubic yards of crete names requiring placement or approximately four cubic xarl of concrete. the Department of Fisheries and In accordance with the conditions act ttierem, and no lander will be considered for only a part of the work. Each tender must be accompanied by a deposit equal to ten per cent of : j the amount of the tender. ' I Copies of documents Including form, of tender, schedule, general conditions, plans and specifications mav be. seen on application to the District Supervisor of Fisheries. Prince rtu- pert, B C. or may he obtained on loan from him upon deposit of $10.00 in the form uf a certified cheque or money order, made payable to the Receiver General of Canada. Tills de- uosrt win he refi.t,rti n,. .i, of the documents in good condition The lowest or any tender win not necessarily oe accepted 8TEWAKT BATES, Deputy Minister. (14!)) Try DaMy News Classified - Senior Baseball at ROOSEVELT PAD! Sundoy 27th - 1:30 p.m. DOUBLE-HEADER Terrace vs Commercials BLONDIE : ''' C there should b 7 MORE MERINGUE V, ON This LEv.CN ML4w.sK to , MAGAZINES, Nr,'eltles. Kddle's I Included. In good pnndition I50 Newsstand. teiinew. asking $65. Phone Oreen unfurnished suite. Harbor view. Adults only. Phone 57. P. Tinker & Co. Lid. (1541 THREE - ROOM self-contained apartment. No drinkers. 533 8th West. Phone Oreen 932 . (152p) SUITES for rent. Phone Red 984. (11,7) . ! 40 HOWS? FOR SALE ; I TWO SPECIALS Larue four wartime on level lot. fencer), owner transferred, must sell. Price only $3000. terms arranged. : Here Is something different in four-room binitj ilow. ingel hreaklast rM;ok off the kitchen, I full cement basement, hot air j furnace. Price $5200-, yasy terms arrnnped. Exclusive with II. O. HELGERSON LTD. Real Estate and Insurance Phone 96 or F. Wilson, Black 197 Evenings (149) PROPERTY with two houses. Close in. One three bedrooms, other one bedroom. Price $7950. Half cash. Box 977 Dally News. (151) FULLY modern 5-room house, full rnnerelp husempn! Autn- matic oil furnace. Apply 429 5th ve West (152pi SIX -ROOM house. Close to schools, Price $4000. .Terms arrant;; d. Phone Blue 396. (150) 6-ROOM wartime. Paftlv furnished. Newlv decorated. 1348 1st Overlook. Phone Red 852. 2 WANTED TO RENT THREE or four-bedroom house, unfurnished, by end of ,iun-. Phone Green 830. (tf-nc) or 5-room home. unXurnlshtd. u Tlll , pi,.,, ,,i n obj Dally News'. ( 154p) I , .ttTIVr.u i vrrn i ' IH.lll.ll .... SELLING YOUR HOME We have several buyers p'o' quick sale phone H O HELGERSON LTD Real Estate & Insurance 218 6th Street Phone !)6 or Black 107 Evenings (149 7Z " olTllTrv KokSTr oij) Richard Lowrie property Cor SoiP r ..rM iisk R (' nhti Mrs. Wcrseen, Cassiar Cannerv. i Ca.spaco P.O., B.C. (149p) i LOT on Atlin Avenue. Good view. I $350 cash. Phone Red 549. (152p ! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES By CHICK YOUNG I I- . 1 fry - . Ki.C that swhat comes ?1 . THI STEw s o r ( fRONI Sticking iouR J : t cfoInTocpI fCtfoX riPlC-,ll VNOSE IN SOMEONE f. CARS? Bob Parker's of course. (17D WILFORD Electrical Works deal-1 er for Ekollte Sounders. (1641 j NEARLY everybody uses 99. j HELP U ANTED MALE COOK-DECKHAND for salmon season on 50 ft. packer. Three- man crew. Union wages for ex-i perlenced man. Box 982 Daily i News. dsn. Help Wtd Male female j OPPORTUNITY in Alaska. Com- Plete information on work, pipelines, pulp mills, - loRBlnK' fishing, bartending,! waitress work. Uvlng conditions; wages. .Use air mail.- Send ; i.uu to AiasKan Kenorls. Box, - Ketchikan, Alaska. ( 151 ) HELP WAV! ED FEMALE ' r CLERK, GRADE I ! B.C. Civil Service Forest Service Prince Rupert kriM mma-- ?- oaiary: ioj-$2ws per monui.itu., i-.w rrior tsi., vancouvrr. i DEADLINE Classified Rales U "ClnMirs time 4:1 pm. dny previmu to publication Clauifli'd. 3 cnt!i per word per Insertion; minimum charge 60 cbdu. But li Notices, Ml cent; Curds of Thanks. Deiuh Nuilren, funoral N .Uc.-s. Marring and KiiKmpiinrnt ! Auiiuiiitoeuie nlK, in (mi. S.p i:il lllHjilay double prlc. No Hcf mills Wp will not ncn-pt rpRponnlnilltr i,r i iHsslfled adR liiMrtfd llincrreclly , nurit-r wrong classification unless iiinilk'Hilon of such errorfc is r(wivfd wiiiiin 84 hours of first Insertion. WANT AD Bid REPLIES We ore holding replies to the following News ' ad boxes: 953, 959, 972, 981 982, 983 Replies-must be mi colled for in person COMING LVENTS Outdoor painting course, inithers, July 6-14. 4l56p United Church W.A, Bake Sale ! Uordon ti Anderson July 10. United Church W.A. Bake Sale t Gordon i Anderson's on Aui-it 14. Presbyterian RummaRe Sale, Sept. 11. ID United Church W.A. Auction rnd Rummage Sale, Oct. 2. Catholic Fall Bazaar October f and 7. (164) Conrad United Hall Bazaar, 19 Nov. 16. (169) e - V; - . -i Presbyterian au maar. W- inber 25 ition T.O.D.E. Full Bazaar ' Novem- ,-r 4 ' I , and Aiconoiics Anonv- mous. P.O. Box 343. ( 157) 1 939, I) FUN ER.-J, NOTICES 120 " - TUOMALA' In the city, unday, June 22, 1954. Henry, e 53 years. 723 Fraser Street, rmerly of. Alice Arm. B.C. Rev. Antrohus will tondurt er- n s ut Urenvllle Court Chapel 2 p.m. Monday, June 28. In ment lo follow in Falrvlew mi'tery. B.C. Underlakers in iiurije til urrunnemi'iits. of t-KHSONAI.S '. YOUR NEWSPAPER to I will FOLLOW YOU on I YOUR HOLIDAYS ' jare I at . I fc ir rv-pri a -VM--T-I I I Bo Just Phone 748 and leove a i W forwarding address i ' (tf-nc) -I fK have niuny items of cloth ins, which were left for repairs l alterations, and not coll-I for. Jf not claimed 111 14 'Vs, these Items will be disposed ! Modern Tailors, uhone Black (150) BUIT cigarettes easily with To- i . ciimiiiatui. duiu nuujri.i 1 money-back guarantee. For po aulhoritative medical n regarding ill effects of nico- nut', write C. King Pharmacol i ip. Ltd., Box 303, Walkerville fintario. , H I 26 PAVE more vacancies for period uf Art Course Julv 5-14. Lake Jtalhlyn Auto Court, Box 636, f inithers. (154) Dance Tonight Elks Hall VURIC BY AKE'S RHYTHM KINGS poncing 10 p.m. - 1 a.m. Refreshments Available UNESCORTED LADIES OMITTED FREE UNTIL 1 1 p.m. (H) BUSINESS PERSONALS AHUENINQ and landscaping, wn!i, evergreen n nn! ne rnck Us, flshnonris !!'". etc. Free estimates. Red I'". until plus $15.00 Special Living Allow- uuce. Typing speed 40 words pen minute. Two years' clerical cK-io Z9A SEWINO MACHINES SALES Repair SenlalsT Sinner Sewing Centife. TLone 804. IClj 32 FOR SAI.K MISC I THOSE badly needed repair jobs nrotind the house may not have been done because you Just didn't have liie cusli. However, O. throueh our budget payment plan, you can have up lo $'.!0l)0 j !nnd repay Hits amount over two years. See us right away for the detail. ALBERT & MeOAFFFRY LTD. Phone 118, 117 (149) lFOR SALE Very reasonable, one j . oniy minDeum 32 volt 750 watt light plant, complete with; Dattenes one onlv uonan com- blnation 32-110 volt 3 000 watt. I automatic start, g e n e r a t i n g 1 plant, with starting batteries, j Write Box 708 or Phone 107M Terrace, B.C. (It) Chinchilla Ranchers BC.) Ltd. I a The organization that guar-, antf'es quality animals as Juducd by Canadian standards. See Neil coutts, Box 686. Terrace, B.C. i Ranch at Agar Ave. Visitors! welcome. (it) Ltvicd 7T"i 1 .-tt, .- SINGER treadle round bobbinj I.IC, t 1 fll,l,ULlllllCIll.1 I 897 or call at 1116 8lh East. (151) MOTOR-BICYCLE. 1U h D. Pixie motor. Like new. Can be seen at Daily News. (tf-nc) ESTABLISHED c o n t r a c 1 1 n g-! iiuuuyiuun uusmess. equip- ; ment. Blue 331. (150) ! TWO barber chairs in good con-: dltlon. What offers? Box 880 Daily News. (150) ! ENTERPRISE pot burner. Almost, new. Phone Black 701. tl51) POT burner oil stove. Like new. 1348 6th East. (150p ; dpst - tv .v, A ... "A""' - ' l i3U .""""'. , j 32 A FOR RENT MISC i : - - TWO - ROOM furnished cabin. 4 4 uuu ninoa.ii. unui wNTEO MJSCiNEOlTS iWANlr.D TO MARKET a . CEICIIQ 13 A 111 1 A IllW QI.OlJ Ifltll, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc.' Honest grading, prompt pay-' ment made. Alias Iron tt Metal BC. Phone PAcific 635' H' r". ? . .,. , , , YOUNO male co(;kcr spanU-K J rnniir nine v3. (Hi BABY crib. Green 137. (150pi ! i 33 BOATS AND K.ltilNF.S " j 16-ft. boat. 5 h p. Kermath with 4 clulcli. Phone Oreen 304 BOAT "Gay Belle," 34-ft J roller. 990 alter 5 p.m. May lie sti n at New Finals. (irlp)i - 36 ROOMS FOR RENT j Vin,r.""'""i"i""jJi.' T " LAROE furnished housekeeping ;, room. Reasonalilp. Green 727. (149)i FURNISHED hoflsekeeping rooms Newly decorated. 613 3rd Avenue West. (149) SINGLE or double rooms. 101 7th Ave. Black 977. (150) ROOM, board if desired. 317 7th West. " (153) ROOMS furnished. Call at m(!3 Ave. East. (154) 38 COTTAGES, CAMPSITES . WE still have a few vacancies. Fully furnished cabins on the shores of Lakelse Lake. Boating, fishing and a safe beach for the children. Phone wire or write, D. Colthorst. Water Lily Bay Cabins, Lakelse Lake, Terrace, B.C. (152) FORT Fraser Cabin Park. 55 miles east of Burns Lake. Comfortable housekeeping , cabins. Fishing. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Myers. (150p) FOR RENT By day, week or month, clean comfortable convenient Riverside Cabins. Phone 107M, Terrace, B.C. ( 160) " 39 HOMES FOR RENT FURNISHED 2 bedroom modern' j home, for July and Box !)85 Dally News. SMALL three-room house. Blue 822. (152p) 39A tiUITES UR RENT UnfnrnishPd Unites For Rent The Elizabeth, modern 3 and 4-room apts. Electric range and refrigerators. Laundry facilities. Rent $90 to $12i per montn. Black 468. (153) penence. Applicants must be, ,J ai P ,, u, ,H3Cd" T,,, . British subMTts undr 40 years j 6tn Ave West ?c?; ae excent in the case of ex-loln AVP:ww,h. service wonwn, who ure givenlHAVE suile and wish to share j preference. Application forms! wild another lady. 623 WOst tibtainuble from District Forest- 6th Ave. (149) HB4i,TAXT-laiid with 6r without car. riniw niipuri., tu ue rruirnru ; District Forester not later ; Ihun July 12th, l!).r)4. Uli : LOOKING for something different? We need a bright young elerk with a basic knowledge of bookkeeping who run type. We operating under nn entirely new the latest book krt-ping Kystn. .Apply in writing to Box im liuily News giving full fflHrffl)! jliei'ted. 1521 A NTED lmiiiedlat7y loTsk ide- Bute- Inh'l General Hosoital, Queen Charlotte City, two nurs-les for hnlliliiv relief. Sul.nles In line with K.N.A. Apply Matron. 1 1491 HIGH SCHOOL girl or woman to take charge of home and two children while mother works. July and August. Oreen ft(j7 (151) BY uly 1, experienced book- ilroAtu.e f.r PuKlie Anmnntnni'a o(,ace Typing required. Phone LI'L ABNER By AI. CAPP XL 7 FIVE : MIMUTES AGO. VO' V 'vO' SHOW, " GOTTA ??-TH7SAME VaTuBTT" 1 WAS A WDOWERA'-NOW. k LEADS A GAV j ZL pi-j-e SAND AS WHAR DAK.V'S ) RI-DICK- CORN-YXVO' IS A FEE-AN-.SAY- ) LII E.'.'- OFF J ',g JF-Z' bL)R,EO.'-VO' DONE. J A- LUSS.-T ' GRAJ- 0TVi5 ---0WIFT. A VI?r-r7Z DANCEU ON DAISY'S Y OH UN A . ' a?''' e "n '":'' I t""'"r 1 -Vr":,i tT Jl 'r "'1'r'fl H-Tirriiirrrirr ir-infirni'?"''u .. r TT .tibWi,na 1 rt TH4f fs ., i2ANpy? ku XNOiv, the KiNay-TccoN t I Ifrw'iiT ' HI i'l'"' ill I H i amis. 8ipy vs thb.- Ml -iosrbws,-- thr-sk wotions 1 MlrRV-'SiTw- il il i ; SPECIAL KINP... INVENTS A Ml JONES- ' ANP BASKETS CP FKUIT TO THE JukT'i toirTTT--! f -j ' i reececTLv imarvelous enamel... W" , helps homes... . m or, fAI T TaI . , ' ! THfN starts his own susiness- IgPr s y "i c5u.'"'-- vUl lti , -PACTOLLY REVOLUTIONIZES ''J'-n -VJ '. '" J P, i ItlMI AWrhm MJmiM-,::y SHERLOCK HOLMES By EDITH MEISER and FRANK GIACOIA ' " ' ,..Y.- RI6UT HTH SEZ LADV6WP LOOKS X4 I'M NOT GOINO TO FAINT, VOU J .' , V n( COURTYARD OF I DONtlH. WHERE'S THE & IDIOT PHIVE VIE TO 2ZI-B JVy ELIZABETH'S BEEH &UCKIN6HAM I 6MELLIN6 6ALTS i BAKER STREET-AS FA6T A ABPUCTEP-IN BZOADl PALACE.! WUCAf4b0' jC fc. r j K- Wmi w ARCHIE n By BOB MONTANA-" T , ( ACCHIeT ARCHIE.' 1 f PA001E, ARCHIE Y ITS 1 j W'Y SHlt LlSl ; JUGH6A0. HURRY ) I THERE'S STILL.' ) ( THE CURRENT . PA DDI F ) NO jf V JrA feMlkty (W UP AND TAKE A -y IS GETTING gg. T Jfo , OU PICTURE.' . V CURRENT (1711 ( SWIFTER ' " vi V J f f. AL3 i 424 ,nsw for Interview. (151) 2 SCHOOL girl to look after Dth 2 year old child. Box 988 Daily Best offer accented. Black iV. Willie tuxi. (152) 47 AUTOMOKII.FH - -. OFFERS Plainly marked on the envelope "Offer for H-15'J " wlil UP received by the undersigned ... ... ,.,, ,.,. , ,,-, 1948 Dodge Coupe, located "as is and where Is" in Prince ftu- pert, B.C., licence and regislra Uon not included. This vehicle may be seen upon implication to the Dept. of Public Works, Prince Rupert. Offers should be accomnanie'l by a certified deposit chaque. made payable to the Minister of Finance, in the amount of 10 of the bid. The successful offer will bo subject to 5 SB. Tax end the highest or any offer is not necessarily, acceptable. Chairman, Purchasing Commission, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. 1149) NEW '53 Oldsmobile 4-door sedan, hydromatic trans., custom radio, A.C. heater. $600 discount, terms available. No trades Apply W. O'Neill, Rupert Hotel, Saturday onlv or write box 190, Smithers, B.C. (150p) 1953 CHEVROLET. Low mileage. A-l condition. Apply at Knnt-son's Tire Sales, Fraser Street. (152p) DELUXE 1948 Ford. Excellent condition. Apply to 622 3rd West aft,"r 5:30 p.m. O50p) '49 DeSOTO Sedan. Good condition. $1600. 537 8th West. Black 276. (153p) '50 Prefect. Excellent condition. Very cheap. 207 9th East. (150p) '49 PONTIAC sedan. Radio. Phone Green 803. (149p) '53 CHEV Bel-Air. Phone Green 137 after 5 p.m. (150p) News. dtp) bl II.DI.MG MATERIALS PIIllPOTT," EVITT A CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 Inquire about our budget plan for your home improvement. No down payment. $100 to $2,000. Six to 24 mos. to pay. (157) 27 ! I'EL ' Try Clean, Hard. Hot BRIQUETTES In Your Fireplace, Cooksteve or Furnace $24.40 Ton Delivered ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phone 116, 117 or 58 Your agents for McLeod River Hard Coal (152) For your fuel requirements: "Shell" Heating Oils. . "Foothills" (Bootless) coal. "Pacific" Propane Gas. Phone 651 or 652 PHTLPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. . . (157) 28 FURNITURE FOR SALE 3-PIECE chesterfield suite. Very reasonable. Phone Green 96ft. U50p)l fersl' r6teM kfevV fHW mgi m 1 HS: r-'m .... , . W2m wm ; 1 1 ' t--' .1 ' - - f ' ' U