r-mrr , , .- . . . i. ... .mH.A -: m -strqwrr 7 . i NEW" hEaDQUak i'bht 2 Prince Rupert Daily News Issued EDMONTON to construct (CP) a Permits new head-, were quarters building for the Ed- Monday. May 5, 1952 monton Branch of the Canadian , Red Crass this summer. The two-' An lnrlppowtent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert storey building of reinforced and Northern nnct Ccntrnl British Columbia. Member oi Crtnnctlrtn Pre; Atidit Bureau or Circulations v concrete, trick and tile is esU-n; Lthe hull Lh Ei Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. nated to cost $139,000. Published by The Prince Rupert Daily News Limited J. 1 MAOOR. President II O. PERKY. Vice-President O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor Subscription Rates: it Jv carrier Per week. 25c; per month 1.00; per year. (10.00 Jij-J&RF r Bv mail Per month. 76c: per year. $8.00. Authorized hs awoiid class mall by the Post Oltlc Department. Ottawa. ft i, Viclory Bonds T : , ' .... .' ' :"'" iUTrtic '- I, Mi in... m.m sic TnAMlKJ l -V l I'M ( U; Wl;i, ! Rupert Radio & Ekl Straith, British Columbia; J. P. Sauve, Quebec; Mr. Martin; D.. G. D. W. Cameron, deputy minister of health; Dr. F. A. McGrand, New Brunswick; Sir John Hadsall. director, oi civil defence training, UniU'd Kingdom; C. E. Oerhart, Alberta, and L. R. Curtis. Newfoundland. CP PHOTO i CIVIL DEFENCE CONFERENCE Cabinet ministers representing 11 governments held a civil rielence conference in Ottawa. Left tc right they are: Dr. E. A. McCusker. parliamentary assistant o Federal Health Minister Marti l; W. A. Matheson, Prince Edward Island; A. B. De Wolfe, Nova Scotia; W. T. Report From . . As I See It APPLICATIONS will be received bjr the tindersiimed lor the d,. Secretary of the Prlnc Rupert C ivic Centre. " ' Applications should itnte a?e quiliticaiiom Kw, rxpecied and name, and addresses ot reterences both u and experience, a ad when avalliibie. Envelop brarlnK applltatioiw oulU be clwlv m,i CATIOlj-CONFIUfcNTIAL and addressed tp: DR. R. G. LARGE, ' Chairman. Civic Centre Associ, ray ... Reflects and Reminisces 'J Parliament Hill By Edward T-. Applewhaite, M P., Skeena Decision Soon on Hums Lake Experimental . Station Fisheries Estimates l in ore PU,,M By this time It might not bej difficult for the steel Industry to call Harry Truman a man of i It is mv understanding that an almost immedi- iron. ; a ate decision may be expected as to the exact location j V YOU take a $100 Victory Bond and go out to I foil it you won't today get $100 for it. Depending on the year of issue, you might get as little as $95. A few years ago 'you might have got as much as $105; a few years from now it is conceivable that you might again get $105; but certainly, the year it matures, you will get your full $100 and will have been getting interest in the meantime. These variations from year to year may rest on your mind as simply variations in the current value of a Victory Bond. But they mean something. much closer to you than that. They influence the amount of your grocery bill and the cost of the house you may be buying. Quite a number of things may influence the j.iiee of the government bond but its price largely determines the general interest rate in the country. As it works out, high prices for government fconds mean low interest rates; and low prices, such hs we now have, mean high interest rates. These present Jhigh interest rates, because they make borrowing more expensive, tend to hold down demand for goods, and so tend .to hold down prices. The word "tend" is used advisedly. The influence of the interest rates can be overcome by other factors but, even then, they act to keep the situation from becoming as bad as it might otherwise be. But, while the high rates tend to keep down the cost of your house, they tend to make it harder for you to borrow money to pay for it and to increase the price you will have to pay for the money you do borrow. This is because government bonds are, so far as getting your money back is concerned, the safest of all investments. If they are yielding a low rate of interest, people will tend to forsake their safety for something a little more risky, which will pay a higher rate of interest such as a mortgage on a house. Why I Like Ike As far as known, the liberty of the Illustration Station to be established in the I DO NOT conceal the Burns Lake district by the Dominion Department of 1 ,.0t yet iett for Bra2ii or Ase.i-! e i j i . t 1:1 Ti. li a u ' ( Una or some other tropical nerk " fact that I like Ike. I Agriculture. of lhe woods. It 8eemsptt nkM. i hope that General Elsen-:lhiS will most li key be early feLmok to ,el "an named Sorokln. with $87,000 . C.1V.U511 P.v.vv v.rom affair Pim. " ruujr buiic iw puitiwc mi nower gets tne ltepuoil-;resulu this year but It should landi which to U13., tneite or on mittee. All member of much cash-and doi.biUss House, of course, have an oppar- iTha' ; more-should belong to Canada tunity to express their view in ; ""' OM ' if 'he So J the debate on the Speech from can nomination for Presi-;ean that sles cfn, be , lJkru . now fram which at lea.st .sonic dent, and Wins the U.S. i results cculd be expected .n election. , mi- - tlTJ ,c"" ",u'c ,u"ul u" '""i the Throne and. during miles away and never -ven think j course of the last session, they tink rnnsiripriihle time bS it ViS 01 inni( oam. Here are some reasons -why I think Eisenhower would make ; the best available U.S. Presi- : dent from 1953 to 1957; Figures do not make ve.-y entertaining reading but at time chey are of interest and I belie many residents oi Skeena will be interested in stme items which I propose to give you. from Uie their right to do. to discuss and; FAvr"Kn EAST AN" " wmt IST put forward their views on vet- ;1,iilST; : erans affairs. Several other op-! a,cert1 nlSiand 0, tne pjitunltles are also provided. iO ,B,1Ush Columbia coast wheu-it Mor Fales need not-be regard- u t everv vpar th.u thu J -l n m ftiiAnmnirl A r t tK..i-A I., CLl ao utctuuiuisi ffe. nuu nine it "7". Committee is set up. During the ates. For general services tut course c of n, the ,h. second MH u-nrin world war war i J..n!,' ,sla"a ve n legislated wiiere irat.e js pretty lair. total estimated for 196203 H 4" :"h had $1,560,000. which is $o.083 le,:5 lhe government ,v, ,v, ,., vo,.it,... i , t oy oiuer-iii-cuuutii I lit H L11C ULVUUj CAjJlllUHMiC J the welfare and rehabilitation oi ' at least ,some competition, '"veterans of that war; those ord-i 1J&1 ne, former community I 1. Because Eisenhower would ; : have a better chauce of pre- , j venting a world war than any- ; body else in sight for the vVhi'.e : j House job. : I 2. Because the clojest pos- ; sible partnership between the ; j U.S.A. and the British Common-; wealth is the absolute essential I to the building of a stable, peaceful world order; .and Ike 1 has shown that he has what it I takes to get this and hold it. 1 3. Because Ike k n e w s the year. Included untie; Uus hea' Canodian National now offers on attractive Gi1, Certificate covering Train Travel anywher...lo any roil destination ... for any amount you ... on sole ot oil Canodion National ticket off.ca. Easy to by,osy lo use. A gif) that's sure to please, amg are: , i era have since been written into ! showed total sales amounting lo Information and Educau iiia! Ih etat.itw tvmvs nf rnnaria At;not quite five m.illions but very Services $133,600 tup $30,60(1 . .his session we are proceeding 1 ncar il- Markets and Ecci.uinic Service,' For Information, call or CITY TICKET OFFICE. i9p. rrl Ave.. Prince Rupert, E 3k with the setting up of thl com- ' , , mittee to which Will .be sent iu J . A j:evlval ot reP' ts tbout "ee-only the legislation concerning i inl! nVlnS saut jrs suggcBH that war veterans allowances bul th,s time thpie are "dually in various ether amendments to the Heavens objects that cannot those l.atutes, mer.tioneU in ; be "Plained. Previously, people resolutions now on the order. n told sucn lale were air"y $194,600 ( up $25.812i. Industrial Development Service $0,000 nip Slo.uOOi. lhe biggest item showing a reduction as against lust year,', expend. tin e U that with itif- uut uic mynn tuc tuiiciu unu ui guicuiiunii i real strength of Russia and the bonds, and it now is relatively hifrh. the harder it -Red army; and the Russians -- know the real strength of pur CANADIAN NATI0NA pose and character of Ike. aimuu?a ns oeing in ineir cups. is to attract people to put money into a mortgage. Saying the same thing in other words, the an paper. tHt ONir HAUWAt llVO6 all 11 MOVUC, j I.KNGTIIY SKKVICE t In Trenton, N.J., the present , j penitvntiary is said to go back : j to the days of Oeorge Washing-i ton. The prison in Baltimore. ' Md., li believed to have origin-' ated in 1805. The ono in Charles-i ton, Mass., Is not without history. So there appears to be at least , a few good reasons why today's! convicts have been complaining ! j in more than one way. j Birthday Of Church Special Pastor for Presbyterian Occasion Appeals for Return To Religion ; Neither side Is likely to try anycru;e to the lur sea! agreement monkey business in view of the .which is down Ly $100,000. above facts. for Field Services the estim- 4. Because Eisenhower is of ate is $5,270,507 as agains:, lat the same school of military year s expenditure of $4,755,000. thinking as General Marshall, Of this the Protection Branch and hence will not "go for" any accounts for $2,916,334; the In-of the hare-brained adventures spection Branch, $94H,238; tho in Asia which are advocated by lsh Culture and Development iMacArthur, Taft, Chiang Kai- branch, $905,025; the Con.suiiKr ishek and the sinister "China Branch. $16,030; and the haroor ! lobby" operating in U.S.A. a"d Srey aeal bounty $4,000. j j ! There is an increase over last ! TAFT is still ahead of Ike' in year's expenditure for the In-! thn nnmhpr nf nipdri riiB. ttrnationul Fisheries Commis- ou m em en I In announcing the sole of " T 4j : 4 .M J S I t i' Guest speaker yesterday as ; 99 TAXI CO. LTD, " i .u.liu... e -. ro gates. But Ike has been gaining on Taft, by giant strides. It looks to me now as if Taft has no chance to win on the first1 ballot, and if Taft doesn't win the International Pacilic Salm'-n Fisheries Commission of $33,200. The grand total of the Department's estimates this year (ez- First Presbyterian Church ob-! From Moscow comes advice served its forty-fifth annlver- I that the Communist youth rwws- sary, Rev. David Rowland, M.C., Paper Komsomol Pravda con- , pastor of York Memorial Pres- demns free love as something byterian Church, Toronto, in- unwanted In Soviet society. O: spired local congregations morn- course, it does not always follow; ing and evening with impressive i lhat very invention, even with messages. On both occasloni' Russla ba( of it, ls always - , IVAN McGHAN on the jirst ballot I don't think , flu- Sath? fV 'Ls S9797-498- Last yeal s t(Jla: ex- he can win at all aTf?,, i Penditure was $8,923,790. ,u o v A Taft victory in the Repub-' there were good turn-outs. The -"u a uuira per trni. , one lican convention would not nec- j ij.ii ,. vlsitine pastor congratulated th.: nual report of the Dominion Mortgage and Invest- ; ; merits Association comments: "Bonds in relation to mortgages -have become increasingly attractive as an investment." How About American Dollars will we do about American dollars? That WHAT Xuestion is being asked from one end of Canada to the other. Restaurant and hotel proprietors, service station operators and all sorts of other business people who come in contact with American visitors are concerned. Many are afraid of offending U.S. customers if they insist on a premium; others are reluctant to pay the premium themselves. The simplest solution, and the proper one, would be a polite by firm refusal to accept U.S. currency. After all, it is not legal tender in this country any more than Canadian money is legal tender in the I'nited States. As The Financial Post urged a few weeks ago, both Canadians and Americans would save themselves a lot of trouble and embarrassment if they would have their money changed into the proper currency before they cross the border. We do that when we go to Britain or France or Sweden. We don't expect the merchants in those countries to accept our currency. We get it changed into theirs before we arrive. Americans and Canadians should follow "the same practice on this continent. There will be some useful education i:i finance for the U.S. travellers if the proper course is followed. Hugo Anderson s Funeral Rites essarily be final In that event !agke(j lhe Prime MUllster' that '.local church on Its fine record a good Democrat could beat the mediate consideratM .and predicted future succe Republican. But the election jf , under the present Incumbent, oiven t0 making a grant t0 the Taft as U.S President would Dominion Drama Festival. Mr. St. ' Rev. Dr. E. A. Wrtht. & disaster of the first magnitude Laurent stated that the govern- Mr. Rowlanu oeplored the n m i.u , u ment has been givins and '-s Biv-i general tendency of the day to- TONY KLAMUT ART MURRAY f,,inn 1 .. I ...... a ...).. n j m,...ui,wco.vM iui uk ing consideration tn this and ijl iwprrio riiintjrpnt nntmriP ..11 ! .. " . " " " - the other recommendations ir. church and intrigue within. Pos-; ye'lr oia '""erman, w-no had Ru- mt," AJ' : the Massey report, but he was not j ably there was more harm' from ;oee.nfa "dent of Prince EIGN IGN POLICY POLICY FOR FOR AMERI- AMERI- pert pert for for 35 35 took took 1 vet vet in In a a Dosition Dosition to to amumnce annmniceUhio.i Uh- itt, .v,0 v ,h th n,m,.H years years place place W,Up to Pxoress appreciation to from 1 their pow friends orwi customers for vpnrs and to bespeak" CANS shows that he would nave Us P Dolicv V in this connection connection. , Orenvllle Court Chapel of B. C. ; the U.S. tend . to pull out of Drawlng illustrations from the undertakers to Fairvlew Ccmc-I western Europe, concentrating We've had, during the budget ' lonly on keeping "England" as a debate, some quite warm argu- "'"'r" W,' win ?1Z In " nnd Rev- - OIscn- Pa- of St. U.S. military outpost there. ments based, not on party lines, led. Btr'tons'n l,tur"lngh Paul's Lutheran Church, offH-' 1 2. Taffs later speeches show but on geographical differences.'?,"1' , Jor , iP a" ated and Mrs. J. C. Gilker presid-I that he would have U.S.A. make as, for instance, between the I aspiration Mr. Rowland, who' d fit the organ tQ accompay; an outright military alliance farmers of Saskatchewan, and was a maJor , tne ar- i the hymns which were "Safe in' with Chiang Kai-shek, even to the representatives from on- ,appealed lor a return to religion ,.tne Arrns nnd VWhat a Frieno.; j the extent of aiding Chiang in tarlo. One such, recently, oc- j in tlJese trying times. We Have )n jeKUs." I ' an attempted military re-inva: curred between G. M. Feirie or At the evening service, Job's, pallbearers were John Clausen, ; sion of the Chinese mainland'. 1 Mackenzie, Saskatchewan, and ' Daughters attended in a body TVor Robertson, L. Henness, Jack ' He can't have both Canada and Dr. Blair, of Lanark, Ontario. and heard 'an approprite ad-jwells. Paul Johnson and II A I Chiang. Hon. Hugues Lapointe, Minis-1 dress by Mr. Rowland. 'Ferguson. ' j I 3. Taft proposes to use U.S. ter of Veterans' Affairs, was very j Rev nr E A Wrieht was in! - I nis successors u -j. of service standard The sare hiqh promised by Mr. McGhan ond Klamut. Try a DAILY NEWS classified money power vo Duy newpaper , ' charge of the services, editorial and radio propaganda mann's for putting Formosa in i Following evening service, support in other countries. He "cold storage" for some years to I there was a congregation recep-does not specifically mention : come that is maintaining its ; tion to meet Mr. Rowland. Canada in this regard but any- safety from armed attack, but! one should be able to foresee also makine absolutely ' E,,r ! Repairing and Remodeling N Scripture J-aJiage for DoJatj "It Irrhoved Christ to buffer, and to rise from the dead.' --St. Luke 24:46. A II - i jyir-Laiit' the effect say on British, Cana-! that Chiane Kai-shek . nnt.L . a . Begins at Aioert ana Rolf Ted Latcn, Prince Rupert- P""1, or tr;er aUled opinion of allowed to use it as a threat to HrinCipQlS 111 any such attempt. the mainland of China 'S.1.J T 1 Glen Davis Lee, Prinee Rupert AND ENDS AT HOME In other words. I wnuM ut fYlUrUcr I IIUIS TERRACE HIT AND tContinued fwi Page 11 Alice Arm: Mabel Gosnell, Port Simpson; Byron Henry Greene, Andrew Logan, Bella Bella; Frederick Gordon McDonald, niul' Albert & ... . .. ... , k., wurri. j I WOULD expect Eisenhower to ; Eisenhower not to go along with! D-U fa4-u follow the same general policy ; any twisting the dragon's tail 1 K-GaCIl Voll in Asia as I think Marshall ! policy which would result 11 in thp tne I . . in . u . j three murder would fnitnu,nr,ri ,v,lt.v, r...1.,,,..,, Accused Prince Rupert; Eilfred McKlnley, Aioert at Mecanery is more tnan jusi anouier iui' Pla:1 vou ni complete building institution, staffed and equipped to help y (cry's s .... . Albert Ml . w..!J1 t ..i.v, with ..-riffrtl- . van- i uuiLIV U11L1.1I1 II INS in unnrr lnnrr i . . ... ... ... Telkwa; William Daniel Gnf- ( Prince Rupert; Thomas Marshall, fiths, Prince Rupert; James Had- , Prince Rupert; Roland Henry don Jr., Prince Rupert; Harold j Miles, Prince Rupert; Rudolph Hagmaa, Houston; Robert Har-01sen, Prince Rupert; Walter aid Hansen, Prince Rupert; Jack! Joseph Page, Prince Rupert; Jo- ada and Britain (under any party I would support. That is, ouiKiirig, repairing ann improvement piumi-m. - Albert" and quality materials, your job gets started on the right foot ,s done plete service goes a long way to assuring satisfaction wivn . for years to come. - " , ' ; revenge tor the disguised U.S. lhe sprlna session of the Su-annexatiun of Formosa. preme' court Assizes here this granted that an Eisenhower Week reached the city at the victory in U.S.A. will sweeDt week-end from Oakalla and are Whorever you ao . . . . - I would expect him to do everything possible to end the Korean way, and to do everything possible to stop ail wars or threats of wars in Asia. As a realist, I would expect him to follow some such plan as Nehru's or Walter Lipp- Havelock, Prince Rupert; Ernest ifeph Laurie Parent, Prince Ru-Reginald Heal, Telkwa; Stanley ! pert; Dudley Pearson, Prince Ru-Edward Hill, Telkwa; Ivan Ever- pert; James Rhodes, Prince Ru-ett Holmes, Topley; Frederick pert; Blanche Eugenie Cecelia Tate Inglis, Hazclton; George Rimmer, Prince Rupert; Charles Cedric Jackson, Prince Rupert; Roberts, Inverness; Clifford Rnb-Knut Knutson, Prince Rupert; inson, Burns Lake. uuck mw power many Republican conservatives, wIkj may slam shut the tariff gates on Canada. We would get that, or more so, under Taft. We could also get war. ALBERT and AAcCAFrtR' UU rid lodged at the city jail. They are Harold Ryan of Port Simpson and Arthur Bruce Cunningham and Jack Barry, both of Burns Lake. BUILDING SL'PPI.IKS