IKOREA SURVEY Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, March 6, 1952 jnce Rupert Daily News Letterbox sp:vper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince :tnUU"Srr hern and'Ccntral British Columbia. Street Urchins Create Serious Seoul Problem i WAR OR DEPRESSION? DEMANDS EXPOSE jert a . , ., Press Audit Bureau of Circulations IN VANCOUVER Dully Newspaper Association. Diailiiin ! Editor. I Editor, I Daily News. j Daily News, 1 This Is Education Week, when ; I rea4 with great Interest your Kdltoi ; H. a. rtKni, Managing uirector use uu Wt'M""!lisCUIP'lION RATES: all people who have ideas, : editorial on "Rupert, Vancou-whether they be words of wis-1 ver's Rival," and felt that it dom or otherwise, are expected : should receive a reply. u .. ,)Cr month, $1.00; per year, -rr;;;r;;u,iair75c; per year, $8.00. 3E I Editor's Note: Bill Boss. Canadian Press staff writer in Korea, lias completed a two-week survey of conditions among the civilian population during the Korean winter. This article is the ninth of a series on interviews with United Nations, Korean Republic and civilian sources. i; ma 1 , uftcmoon except Sunday by in-ilv News Lid., 3rd Avcnw. Prince Rupert. to divulge their honest thoughts ; The greatest error and bit of on questions affecting the lives, amusement is the statement liberties and happiness of all. that Prince Rupert will In time Therefore, my contribution is ; be a place of great beauty. This hereby tendered. If of no value-, will only happen when people 1 i'H'-S HUH Uy rust wnn-u iy iaiviiiLia, uuawfl, Austin o mm Special Low Rates for day, week or month For reservations contact: BROADWAY 0 BRiiE LTD. By BILL HUS.S C;inaili;ai Pre Stall W.-iur Straits Lighting le SEOUL, Korea (CP) The jeep had barely stop-i to others, it need not be ac-'or persons are struck blind by ped before a boy with bright black eyes popped up j'tp(ci durlng tne period 0i Pieaadon me for the'ob- beside it from nowhere. "Want whisky?" he asked; my life, several wars affecting vious sarcasm that Is found in establishment at Kitimat, a short II the 1616 Broadway at Oak BAyview with easy familiarity. "Canadian whisky?" our people have been indulged , mis corresponaence dui, navmg in. first the Spanish American . lived in Prince Rupert for the War, Boer War, World War 1,'past eleven months, I feel that; : World War 2 and now every in-; I can write with a little bit of j VANCOUVER 9, B.C. ft,' I ante soum 01 in-c ivu-v, uiv 0f Canada smelter', major industrial de-ltin Canada today, the necessity of aids 'ltion in Hecate Straits will again be pro. to the limelight. years the lighting of Hecate Straits many I feet which commanded much attention at Chatelain uicauon points to World War 3 1 authority on the subject of our j in addition to the present Ko- I town. rean struggle, which, to me, ap- j With all your glowing .state-pears as a muddle from the start ' merits regarding the great only Imposing cruelly beyond j metropolis of Prince Rupert, you description on an innocent, help- i fail to regard the real issues at less people, 'lne purpose of this , f take, namely housing facilities jio.x is said to be ,to repel ag- I ana rent controls. Needless to gression tnrough us praL.ice ojsay, there fs no such thing as 4c;x;n powers under the direc- i rental control no any form of -on oi the united states of . determining what is in lor rent America in an eifort to estaDlisn or sale. Oi course everybody in His name was Lee Dong Soo, I 16. The whisky was $12 a bottle.' Lee said he would get 2000 won 34 cents) if he sold it. That proved he was a middleman, not in business for himself. He was getting his commission in won on a dollar transaction. ' Lee knew what soldiers liked and what they usually had to seil. He knew wheie they couli Set What they wanted and who would buy what they offered. Lee dealt in anything from women to army boots, from ' whisky and beer to chocolate jRlipei't, as We enueinuieu iu icmuve , to the (leveloi-mcnt 01 siMm- uirnuyii because of the lack. Says' Sew & Save t i the opening up 01 wuinai unu mu umiv m Asian affairs. ! this city is supposed to be mak- However, it appears to me that ; ing a million at the Ceianase and other assorted industries so the worst is yet to come unless a sudden awakening takes place rent control is not needed. ' 'in the minds of the people and ! Rent increases are not based (some real authority is asserted on any improvements that have ' "lion the side of peace. been made but- apparently, on i; iv. ni,cHr, tn the fact that if you live in -v ( from the Caribbean oi alumina, uie key in the manufacture of the aluminum ingots e smelter will produce, ocean vessels will be' n and, no matter how they approach f rom will have to traverse Hecate Straits some ither. htbs, Mean interests have the problem of mpjmr approach to Kitimat under advise- ; bars and eigarets. j The United Nations' Civilian ' , j Assistance Command estimates i i there are 10.000 youngsters like j ' ; him in Seoul and 17,000 in the I j whole of Seoul province. 1 Says the CAC provincial team I j commander: "They're a terrific ; problem, caused by me break- C Will V,JlHHiiM VI IJiCt certain destruction. The Ameri- Prince Rupert, you should be can atomic stockpile will appear ; sucker enough to pay any in-about as feeble as a mouse. Dr., crease that money-hyngry land-Brock Chisholm, who is the head , lords of this city are willing to ,.i mo vvnim npan.h i iipnni.a- demand. v. ' " "' '' ' '"' ' l - i - ' I i Lveithelcss, it is a subject of keen interest ; m the light ot such circum-atomic times i lion, has told us many be stances, I fail to see where an warfare can never a IfraMm,, Qa rt,Hiv hinioLnr.il editor of the local paper can URCHINS ROAM STREETS Ten thousand child black-marketers and beggars roam Prince Rupert as well as Kitimat. o riovi aimariv in thi? ' P""t encouraging reports of a iate Straits will now command more auen- trip streets of Seoul, a con- ; down or disappearance of the j home influence and the lack of ' I jcnoohng." . ! EARNINGS HIGH Some, like Lee, are nominally : cigaret boys. Others are either ! shoeshine boys or newsboys, j "They get 1000 won (about 17 j cents i a shmc. Two a day gives them more than a laborer earns stant worry to police and civic hanas of all great powers. If war " " " hipping lane and the provision of aids to administrators in the Korean .comes, these will be used and -j. - 1. ..nit. rr-r In Vil; ti"wif1on i tru dorse the actions of local racket eers. capital. This small beggar girl ' there will be no effective pro-with sack-cloth shawl is typi- ; tection against them, cal of Seoul's street urchins. ' in face of such impelling though most are boys. CP I facts, why do people remain so from National Defence I unconcerned over the gathering I would suggest that you devote more of your editorial spa':e to exposing those who dictate Some earn as much as 10,000 or e ifii extensive project. It is something for ilupert to keep alive to. ational Eye-Opener 12.000 won a dav -,. the civic policy of this town Every one helps worsen in-! ,rfco th. n '.,... rather than refer to history of flation. and some are petty v,., ii in r, c..t..v.,' fmrn tv, v, thi..v nd n,rk,vK-kPts- "!" ."" r"" " .V:-. .Z ' Past events, which seems to be ... . iit-euiewuiiv, cauui.fi ana mouui icu nuu anQ aomg germ hiijjui a f favorite (t oi nf vnllr- yours The suoenntendent of Seouls u iot ;y I'nnce llupert people nave oeen geiung DIM III Wltll I HI! O. WCCIV. : liri IliilllV U V 0. 11 till OVtuv limn DANIEL C. JONASON. civilian police said he is trying .... mnnpw tn Erant bov. If it must be a choice litierns 35(vl set himself up - as a cigaret deal-! between war or depression, let authorizing aumorizing boys dojs who wnu help neip sup sup- , - r. the riAnrosiinn rnmpi We will uavia ueaaes, special ageni. ui their families to shine shoes ' the CNR investigation depart- port : Ze "tre of the have wme chance to cope with :i eye-opener during this week about what in our schools the new methods and con-under which our educational work is being ei environment counts for anything, the new ini cn nnutennruire i ra ri rftr " and sell newspapers. The other averaged poverty but none against atomic """. w..u . He ne said sum he avciogtu as k" t j d Oeorev" vesterdav to relieve reeu- city. urchins would be rounded up .l I 1 r. Km Alllr, WnVT'jrP II Villi o- . - For your Sewing Requirements stop off at the mucn as ouier uuj.cr,. a..u e,.. ZS ar agent William Beaton who is be-, tired of. life and wish t to end n 3000 and 5000 won a day are v,,. r.orf,,M cta. cause in town they forced one civilization, boost for World War ioned ygars &s CNR another to divide their earn- No 3. If you are a civilized per- and put in institutions. That, said a CAC welfare officer, is wishful thinking at this stage. 'For the time being we have Ings. son, speuiv up hji jreai-t t hi which have recently gone into operation i indeed, ho conducive to good results. A long ; s been taken since last Education Week in to ail men. t-v, m. niChri nn and goodwill jiic oiniii. ..s Tl A c-trv BABY'S COLDS unexpected rar am i n dren already in institutions." Meanwhile boys like Lee live he was asked what he thought by their wits an the .strecjs. He Pi himself and his work. m had completed his first year of, "A year ago I'd have said I technical high school when hos-1 was a bad boy," he said, tilltips hecan He worked with "Today some neighbors say Help Nature To Fight Them Off Mi dic! Science rtrnies there if any nuch . DIG .LESS PEAT . OSLO (CP) Due to labor shortages less peat Is being dug thinir m a vurm for mliis only Naitire of providing the tools with which to carry imlagogical work and n.iU modern rami- e schools have, indeed, come a long way in ng amenities, conveniences and comforts . i i in Norway, despite government, 1TL then I'm bad. but others sa"y I'm good price support and loans to pro- United States Army unit: icturned home two wetks before because I'm doing this- to help ducers. Last year about 31,000,-; t,i find his mother keenine her- mv mother. What do you thinK .' 000 cubic leet oi peat woa aus, '' v :;e most ot us cot our elementary ana secono- to about 140.000 tons of equal coal. twrnrir can ikf it. 80 when baby aniHIcn, or sniffy brcuthinii warn you tf colti'a t once with Naur'. prcaence be lht baby i kept warm, iretn pWity of sl.p and t:ike xtia care that the bowels are thon.ujrhfy rlcarcd of harmful WHSlea. To do this willmgt upsetting baby's who! ytcm and further wraknin it, try Bnby' Own Tablets. Mild, yet act promptly in KettitiR rid of irritatinje male-rial that make baby tvMles and fcvennh. One Nova Scotia Mother ay: "My baby of J6 monlba raueht a nasty cold I trU-il Haby Own Tftblets nd she threw this cold off quicker than ever before. Certainly am for llnby's Own 'J ablet a from nowon." KtTeeiive alo in teethinjt tnuiities. Cfmntipstinn and other simple baby iita. Gtt s package to.iay .t drugstore. iOf. .eatiun. If the young people are, appreciative ;e due advantage of. all the new things that ividod to make their life of learning more As I Sec It -vl EARLY RAILS j Cast lion was used for early ' British railways, until steel rails began to be produced about 80 years ago. . ; ais ami pleasant, it will he well worm wnue. NOTICE fi pedagogical duty to make them so appre- reach the age of one, usually from dysentery." Elections are a farce in Persia: "The Army comes with the ballot boxes and ballots. The ballots are already printed, there is one name on tlwm the name of the candidate the Army wants. We rline up, receive our ballots, march by the box and drop them in.'1 Soviet propaganda literally floods over the borders. That is partly by radio broadcasts, partly .r rg or Lite EACH the pupils how to earn a living is of ssity an increasingly important part of med I!y virtue of the authority vested in me by tlx; Minister of Public Works, pursuant to Section 35 (I) of the Highway Act, I hereby declare a gross load limit of 11 tons over Diana Creek Bruise situate approximately 11 miles east of Prince Rupert on Highway 16, until further notice. (Signed) L. E. SMITH, Divisional Engineer, Department of Public Works, Prince Rupert, B C. B ELMORE rillLPOT , by word of mouui reports, dui, i the strongest Russian asset, re- ' ports Douglas, is the fact that the poor people and peasants did ication. Freimentlv overlooked, thouch just Judge Douglas' Book If You Do Not Pay Your News Subscription, the Boy Loses Subscribers of the Daily News who receive their papers bj carrier boys are reminded that ttwse boys our little merchants are charged for every paper they take out. If you are receiving the paper and are delinquent, the boy has to finance you. This is a reminder to people who may be in arrears, whether it is their custom to pay the boy or pay at the ori'ic?. It is not the office that loses if you fail to pay. It Is the bov. We hope this reminder will expedite the payment by .hose who may have fallen behind. -Prompt payment of your newspaper subscription Is a legitimate obligation. The fact that your creditor is one of our boys or girls should make the resucctiHK of the obligation the more desirable. I is what the pupil does with what he learns. technician a man who knows everything his job except its ultimate purpose is not tf ping to be desired. If economics, science, tech- 'Tit -,."tX!:V ii Wif 'AV'i'r'iTfit-' ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS ONE Of the IinCSt OOOk beUer life when the Red armies written in recent years were actually in occupation of; ; the northern half of Persia. IS j Land rents were cut to a frac- STRANGE LANDS ANp FRIEND- tion of what the peasants paid LY PEOPLE, by William O. before and after that occupa-. Douglas. It is published by Har- : tjon. pers, in Canada for $5.00. ; For an that, most of the peas- Mr. Justice Douglas is a mem- ' ants and their potential leaders ber of the U.S. Supreme Court. ' ai e torn between two pulls. On lie is a liberal. In the U.S. mean- the one hand they are convinced ing of that word, and Is some-, they would be vastly better off times mentioned as a possible : economically under Russian style candidate for the Democratic communism, than they are now. nomination in the presidential ; on the other hand they have a- election, shrewd conviction that, they ' . After reading this book I am j would changing one set of mns-' convinevd that he has a better j ters for another. They have a understanding of the vital fierce longing for Veal freedom. : WORLD issues, which will come ! organization were all that were needed, lVas nothing wrong with Germany! iere must be a balance between the arts, and the humanities. Without this, education achieve its fundamental objective: not m;de a good living, but how to make a good ' '''' lure -uSMi(fi j or Olotlatj "K,Pt by (he power of God." 1 Peter 1:5 FRESHNESS "TE&BABDEH Open o package of the new Fort Garry Tea Bags Notice th delightful fragrance the pleasant FRESHNESS it's different b-couse it's sealed in on entirely new package mode of PLAS1 IFOIL Only Fort Gorry Tea is pocked in this triple-laminated foil Try it few the freshest cup of tea you ever tasted! NERAL ELECTRIC YOU'LL BE DELIGHTEDI . '11 ' IVJllwf BUY IT - In the nett ww up for decision o Jud ,DouRla3 years, than has any other pos- most influenUal ra(Ut): sible contender, including Oen- broadcMt8 in tnat part of the ; oral Eisenhower. w01.,d are ,hose from the VOiCE , OF INDIA. 1 JUDGE DOUGLAS spent much of ', He believes that the western ' l!Mn and 19S0 in that crucial , nations could still beat Russia in i part of the world between the ' winning these peoples' support, Mediterranean and India. He as follows: j deals sketchilv with both India wliy not make M;lku a show, and Greece, but his best chap-; wmdow of democracy? A land . ters are on the Muslim lands distribution system, modern Syria. Lebanon, Iraq, Persia. . h0Hses schools, churches, roads, C ffsjS MODELS "ttcry 1 1 1-1-if ' 5,6 r,Qb,CS HllEij ano7 I ' . 1 , He gives the most human ac- hospitals all these could be had ; . .. . . , ,,f Mm for a tiny fraction of the billions , appropriated for foreign aid. We can build factories in Italy to make a few men rich. Why not fount mat i nare seen jrev ui mi. struggle of the people for a better life. He shows better than any previous writer Just WHY the Russian system Is sure to JUST ARRIVED build on the Soviet border at one l:::z A w- - la . " l H'V .1' 3 it liiAWWii!.! . ii mMMmmiJt iinrtwim t 1" --A. -liiifi i ...I.. 'ii'" Slliniiifiii ,.r i.'i 4..:.. ....:... !-.... ii cp over all those lands sooner , th . trounled snots in the lalcr unless the west gets in whnl w,,,.ih a model democratic i i.ici iit; iiain llitn , K,lilit;lit and Curved Lengths Oitng-.. find "027" Gauge Trains there with large, scale plans to C(,mmunity?? Then when people ! Improve the lot of the common ask ,whnt $noK America stand for , people. in her foreign policy?" we could , proudly reply 'Maku'." I T ntor A T3 enmn -Tlf t.h-P faCtS Judge Douglas Is in my opinion hut Radio & Electric. that emerge out of the Douglas on the right track and the only : book. . track that will keep all Arabia; "In urban Persia 80 percent of and Africa from going Russian-1 the children die before they j red. ' YOUR UK DEALER