provincIKl t:.J:v. J i 1L raovisciAt, .-X, "' DRROW'5 . ll-i IDES f ICT03 I A , E. c. mm Ut ilizer 9, l!ti3 Standard' Time) 1:54 19 7 feet 13:49 20.9 feet 7 47 62 feet 20:16 3.6 feet Doily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published or Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupcit, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XLII, No. 235 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS Phone 81 X. r W..I.U '"""" "IL"' ' '"'-w--ji ,: i ,, ,,, r? i v,vr VCiol a i r 1 Ion Wak MWM. WDiiD at . , , , t r-" - - -1 t r ; t-i- "Outside" News Lost As Telegraphs Out A racing wind and rain storm lashed northern and north-central B.C. last night and early today, knocking out all telephone and telegraphic eommu- i V Ship Captain Sues SIU For Delay J'y Til LlMIJUlliUl I'l'-'ih VANCOUVKIi. The! Twin Delight ' - - I ! "y" f ' ; i , I. : ( ) V y nications. ' No scilotta "damaen was reunited to city telephone lines, but officials said more than (10 homes and offices were without service this morning. Repair crews were on the job early. Telegraphic c o m m unication was cut off when a tree fell across lines between Shames and F.xstew during the night. Canadian National Telegraphs officials here said linemen from Terrace were on the job early this morning and were still at work at press time. The Daily News teletype service also was knocked out and the flow of world news was cut off. Radio station CFPR was un- jniptain or the 10,000-toti) I freighter Sunjewel Wed-! jncsday ope nod suit j against the Seafarers' International Union (AFL-j rTLC), picketing his ship j at Ballantyne pier here. I j The picki t line was thrown I i around the Siinjfwo earlier) IN THltKK add up lo rapt attention In' the klndegarten tlass of Mrs. Hazll Roth at i. Pa., altiioush the lesson isn't arithmetic. Mrs. Roth Heads a story to capture her old students just .starting school. The twins are (left to rlnht): Ann and Miehllle , Linda Lee and Bonnie Ie Siegfried, and Eileen Jane and Elaine June Bush. 12 Firemen Overcome At Store Fire VANCOUVER CPI At lr; 12 firemen were injured Wednesday night as a stubborn blaze destroyed a modern Cnnndn Safeway Ltd.. market at list Ave. and Victoria Drive. Company officials estimated damage at $350,000. The $275,-000 building and more than $60,000 worth of merchandise were a total loss. The firemen were overcome by smoke when they attempted to enter the charred structure more than four hours after the blaze broke out. Ambulances set re of Governments to Hold Peace i Wednesday. Thirty-six crew members walked off their Jobs j as soon as the ship docked here ! from the Aluminum Company of j Canada project at Kit.imnt. I A sister ship of the Suniewel. t Would Not Affect Korea Truce able to bring listeners any of the CBC network programs. I Reports from Queen Charlotte Islands also told of high winds ; and rain during the night. A i recreational building at Sand- 9 Officials here It is a nice point whether fall- I say one Interpretation is that the Sunwhlt, was also picketed heve the Korean ar- ure to hold a conference would paragraph 60 is merely a recora-' at Portland, Ore., after arriving last indefinitely even ; be a breach of the armistice I mendation that failure to meet from Kitimat to line her holds n political confer-; terms. Paragraph 60 of the ar- would not be a breach of the i for a wheat cargo. PILLING THE LITTLE RED WAGON that he has trundled through 48 states, Dick Cook nears the end of his walking tour of the United 8tates, begun at Gainesville, Fla., April 1, 1951. The wagon complete with "kitty" and Dick will have covered 13,800 miles when their long hike is completed. up a shuttle service between hospitals and the fire and other hcld or fails to reach ; mistice document says the mlli- kieiiient. tary commanders of both sides firemen were treated on the fed Nations is await-i "recommend" to the governments scene for, minor injuries. spit was reported to have blown down early this morning. No one wits in the structure at the time. The CNR train due here at 3 . '.Jo p in. will be about 12 hours late, due to a washout near Mc-Bride. Officials said train pas nm the Communists ' concerned that a peace confer-and place to make ' ence be held within three months is for the Korean j by Oct. 28. armistice terms. i Both vessels are owned by ; The preamble to tne armistice : Saitucnay Terminals, Montreal.; agreement is also important in ! They are the first ships to be: this respect. It says the United : strike-bound on the west coast' Nations, North Korean and Chin- I as a result of the 10-day-old i ese commanders, "with the ob-! eastern Canada strike against j jective of establishing anarmis-'H deepsea shipping companies, tice which will insure a complete s s "" n,()KS ' 1 cessation of hostilities and of all ! Korea!:,? Sunwhlt waa picketed by I acts of armed force in U.S. sailors the .,r,tn . r,.f,.i ..i.nni following ar-1 The fire was started by a spark from a welder's torch which ignited insulation in the wall of a basement meat locker. Blcrence. " ! Foreign affairs experts here B.C. Fishing Vessels Warned Against Selling at U.S. Ports sengers scheduled to board the ! Prince George here tonight forlTne flames gained a hold on ! the trip south would be stranded ;the Insulation despite the ef- Masters of British Columbia i cases are receiving t.hp attpntinn i in Prince Rupert. The ship lurl5 ol lnree woriunen. oniy could not be held here to await i Persons in the store at the time, the trains arrtvat v Theatare was f losed t I p.m. H achieved, do tndivtduallv. rol- r!vaI of an SIU reP'e"'"13''71, fishini? vessels in the Prince ; of the Canadian government. ' iocUvely. and mutually agree to - t,f-in . . ' ' ', Rl-Vert srrea were warned today ! .-United States vommsreia) fish- , Residents were awakened dur- I Ior tne regular Wednesday half- .-"d I sKV d:SiEe CStoS thTfaS :f.n.JteJLSS Lr,"J.d .b1' 1 nKht by the storm as Mday. The fire started about 2:30 p.m. ernea uy me uuuuimoiis hiiu ... . . . . . , , . . , h'-'""" 4w iniiunig iioti uuin winds averaging 45 miles an terms of armistice . . ." ! 01 nls b'np w n ne cllums cal1" States or Alaskan ports is a ser- than halibut and black cod at a j VC7 DELEGATES BOYCOTT ATE- ON-MOROCCO ISSUE. hv NATIONS, N Y. I API French delegates boycotted pi Nations political committee Wednesday to back Sti'iition that the world organization has no business I the troubled situation In Morocco. Ikohinan said France would not even issue a statement the opening of debate on the question in the 60-natlon k this afternoon, but would let her empty seat at the piy the French protest., The key words here are "a : nm De unloaaea aue 10 tne PICK- lous offence punishable by heavy j Canadian port. hour, with gusts up to 60 mph, buffeted the city and district. Boughs were blown off trees Clouds of acrid smoke billowed from the building. Accumulations of gas in the basement caused two explosions. complete cessation of hostilities i eun? "l l"e unl"n- ne a,!" sefs arbitrary penalties. th. . until tn final f.i .,.ri settle c.ti.-ian Injunction to prevent The h- warning ,9rni. was 9, received to a peaceful ; and several small trees on the i Illegal picketing" of the SIU ment is achieved." If the political conference does not . meet or falls to reach i a around his ship and in the vicinity. The writ was obtained Wed- 1 eAlHamant tViA VnrQn nmhlpm Rail men Threaten Retaliation u - h.1 T 1 ft I ' V' T 4 R. Cunningham, !m,i., ,i,t ivU nesday by J outskirts of the city were .downed. . k, , No damage was reported at Prince Rupert Yacht. Club or( at Seal Cove air base: " ' .' The weather report at noon today said the storm centre was moving north and west tq the day by G. S. Reade. district supervisor of fisheries here, from the deputy minister of fisheries, Stewart Bates, at Ottawa. The communication said fishermen were to be advised that two B.C. fishing vessels, the Salar and Rosalie I are being held at Fort Bragg, California by the, -v...v. v.... - !nl fr cA., T.rmln9j I the UN General Assembly. There """" " " . ' . ui.mpn. mlaht he found as ! Named as defendants are Nor- Tom Alsbury Flays Leaders Of UFAWU mat Firm Awaits Verdict . . , .h. n, man Cunningham, port agent I of the' union, and 24 members issue, main stumbUng block In of the Sunjewel crew. reaching an armistice. west coast of the Queen Charlottes, where a gale warning is now in effect. Meantime, the armistice could SEEKS DAMAGES ;U.S. Customs and U.S. Coast Guard units on charges of selling 'for ! albacore tuna at ' Fort Bragg de. j without permission. pre Starting Paper Mill (P -Kitimat Pulp, The company, backed by the ( iiinpany is awaiting 1 Powell River Company, Ltd. and Rovrrnnient decision the Aluminum Compuny of Can- continue, for months or perhaps The writ seeks damages Injury arising out of the years. WILL RESUME WAR Full circumstances of the t management licence ada Ltd., is planning a mill to This presumes, of course, that j VANCOUVER M Tom Alsbury, i president of the Vancouver I Trades and Labor Council, Tucs-Iday charged that the Commun-1 1st leadership of a west coast j union is out to destroy the trade I union movement, j "The union movement Is being j challenged by leaders of the , United Fishermen and Allied before proceeding i produce 500 tons of newsprint 1 the United States can handle livery of cargo aboard the SS. Sunjewel by the conspiracy of the defendants in maintaining an illegal picket line . . . and preventing the entry and access of seamen, stevedores and oth Fish Canners Seek Supplies From Britain Net Fishing Ends Tomorrow lr a $60,000 000 mill 1 and 300 tons of sulphite pulp it was reported here ! daily. I If a favorable verdict Is given Syngman Rhee, South Korea president, who has said his forces will resume the war if the political conference docs not reach a settlement within 90 days from ers engaged to discharge the With the closure tomorrow ship." ! night at 6 p.m. of Area 1, north Capt. Coles told strikers thcy:Wueen Charlotte Islands, all sal- VICTORIA (CP) Threats of violence were made here Tuesday by a delegation of railwaymen angered over renewed track bombings in the Kootenay division of the Canadian Pacific Railway. A. J. Baker, heading a delegation of seven representing railway brotherhoods, said he informed Attorney - General Robert Bonner "conditions in that area have reached such an impasse that a spark could ignite retaliation from working members of our brotherhood should any act result in the death of one of our members." A brief presented to Mr. Bonner said the "situation has reached the proportion of open insurrection." Earth Slides kn Hurt .LONDON (Reuters) - K. F. ! JVorers' F"'0" wno ?!ve thplr Fraser, industrial representative 'oy.a!tyno the working man. Oct. 28. by the government, the new company, successor to Hecate Development Ltd., will launch a survey of timber possibilities. "We think there's enough tlm- rrmrit. h mnrie its iwsit.lon i lace prosecution for breach 1 of ; mon net fishing for the area, I of the British Columbia Fisher- r ""V" f , , The TLC will not work with ,it lies Association: now is In the' id Crash clear In this eventuality. Exter-1 contract under the Canada 1 north of Cape Caution, comes to nal Affairs Minister Pearson said i Shipping Act, but Cunningham : an end, the department of fisher fho tin npnpml Assemhlv i advised the men "we have com- eries said today. i her. but we have u make a sur- t'U'e in Prince Kii-, t i vpv v y fki,if .i ....1 before we go ahead," a Rr f'ir as the Canadian eov-! plied with all the regulations of j However, the Queen Charlotte , 1 nn11tn.v T..1...l .1 r.t I spokesman said. emmcnt is Concerned we Will tne conuacb uuu we nic i-tiimig .loiauu aim uuici aicaa aic still The pulp milt would be located dollar j not support any military action j a legal strike at this time." open to trolling. United Kingdom to encourage i w"" i i . By , export113 us "the back tomorrow," British manufacturers to fishing equipment and supplies, .? 1, . '.."" ' Mr. Alsbury. was commenting to British Columbia. ! The fish canners and fish pro- " 8 ?"e' clrcu ated T"P cessing organizations he repre- f iliald u"lons, by ,th' sents want to "buy British," hejHf WU' "nB Ulem.V Protert eir from the ePWon Cam- ! said Wednesday. One of the near the multi-million muay Willi srr- f.s sutrered when the they were riding !l'h Highway 1G !e-graph Point and liiout 40 miles cast of In Korea which is not United , Alran development at Riumaiin(,, onrt w would be and would draw its power from ; , , anv nttemDt to in- Alcan's Kemano project. ft. main aims of his high pressure I"'"" 41""c"i' ""u s'- from a broken neck Hiiwman of Tcr- Mounties Probe j terpret existing United Nations 'objectives as Including, for in-i stance, the unification of Korea I by force. On the other hand, we ! are aware that the signing of an : armistice does not discharge us "1 liosoital with a Threatened "Uar bone is George Death Report purchasing survey here was to j help British producers to get! back into the Canadian market. ! "There are no strings attached to my mission," he said. "We Intend to buy here as long aS goods are competitive, but there is no ouestion of any barter deals. Quakes Felt In Alaska VALDEZ, Alaska (AP) Twu sharp earth tremors were felt over a three-hour period in this isscngrr In the half-plt'h, police said, was Power Plant fi from obligations we have already 1 PRINCE GEORGE, B.C "wnian. Another nas- iRCMP are investigating a report! undertaken in Korea as a mem M unidentified, es- VANCOUVER iff) Earth slides ! that a human body was found on ! ber of the united nations. tl Unnbi. ,,f tha T lurd r-lvar niar were threatening the Whatshan coastal "I am on a privately-sponsored I south central. Alaska 0 nntl Prince Runert. ! Nelxnn Forks. B.C. hydro-electric development at ' tir i In short, Canada would fight if the Oommunlsts renewed their aggression, but, not If South Korea (attacks North Korea. Canada, as a UN partner, still attended the accident The story was told by an In- l" Came Inil'nn : rtlr, h nallftwl lnfn the R.CMP mission and we Intend to reopen town early Wednesday, our historical trade relations Both were of short duration with Britain in this field, regard- and there was no damage. The less of what Britain chooses to , first was at 6 a.m. and the second buy from us in return." ' at 9. ?l is reported that the office here Monday to report that f'Mt 160 feet, rolled ' he had found the body Sept. 18. wants the ulnflcation of Korea, but by political methods, not force. fame to rest upside An RCMP Investigator flew to the scene. , Barmaids May Serve Liquor In Cafes But Not in Taverns ular Ford Theatre Program Be Broadcast Over CFPR flic iron Here lie meets up with a young radio series, well- Tomorrow's drama will be "A least 14 months before disastrous mud and rock slides put the 1 power plant out of action last I August. ' j That was disclosed Wednesday at the Royal Commission hearing here into the cause of the slides which thundered down the mountainside near Lower Arrow lake Aug. 11 and 16, burying the B.C. Power Commission's plant and switching station under hundreds of tons of mud and rock. Testifying before special commissioner Mr. Justice J. V. Clyne, civil engineer Andrew G. Ballan-tyne of the power commission, said he observed two earth slides slowly moving down the mountains above the plant ,in June, 1952. Earlier, C. W. Tysoe, probe counsel, said rock faults deep under tne earth were causing trouble while the $5,800,000 development a.t miller construe. 1 tlon. .1 ( Hi-- H 11 V ' 1 r, I ' J I'M , k... A. VjV V.4 ft attorney, Bill Adams, who Is run Stranger In Town," with Edward 1 wlt! u.iS.A. "c's on the CBC Do-P'ork. will start toff station CFPR. n is Arnold In the leading role. Arnold will be heard as Supreme Court Justice John Josephus nlng for office against Mayor Connlson, leader of the town's political machine. The Justice shows Adams how to beat "loan "uire, an hour-Ions Grant who sets out from Wash Murlr shark" cases in the "fixed" court, posed new liquor law. They found out that there was nothing In the law to say women are forbidden to serve liquor, wine and beer with meals in night clubs and wines and beer in restaurants. But it Is reported that there will be no luscious barmaids In the barless cocktail lounges. The serving of all forms of liquor there will be strictly reserved for the male sex just as it is now In beer parlors and will be in tne taverns that take their plce. VICTORIA I A pleasant drink served by a pleasant waitress with a pleasant meal is a distinct possibility for British Columbians who wish to enhance their meals with wine, beer or liquor. Five waitresses from couver took matters into their own hands today to make sure of that. The waitresses acting on their own initiative and representing no association came to Victoria to check with Attorney Oeueial Rooert Bon- no on the governments pro 'g outstanding ington on a duck hunting vaca- fjj will be carried every tion. Only his secretary knows FN at 8:30 p.m. where he is going. Finally the Justice corners the local judge and explains who he is and forces his aid. And at a public hearing makes a dramatic plea for the election of proper officials and more attention by the voters of the brand of poll- t v-rrtt is on tne a network, not the Arrangements have Travelling Incognito, the Justice gets a full sampling of the local corruption. He is "shaken TIGER SKINS, complete with heads, are part of the dress e recordings of down" for the first day by a game h ,Hh,lpp'd her, "n 't ' warden and hauled into court on uniforms ot the drummers and bagpipers of the Indian honor guard ho have arrived in Panniuitjom, - - - - f M "H:a v - m it I tlcians they vote tor, ' iioiiNy urniiT irvv