: 1 1 V:" Iftur-r I"1.? 5 Prince Ruper' Daily News Friday, Scptei er 15, 1053 Director of World's Largest Paper TONY jl I ' tali CURTIS-LFIfiUvf The tan was in CkAr warfare by the nOnce Hit Editors With 8-Foot Plank --r. .-kit. I" rmuDiiNi.i;- I VI urn TECHMICQ1QP L7v . At WALLACE'S of Course hr rinthes van a wartime fa- rion.rnon mat King tne tates: vorite of Canadian soldiers in ph ise "in the vast social-level- i V i ... . Bl.jtain lui :, process Dy wnich 95 per b, Him 1 1 -: r, 4 a -v uruiv INTEREST cent or me nation nas become The Mirror celebrates its 50th rmncie, or to De precise, lower- WORK CLOTHES j that are - LONG on WEAR!:' TOTE anniversary in November ana nmuur u m iuum mm way-, to mark the occasion its editor- j of life." ial director, Hugh Cudlipp, hasiM.IKES LIFE SEEM GAY written a book called "Publish The newspaper makes life TODAY and SATURDAY EVEMNOS 1 anrl 9:05 Matinee Saturday 2 p.m. FA.MOLS PLAYERS THM and Be Damned!" It traces the paper's fascinating history from the unpromising beginnings to 1 g: . J.' HERBERT J. YATtJ the "revolution" in the '30s seem gay and exciting to housewives, says Richardson. Its reader symbol is a bus conductor "who daydreams of dancing the samba with Princess Margaret." The Mirror makes a point of aep.res.siveness. Its wartime at when the editors turned to hu 1 HacHURRAY in ft . JS. 4. Bv ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON (CP) A tabloid newspaper called the Daily Mirror has the world's biggest daily circulation. Here are a few facts about it: A director once went about slugging editors on the head with an eight-foot plank. The paper received 3,758.441 letters in 10 years. Its daily sale exceeds 4,500.000 and is going up. . When launched in 1903 it wis intended for "gentlewomen." Sales slumped from 250.000 to 28.000 in three months. Today : the Mirror is still aime'd at women but nobody would say its approach is gentle. In fact, it is a tough, breezy, i arrogant, confiding sheet, revelling in its own admitted vul- garity, specializing in mass appeal through pictorial cheese-1 cake, sledgehammer headlines ' and comic strips that are just that. Its famous cartoon character, Jane, a young woman 'woman easily separated from FAIQ VJItll F - . I "J, '-el .. tacks on the government were so bitter that Prince Minister Churchill intervened, and the government threatened to close the paper. But The Mirror rode out the storm. Cudlipp also tells about the pranks of Harry Guy Bartholo UJ JI4VA TRUCOtOR Y CONSOIIOAIW 4 L !: t1 swi-' ' . man interest, sex and crime. "The plan which these youn',' nen evolved," he writes, "was simply this to get under the readers' skins and stay there, rhey were all. in their way. lay psychologists. Most had come from working-class or middle-:lass families; they really kne nd had personally experienced :he aspirations and setbacks, .he joys and the heartaches of ;he millions of ordinary people Lhcy set out to entertain and nstruct." Carrying the idea farther, book reviewer Maurice Richard ;nn writes in The Observer that The Mirror is a significant phe- A KEPUtUC PICTURE ft. TODAY o SATURC ALi J lIMCUIN.fi II NT FLYING Tl'RTLE mew, one-time director, whose favorite trick was creeping up behind an editor and pasting him with a plank. Unsuspecting CAPITO V;' - "" , v "" NINE EUROPEAN BEAUTIES create a pattern of loveliness overlooking the water at Istanbul, Turkey, where units of the Turkish Navy lie at anchor. All entrants in the "Miss Europe 1953" contest, the girls (left to right' represent Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, France, Austria, Monaco, Greece, Belgium, and Italy. 7 and 9:21 p.m. SAT. 2:00 . 4:25- 6:0 - 9:10 p.m. visitors swooned at the sight, but the plank was made of balsa ji-ood and did no damage. At luncheon this month Ran-lolph Churchill, the prime minister's son, attacked The Mirror for its treatment of Britain's royal family. Cudlipp, guest speaker, promptly tore up his Prisoner Query Still Unanswered ..--o BLACKWOOD on r? 1 CARHART MONARCH 5 GAULT Quolity First At Wallaces : Men's Shop- LAUNDRY SERVICE Shirts Ironed I'KESS-WHILE-YOL'-WAIT Pickup and Delivery Island Cleaning and Pressing Black 27 741 2nd West (Next to Liquor Store) , PANMUNJOM CP The United Nations' demand of an account notes and replied to Churchill. His paper, he admitted, is vul- ing of 3,404 men, including three gar but it ls aIso "decent, awk tSrida nciae waid. bock-biting and courage MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. SPECIAL Fall Reduction a l .$ . . ? Sole Lanaaiar.s, oenevea 10 oe 111 nru captivity is still unanswered. Major General Blackshear M. Bryan, senior Allied member of he armistice commission, told reporters today he would ask the Reds about it "before too long." By EASLEY DLACKWOOD ous." He said it made some mistakes, but it was not really a "sexy" newspaper. In fact, he thought it rather "prissy" at times. Of Used Cars and Trucks Chevrolet Sedan. Good 1't.Vi famine Man Mr. Abel (Iocs Down Dy Aiming Too High While the purpose of the game is to make as condition . $25.00 healer, uii!r!rcj.it-) EIK AS I SEE IT (Continued from page 2 V 1" SPECIAL CONCESSION SUDBURY, England (CP) Tho; in-law proolems of youn- mai-; ried couples in this MUkiscx IF IT IS true that the UN can many points as possible, that goal is not necessarily attained by going after the maximum number of ... .. fc. I!M8 hevrolet & dan A t. I'll!) Plymouth Sedan. Re- family car W conditioned, good tires, 19g )fSu, Sedan Ej; cheap transportation goo() tjn,s jn very . $1225 00 condition . SI 1!)8 rSoto Sedan. An 1!I5I Ford Custom Sedan. Re- ...,H,t in..rt mrim h,.i,.r l''"t P"v"1(-' car. good not function effectively un- with DUROID Asphalt Shingles Inquire about our Instalment Poyment Plan FOR FREE ESTIMATES SEE OR CALL GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. district miy soon oe atnintj 01 w anrt nttl China's seat in the tricks on every hand the past. Council is considerms UN ,g occupied by the reai g0V-proposals to Prove young , ernmenti lt is even more to the In today's deal Mr. Abel got nto a good contract of four ..i..t ' a .,.'o tires M5 uoiip! un nun. u.ai -.avr a . . f. ,h UN cannot even annex for tneir self-contained i survive unless the United States ,H52 h,yr 'M $1375.00 car Ruarantee. healer. 215 First Ave. W, relatives. Phone 909 hearts. Now. if the queen 01 hearts had been on his rigut not over four long, he could 'V. Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan Unriercoattd . mi 1 111 ,Mmm;im hb Privately owned, Rood tires 1039 Buirk Coupe. Radio. J 'II and motor, new paint and tires, cheap trampo: Kc.it covers S12S5.00 tlon fc South dealer Neither side vulnerable Niirth (Mr. KtflO 8 A 8 7 8 J 2 D A 8 6 3 Cr-A 10 6 KiihI r-t (Mr. Hull-) (Mr. IiuiiiiIik ) 6 Q 10 It 4 3 ti - J & H 5 3 Hti 8 7 U- 10 5 4 2 I K JI C J S C--W 7 2 HiMllll (Mr. Im-1) S K 2 H A K 10 9 4 I--7 C- K 9 B 4 3 ; remains with it. j I am rather appalled at times ; at the tone of some of my own ' alters from ordinary readers lacrcss Canada. Many Canadians ! of 1953 are so fed up with the ; international policies of the ; Eisenhower administration in-i side UN that they advocate a j gang up against U.S. policy. I 1 think these forget that if Uncie ! Sam were to walk out of the UN. ' there would be no UN; and it KXTHA SPECIALS lave taken the heart finesse, licked up the trumps, given a lub trick and spread the hand for six-odd. However, the cards were not 'istributed in that manner and, far from making six-odd, Mr. bel actually took a minus score. He won the opening diamond ead with dummy's ace. led the v , WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House 90!) Third Ave. West Phone Red 878 SPECIALIZING 1 CHINESE DISHES ' Orders To Take Out ; Open 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. Daily 1941 Ford Sedan. Onor Your Bowling BOWLING SHOES Ladies' Red, Blue and Black triinsooitation - S3Ji. 1!M1 Ford Coupe. Mechanic Special ... S2H5.00 1941 Ford Army Truck 4x4 Oood Hunting trucit 1910 Dodse 34-tn piohp a cheao truck .. W with van box ... SS.T25.00 1941 riyinoulh as is S2I!1 , for any reason UN goes down ,ack of hearts and let it go. Mr. champion won with the queen I only a miracle can avert a third mm 1 h..rni.i cmiati i k I'ltl Durifr 8td;in. ts T , The bidciiiin: Smith VViwt North 1 h Paw 1 3 2 C 3 NT world war. $110(10 pit 6 ind led another diamond. J Mr. Abel ruffed and laid down , he ace and king of hearts. : '.iri,nn nr. rla Eh.u.a1 nut nn ! TKUCK SPECIAL t j $.95 and. $5-75 Men's Black $4.95 and $5.95 BOWLING BAGS Attractive plastic in varied colors zipper closing 1nr.11 r-lirvrnlrt Sprfan iUverv 1949 Willy' Station .K D.n..njiinn k.iu A vprv Pfilid buv ... 5 4 H All jJUNtt club and there was the added chance that this play would drop the doubleton queen of hearts. Three rounds of clubs would put Mr. Champion in with the IVi V.WUUI iiuiicu, a p,vw,M w..j ...j a S1420.00 loin r,tc 1-ton Panel. Big Question Confronts Forecasters 1951 Ford Panel Delivery. Low 0f go,d miles left i mileage. Excellent con- jM9 ' t hevrolet Pick-up u dition 81560.00 c.onmtiun ' SAFE RELIABLE SERVICE Prompt and Courteous Phone 5 37 TAXI Ken Nesbitt - Ronnie Tutb queen and while he could force 1948 Chevrolet 3-ton Chassis ? , h,vrolrl 2-ton and Cab with platform. Ke- Excellent cundition M $2-25 SEE THEM AT ' inn rovmirt Panel TORONTO (CP) Transport Minister Chevrier this week SljJj.UU v jm: IMS f J -1 one) COndiUUll Tlll'll 111. LOlt VUV this last heart lead, the contract was hopeless. Mr. Abel cashed the ace and 'ting of clubs and led a third :lub. But after winning with the jueen, Mr. Champion fired another diamond. Mr. Abel ruffed with his last trump and there was still a trump out. When a good club was now led, Mr. Champion uffed and cashed a diamond trick. Mr. Abel should have timed he hand for safety. After win-ling the first trick, he should 'lave cashed the ace and king )f hearts at once. He could af-'ord to lose two hearts and a Mr. Abel with diamond leads, Mr. Abel could in turn force him with club leads and always be one jump ahead in the trump department. Playing this way, Mr. Abel wouldn't have as much chance of making six, but he 'would have a much better chance of poking four. FASHION FOOTWFAR into r n u O uyJ viiatfs nuu Cab. New motor, good tiles 1942 Ford 3-ton Cnassis I 1 in.i $1300.00 condition PHONE 870 871 gave the weather forecasters an object to strive for: to forecast x whole season's weather. In a speech to the joint session of the Royal Meteoroligical Society and the American Meteorological Society, he said: "Think of the boon to mankind if ever we reach the stage where a season'3 weather can be forecast in advance, even in such general terms as whethei it will be comparatively wet or ''.fflr"? M-lil'" " " ' " '.' si m m Itown r- - ft MONDAY to WEDNESDAY comparatively dry, comparative SEPTEMBER 2122-23 OOSTUft WSPtAV OOMITI ly warm or comparatively cold. Mr. Chevrier gave the weather men something else to think about. Research, he said, might establish whether the climate of PRINCE RUPERT'S FIRST BIG CIRCUS CATALOM .SIJ10U9 ft TRAINED ANIMALS , O CLOWNS, etc PLUS North America is warming up. "Is it possible," he asked, "that the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River may one day be open to navigation all Jie year round? "If so, may that occur within he next few generations?" WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP COUNT"? . . . COUNT ON US! Dibb Printing Co. COMPANY The . minister then spoke of O A large MIUWAI wirn an r-- i ODYSON CANADIAN what meteorological science has iheady done, for Canada. I ; V mi t The weather service has often ;ome to the aid of the railways. For shippers of perishable fruits ind vegetables the forecast has largely solved the problem of when to air condition their TICKETS MOV ON S ALE From All Rofarians OR Norton Young's Office goods. To the Great Lakes where big itorms blow up rapidly meteor CSIDCflRS '49 Ford Coach $1350 NOTE - - ology has lessened danger. Mr. Chevrier said that since commercial aviation began not 1 single Trans-Canada Air Lines passenger has been injured as a result of an error in weather forecasting. lii -; . S$$df&r' Bridsh Columbians. Try it . . . you'll ' "'- VuS3rl,sO l'ke Captain Morgan Black Label Rum. . . "a i - .rrCSS - Fully Aged in Small Oak Casks 50 International "'.-ton $1250 '50 Plymouth Sedan By purchasing your tickets In advance you are assured good seating and are helping furnish a new Children's Ward In our hospital. BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW! $1450 '48 International '.-ton $850 '42 Chevrolet Coach SPONSORED BY 21 :l Ii CaptainMorgan . ..:!. ,3 W !i rum ' ' ' - '"1 ' ' IE ' 'W: ' 'jS") Blended to Perfection from Carefully Selected '. x ' Rre Old Rums $550 '39 Hudson Terraplane . SPECIAL ON Steel Oil Tanks 110 Gal. Tank S 55.00 275 Gal. Tank $ 75.00 375 Gal. Tank $ 90.00 550 Gal. Tank $110.00 3 Prov. Tax Extra All tanks made of 12-gauge steel Industrial Welding 350 W The Prince Rupert Rotary Club All Proceeds FOR A NEW CHILDREN'S WARD AT THE HOSPITAL This space courtesy of Geo. Hill & Sons Ltd. NEW INTERNATIONAL HALF-TON TRUCKS JUST ARRIVED SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. I THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS NOT PUBUSHED OR DISPUYED BY THE IIQUOR CONTROL BOARD OR BY Green 884 225 First Avenue THE GOVrRNMFNT OF BRITISH COIUMRIA i i . . .. . JU 7