f Pfifite Kuperr Doiiy Nfcwi Thtiraclay, March i, la2 , HAPPY VETERAN: ! HUSH CALL LONDON (CP) Many Chelsea MORUliN,' England CP) Bail pensioners, some of whom were Hart, 42, a building foreman ano. in.th British army as far back expert en termites, received an as 1885. are aain lustily singing urgent call from France and left Duly primed with tine rare, trie service clubbers heard a brief dissertation by Principal A. M. Hurst on the prime aims of education: 1. To try to teach character. 2. 1o Impart information of use in earning a living. 3. To provide practical ' lof Gyros Education Week (This is another of a series of essays for Education Week by pupils of Booth Memorial High-School. The subject: Should John Quit School and Get a Job?) the old song, ' We're Soldiers or for St. Helena to save the'housi the Queen, My Boys." They- in whlrfh Napoleon lived during foirfht for Queen Victoria in tho exile. jTie house, still owned by' Boer War and proudly swore al- the Fiench government, ha! legiance to Queen Elizabeth II. ' been r jvaged by termites. slunrl.Pn, ;lJl and Then, they proceeded, guided the (By N. HILll John is about to quit school. Every year, a, great many John's quit school to go to work, generally leaving in the Ninth or Tenth Grade. Every boy m' J ,f modern i ? nve 01 Ule Blrl sui"-'nts, to iV"e'h rs of the i inspect the new Booth Memorial m found School premise and its spacious rlub 0y0u., ,,.. and' convenient departments. MONTREAL. Mar. 6ih. t5.006.0O PT5TZE MONEV! 1lere' your Hie Crancc to win tb tl.WJOOO Firm rri7- or ftny rtli. of ttio 141! Cali Awsnls to tot:l of $.VO Kt.W. Second prize is tiiUJjOO, tliinl pnzp is $Htuf)0 nil llicre r 110 prirM of t.j.tiO f:u-h. All fif t)if piizr-i! will le. JXJl BI.K1J if the Friz Winning Crm'wUnt has attached only oas hox-top, label or fsrsimile from .my one of the following nrrwtra VVIvrr-ta lox- that under the direction of Mrs. i wants spending money of his own and, for most of turning out t iOOl is :o":"" ictresS. the stris resoon-1 average boys, the only way to get it is by working. , , ,mncon in the 1 sibie for the preparation and ' Still, an after-school job should give a 16-year boy' J(i ' ..,, eenn- serving of the luncheon were 1 i 1 ! Margaret OWce. Jean Golds, j Ugh money. , boy with superior or! " 'zing repast Marie Hiltz Fusaye Saitl. Muriel I In some families, the parents. even a e tnte.Ugence hould i T temato Julee. Mi-Kenale. Shirley Haufian, Betty, have had little or no education ; not be wleWlng a sh0Vel, but rip; Lrenu brnnd Com Syrup lawl or top tram cone topped tin; bon-top from ny;Junkft" Rcnnft Powiier or "Junkpt' lt.net. Tablets; Trntei Dye or Color 1t mover box-top; Tender Leaf Te t)OT-op from a eoniainer of tea or tea tiaes; Ijovril box-top or label; ReaLemon lemon ' jiii.-e label; Vi-Tone can tup; Miracle Vt iiip Salad Ipsfrne bbH; Broino-oltier !ox-top or label; Sliver Oom Starch box-top; Robin Hood Cake Mix box-top White, Chocolate or Gingerbread; Johnson 't Pride Furniture' Wax lubel: Davis tJelatine box-top; I.avoris box-top or lft.be I Z-iibc 'oiipli 1 rwenrres n.-irr $1,000 00 SONUS At Hra Ma W th lwlin, Secool tl,M laiiiii w ko wmrd ttm tint contf vttli correct soIh-tMM, wh mc Ntocrf ont ki-4, tM mr facsimilo rm 999 Hi ttM prodMCtl MOMe feV. T0 jUdO- le wiM fwcimic, It aaccstarr, iwr 9k nar4ii mt the rtr 49 print pr4 cor-fect iMutM it roMMd which nftfi far Special II.CHM fttwil dt-iiHousiy , n.n . : :;: '',! puinme a pen- . with , loaf, potatoes .- niiH com. !'" "- e i" Another important considera- i The guides for the inspection ' beyond the time allotted by the tion is whether John has a job : .tour were Fatty Martin, Jean ! law. Most 15 or 16 year olds are unc. ,, nt h ,,ih on t . .h a pistachio Cheshire, Flora Bell, Margaret ; only too j glad to ge out of school immediately when he quits , i . .. .. i I Strachan and Verna Graham. 1 J-" I f 1 W A nie; mu-ko oox-top; oiae 4c. ranora toiiee Hunt uaai.l lioin bag or metal atrip from tin; Kraft De I.nxe Slices lalnl; box-top ...u uu,i i. meu loo hiucu per-) S(.hoo, Tf he nad would u be a suasion by their anti-education j job witn a future or a anai Pren- j thing? If he quit school to work John s position in the family , on a construction Job that was one of the most ! is important only oing t0 last a few monthSi factor, in this question. Are both ne ,wouJd be extremely foolish, his parents alive, working? John j f(jr lhe ,oss of a few scnool may, being the oldest son. sucl-'.,,,, 1H him ha,.i, 1 BLACKWOOD on Seagrams find himself the sole , denly sup-! great deaI if he wished to re t port of the rest of his family turn to school. Also, which is j qc In that there chance ' case, is no better; t0 qult scnool and work ol remaining in school Kings Plate By EASLEY BLACKWOOD from an .S OS. container. You nred jut one box-lop. fcibel or ffteimil to UOUIiLK your prize money. And you can wm a rPI'.CIAl, $l,(KXl.0U IWINTS. too. Read about, it tinder heading ' tl.OU0.00 UO.NL'S". CONITDENT1A1.I.Y YOURS, the popular new week-end newpaper aotumn, presents ibis Great and K-asy Contrn. This is all you have to in: find mnd circle 19 letter pf the alphabet in (hit column, which ii placed in order, would tmell COX HDEMTAI.LY YOURS. Here a winning tip, just read bark a iew liuw uul yi.u ;!! find tba Tord "Contest '. CirHp. each oi the i'mi three Idlers and you are on your way to the Big Prize Money 1 You will find the remainder of the It-it era' scattered throuRhout the column. The order in which they are circled docs not matter. You may ciiele the letters in this eoltunn or on a separate slip pf paper write the complete words from which you took the key letters which upell out your solution. The.c key letien mut then be circled. In tbis way vou can send in as many entries as you with! oiift cloiet March Sin, 19 j2. Be euro to include your name and " address. Only first cLiss mail with surlicient post ace accepted. Itemember $2,000.00 is the First Prize if torret aolution roniains a box-top, label or faesimile om anv of the above products. TIIKRK ARE 113 OTHER PRIZES FOIl A GRAND TOTAL OF S.V0U0.tJ! Major prize winr?rs' names will appear in this column within a weeks. A complete list of winners will be fitrni-he.l on request, Mnil your rmrie, and enclotnret lo COMTDEM I AU.Y OlltS, H.IK Hox 3.W, Station H, Montreal. Increase your tliatiies oi wimiing by ru-ihing as many entries as po-ible. as a laborer for a company, or remain in school and, after graduation, get a 'better job at) that same company with more pay and easier work? j We still do not. know if John should or should not quit school j find fret u tnh hut nit Tinvp t.ried ' John's physical condition is important. He may be a bifc, husky fellow who could go to school from nine until three-thirty, and work from four until midnight and nothing would suffer except his homework. On istorv of bridge is studded with 'attempts - and" players alike to find an opening bid (1 tell the "whole story about the opener s the other hand he may not be ,0 sh)w that there u fea. 0T Seagram's w:Sure strong enough to be doing two son to remain in school than to ! quit, and, in fact, John should I quit school only in a very ex- treme situation. things at once, and will have to decide between school and work. One must also consider John's This advertisement is not published or dispkoyed by th liquor Control Board or by the Gov-nment of British Columbia. j Mf favourite Time-Of-Day . , ow, 'when a player, iding with one of a f there is a terrifio ' m his minimum a holdings. He may 2i5 honor tricks! hold as much as six ; . when the dinner ilihes are done and by the lire for a (iut i chat. And we relax haven't you noticed'.' when the dinners been specially good ii's a particularly happy time. That's whv Fro wire HF.LN'Z OVFN-BAKFD South dealer North-South Vulnerable .NorJIi 8fi Ha 7 3 I) 0 6 5 . C 9 8 7 3 1 Vt 1 t.at s- K J 10 7 S 2 H J 10 2 H A K Q 5 4 D- 10 3 2 D-A 8 -K 10 C- A Q J S smith SA Q113 H 0 . I- K H J 7 4 C attitude towards school. Does he i show an interest or special lean- j inn towards any one subject, or does he have a general interest' If so, he should by all mean.-; 5 remain In school. Or does he just ! go to srhool to play basketball ' utid waste time? If so, he should BEANS will be one of our favourite maui-eourse tlishcs. They're so a-y lo prepare in lots of budget-wie, ta-te-temptmg wa . . . and delicious mellow and mealy, with real baked-in they're alway BO twists have been j - a way to describe , iy the strength of bid. Today there is , to do it. But iv. y : ..e w.znv nlavers do ' have quit school long ago. Ability, of course, is of ex I ran aavour. Yes. tins lamous meatless oisu inaKt a nappy mrai . . . easv on the budget and the cook and so veiy easy to tat. ou ll want to keep a supply of lleini Beans always on hand to plca-e the folks. And try Heinz Cooked Spaghetti, too for the name rea-onsl "Mothert ln Law are mighty handy people at leas, that's the way l U U li I 1. A Vl ft treme importance. If John has ; nothing in his cranium but muscles ! and air spaces, he should be out digging ditches. On the other : Fast Dbl Worn PrtSJI North Pass South I S ; Pass IN 1S.U I feel about nunc! , Alice said lhe other day. Iter mother-in-law told her how to get -parkling white wa-hes and Alice says she'll be forever tiiateiul. She savj it's so easv so inexpensive and it really voiksl'Blue does liie trick! Prevents doilies turn-ing ycllovr. Just a r-wish or two of Blue in the iinal rinse and your wash will be tno- white! And, hen you ue Blue, you're not taking chances with vil.;'rir that miiiht tluinacc fabric for Blue is Get nation . kind to all fabrics." Inexpensive, too. C'o'ts just a few pennies a month ior snowy, brilliant beautiful wa-hes! Yes, for the whitest wai-h, it's IU'.C'KITTS Blue. Floicera ... the Like Spring The Whole Fomily will be giving ' outhne these meth- But first let's look ories from the prist. try t : clarify the ' wl. po.ni up the ' a which have been iring the years. i 1928 Wilbur White- i A that a minimum ; ned with one of a .1 an "intermediate" e to four honor uned with two of a j-call'd official sys-: adopted tlits prin- :i hand shown todoy ( Official System if glorious colours of this s'.rimi's dress fabrics are such a de-li;;h! to the rye vou'H find it iiar.l 'to decide w h i c !i you you compliment- on tins delicious fish dish ... flavoured with the t p i c y ex-litemvnt of a 11 K K 1 S T 1 Si &S . f "4 MAKE THIS 7 DAY TEST for put otif net use Cr'iti"n Mr t id''c" and is eivert Carnation Milk is lwayi full colored. That s bcxlied and creamy your .sj-iwnte of complete fact,onvl.enyou use it in c.iff or , on cereals and fruit. You'll never or th.n consistency find '.tcry Carnation. i'e buy top color m quality milk and Proce in plac "f Y'm Prcsef" br.md.Once ymihate uud Carnation, ue are iur th n0 nthc'r ' br.mi will 'alisfy )"" Tlice days you can't afford" to waste a morsel of fooJ. That's why HanJ-e-wrap is so wonJcrtuI! It's so eay to tear off just the right amount from the handy dispenser box with the metal cutting edge ... to wrap meat, fish, vegetable and other perishables to keep them fresh, moist and full of nourishment. There's a wonderful saving, too, when yort keep left-overs wrapped in H.md-e-wrap, heciu its double-waxed surface seals in goodness and prevents food taint. Hand-e-wrap has a hundred uses around the ionic. You can't iffoni to be without it! example of an open-to spades. The book hand contains 7 1 2 '.ricks. Looks like tlvu at so murderous with '.)' doubles in those t up three possible nd the South hand it might, and often : to those V2 prob-? tricks. Let West 'ark of hearts and of care (52 years experience the greatest t it b) in order to give you younc..,u rich, creamy, heavy - Carnation ran'. And dur- irur tiiis'Soff anil Pave Week, the storts are hfo-somitisi v.iih sfeciii displays ol y.ird goods and all kinds of sciving cw-cni:is that are sure to make you want to start riirlit in now so you'll be ready for the fir-t sunny d.iv this sprim:. But nheiher you favour rustlins tie silk or soft delicate crepe, Idglimin? has a fippcr specially made for such featherweight fabric-' their siyle No. 702. So slim anil flexible, it practically disappear into the seam without wrinkles mr bulges. And Lightning Kcwr lets you down it alwayi lock where it stops and can't slide until vou move it vont-self. Choose "vour Lit iHTNINti FASTENER Style 702 from 22 jaitittn lajht ctlwtr$ to match your "fa-hions by the yard" this spring! Ilaing Funf Aren't you glad you CALIFORNIA LF-MONfs. M-mmm! Sunkist Lemons aie the finest, juiciest lemons grown! Try them tonight Willi tins buhium 't7i((--- J'i"9 tonj: 3 Sunkist lemons (quarts red) 2 c. 1 1 lb.) canned baimon 1 c. grated Canadian che 1 c. cracker crunius 1 gp. beaten t Vuiis. melted butter I 1 t. Sunkist lenwa juice 1,2 tsp. salt I tsp. celery ftlt Dash o pepper 13 c. milk Drain ani flake salmon, reserving 14 or 12 cup lor decoration. Combine salmon witii otner ingredients, except the lemon quarters. Shape by hand into oval ling on oiled shallow baking dish. Top with reserved salmon flakes, dot with butter, bake In moderate oven t3iO de. '.) about 30 minutes, or until gulden-brown. Fill center vith hot parsley-buttered potatoes ind narnisii w.ttt Sunkist lemon quarters. Serve with medium-thick, while eauce. Serves . ' Uoot Mont But it'l a bonny sifht i jg , i. ft W Milk. Get Carnauou IT ITS S CREAMIER. CREAMIER. VH i, I A do well to win as, ur tricks. y , to me to e me tried this pleas- . ant, effective , remedy for ''The 1! 1 ti e "? Yes, ' speedv. sparkling SAL llEl'ATICA will transform vou into the 'Belle of the S and defensive plav : opening two bids ofj J'ere given up. Now. i rs would not only South hand with 'A would so further1 rests of safety and 1 and open one dta- , "f than one spade id ?lve them a chance i 'th their suits at tho : 'f ' Partner's response way my um i -is balancing thtsts days. One of niy . thrii'tiest tricks it to terve J el 1-0 desserts olirn. . ULTvlLlC 1 h". i lu one heart." "wan Order of the Uhohc chutTh was 1208 by S1. Francis of K JJ Try it, and see ' V v ' family P" ' jf.t. ' idaud t ia econ- V 'rSif omv . . . 1k-c.".uso JF.I.I.-0 JELLY l'OWDl.tt tle;-crts are so wonderfully teminiug and liavorl'ul. With 7 cx.-uing ''locked-in:' llavors to choo-e from, each member of the family will have a favorite. And that fresh Jell-0 flavor is locked right in each tiny panicle uuiil ynu release it by adding hot water. It's hard to believe but perfectly true Jell-O costs only about 2c a serving. Servo Jell-O desserts and salads regularly. Ball" in no time! It brines fat, welcome relief from headaches due lu irreaularity, ebld rymptoms, stomach upsets or eon-si ipa i ion. A (.last of Sal Hepatic before breaki'ast or supper will nu;ku you trel like a new woman. You see. wiih Sal Ilepatici there j no ''Laxalive Lag' that feeling of discomfort thai, continues for hour 'ill ordinary, slow-acting laxatives bring relief. Effective and safe for alt members of your family, Sal llcpalica i a product of Bristol - Mvers who ab-o make Bl'IT'ERlN pain relief tablets. jmij . - i - : r -1 , , V Running Out Of Idea for Nutritious henten Meult? Then you'll be :' il trt.'ng i.tvr cotfe pot by 'vA.'1 . ' K Thomoi Woot., Cngland, I7S7. ,Jk' I . jf. k'& S f A vaUtd piett, now in tht r4 f t JA S k I O. B. Allan collodion. Voncour. v T h rWHTT III HlflV V UIBXED PAPER m glad to know that on every package ol wur 1 DINNER there ore several helpful suggestions. And, of course, "delicious "Kraft Dinner'' is an ideal maia dish for a Lenten oi-'al. A wonderful rnacsroni-'n'-cheese combination it cooks to tasty lightness in onbj 7 wiuulis . . . Kisls Uss lhnn !te a scinnff. And there are four servings in eviry package of ""Kraft Dinner". So mi to pr pare . . . "Kraft Dinner" it oil the theli into the volnnto the tul iV. So for truly ecoBomica! completely tJeliciou- jifi'y-ejiiick Lenten meals ask your grocer tomorrow lor "Kraft lX:iu. r" in tho new yellow and red piukage. Art Von Planning A Spring W eiiiili . Well, when all the excitement mm Rfei if V feslTRaa 111 ! lias uiea clown here a something Id like you to remcnilier. Smiething every bride should know alu-ut is that, truly satisfactory method of feminine hygiene . . . ZON1TORS. Zonitors are greaseh-ss, stainless, tnow-white vaginal suppositories dainty and convenient to use powerfully germicidal, yet absolutely eaft to delicate tissues. Ask your druggist for Zoni'nrs end for tome important facts about feminine "' ' 'fy ' LONDON DRY GIN $&$f htfcs , IGMDON I . -"X hygiene rife to me Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal, I'.Q. A free booklet wilt be teisl to you in a plain wrapper. Like To Be .4 "Com parium Shopper"? 'Well, the folks at Blue Bonnet ' would like you to compare their margarine with an iy l7mlAAAif ri n n Pr i n o spread at ony rh. They'rr so sure you'll lind, as thous- TTlv LLISIUdddY HCItmilld i amis have, that HI. I K BONNET MARGARINE is "tops" in flavour, nutrition snd economy I Rein a d who likes a ''bargain' , . . I've already rompar. d Blue I for Lovely table- settings ! i ' - M5.".- y, M g ntinrr: h"t! fvcrst o.uer anreans ami l agree 'rlavour! Nutrition! Ecotjom-ee! Blue Bonnet Ma.g.uine gives al! HE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. NcVi' Made from three thicknesses of sof t Cellulose . . , they drape and fold like fine linen. tminster, 8. C. ary f ai, U5 try h tor youren i.na see; i.ontt ior tiie tresh, VjJ - bright yellow package with Blue Bonnet Sue on the front , ' I'm wire you'll thank nre again and again for introduc- mit you to thit budjet-wiae margarine with the delicate country-sweet ' " ' " . - - 'Scmcnt g ' 'Mt pubMh.il or displlyod by the Liquor Control Board or by th Govomrmnt ol British Oolumhn 1 u.