Marcil H. KIW PPMCi RUPERT CAGERS VIE FOR TOP B.C. HOOP HOMOfIS ' . Prince ftuDsrt Daiiv Newb X. p, $ ; 0v m !ft : ' V W UK ,i I V" i i ;, 1 ?. V. ""4.i t?n'X?-iV1 H kt -Mi'-tL v- 1 t ii ii i" )II.IIHIIlnnillWIJIJ.l.lliil II II III. I III II m j y ... vv ! Y s ... r.,l ,,i,,r mi- ii ir r IS .v I 1 V'J t 1 si 1: it, - .... . .,. 2mm!(m.iM,m,Mmmmiui rnmmrm .it- lhAI lENOERS leavp next Wednesday lor W ni'.ot jii to tackle Jor 'the first time the ' lt -f provincial basket bull championship. Parj are (left, to ri(jhti, back row, Joe Sid SrlK'ik, Rune Holkestad. Art Olson, J ,m Flit ton, Kerb Morgan; front row. Ray SpririK, S ii",k, t ii. n'li Alex Bui, Les Mathews, M! jkey Websiei. Penticton semi-finals begin i H far:.; m. who is, bOxing in the Gold r CSiover Friday, will join thj team in Van- I. t'! Ml 'ts'ffU' RAY SPRING demon the 'snrmg " technique wnist- ; DAILY NEWS ling through the air four feet -from the floor, then letting go t Curling Results 7 p.m. Boulter 6. 'Laurie 5; MeKenzic 12. Stewart 2; Roger-! son 14, Wood 6. 9 p. m Greene 3, Miller 13; Skalmerud 8, Black 11; Berg 19, Landon 1. TIUKSOAY DRAW 7 p.m. Wales vs. Kellough, MICKEY WEBSTER Is the man to watch in future basketball. Playing guard and forward alternately, Mickey is a driving force on the lineup. Ke never plays and easy game and is best wlrcn things are toughest. Goach Alex Bill is putting a lot of stock on this newcomer, who might be termed the "outstanding rookie of the year." This is Webster's first year in Senior basketball. TOP SHOOTING star and front liner is Dm Scherk with 148 points in 11 games this season. Always a threat in any lineup, Bon's basketball caieer began in high school, the home of all Priric? Rupert hoop prowess. This is his third year as member of Prince Rupert all-star cagers. the melon with an undernanu v flick for a quick basket. Spring s t and Webster are the two v'. youngest members of the Chal-lengers. ' 1 i Daily News staff photos 't, battled to a draw in a sizzling, 1- same bracket as Rupert's Chubby Stacey in the Vancouver event. ten-round slugfest before 10.03U Matthew vs. Wright; Barber vs.! Holliston. i p.m. Rowbotham vs. Shier; i Sieber vs. Eyolfson; Wil.on vs. Moore: i ,1 jjTiii 't' r fans Wednesday night. ,PV W 1 -4 The former middleweight king Round-Up By Larry Stanwood sheepskins from the Bulkley Valley for sweeping the ice. Dates of the bonspiel are March 21, 22, 21 and 24. Event will conclude with presentation of priiies and a social evening at i the Canadian Legion. Prince Ru- ' rvnrt Plirlinff Plllh PYnppts to PH- Middleweight Bout Sizzler DETROIT (CP) The former middleweight champion, Jake etroit Backs Into J ' ,J """'h f i at 168 z pounds, found Hairston;v Tonight is likely to see- another battle on the Civic Centre basketball floor as Mansons and Elks lock horns for the second of the final championship aames. Mansons won the first in a Willing upi-juucni.. " on The ALLEYS The coming bonspiel this HL Championship month first one ever to be held ; in(1 addiUonal tpr 9n rlnks an and Eugene' Hairston in Prince Rupert is the big' 1- ort viu.kH in QrHlIP a seven-point upset that brought Lamotta 1 nt IUiUI. 1v,ii:Ik.1 ii 1 t ivi.." -"I'-- a good nouse 10 its ieei. r" " ; r""' ',i"u"B "!frorn outside points such as Lamotta, who announced bc-E t fore the fight that he would i ( retire from the ring if. the younger Hairston beat him de-L--?; cisively, had plenty 5f moment 1 h when it looked as if his nnt.J- i career was about to end. k s ., . . Toronto Downs C anadicns So Neither ( an mens single oi juo, a sea- ume. Ana iiik along witn tne spiel, D,.i. Prinrp r,. opfnffp d,,. Rums Lake. Vancouver finals will be a three or five-game series. many an impressive irophy sup- j citi, Trr., nH Vancou Now ('let Above Second Spot Vancouver Eilers meet Alberni Athetics tomorrow night, in the son's new high in the Wednesday Mixed League, and also bowled high three with 733. plies the centre of attraction ver. The Daily News will present The Grand Challenge trophy rOHON'TO (Canadian (Canadian Press) Detroit Reel semi-final T"' . .T U1"d-" coverage of all Mars Leavitt, also of Ilotshots, aM Try Daiiy News Want Ads Mt " J. Domi- Oclds 'n ends: Andy Marshall, ! final games if possible, iwo Ol tne oesk oi live ociuui "A" semi-final series. After a 'oui uau uirn ivuiwi Miaii'.nt oowiea laaies nign smBie w l i , nato -and ean be seen in the i chubbv Stacev and Tiny Carl championship when Toronto Maphj ;cy Lf'aQUi.' " ,u,u """ window of what was formerly Son balance of five Dlavers. llolshots canturea 1 o ic .. Prince Rupert 1 io'.r-auy iap.-e, uic tcjica pn.t.a the Province up again on March 13 to 15, if r. i t ft....i -' .j:,,. i. , ... .. -i11"- rtujn:o'owic. u"'" " Doxers riiit-rmg whii'i('( the t'COiai piaee wouu cai wiwuu-iuvieaa nonors wun us game u.;pWcs nated, but not yet ai- i Golden Gloves in Vancouver to- necessary. Winner wir meet ' ; rivort f mn. f'n.kt.frn mnmifnotur- r.n--xi- lof f hu nlanp trtrlnv int... ... 2 here Wednesday night. Neither the Leafs noi- ' ' v iiiuuuw i ' - j on rrnr wfnnpinn nr pnrnp rtw Square Dancing, Friday, March 7 8 to 10:30 CIVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM Season's high averages are ers, are by North Star Bottling company with trainer Joe Ward. ji : . j . ir:.. .... . . . , .. - 1 anaii j pert in Vancouver March 20, or 'ip shi p to watch this newsnaDer S.1 ens can now eaten up wan tne vviiiis wnu sun maimamea oy jck we,Work8 E T Applewhait, MP, un and Ha I Wendt, both.. of Daffy Ruperj Motors "Were idle. - ; It has 'not been tor grf the spot coverage of the j thereabouts 31oves event, arranged for the finally decided whether the ........ "" A Grand Aeareuate trophy, foi -i'.li- wun oniy nine game re.nam- 203. re.-pectiveiy. uien . ,,rRan , 1 bon-' benefit of Prince Rupert sport ing to play in the 70-game .a-1 of Dribblers came close to the donited ""a bv Friz- fans " ' tionul Hockey League schedule, .seasons highest score, but blew f- 1"s,.b"" Lml ,K that Vancouver boxing the Red Wln,s have an 87-point on tne tenth frame and ended f hv ' .n,s IL Bad M:n aiiv Good d Vai Week-en ues at utl-l LIUliiit:a ii CllCieS 111111K hUlllt; UJ glCtlfc' local firms for club competitions est threats in the Gloves this 17 more than the Cana-. Wjth an. even 300. who have completed 62 1 Results Kaydettes 1, Hotshots i total, '. diens I- i. V 5 1 f! 4 , 1 1 ... , , . w. w r. c t Ia rini-rtnn e Tin wiujn r .: n t - V, . i nr . .... - SUV1I cl- VHU ivjwwo VPi I" will lli.'lir 1IUI11 liic games, loronio. aiso w.u. ,3; Nunels i. bcrewoan.s i. wing- ,,ftrik.s ,pv..pllrs troohiei.. .'i- , ,h, mnrP thnn games, now has 68 points. , bats 3, Daffy Dribblers 3. ' t i - , ,'"-;;- ;p hp. 7 1 1 & sirt Smith and Tod Sloan led! 8i!,n.iinPsH.tslMts 18- Daffy ! l"tM i"1' """ ... .v.,.-.- MiiitMiii and Lind-iiy Arc I'lmip. (iff Ice f YORK 'APi the Second i.. mnmnn ni)ir...u.i ,. it t-, i..w... ,o M,,. DICCes Ol ivuiiuiiuimuu oi'u .Sim yi? the LA'itia 111 Willi iuMipit,."r? ; IJJIUUifia 1J, ivnjivji i.v o i, nw- i n .f. in; World War. At the Chllliwack m o i.n.. in nin.. sent uii ih vyui Hockey's ; victory. Gloves, In '.t.. ,.f .1. i....l . . . l '1 Wllllllllfi . 1 IL lilll' gvutiu e, ... ..... ! iUIOUlU Ulilivu 1U v H you cl'iii't think' so, ask j Montreal's Gerry McNeil, 20 of. ,21 inches high and cacn costs, won tne uoiaen tsoy awara in ! in tl-.e neighborhood of $100. j the 139 pound division and will - be a likely contender in the im.v d.iiis D.u tht,m ln a torrid second period,, VITAL AREA imvL uiur own ideas, ) H ,,.- R111.nrisintr that he n,, r itc rnhhur nnrl tin ' MW,,n J'"p 'h the ;,,.H mn . hp did. nn-tlim Mnlnvn 1 rlPKCrihprl Another donation comes from Smithers. R. J. Collison, build- I OWtlJll U -J ....... jviuuuunui'i ........ , ... I v.r onH Ma nent-'. n the ercatest dollar-earned, in tin v has sent up five ', ley got single goals to go with the commonwealth sterling bloc, hcontraetor. Je ot the average fan. ; M:i!i'hfckl of New York rs. handles' tru sticks for -itiiiK players. One of his FiUGlDAIKC Iti;iRIC.i:R.TOR More beautiful and practical . than ever in four completely op-yv ryrn- try" r tp-iyrr i doubles by Sloan and bmitn. it i was the 22nd of the season for each of the swift wingmen. ' is TonuUo's Gus frequent cmpet trodder ' National Hockey League ...BASKETBALL new im.dels ini'iuuing mis fin lie I.uxc Cold-Wall. oi President Clarencv? bell. bp Miiitson Woiiklirt ihinlr holes of golf the clay of a game, when everybody els-e was conserving, thet renergy. Maybe his serving their energy. Maybe his was a nice guy." "" " " ' 9 about wraniiiiiti the hnsi- NOT Plain Pack-NOT Substandard- BUT BRANDED LADIES" NYLON HOSE For the first time in years we are able to offer 51 gauge 15 denier Famous name Brand NYLON Hosiery at this LOW, LOW price 2 New Spring Shades Sites 8'z toll TONIGH SECOND GAME 'J of his stick around his mother," suy.s Marchfeld. off i hi. i..,. i,o- .i. HOfKev scores Wn mmi i ' National Toronto 6. Montreal 2. Pacific Coast Saskatoon 1, Taeoma 1. jy just say: 'water, boy!' iorUon, he's different. The n'8ht on the bench I'm ' to him and he says 8:30 p.m. Elks vs Hanson's if ! : ' m I '!. i you please get me a I 1 l XHockey Standings ii 1 ' . ii ) nni't' i i r ii'c t v. ... NATIONAL W D L F A Pfs. Detroit 38 11 12 175 113 87 Montreal 31 8 23 177 145 70 Toronto . 26 1 20 147 131 63 New York 20 13 29 158 185 53 INTERMEDIATE 7:30 p.m. Merchants vs - W4i nay Morsrm was " hearing ir Ci,.,npbell's f was .sup,)osed to have "ie Rangers' H; Buller. ; hn sitting next to says: l didn't kick Bul- " ' "0 is wise mu fnnt $1.29 Pair Boston 19 15 28 135 158 53 Hi-Grecn Chicaso 15 7 37 133 193 il - "" - 1,11 11 Pm1mGjF Ki . ; Classified advertisements the News pay big dividends. . 5 rly says I kicked him: " "wn. Buller breaks up a n rush by himself, and n nud m me; .Anoth m Bui cr will be one of dofeneemen in this. L Hps great'." rAV WCE TOO MEN'S TOPCOATS GOOD QUALITY WOOL AND RAYON MIXTURE GABARDINE TOPCOATS IN GREY AND TAN SHADES , Sizes 36 to 42 Weill says Ted Lindsay, l!ier ni -luiwaiu, is ,''e Buy off the ice. FRIGIDA1RE ELECTRIC RANGE Models for every kitchen and budget. Model RM-60 cooks a whole meal while you're owny. Come in and sec our tFrigidaire) Ilcfriseralors and Stoves at amazing, reductions. 'When Ted's stick f assa 7, uur Wee of VAnnr T o take your part in defending peace and freedom. If you can't go "permanent force" - join the Reserve. Now is the time! Af'x says. "The crowd h but X .r a deliberate pontile bench l.inric,, Cv 1'' f M j 37.50 ' Of all ' the Ru t on -Vl "'Srets that Bill t1 5 ;,. longer in thv ''pf?eelheart H FUU PRriCUtARS ON HOW YOU CAN fNlOY THf ADVANTAGES OF K.C.N.(K) 1KAINING, AtflY TO. NAVAl RECRUITING OrriCER H.M.C.S. CHATHAM, PRINCE RUPERT PHONE: 526 , I he says. GORDON & ANDERSON Limited Phone 46 .'"sn class I know " he 1,c Eraser f faune ' us weici,. .' . : ln fapi-a NR U ,lybe (i,. v ,, "lat was the trouble. me he i ,. . .... would play 30