.iJti"''1 Frince Rupert uohv isewi Ttiursiiay. March li. 19a2 n P, I OuMncss Cf Visitors At Conrad St. ) Ha Su fcs 0 y Li La t- a ; X.. ..'rt i ive. lolluwcd by mar's Grade P PRECISIOh4 SAV FILING lesson demonstration readin (CI.OSl'RE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publkail jn) Classitit-d Advising Is payable In advance. P.ea.,e refrain from telephoning. Classifieds. 3c per Word per IrcerUon, minimum charge 50c. Birth NutiMs 50c. Cards cf Thanks. Death Notice. Funeral Notices. Marriage and EagagcmcRt. Announwmeuts $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. 1313 PIGGC'IT IT At I-Box 1011 Station B Agent: Bus Terminal Island -City Bui'ders 0!Tt Wtlst More than 150 visitors throngeci , to Conrad Street School Tuesday j afternoon to take advantage of "Visitor's Day" in the school anotlic; Education Week feature. Instead of the usual class-to-ciass visiting, Principal T. O. Batemn arranged a program for the visitors in the assembly hall in the school basement which featured demonstration les on;; actually being taught. The demonstrations thus presented bv the Dimils uroved to FOR SALE I , ANNOUNCEMENTS a;s by the Grade f ives. Square dasicin-; by pupils from Mr. G. plson's Gratis Pour and i-.ve class. f ollowing the program tea was served by lacnes or Conrad PTA, under the convenersliip of Mrs. j F Denning and a committee consisting of Mrs. K. Berg. Mrs. L. B. Lewis, Mrs. W. Davidson, f. Peilerscn, Mrs. L. Murdoch, Mrs. J. Kurdziel. Mrs. A. Bnssaiiich Mrs. C. Mann, -an and M.s. W. Murdoch. Mrs W. D. annitns was cashier. LAI Fl.'RN'ITURS for dale Becrooi Catholic card party, March 0. S'CFPR ru';s. raatus. chest of drawer 11ocv,:ih Lf"ion trd party, anuiiht heaters, ehe.sterfit' John F. 1.. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR lira.: 10:30-12:30. 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by nprointinent only 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 Canadian .March 12. hfrisVomi3lete. cribs, etc. Low iMiij.M t it Channel est nossiuie prices. B. C. Fur I'-TA at; name Co., Third Ave. hjp.u.1 .sale. t.'ii. i.-.ni . Khvt Tdv.-anl cooking. White-March 20. T.Ii.ntDAY ' M. 5:15 John Fher 5:J() iiiLcrn;iLi.ii.ul Comty. C:dti C:u::u;;i :tl V.-ik (i;15 Kta Urillm fui..i:-.il v.uiclics Tea and Ca!Jic Hull.' scott McLaren CHARTLTlKD ACCf lUNTANT lames Block G0ftbrd Ave W t::a,v- St. Pat.'icK's cooking Sale, Mai eh 20. Can dig j! : j r:k' i Conrad Ctr par: par. : v, :; oj I'i.l' 1 Id i! ml i 'I ( i: Kchu.il ret HC. Pilule Rupert P-TA choui, NATIONALLY KNOWN NAM.U Lin-beit Speeder Shovels: Cranes; Drae.luies: Ada m's Kjad o ratters: LuUeford Bios. Black Top lt..aa ftlaintenunc-; t(;U!pi:ient; OA'cn Cla:ii;Hie'.l Buckets and Rock U.a)U'..: T. L. Smith CoJcrcU in'Xo.s; Clark forklsft Trucks; Kelson bucket Loaders for Sto. kpiic ana Snow Removal ; Kic.e Portable Centrifugal Puaip.;; Na-ticnal Dratihiie Scrapers and Backets; National Ail St.'el Gasoline Hoists; National Portable Sawmills; National Roturv Screens and Conveyors. C o !i r a d P.O. Box 374 "hone 317 card party, M-ir-h 21. K'. i-lil i.( I i; ix-ns' ;.'orum Cili.-ius' l-,:!"jni Ni '1 hi- m"t l!r:i:ler C1IC Vi.ni-oiivor CV ike L,ojm; Conhol M 1 lh Go'n , rlt Orch 1 B M ColuMHi lunday, jl Tho- H:40 J.1 9.00 11 ;;) 10 00 10 10 10:16 Rotary choir concert, i M.Th 2ird, 9 p.m., Capit at:v. GEORGE RORIE&C0. ftCCOUMTAN IS ft AUDITOHS Besner Block Phone 3B7 P.O. Box 130 L'.nd sale of o.no, March ;yl Pun:lc- tea l.xockins. i3i:"; lici 27. CENEPj; i 111 1 1 :00 A M 7 00 !l:D 8:10 8:15 Soroptimit Prc-Easter parade and tea. Civic Centre, March 21. 1111,1,..; Un.:il:l CIJC: iNCWj , C Ui.' fj. Till", .uv'i. ir.i- I.lnii C,atf Al li..i:il1!:t!,n Wrat!;.T i:iu!t :ui;l Sia-i,r 1-iflUAY Musical Chick Hi re's lilll Ci.HXl Mornme Sunt' Morning ix vuiinns Lltt.l' CotMtTt BBU Kew.i imc! Cuinrnt-nlary Music- tor Mud.-rns Sunrise .Scrt-mult-Dorolliy I)ou).;;i.s S'm-w Ri-cordccl latL-iludc Time si :rml visitors the tremendous strides which methods of teaching had taken within the past lew years. "Our schools now try to teach in each grade the knowledge the child will actually require and usj within his own age group," M.'. Eateman said. "Gone are the days when Grade four spelling eoiuS, ) of w.uds v'ke philosopher' or "psychology," which a Grade 4 chilld would never use. The new tpellers teach th.'in only words useful to them NOW." Fol'owing the singing of "O Canada," the Slag Salute was given by Lucy Olsen. '1 HE PROGRAM 'Iho program continued as follows: i Rhythm exercises by Miss N. li ving's Grade orw cla.-s. Chora) reading, "A Wanderer's Song" (Jonn Masefieldi. by portion of Principal T. G. Bateman's i Grade Five class. i Play, "The Boy and His Goats," i by pupils from Miss C. Sirett's i Grade Two. ! Folk dance, "French Minuet." ; by some of Miss M. Hamilton's Gradf Three class. I Choral reading by Grade Three ; pupils from Mrs. C. Weise's class, i Play. "The Princess Who Never i Laughed," by pupils from Miss ; M. Hamilton's Grade Three. ! A unit in spelling demonstrated nmMPt ROOFS Oil.; Civic Cen- Pre Easter parade, tie. March 27. full information Iroi'i via-j ticnal Machinery Co. Limited.' Vancouver, B.C. tf) j FOR SALE 1S41 Packard CliD- per Eijiht sedan, radio, heater ) and sidelights, in excellent j ' condition, rubber as new. l'.'oi . licence. Priced for quick sale. Black 782. 322 Sixth Avenue East. 58c I FOR SALE Chrysler car engine, i rebuilt and converted for mar 8:.tU y 46 il 00 !):',5 - , I i i 'Vv Ty. r :lt j : auctioneer mMMMMm Plinrit (irci-u Slfl and Jtl - . . . , . I ' i i i n - HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP "ermanent Waving Beauty Culture In all lis branches 204 4h Street Phone (155 P 0 Boi K, Lulheran Tea, March 2'J. Presbyterian Church Spring Sale, April 3. Rotary Ruiinnag'5 and Auction Sale, April 5. Conrad Street School Parent-Teacher White Elephant Sale, Conrad School, April 5. ine use, also suitaoie ior,a new, plant or a hoist. Price $275.00. For further particulars phone Black 613. (57p CARS FOit SALE Mornin-; Viit Barry Wood Show This Wcfk's Artist MuKicnl Kitchen Knukreartrii of the Air Hounclup Tlmt-Weather Report Message Period Recoriti-d lii'.erlildc Scandinavian Melodies L'pe: WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 Phor.e Bin?:. 9:i0 'J:5U U:55 t' :5!t 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11 :00 11 :15 1 1 :M 11 :31 1 1 :8H 11 :45 P.M. ' 12:00 I 12:15 I 12:25 12:S0 j 12:55 ! 1 :O0 ! 1 :45 2:00 2::io Spring Sale, JailoviiHj for Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor 220 Sbufj St. Phone 649 Le,ion Auxiliary April 9. Eister tea, Job's Daughters April 10. FOR SALE 1938 Chevrolet coach, heater, new tires. Phone Green 142. (58c) FOR SALE Dodge panel, k'ood condition, 1952 licence, good rubber, recent complete overhaul. Priced for quick sale. Thone 644 or Blue 454 evenings. tf) j by pupils of Mrs. C. Wreise's Grade t H. G. K : Four class. Moose Spring April 17. . Women of the Bazaar and Tea. Choral reading, '.'Sir Brian Botany," by pupils from Mr. Bate- QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Mid-day Melodies cliC News Program Resume B.C. Farm Broudcpst ReeorUed Interlude Afternoon Concert Mi- Prime Minister: Comty. National School Broadens Records at Random Tea Time With tie Stars Musical Proeram Tixiay's Guest Novel Time Sunshine Society Sicepytime Smrytelle HtKk Quotations; Intt.'iv.de t'BU News Kav.hlde REALESTii Cathedral Soring Buzaar, April 17. O If you hove o printing problem we can solve it. Phone H t i Girl Guide tea and sale, Anglican Cathedral Hall, Saturday, April 26. 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 4 30 4 .45 4 65 5 .00 FOR SALE 1947 Monarch 4 door sedan. Radio, heater, fog- j lights, etc. Owner leaving ; town. Phone Red 789. ( 6f)p t j FOR SALE '51 Ford Tudor se- dan. Heater, low mileage. Box'; 317, Daily News. ' (59pi i TIME Wr ASTERS LONDON (CP) Every . time there's a minor factory accident hundreds of working hours are lost by those who gather around to watch, says a report In a British medical journal. It estimated 3ii percent of the tinu lost in factories is through cui Ui Heel United Church W. A. Spring We've a printing form to 1 i 11 yonr every need, and to add moe efficiency to your operations. WRATH ALL'S Photo Finishing s DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES LAWRI PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CI1 AN DEER'S STIDIO 216 4th Street Box 645 Phone Grern Zhi , Prlecp Rui'-rt. Bazaar May 1. L.O.B.A. Spring cooking, etc., May home- ri:al estate sale, 3. Complete r j GOOD log house on cement WANTED TO RENT WANTED Small apartment or house by well-known local couple, non-drinkers, no children. Quiet, close-in surround Stoves, li. Spring bazaar. Dibb Printing Co. St. Peter'j May 3. b.x 178 ?hone Green 136 Sonja's Tea, May 10. foundations. 143 acres, 12 i cleared, with frontage on Sey- j mour Lake near Snnthers. Li-censed for tourists. Sell on easy terms or trade for Rupert I property about $8000.00. Box 318, Daily News. 56p) , ings desired, tsox aia. uauy News. itf-nc) tea and rummage Cathedral sale, May 31. For the MEAL that B ' JOHANNESBURG, South Af-Irica (CP) Leopold Premyslav, a j j violinist who was a triend of' Brahms and Richard Strauss, I died here. Native of Germany. he once played for the Czar of 1 Russia and settled in South Africa 14 years a?o. I . : PERSONAL WANTED TO RENT Young couple with no children would like 2 or 3 roonf apartment, furnished preferred. Phone Green 894. (56o LOST A NO POl'M) Just a Few Qlfeers Led .1 ft .. , .4f ' ! 3 ' '! r.,,:. "ir.f' ' " 'M , . , lit .''. ' ' : ,. ' r if I; fe' I E 'iff 1 " - "" r , ..... ' t 1 4 ' i U-Diive, 5:10. FOR Hertz Terminal. Plione Bus j (76p) ; Shipping ar.d fieneral Muvhit;, Packing. Crating, Carta,;: and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also ugents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetyl, ne and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED BEST OF FOOD HERE'S A DANDY! W artime six, Piggott . Place. Insulated, cement walls, including $400 electric range and duo therm heater. Fully modernized kitchen. Prince Rupert Realty Co. tf LOST Brown leather wallet containing important papers, identification and small amount of cash. Reward. Green 663. 57p "Old5t40;50,60?" Man? You're Crazy Fnn?Pt your a! Tomanrt ftr rxPPT 70. ! rt MlimMS up" with tMrfi. .:t -Li. tonic for weak, ruMlowri ff-Hiii due nolp'y to bo-iy's U-k of mm many tun and wonna rail "eM." Try tKtrex 'li.nic TuDicls lor pfp, younger fe"!nc, t'n Vtry f!;iy. Krw "ft rqn:iinifl ' sue 6u.j 1- ut euie at ali drug stores et cry vriiere. FOR TAKE OIT OIUH KS PHOM FREE Dirt for fill or garden.1 Helo yourself from front of McRae Bros. Store. (53::) j RELIAELE woman wants vo ; mind children for a month. Phone Green 495. Mrs. Sweet. (6lp) BUSINESS girls' perms appointments ' to suit latest styles at BROADWAY CA HELP WANTED MALE Cor. 2;.d and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phones bO and G8 BETTER'N WALKING 19P) Ford Sedan Motor overhauled S.VlfUNI 1937 l ord Sedan Reasonable shape S399.A0 1935 ii'dsmnltile Coach Lots of miles left $199.00 1939 Chcv. Sedan-Delivery Make- us a decent oiler Special for 1 Week Only 1950 Chev. Sedan bpaikling two-tone. WANTED - - Reliable man as Dealer. A fine opto step into a good Business where the have been sold for Rawleigh portunity Rawleigh Products Repair a: FOR SALE In Terrace, 2'4 acres with modern six room house including hot air furnace and water-pressure system. Is mile from town. Write E. T. Kenney Ltd.. 'rerrace, or phone Black 603, city. i56p) " " "FOR SALE Exceptional Value. Wartime 6. House almost 40 years. Experience not necessary. Write Rawleigh's Dept. WG-C-166-163, Jerry's Beauty Salon under new management across from Super-Valu. Phone 855. (tfi MIDLAND PINES now re-opening on a 21 hour service handling Imperial Oil products. Credit card:; are accepted. i 57c) Roofing Renovating- Foundations- Only $1875 work ol Television, Radio, Wireless Operatinq All Offer Big Money. Trained men urgently needed. Get details no of day, night and home-study plans. ... No previous knowledge needed. Write stating age, education, and whether married or single. Radio College of Canada. 88 Bathurst St., Toronto 2B. Estimates 6 Pud cement basement. Ultramodern kitchen. Snap with some terms possible. Ill l l' WANTED, MALE-!-i M ALE Chinese DISHES Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 Another Dandy. Two bedroom, harbor view home. Furnace. WANTED Experienced grocery clerk. Skcena Grocery. (tfi 'A'ORK WANTED BOB PARKER LIMITED "Home, of fiiendly service" , Phone 93 GREER & BRIDDE1 WE PAY (ash for burnt out motors, any .size or make. Wii-ford Electrical Works, Cow .. Hay : I'hon.e Hint 391., itft Close in. Cash or terms. T. NORTON YOUNGS, . Real Estate and Insurance" Phone 451 Res. 648 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 909 man desires nights. Hec, (57p) YOUNG married part time work Red 962. FOR SALE IN RE ESTATE OF JOHN GEORGE FOR SALE One Musalarm radio, must sell, leaving town. 1 58c ) WANTED TO lil'Y OR RENT FOUR ROOM house, $2000 down, balance monthly payments. Box 321, Daily News. 53p' STEAMtR Prince George SWAN. DECEASED. ! TAKE NOTICE tlmt as Adminlstra- i t:jr. duly appointed by the Court, of the estate of John Gcoree Swan, who AkA at Prince Rupert. British Colum- j oia. on the 19th day of December. I WANTED Job on 2-man troller for coming season. Go anywhere. Experience with boats and motors. Write Box 1015, Station B, City. (60p) f ""accountants WEUM4G Government Certified Operators Ilign Pressing Tanks WANTED fl :951. I require all creditors and others having claims against the r.aid Radio in A-l condition. Price S40.00 or what offers? Phone 181, ask for Andy. 57o FOR SALE Twovcvcnue homes, 1 bath tub, new 60 gallon tank, oil burner restaurant .stove, canopy and sinks, cement ' wash tubs, bassinet. Phone Green G59, afternoons. (57p) I WAN TED TOP MARKET tcfriiicration PRICES PAID lor scrap iron, steel, brass, cooper, lead, etc. wnt1 Honest grading. Prompt payment mane. A'Jas Iron St Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St., Van- 1 couver, li. C. Phone PAcifici Stacks and Fire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 22.5 1st 11. Plion. Green 884 SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate PorU Each Thursday al 11:1.5 pm- For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNK.HI Luxury Luxury at at Low low -oosi Cost ELECTRIC PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Income , ,,rly verjllcd' at the adrtress mentioned Tax .specialist. rf. G. Furk, ! i)Pjow on or before the 15th dav of Slone Unilding. Red 593. (20mi ; April. 1052. after which date I shall , proceed to distribute the estate to NOTICES those entitled by law. having rezard ' i.-nly to such claims or which I ..hall KAIEN TRANSFER. General then have been notified, contracting, lots cleaned. ; and further take notice that n;; indebted to .aid estate and Pons stumps pulled general , ? to their Indebtedness V aie required pay hauling. Di,n Phone tii,.u Black 503 ni r.- o. t() mc fonhwllh call at 947 2nd West. b7p) d.TED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this (',357. (tf) Motors oi WE STILL have a few treadle and electric reconditioned machines left. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Phone 864. ( 59c l Dnwnund 1 CASH for scrap cast, brass, copper battei ies and radiators. Phone 543. Call G23 6th Avenue West, City. (tf) BOI'CI'M DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe U FOR SALE "Agnes 1" length 30 ft, power 15 Vivian. May be seen at New Floats. . (56p) JOHN 1 nnsprvntions i 1 27Ui day of F'-briarv. 1952 GORDON FRASER FORBES, i Olficial Administrator. Prince Rupert. BC FOR RENT I ! (F28.M6, 13.20c) SLEEPING room for rent. Man 6-1! BULGER FOR SALE Washer, used eight months. Phone Black 140. 1345 6th East. (57p) only. Phone Green 894. (58p) Vrit.e or Call , Vk I CITY OR DEPOT Oll-ICE , i)T?2?k PRINCE RUrERT. : PC. . Box 130' TENDERS TENDERS in sealed envelopes clearly marked "Tenders for Roller Rink Floor," dated not j later than 14th March, 1952,; will be received by the under- j signed for the laying of a one i and one sixteenth No. 1 maple floor on a 4500 square foot j area in the pattern customary i FOP. RENT General Electric floor polishers, $1 per day. Ihcr.e Blue 992. Pacific Electric, (tf) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE M D rHE ESTATE ur JOHN GRAHAM and Opu fomcl I Troin Si FOR SALE The troller "Succeed" length 38 ft., power 100 HP. Grav. Phone Black 603 or call Prince Rupert Credit Union. (56p) uTcrrrrtjn TPTfitlRE illlJ , IN THE MATTER OP FOR for roller rinks. The tloor is -7 room house, with $500. Black 232. (57c) Charles James Fox, the English rr (he Es' . statesman who died in 1806, en-j Daily etf tercd parliament just before his , From fp.; FOR SALE One General Electric Frigidaire, 7' cubic feet. It, vear warranty. Apply 1332 pgj7J John Bulger Lid. - - oF FOR RENT Singer portable to be smooth sanded and necessary lines painted for three badminton courts, and finished with three (3) coats of Penetrim, and is to be laid on top of present fir floor. Tenders will be opened on 18th THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge V. O. Fulton. made the 6th day of February. A D. IUo2. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of JOHN GRAHAM. deceased, late of Victory Cove, in the Province o. British Columbia. ALL PARTIES having claims against the said Estate are hereby 1 21st, birthday. (V ' .... -Vs electric machine. Free delivery. Phone 864. Singing Sewing Machine Co. (59c) 1st Overlook. (60p) FOR SALE 22 HP. RT. HP. boiler; electric motor, 220 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle. Shafting, hangers, pulley and belting. Valentin Dairv, Prince Runert. B.C. (56p) WANTED TO KENT 1HI IS A ) A UUT.'GPNTLEFNI IM BIG LOAM ) ( SUHE SOU LL C-.W.NT J i.'OC J S r WHtN VUI 5tt March by a special committe (f TiMf. RUT yv,f. S-t IT - t DONT VWW A '-. s-N appointed by the Executive of I required to furnish same properly the Civic. Centre Association. I ". riiic-d to me on or beiore the imh aXkiwc. ST-- C THE EFUCIENT MP I tw,w. rfimiw -, i.otw!''V 1'cbruary. A.I), lut. DITHEPS 1-'"IV V I which date claims filed may bit p YOUNG gentleman, Cjuict, responsible, desires accommodation with or without board. Write Box 320, Daily News. (57p) the approximate number of days after notification that Ff)R SALF, rturbnnW wood and coal stove in excellent condition, stmrt r.iinear'inee, hot. r a -i m without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. ALL PAItTIES Indebted to the Mid E. tiite ar-i hereby required - tn pay the amount of tin Ir indc-btednc: s to me forthwith. DATED at, the City of Prlncfl IM- rr-rr-' 'f ' f. AT', - -r A WANTLD Immediately Room fry L. 'P :0c it) ctl and board, fairly central, by the work could commence find length of time necessary to complete the contract. Further information available on apnlieation. The lowest or nnv tender not respectable business man Phone 261 between 9 and water coil--, pine etc. Also l"bv carriage. Phone Red 833. (53c) FOR SALE Combination radio pnd record nl-iver (looi untl-rl. Phone Black 286. (61n) p.m. I 57d l WANTED TO RENT Furnished i pert, in the Province of British ;e,,iumiin. this Cia day of February a d. Kim. G. F. FOnBFS. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. By his RoIIUirs. Ray, Fraser .V !In'r:irth. Prinre Himert. B.C. r--y v J ri r- .. ul necessarily accented. ; John F. Ktirn, j j General Secretary. Civic Centre Association. I Box 3-10. ! : Prince Rupert, B.C. (fi-lc) i or partly furnished wartime 4 room house bv March 20. Write Box 315, Daily News. (5p) MUST SKLL Beach electric stove. Owner leaving town. Bargain. Phone Black ' 7?" - (ORp) ' 1 u'- " ' . - v. t j (67c,