Prince Rupert DailyJews Thursday, March 6, 1952 Doth Lpn. opc Maori Preventive Dental Clinic, Z. m . , PTA Accomplishment, Starts SHIPS and WATERFRONT MmPutated Oluf Holm Hl. . facts of Serm&n life Backing the ! German claim that their taxes and social charges are higher , than in any other European ' country. I The federal government's an- 1 nual report says' social welfare j is costing the country 17,800,- i 000.000 marks ($4,094,000,000). I This Includes: 7.345,000.000 marks ($1,689,000,000) for uncm-, the iw. "' t-X'Darin..... ror Hotel ; until X,'.. c"l US Coast Guard nemiock de- w Another accomplishment of the Prince Rupert Parent-Teacher Associations is the children's preventive dental clinic which came to fruition yesterday. ,,fi,. ncit-1. ....... ..-.I . . u J( uT UPr. k. KU..U ....j jvviuhj alter .-.. . Public Aid j in Germany Staggering l! .... T'i! l I'ull Advantage of Tourist Possibilities Not Taken spciiuiiig u uay on ine pontoons fpr naa from the Parent- Emanating or nince Kupert Dry Dock. The , . , " Rat. vessel damaged a piopellor. like- Jr'spltal toShau ly on a watersoaked log, said Lt hK Ual Van Commander Glatz, the captain tat,.ri S-have no Outside the three-mile limit, the 1 vessel's closest port of aid was Prince Rupert. Vlc Giraud n$..r r ' Wllt at Terr By BRACK CVRY pioyment insurance, 1,250,000.-1 000 marks ($287,500,000) for pen-: Ka,lway Official Enthusiastic sions. 9,205,000,000 marks ($2,- .With more and more tourist 117,000,000) for payments to war1 visitors coming to Prince Ru-victims housing, food subsidies 1 pert and prospects that their and assistance to isolated Ber-' number this season will be the lin. ! greatest yet, Allan Griffin, dis- kt P"" agent for Can;i- REFl'GEES PROBLEM dian National Railways with The social burden Is almost as headquarters in Vancouver, sees great as the entire federal bud- ni01e adequate hotel accommn-get. The federal government : dation here as a D,essine ner.l ' - Wt, '!n: ! J Drive Shortly Annual Cancer Executive of the local Cancer Unit met to plan for its annual canvass in April, the month each year when the Canadian Cancer Society makes its annual appeal. The campaign chairman is Douglas Stevenson, and the financial objective Is $2000 as last year. Mrs. Fred Antrobus Is the CNbS mnce George arrived h 1 "" Teacher Council, a committee has been at work and their first 1-eward came yesterday when 18 Grade I children visited the threo dentists in town and received their first examination. The regular sessions will be held each Wednesday forenoon with the children being elected at tlirir respective schools and taken to the dentists. Six children are being given treatment as far as possible in each three-hour session. Some require less time than other! t V. yesterday at 10 a.m. on her regu- departm. 'rip ,' lar lar scheduler! scheduled vnvam voyage wit with h (? 62 r.,o . "'"'Si pas- the citv u'llt! sengers out of Vancouver, 30 of vested- the whom disembarked here. intn,-i. I 0 cites this heavy burden as an ' Now that more freouent service ' me ever.. r.rgument against increasing j is bein umvidod tv the rniiwnv BONN, (APt Western Germany is shelling out public aid to almost 13,000,000 persons or one out of every four in the population. tuns, pensioners, unemployed That's the total of ar vic-and others who look to the government for assistance or support. The crushing burden of social welfare nicks the west Germans for 52 per cent of all tax revenues and 22 per cent of the national income. These costs are rising. The number of aged in the way of trains and buses. G. b. Moore, local fisheries in- Mr. and Mrs a , ul, a, LIIp 11Uvt' been revisitii to Vancouver on departmental the nt f,,-. , ' business, returned to the city on to Seattle on on tk the Prince Georee vesterriav th?r west Germany's financial contribution to western defence, despite sensational increases in industrial output and foreign trade. Some 9.000,000 refugees have crammed into overcrowded west Germany since 1945 and they still flock in at the rate of 1.00.) Open Day' At Borden Street ,i Iff m : is m ': 1.1 U H : I , f j f Mr. Griffin thinks that tourists ; would commence staying over J here for longer visits if the ac-i commodation were( available, i way -things" are now. j visitors are nervous that they j might not be able to get accom-'! modation at all. ; "And couldn't the railway du something itself about a hotel ! here?" Mr: Griffin was asked.! That was a question which was out of his jurisdiction, he re euioie ior pensions is growing, i a day Visitors Kind That society's delegate to the annual convention held in Vancouver March 16-18. She will present her report at the annual meeting of the local unit to be held In the Commoon Lounge of the Civic Centre March 26. At this meeting thi election of officers will also take place. The Canadian Cancer Society Is a lay organization and is Interested primarily in three aspects of the cancer problem: Education.of the lay public In the varly symptoms of the forms of cancer amenable to treatment Welfare problems as they apply to the cancer patients. Fund raising for these above purposes and for research. So far the Prince Rupert unit has been able to assist various lne endless ilow of destitute refugees from the Communist east goes on. From a population of 48.000,-000. more than 1,300,000 Germans now are jobless. More than 250,000 live in barracks or Most are penniless. Many ar.? too old or too sick to work. Many depend on government handouts to keep alive. Aside from the aged and the refugees. Germany's pension burdens extend to the families of 3.500,000 war dead and 2,000.000 war maimed people. Three R's" Are As Soundly Done As Ever "Open Day" at Borden Street School in connection with the observance of Education Week was again a notable success with 120 parents in attendance Including several men. Visits were made to the different classrooms where the parents say their own children and the teachers at work and also had an oppor Tropicanos For 1952 $4.98 the ruins of bombed buildings. Some 20 per cent of the population draws pensions of one type or another. These are some of the hard a. -,..,a.w.TWiu Z Today N: j TODAY TO SATURDAY , If you want to sell a. News classified. plied. Mr. Griffin said that the response to the six-days-a-week train service on the Prince Rupert-Jasper line of the railway was gratifying. It was being well patronized now and "we are confident it will grow," he said. The passenger official also expected that the bus service between Prince Rupert and Smith-ers would win popularity as an alternative daylight run to the trains. Mr. Griffin anticipates the possibility of tourist travel into Tweedsmuir Park area from local patients to attend the 1 WALLACE'S : DEPARTMENT : STORE :: clinic and receive treatment. RIGERATO THE R0YAI COMMAND PERFORMANCE PICTUI!EOf!( tunity to see the work of other children on display. "I wish I were back at school now." said one parent. "Things are more attractively done than ! when I attended school," and ' the speaker agreed with the . teacher who remarked that the j "Three R's" were just as soundly W1& IIIIIIIIIIFII SPECIALS at- done as in the old days. I Burns Lake receiving more Cattle Import i Ban Remains VICTORIA Hon. H. R. Bo-j man, minister of agriculture, j states that there Is no ImmeiA- i ate intention of relaxing the ban j Waterproof Shines "Oh, I know that, for my boy , can do things I am sure I could ; not have done at his age." The parents visited rooms gen- erally and this was perhaps done to a greater extent than in pre- j vious years, probably due to the 1 J M 'I A M T N M T tTlll IMIItlii wth 9i cu. ft. Deluxe Refrigerator $399.00 8' cu. ft. Refrigerator, with frozen food comnartment $411.50 roinAV J ciTiiiiniv( TOTE Evenings 7 - 9:05 on importation to British Colum- bia of live and dresed cattle. Tn minister had been eailief reported as saying there might be early lifting of restrictions. 82 cu. ft. Refrigerator , $382.00 tention on the part of tourist visitors. "And all this new traffic and j business centres on our port of : Prince Rupert," admitted Mr. '. Griffin with comment in keep-i mg with the new and friendly attitude toward this port and line which has been so apparent i of late among Canadian National officials. Mr. Griffin and William Cruickshank, general agent, passenger department at Princ Rupert, are making, the round tup to Ketchikan on the Prince George today. Returning this evening, Mr. Griffin will proceed by train to Jasper enroute back r to Vancouver. Saturday Matinee J. p.m. faaiocs rums "more at home" feeling of the parents as a result of recent years and the "open day." Visitor signed the Visitors' Book as they were welcomed to the school by Grade Six girls. The varied displays of hand wjark and practical art were favorably commented upon by the parents and the creative originality of the pupils was the sub- Northern B. C. Po wer Co. L td. AIX SKATS KESKin F.I) KKSHtVI I) SKAT TICKETS ADMly 15M OI!E 5 P.M. MIST HE riCKEU IP Iiesner IMuck Phone 210 THE INTERNATIONAL Prince Rupert, B.C. CINEMA GUILD OF Stewart, B.C. CANADA PSE- 7 ject of much admiration. j In connection with "open day" f r W I V-, !"4 I if" ,;!i'!f !( t s 1M On the Name "A Jo$inoinj ,0011011 picture. An odventuro that tir flit blood the oul. A gripping a tea was put on by the Parent-Teacher . Association under the general convenership of Mrs. A. Logan, president. Cashiers were Mr:;. A. J. Dominato and Mrs. H. J. Marchant. In charge- of the kitchen were Mrs. Lineham, Mis. Ridsdale and Mrs. E. Thompson. Serviteurs were Mrs. A B. Brown, Mrs. A. Ogilvle and Mrs. George Cook. Presiding at the tables and pouring were Mrs. A. S. Nickerson and Mrs. R. Greissel. The room was tastefully decorated with white and green trimmings and the table carried out the St.. Patrick's motif with shamrocks. Oilely designed hats al.'O featuring the shamrock provided attractive heargear for the ladies. program: Kye Witness Steps of the ISallet Cierald Mrltoine Hoi ni; ANNIVERSARY mmorableoount." -Boil.y Crowfntr g IS NOW ON n, K SlIOWINC; OM.V c DfflHfv'.K INVITE YOU TO DROP IN AND CHECK Thursday 8:30 p.m. f j- Doors open at 7:45 ' TOTEM A rAMOCS ri.Al KKS THKATIM CtOtlTIXtl OUR MANY MONEY SAVING VALUES These Are a Few of the Specials Offered 2, 1 1 I Co-op Officials Here for Meet PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY nnd SATURDAY A NEW NOTE IN Peas 2 for 37c Ripe Olives 21c Sunny Glen, 15-07.. tin Strawberry Jam 103 Pure. Stuart's, 4 lb. Kernel Corn . I fins 33c Nature's Best, 15-oz. tins 3 To participate in the annual meeting of Prince Rupert Fishermen's , Co-operative Associn- 'on, several officials arrived yes terday from Vancouver. I'ney included T. H. Sorenson, general manager of the Fishermen's Cooperative Federation; J. Donaldson, president of the Federation; G. T. Greenwell, general manager of the Fishermen's Co-operative Association of Vancouver; H. Blalce, Association delegate; A. V. Hill, director of member-.shlp relations of the Federation, and Robert Donaldson, a representative of , the University of British Columbia extension department working with Green Beans 2 fins 39c oolweciv Ilulman's, 20-07.. Brentwood, 15-07.. Ginger Snaps 20c made for you to Viavs, 12-o7.. REMEMBER OUR SAVING ON DELIVERIES ALL ORDERS OF $10 AND OVER DELIVERED FREE PHONE- about romp Macaroon Snaps . . 25c Viavs, 12-07.. 0VERWAITEA BRANDS YOU CAN'T GO WRONG ON THESE PORK & BEANS 15-oz. Tin lie 5 Tins 53c 10 Tins 1.05 OVEKWA1TEA First Aqain with New Low TEA PRICES OUR BEST BLEND Wos 95c New Low Price QQq OUR POPULAR BLEND Wos 80c New Low Price 75C Overwaitea Marmal'de Pure Orange, 4 lb. 63C Three Fruit, 4 lb (J7( . Overwaitea Coffee Our Best Mysore, lb. 1,00 Coe Blend, lb QQg JOIN THE MANY SATISFIED OVERWAITEA CUSTOMERS 3 iJjocleiievi Raspberry Jam ... 85c Stuart's, Pure, 4 lb. Cherries .2 for 47c Sweet, Henley's, 15-oz. Apple Juice 29c Sunrype, Clear,- 48-oz. Letter Tablets ... 39c 15(1 Sheets Sockeye Salmon . . 46c We accept C.O.D. Orders Tuna Flakes ...... 27c 7-o-i. tin Dill Pickles 39c Aylmer, 21-ox. Corned Beef 47c Helmet Eastern Haddies . . 24c VAM'orVMt and VICTORIA SUNDAY N.s. t'hilcolin 8 p.m. TUESDAY ss. (lamosim 12 noon ' AI.Hi; ARM, STi:WAII'l"ANO PORT SIMPSON Kuiiday, Caino.sun. ) 1 p.m. i 'or north ji i;i;n C'HARI.OTTK i:ii,ANI) ' March H and 21! (;hilcotiii luiiliilylil I Oil SOUTH OCIiHN CIIARI.OTTK ISLANDS ss. C'hilcotin March 7 and 21 i inidnlgliti FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 508 Try them on and walk right out VOGUE SHOES LTD. 595 Select, lt-oi. phone Green Paramount, 's Box 638 j