Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday. March 6, 1952 Home and School n Scout . Groups - a - crjoiiau i i ' r r w t U na S5U LclOS First Anglican Bride Here Mrs. H. L. Ruberson, Widow Of "Skipper," Passes Away Pioneers of Prince Rupert will learn with regret of the passing Are Parents Failing In Responsibility? iBy J. HENRY J fact, that the teachers are doing a very Important job. Moreover, the parents should know their teachers and feel at liberty to discuss with them all SUPER-VALU Mrs. R. Zarclli and daughter wtf ... . i nr.n,U,ntlnrr i re sailing lonignt on tne rnnce Wolf Cubs, now conducting a(George for a trip t0 Vancouvtr. its and so exacunn are me ucmai.u pertaining to the our twentieth century stream- f f th , unw;Mr(H ni. nibei no less than zM boys fmlfiS. iiu Norman Campbell returned bv "n?d society mni many pre... . 11 " IN ADDITION TO THE MANY SPECIALS ADVERTISED IN OUR SALES SHEET, WE ADD THESE WEEK-END BARGAINS. ,nrn - Lima . - i , W' ' irvl1tr thn an- Vjn uif uun:r nana, uie leacuvr : vi wwi j uhuui iwwciwu ok . tltne l " 'PU . . .. . ,.nmw f KrW s,,1 from a visit to ShauBhncsy Mil-l m.?re .hn!,l he of his rexr,o.i- S,n,(. T.H. t. c iiii;lUUiiM, rn. i itarv Hrwnltnt canea "Woriny cause oi one ,-- "7. ,. , . . .... ., - and eWllty. He (or she) is doing the ; kind or another and less J h Hospital. She was 75 ...t;.nr in thfl CltV. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Eastwood less time to their family and of age and had come out :c i-nmmitte1' are sailing tonight on the Prince home life in general consciously - - the 1 from Shrooshire. Encland. to Peanui Butler 1 Carnation Milk . KSmiK ' rung citizen. The uiUmate aim marry CapUJn Harojd L Rober- The and Miss en appiJnti-'J master, A. Watt; assistant, Noble j Georgc ,or a vacatlon trlp t0 l2 body- They Powell. , Vancouver and Victoria, tht-'- sroii;) Fourth Prince Rupert Group,' "skipper" The teachers, for .the most isw i"v Burton were the first couple to rocrr,tlhi!it el leunvci in a uciuuiiaiiv. ov- ..... hnvs have sponsored by United Church Forest Ranirer Thor Strlm- part, accept the 45c a 7.19 Herseys, Gla?s Mugs with handle. EACH : , .heir meet- Chairman, Dr. J. D. Galbraltlr. bold, who has .been In Stewart and by and large J 1 it , ArnViln 4lthl1- I ..... I . , - ., trnnA Inh are doing a Clel' lo ""P'uve aim pcipciuawc oe marriuu in ov. ni.uicw the free mode of life. ; Church Ilall. Prince Rupert, on ,JrC SltT ilV'in .. . , . -. ...... , , UI4 Vuitidi U U..l 1 niuut; OUIl- O Th.. it. u thnt the tenchers of To say that the younger gen- June i, iyu. assistant Scout master, Murray ; any, returned from there today miittiT. rep- Johnson: Cub master, Rev. L.l.jyplane. 1 ,11. n ri!wi" nsslstnnt Cub master. ! it Our Large Sales Dodger Runs Till Saturday -fc today are not merely instructors vration ' is going to the dogs" Is ' Always interested in young of subject matter but are also iinphalally an indictment of j people, Mrs.. Robcrson opened .,.,,,111 'IMIHU'v w, " - ... .... . i,- .i I , f i f.c ltr urln hrrmrti h(-r rwiln frt m'jnv o.'nn werp drrtn. : Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Clialm- responsioie lor me ueveiupm-ni. iu: . , C ",.inci:il cxi'cii- Mrs. Prince Rupert Group, . crs left by QCA plane today for ne lnaiviuuai as a wnuie. '" " u...v., MH isored by Catholic .hoiic Church- Church-lAl'ce Al ee Arm Arm where where Mr. Mr. Chalmers Chalmers This, This, obviously, obviously, calls cans for ior a a highly mgmy both. dowi, u have fai.ed to w give the u. , return . .., from u. having 8 driven Tomato Juice . . . - iin.j im mn onH vfiiii.ii direction ana ueoin oi nrrv in Kntriana ounnir worm FLOFFO SHORTENING POUND that Ciu inwn m j oao u "-"7 L nwr,, ti. women, not only versed in child purpose. The adults, presum- War I, she began the Girl Guides 29c 2 tins 25 Jartrrsmay re- inasu-i, . b.. v- .7 land adolescent psychology but ably mature and experienced, 1,1 Prince Rupert In 1920. l.ibby's 15-oz. co-uiutl tor leaders and Sixth Prince Rupert Group,! ,.x.n.,o. r.(l bv Mreincn s Associa- p u'r Sunderland, ...... . rn.-.irm:.n Knrl riwk'er: with the Fisheries former'y arise, to play the role of a second preach, criticize or restrain tne , master of the steamer Prince Research parent. activities of youth. They should 1 RUpCrt and other vessels for a '111'! ole areas is The teachers must be Kina, Decome nving examples mu . number of years,, moved to sa- new prmips :hihlv. i nuaru " ncre ana now " laenuneu Scout master, U. Oaron. L ,'. - .. . . ' nnmai hntir and helnful. Above thereby Rive the young and in- ,, -,1,11- in th nilnt. Korviee wnn u. u. facKers. returns vo " - - - ... - - - ! ...... , n 1. Ihev must he Imbued with noccnt no alternative DUl IO nnfl thfrp Mrs itnherson cave Edward Nelson .lid as district nr. si, Hurt pntirc Ruprrt sponsored by Vancouver ionium aiicr spenu-, ... . , ,: imtt-.t. Cros.- DOLE PINEAPPLE JUICE, 48-oz. 32c Icing Sugar I Upton's Soup incr the nnst week in the ritv r """'7 - - unsiinungiy oi ncr ume in oun- lng the past week in tnc tily. , kind even t a sacrince In shor anci desirable pattern of life. :day and Anglican Wom. it is necessary mai mey love . Auxiliarvwork. C. V. Evltt. who has been here tin executive Cliairman, J. B. Davis; Cub mas- ter, R. Cordcll; assistant, R. i Conrad. HoKgart. -E. Boulter. 25c I PCKEN.':00,,;E 10c 2 I.b. Carton ,1. Douiiiont for the past week visiting his cn"u Frank Watcrhouse freighter! She Is survived by two chil- local business. Is sailing by the " tnc A? t , a,ny Island King. Capt. Ray Berry, is j drcn, Gerald L.' Robcrson and i Prince Georgc tonight on hls community that the school pic- due Jn .. After dis. Joan M. Robcrson, both of return to his home at Departure r""v " t. .v,n,,iH ?, charging general cargo here and Sasecnos. Bay near Nanaimo. ?art A S If ! " Watson Island, the Island Captain Roberson passed away h -at . their P r heads together and cnti- . , 1Q wlU rcturn 10 Vancouver, in January 1932. . . rnv Mamin. thp weaknesses in," uuu ps Taylor. D. Black it !f you didn't get our Soles Dodger in the moil, Here ore a Few of the Sale Items: Mr onri Mrs HnnprT. I am.Tnn - their educational structure, delve arrived on the Prince George deeply into the home and school ,n w. ti. '' J. Furk, T. C. ,uby, R. Cam-i.HuroM Tlio.ii, Dr. J. D. Gal-od. M. J Saun-and J. Davis. tiCSucuaj, returning hci follow- YORK FANCY GOLDEN CORN, JS-oz. tin 15c CANADIAN EDUCATION WEEK ilng a protracted absence. Mr. " "' , , Yv difficulties !r.m ..o. .t f .i,. to surmount the V ominrnt Prince Rupert Professional Woman rtiiile VViui. i uu, aujjLiiitiiLiiui'iv vi bilk which ,as somt; critics put it, SUGAR, 5 lbs 55c SUNLIGHT SOAP, bar 10c ; drydock, left a year ago on sik "tend to ruin our children.' Miss Margaret McLeod, Prince 'cave It is insufficienl to hold ban- FRIDAY B 8 to. 0:30 p.m. Radio panel discussion by members of ij Bool h. Memorial High School. if BRUNSWICK SARDINES 3 tins 25c Pviipert's well known lady optom- C. J Norrlntrton arr ved iu, w "sici. iu opcci-co Mrs. ' in Ketchikan ., brought from distant cities or to PREM, tin 49c i cli li 1st, 1st. was was marr.ed marr.ed the other day to C. Mart n Carl-.'"""-'"" '--'. " ... . f" rtri., v,o Ruport Group, .? Anglican n;inaan, S. . masu-r. D. or, Rev. B. S. ifp!;i;THf'Miiy:';i;;;;;;!fffil':i;::,!:u',l;1 liHfi1!!' i'!!!!iiT;'Ji"!Kiii"iI! Ts . i . . . n u . nut nn a. nm iroiiL aurine tne ;!;'ii:,!'",:::!ir"i!iii'; nlnp;,,,,:,;;,; lllillill i-i 1 ih;,i:i!:4;i:iu!iiii,ii!';iiifii: FIIREX, roll 12c son. a member of the same pro- , " nation-wide Education Week if fc sion in the Fri City. The: " ' ! in the rcmaininc fifty-one weeks APFLE JUICE, Clear, 20-oz. 2 tins 25c ceremony too!;' pluce quietly at Lratafor there Is little evidence of inter- to nlu 8 u 'un ,or her ncr home "ou,c Rupert Group, the United States commissioner's Jf" est In the progress of the schools. RINSO, Giant, Pkt. . 69c gSST if Parkers oi lice in K.cicniKan. wiuiesses l il WAP 3 bars 25c m. S, out was- were Paul Kipiey ana a Why wny not not make maKe Education caucanon every every- , j-jrAjtjiJ jt i id ugust Mi.s j0yCe watls,flaughterf I body's business every day of the vrf " -rJ 1 'Mr. and Mrs. Win. Watts, for-! year? . ' 'I J vif ? I'l LYNN VALLEY PEACHES, tin 19c assistant Seout Mu vhy. NABOB TOMATOES, Lorge, 28-oz. tin 27c JELI.-0, Pkt. . 9c m: Cud mas- The bride, a graduate or the merly of this city and now of PTA IS "Mt'ST" a. University of Toronto, has opsr- Nanaimo. was successful in re-1 a dynamic Parent-Teachers' ..'iro't oui"'- ated for flve years in Prince Cpnt British Columbia registered Association is a must. To succeed, c Presbyterian Rupert and is president of the ; nUrscs' examinations. She re- this organization must have jii R Eby; Cub Soroptimist Club here. 1 cently graduated from Royal more than a half-hearted sup- Thc groom Is a graduate of jubilee Hospital In Victoria. port of the teachers and parents. W 1 ; gj ivi Coffee CRISCO, Lb. Pk-. .. . SMITHERS POTATOES Reol qood cookers 0 bs. 6ic Rochester school of optometry, iThe latter must recognize the Prize I WmmWm H Pacific Milk 3iye I New YorK. pioneered in nis neta , m. nisiiuimu, nu .n of puicticc in Alaska and auth-1 on a trip to Vancouver on busl-orcd tlic optometry law of 1033, nets, arrived In the city on the c-'tablishlng an Alaska examln- Prince Georg-e and proceeded by ini board of which he is tecrc- car to Terrace. He was accom-,, i nanied bv his little daughter, CHECK OUR REGULAR SHELF PRICES YOU'LL SEE A BIG SAVING Check Our Sa'es Dodger for More Items too numerous to list es -Mii.tikr Louis Tlit Drs. Carlson will live at Jane, rormcriy wan me .r.a lion l. u. 323 Edmond Street. Ketchikan. Bank of Canada here and at s miiiMd- of although the bride has asked the Terrace, Mr. Wightman is now a.. Mnnn,' n.,iii m, in .nt.p thnt nho ims In the insurance business at ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS mi!! .vjiiniiaied no intention of closing her efflce i Terrace. ' t'J Pr.u'p Vri'p in lh-inpf, Rinirrt for t.h.y time! ... ... ... A .j....i.m. 1 , ; , Alter a ingni io ivm-iumu i cc .iniiouucfd being at lcast yesterday. Queen Charlotte Air- t ... - - - -- V')J4 RF.Goodrich J lines officials, who have been here in connection with extending air service, returned today in their KDecial Norseman to Friday and Saturday at JU f A ders :S"" ; Vancouver via Kltlmat and l'rini f Ilui.rrt ' (Vran Falls. TheV were J. A. w ic m. !y n-.ertiiv of s j- Wallace. T. Sorenscn, G. Hatch, general manager; J. M. Vn Auxiliary, Gucnwell. D. J. Moiison, A. Rullani saics representative, and 1 j6( i chapman, W. C. Johnston. O. H. j T llcphuin. communications XWmZZ TH-E UNI snd saus-crs. B!uk.;. R. Donaldson. A. pedcr- cnmccr. William Priest, local son. R. S. Fonberg, J. Kershaw. a(;nt and na'rold Kcllough, H. u. Worster, Worster, II. II. M. M. Rciuvlck, Rciuvlck. J J. bujjC 'cnBiriPt.r here, made the nj '""'.v. ")m- ,llrl Uonaldsjn. uonauisjn. A. a. V. v. HIU, mu, Vancou- vu..u- Ketchikan. hh:i.v Dio-j in vrr: - Huglicv. Prince George', BOYS' PLAID SHIRTS m MEN'S PLAID SKIRTS b-mj Saloii. Men's brightly checked sport shirts in oood assortment of patterns. G. T. Rolph, Smlthcrs; Dr. J. L.. l,a-t. Nanaimo: Mr. and Mrs. A. Chalmers. Fort St. James; Dr. and Mrs. Oakley. Prince Rupert; I.-. S. Nellson, Eumonton; L. lclerson. Ocean Falls; Mr. and Mr.:. Bush, Terrace; R. H. Cold-vidgc. White Rock. style shirts. 2.75 Boys' checked sport Bright patterns. "Sanforized Shrunk" Sizes R t0 16 vears Each FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY:; Now Is the Time to Guard Against Wet Feet! UuiijUtcrs, f par -ii-'l "Sanforized Shrunk" SizesS-M - I . Each 3.95 5 ' J' 1'i'inec Hnp. it 'Oners' Assoeia- M in ill- civie. lr:i'J.'y, Maivh P. iSOel n.rrtiiie, , KisllillS Vessel 1 ff'itwthc Fu.iii, :t. Ciiic tcntrc. LUGGAGE SPECIALS It is bcllcr to buy a new pair of rubbes tha to catch a severe cold! is recommended b y Canada's leading furniture and s -?i ES MEN'S STANDARD GLADSTON IT'S BABY WEEK bags with dept. . stores. Genuine cowh'de Gladstone ! straps and inside hanger. Blac only. m' Vl momlicrs j "fi to attcml. We Have 29.95 (37rl Special Each at coverage by Lloyd's of Loudon. MEN'S FIBRE TWO-SUITERS U,irr! fibr-! twO'SuiterS in Black and RUBBERS a si a OVERSHOES to 4? 50, Brown. Leather bound. Req. 29.95 Special, Each Carpelings, Twists, Orientals .... and F i n e Upholstery pit,-1 " f I, ? Muffins for CHILDREN HEN'S BOMBER JACKETS rinr,r;.m MciVt; n m d e r mvi I; ' esy recipe p mm, jacK,er. , ri'i luhui yu'."-u CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Closely tufted chenille No cotton showinq. . In plain colors, multicolor patterns and plain white. Single and Double Q C Bed Sizes Each THE STORK SHOPPE March 3rd.-8th Wc Hove Many Special Volucs SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY ESMOND BLANKETS 30" x 40" 51.29 THE SfORK SHOPPE 203 Third Ave- 1V-l'lione Blue 810 ings. Gooa1 assortment of colors. I I i ,14,.W.I,int may nov be suiely cleaned iiu,', revived J'ilh consld-crat'on for their life nnd loxtures . Duracleanlng restores resilience to wool libivs Pile uiiinats and rises Colors revive Fu ni hings are Dura-cleaned In your home No Inconvenience in hnv-ln them 01c " AUo t mothproofed, if desired 12.95 Sizcs ?6 to 44 Values to 21.50 '.""Mr; dd . m Ai,.1."auK. u j la .. . -ll mi. "it; ,'nlffl.9mo)h," (in Phono Green 328 lilliiMFPCiy i i A World-wide Service Family Shoe Store Ltd. Cox 638 CHARLIE ROBERTS Phone 357 I D. J. Duracleaners 3rd Avenue at 6th Street 1233 Water St. Prince Rupert, B.C. mm DAVE JONES