bottom of the pan and firmly loaf. if, "- - - fflt Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, March 6, 1952 11" 1 -- - - - t-- iJ-ill I'lVf-rl the sardines on top of the rice togoinc r layer. Add V3 of the rice mixture, from th.V' , r ,J., RECIPES lop with the second '3 of the Serve ' rnrdines. Fress the last of the which m 1 1,1 Vi nee over tne saraines. Reserve " - MlViUl rilviri....i - c to 17 t,A m,n t,. l-I(,.,I11....U'! 1 IP Cf,,...; o-r aT additionkl 5 ZXt I minutes belore removing the lid. p. A .. a , ,no .jf i?fo , pa Sa.orv Itice ami Sardine Loaf 2 cups cooked rice '3i. cup milk 3 4, cup grated Americun cheese 3 3U ounce cans sardines, t .u-x--- wiv H" 'v r, '1 OT hti Wuvo rnvnnt'a it illlf Stir I'lCC Modern Education And Christian Community (Prepared on behalf of the Ministerial Association by Canon B. Prockteri j A Christian community not on its toes will allow while it is cooking. After rice is , , " ""-.t: t" "i.tne ccoked. remove lid, nit f,'"'j - . ,,,.,. .... ,,, packed in mustard Mtuc? with fork io allow rice to steam ( sei vmi-5 2 hard coukfd eggs, slued (for dry to thvs desired consistency.-garnish i it is then ready perfectly cook ed with all the grains separate er,, mnk-p a liherai rnrs of fluffv - . r; ' t- I J .-w-kl-P U 1-11 Infn t-rtmn rilwr-n rn rnrvnav n-f li-f. ..;. nnt i rim nnrnnifpH rop 9 and fluffy. 1 . ' of cold water and 1 tea- This method allows all the: , r, cups to sav prayers and preach sermons, it will agree with n of salt in a two-quart water to he absorbed and ue th0?e" Who Sav that education of politics Or industry saucepan and cover with a tight- lull nutritional value or the rice; , . i ,i t , ,. fitting lid. Bring to a vigorous ts U- retained, are not church business. UUt the Unity OI all llt-i il and then turn the heut as MKTHOD: Thoroughly; jnder niw the Cne vyv, Purpose " and the One Redemption does . fc ar possibie-jeave over this a dvxsvxsv oven-proof loaf 1' - i un. fnr u mimiloc Turn n-in u-irh n ih i-b pontine nf I not allow that anything is outside the purview Of the off tne heat. This cooking time melted butter or margarine. Mix! something results in firm grains of cooked the rice, milk and cheese. Place! v- , rhri5ti-in F-iith Therefore have POsi- L-ailSlian 1 aim. meieioie, we we iid wmumaj, 1JU' , liec Ff)r extr tender grains, 13 of this rice m.xune in the I infrcted PRENnsES-This is the fann of Leonard wass of tive to say and do about mociern etiucauon. j- McLean, Sask., where the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease 1 We believe that the Christian - " " 7" j I in the Regina area was first discovered. The barn housed his I attitude of mind and heart ANCIENT ORPHANAGE herd of 37 cattle which will be aestroved in the slaughter natters suoremely in the school. bEDDINGTON, England (CF)- orohanaae in thi vvneuiei- oiuic itaiiuug u jjuo- yjle historic program being carried out to eradicate the disease. (CP Photoi ttm n o n us aw lBic or no., ini-iiuau cu.iurxu Surl-ey town where Henry VIII 01 life and for individual per- dined and where the lu..t onahty ii at all tidies possible oranges vere grown in Britain, and necessary. There are lnnum- has bcen soW to municipa, au. erable things which state regu- ,horities Tne ancient banquet- . Housekeeping... ( v f CANNED FOODS auon can iieimei uung auuui ,n hall .;; bp ,.srt rIa,, things nor enforce and these ' ! t rooms to ease crowding in a nearby school. . make all the difference. In the world of our time, with its mechanization and indust TIME FOR MAPLE SYRUP, HONEY a m Pi 1 1 icnm k unT rdpahc: rialization, rianzaiion, the ine laniny family is is not nut the 3& "ji,d w - 1 It's time for hot breads to be and stir well. Add beaten eggs important unit of society that it The Pribiloff Islands in the back on the table. It's maple to milk. Add melted fat to liquid used to be. For millions there is North Pacific aie the breeding syrup time and what could be and quickly combine with dry no such thing as propel ly ordered grounds each year for more- than better than hot muffins dripping ingredients. Stir well and im- family life. So, for the child, the O0&.00Q Alaska tur reals, vith maple syrup? Every day is mediately pour into a greased most powerful factor is the t - 1 honey dav so your muffins can 8 x8 cake pan or muttin tms. school. Every young cnnstian ' te dripping with it. do not Homemakers today serve some of the good things that our mothers served. Often, BSke in moderately hot oven, should consider whether to give 375 F., allowing 25 to 30 minutes his or her life in the teaching' foi cake and 20 minutes for muf- profession. Facilities are there fins. Serve hot with honey or for great service and great use- ' maple syrup. Yield: One cake fulness for the good of this 8 x8 '. nation and all nations. Every- SPICEI) COFFI-E CAKES thing now depends on those who 'i cup sugar offer themselves to do the work , 1V2 cupp sated pastry flour And the rest of us must accord or 1'2 cups less 3 table- all proper sympathy and sup- iw& iliatwWv Mb spoons silted all-purpose port, mat me rignt kiiio 01 euu- they made a graham flour cake. It was made the some as an ordinary one or two egg cake except that graham flour was substituted for white. It was served hot with maple syrup or honey. It was filling too. and made an ideal luncheon dessert. Hot coffee cake is another dessert which just begs to be eaten with butter and maple syrup, and hot popovers and honey certainly need no buildup. Everyone loves cor'n bread, cation may flourish more and flour more among us. '4 u-aspoon salt I 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 egg ',2 cup milk t cup shortening, melted Mrs. Stewart Donaldson re-turned to the city on the Prince George yesterday from a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. James Mason Compares Blue Bonnet - It's Best SeAer! so serve it often. It's easy to Mix and sift sugar, flour, salt, make, -easy to serve and oh! so .baking powder and cinnamon, gecd. Home economists say that Combine beaten egg, milk and farina may be used in place of melted shortening and add all at corn meal. If your luncheon once to dry Ingredients. Stir vig-menus are sometimes a little on ciously just long enough to mix. the scanty side whv not whip up Hall fill greased muffin tins. v Johnny cake and be sure to Bake in a moderately hot oven, :eive lots of Canadian maple 375 F for 20 to 25 minutes. Serve rvrun and honey with it. kot with butter and honey or Maple Syrup in Small Cans maple syrup. Yield: 12 medium Home economists have some cakes. ' new information to pass on. In GRAHAM CAKE the past, maple syrun was sold y, cup shortening J It" All of us have looked up at lar', lo!;'lnr liilUidrs in this IVoin'C of ours. Wc'm- seen oih o piven arras uo charred and Idackened hv lire or rusted ith hlilit. This is an all too common picture a traic picture of Mastc and economic los. Hut in the mountains hack of Prince IJupt a e.y different picture is developing. Here are the forests that will never die . . . timher tract which are constantly protected and renewed hy the ('olunthia lei I u lose ( lompany. We call this new joh of ours "tree farmin;, llci'"s how it works. Instead of cutting all the timber al imc, we take out M-liM'ted patches of timher. Surroundm-i hli'tcks of trees are li ft standing ti rc-sicd llu- lo(;cd-off lands. Should this natural re-seeding fail, (lompain foresters replant the area. I.on hefore we need them again there will he a healthy stand of mature spruce and hemlock on th same spot. Successful' tree farming takes lime and money. Ilcry year, Columbia Cellulose will spend thousands of dollars on forest care. As the young seedlings grow, they will he -protected from lire and pest with every known resource of modern scientific fore-try . ll cutting for our hig mill al Port Tldward will take place under government super ision and will provide a major source of government revenue. And these forests remain open to hunters and fishermen to enjoy. Ours is truly a huge investment. Yet we believe there is no belter investment for all of us in this Province than forests continuously renewed . . . forests that never die. J'4 cup sugar ,. 2 eggs , - , 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 teaspoons baking powder j teaspoon salt 2 cups Graham flour m a gauon can or glass Dottle. The bottle was attractive but costly, and a gallon can was a lot of syrup to use. The Quebec producers oi ma pee syrup are for the first time this,year selling small cans of maple syrup. These cup milk sman cans contain ounces by Cream fat until fluffv; gradu-weight of syrup. Maple syrup, ally cream in sugar. Add beaten which must be sold Dy weight, eggs and vanilla and beat thor- 1 'l'rv tins iilc.-t I mm Mrs. James M.-im.m. ( nmiiarc lii.i 1: Honm:t M.-nuannc- it-ifli nun Mi mm liriru- I iLf- 1 llf ' must weigh not less than 13.2 oughly until light and creamy pjundr per Rallon. These small Add baking powder and salt to " famous wito ami novelist, vmi'll ; cans vw..o snouia c-j nanay; iiui.wr, just flour, liUUl, mixing mixine thorouchlv. LllJIOUgniy, and ailU ' l,nl nvo tl ll" 'l-H(-;ut-. fk;Hcato. Miuni-Min-i Miiuiv-swwt Ni ftnror ot i ft, r. j punch twe holes in the top and add a third at a time alternately (,Hals linc-ipialuy all nwiaUi puu. out the luscious syrup. ; with milk, comoinmg lightly. plnn('' ''" 11 ,'!'lT'la,V,1 Bl ! I There's There's little little w-.ste. w,ste. If If these these cans cans RanV Win o a greased 8"x8" v" cake pan KETS s Al1.'1 " uV ' "!. IT "T'n 1 ot maple syrup have not reached in a moderate oven, 350'F,, for 1 f -a 3- -'avr! .Nutriti.m! your grocer's shelves, ask him 40 to 45 minutes. Serve hot with Kcnnm.w-c! I'si- it in -"..kum, .m about them. I butter and honey or maple syrup, i Yield: ohc cake 8"x8". Honey for Hot Breads voy.ot;ul''s, a a dcln-mus sirc;ul. Hi. i i; Bonnxt Margarine is ll in twn t jf-s - - regular ( i-diiuniy package with -u!ur water, aii't aUo in the allium Velijis tji'K bag tor iasUst, oa-iest acv It's not known when mankind : lirst kept bees for the very earl- if vou warU f0 ,se:i i lest records show that bee keep- ; it. News . In.s..'ipd mg was then already a flourish- - : Columbia C.vUttlnso ComHtny is thr first null n riijtiilly fxHtmlin CihiikHiiii imluslriol oriimiiziititm . II ijhin u ft'ir mouths, lliis oi anhtil ion itill l,r roniliiriliig titula r from Ihitish Columbia uiih natural ,i'.s o'ciitttlirts from Alln rt to firoilttcc a tt'tili' ran -if tif fibres anil othi-r (tvi'lutr products for ( Vi uoiliiiii s from const to const. Our irotrniil of tontinnimsforesl yiilil ciixiirrs lasliiiff full-liittr finiiloymi-iil for I lioiisamls of iUinumait uorlvr. tVKbVtRY OCCASION - M fc k l-. Cft TAKE , I : ' 52-27 in', industry. In certain coun-t.xs, notably Egypt, tee keeping was well established four thous- ; and years before Christ and perhaps even earlier. Canadian honey is a luscious food which sunshine, flowers and bees together produce. The colors and flavors of honey vary with the source of the nectar. Just like ice cream, honey comes in different flavors. White honeys are obtained from clover, basswood, raspberry and fireweed; amber from dandelion, fruit bloom and golden rod and the dark chiefly from buckwheat. Most everyone likes light, tnild honey such as clover honey but some are partial to a daik. strong flavored honey such as light buckwheat. Home economists state that it's a boon that honey is graded, as it's one food which should be bought according to quality. True, not all is graded, but any honey shipped from one province to another must be graded in Canada according to Federal i Government regulations as No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3. Along with this grade, honey is graded according to color as white, golden and dark, i Pasteurized honey may be pre ferred because it never becomes ; f C i granular. Pasteurizing the honey gives it a creamy, smooth texture. ' ' This honey should not be heated i to reliquify 1 1. Special liquid j honey may be bought if it Is UK- CLIP AND MAIL TOD' I I M-. COM . MISt V CIXLl t.osi; ( O preferred. JENNY CAKE 34 cup sifted all-purpose flour or '8 cup sifted pastry flour I teaspoons baking powder V2 teaspoon salt 4 cup sugar ; , 1 cup farina, uncooked 1 cup milk 8 taWejuwrns mllri flavored mijJ " :j i DISTILLED AND BOTTtED BY WILLIAM GRANT & SONS LIMITED DUFfTOWN Rcofru GLASGOW Standarrl Hnitdiiifji. VunrniiviM 2. ti.C rieatte aenil nip, without rliartr, 20-panr Mustrnted bonklel "Thr V J (J I l' " 'l-l 'I' l.)(i(Jl.) ', j 4 fat, melted. 'I Mix nd sift flour, baking pow- , dor, salt and sugar. Add farina Thin advert isPAK-nt is not imblished r dinnlayeU hy the Liquor Control Hoard 0r by the Goverunient ol Uritlsh Columbia. Name Atldrrsn . City.. ,.1'iuviui c .1 , 1