Prince Rupert Daily fJews Monday, May 5, 1!2 jarriec kij Candleiialit 9 i' anced by the state. About 200.000 ; rental units have been constructed each year. ! Mr. Henderson said that Britain had made tivmendrms progress in slum cleari ig and that j it was continuing at a fast rate. ! The many years of the war ,and the post-war austerity "si i-mulated" rather than stereotyped British methods of archi-i. ctuie and designing. i.-.- : ho: tag? of building ma-Hir.atr. brought out the ingenuity oi the individual architect a id forced him to build "well with less." tlaug llulki'slad And j Fiery, Itching Toes And Feet j Hcri. i ti cli.n, staiiili-. iihtis.-vrie oil tlllll will do ni..r' to iifli tun Kt. rid of v.iur trouble tliuu aiijllnug you've ewr iiiril. I Ik ail ion in so powerfully pem- . trHt ilic Hint tll ileliiiis is 'iiuu-kly reliriH ami in a short lime mil nrs fref! of flint but Ihtsoui... fii'ry itehiliK. The sump is li ne of Km her k Itch, Suit Klieuin. Kmciiin other irritating i unsightly skill Irouhfi-s. ! ii enti ohtniii MofiiH.'s Kinerotcl , Oil i?i the original bottle al any nioilern elnt" store. It is safe tiruse anil failure in any of the ailment noleil above is rare inilee'l. i ORMES DRUGS W.W.W.VV.' .v.v. v.v.v.v ? f ' !J SENO Fi OWERS ' i ' P.Y WiRF Jlisliop an ibanh I Rev. Father Pryjona, O.M.I., sailed last night on the Caino-sun fcr a trip to Vancouver. A. II. Ogilvle, manager of Albert & McCnffery. left by today's plane lor a business trip to Vancouver. I Mr. and Mrs. W. DeSllva arrived in the city at the end of the week from Vancouver. Mr. De-Silva Is to be supervisor of construction of the fifty housing ' units being built here by the I Jer. ral Mortgage and llou.sin )z poiatlon. i i W Kiam Windrum. assistant hp manner of western lines. Canadian Pacific Air Lines, ar Daily News. Staff Party H. G. Perry, retiring publisher of the Daily News, was host Saturday night to the staff at. a delightful farewell party. Occasion was also taken to welcome the new publisher, J. F. Mi f;or. Per.-v na d tribute t) 'he ftaff and the manner in which members had carried on with efficiency and harmony during his regime. He gave assurance that he would still be continuing an active Interest i l the paper as Its vice-president, The new publisher, to whom good wishes for success were extended, also spoke briefly, expressing some of his ambitions iOi th Daily News. During the evening Mayor Harold Whalen spoke briefly as did the company's banker, James E. Taylor and J. T. Harvey, company director and counsel. Managing Editor G. A. Hunter spoke fittingly to Mr. Perry and Prince Rupert girl and mil employee of the National Railways ;:ln:ipals in a pretty khich took piiite iav, vening in bi. j-aui Khurch. e was Ausiaug jo-Mtad. daughter of Use Surplus For Housing VANCOUVER (f J. Roxburgh Smith of Montreal said today that the federal government should make available its huge surpluses for a housing construction program and slum clearance. M.. Smith, president of ths Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, in convention here, said he thought that Ottawa should give certain taxation powers it holds to municipal and provincial governments to enable them to use the revenues for social Improvements. He said the federal government Is taking too much money away from the people. "It prevents them from building new homes." "This money should never reach the government to pile up surpluses it tucks under a carpet." A. Graham Henderson o Glasgow, president of the Royal Institute of British Architects, said that measures as outlined by Mr. Smith had been taken in Britain since the second world war. About 95 per cent cf post-war housing in Britain lias been fin- y:s, Holkestad, 343 venue East. Ln ,a.s Alfred Maurice Ottawa lAJind cilivaf a ma ' ST. JOHN, N.B. (P The Bess-brough trophy for the best presentation In the Dominion Drama Festival was awarded on I MOTHER'S 1 I of J. A. Bi.liop ana jj, Bishop of DarllnJ- rived in the city yesterday from Vancouver. He Is here, to accompany a party of Canadian Pacific Railway officials on a special flight south after visiting Kill- en h ;oin J2ruwnleS I New Pack al Miller Bay Enrolled The new pack at Miller Bav I Hospital is now an established i fact. On Saturday last Commissioner Silversides enrolled fourteen Brownies and gave them .their Brownie pins. All are i patient li the hospital and foM in a ward. Their uniforms will consist of a cape and beret. The Brownie leaders will cut out the capes and the Brownies : will make them up themselves. ; Mrs. W. 8. Kergln and Mrs. P. 'Melnne-, accompanied Miss Sil-jversides. Miss Rathbone had : been teaching them to sing and after the ceremony the new Brownies sang the "Brownie song, i The new Brownies are Estecle Patrick, Eileen Patrick. Jcannctte jAksidan, Beatrice Green, Martha Jack, Pe-iy Davis, Brenda i Harris, Annie Nchass, Lilian i Price. Julia Venn, Marlon Martin, Diana Wilson, Gloria Stewart and Adele Lazarre. The Brownie activities will give 'these small patients much Interesting occupation to while away the period of convelasce:.e, and they are very keen recruits. 'Vomcn at treat l Of CatlJu CLJ, On Sunday, May 5, Fathei Rayner, O.M.I., conducted a re-j treat for the women of Annunciation parish. Twenty-three women took j part ln the two conferences, the , first on the subject of the An-; nunclation and the second on 1 Catholic Action. There was also j an Interesting question box per DAY 0. OUeii officiated at mat. l glit service in the Saturday night to the Saturday iV.iT OCCUiiULU mun n t layers of Ottawa for their pio- 1 rk auction "The Enchanted," by jean uiraudoux. ' .mess presided at til" marrlaiic by her fa-iridc wore a lovely f I lev ling of Jlotij lfame net are.-s wini jncK. i i cake made by the brides mother and decorated by Mrs Husoy. ! In charge of refreshment ! were Mrs. Melvln Holkestad and Mr.s. Hclse Kalkestad. The bride and groom were as-! sl-sted ln receiving by the bride's .nether who wore a green crepe ;c! with lace trimmings and a ! corsage of yellow tea roses. Later in the evening the coupl sailed on the Prim Hupert for a .honeymoon trip to Vancouver and Seattle. The bride' traveling costume was a pale blue gao-,-irdme suit with navy blue top-jcoat and matching accessories I and a corsage of pink and white ' -arnatlons. j Mr .and M.s. Bishop will return ito Prince Rupert to make thei:-home. j The bride 1-s employed bv the I British Columbia Forest Servlc? I and the groom Is In the service of the Canadian National Rail-' ! ways. . i i Birthday at Ercalfail CU ' Birthday corsages were presented to Joan Mlntenko, Lillian Howson and Maresa Windle at the Credit Women's Breakfast 'Club meeting Saturday .morning ln Broadway Cafe. Mrs. Joceiyn Bolton, president, was ln the chuir. Another feature of the proceedings was the inltlUatlon or four new members Mrs. Jack Chrjstensen, Mrs. Franklin, Miss Mary Turner and Mrs. Edna Bondwith the Impressive candle lighting cc.'niony and the recitation of the creed. Mrs. J. Laurie wai namec' delegate to the Credit Women'.-Breakfast Club convention to be welcomed Mr. Magor. Mechanical Superintendent M. D. Monte-sano spoke along similar lines. Also heard from was W. J. Ray- j mond, dean of working Prince Rupert newspapermen; John MacDonald, advertising manager, and Mrs. Jean Nixon, on the ' distaff side. During the evening there was piano music by Dyke 'McMillan for dancing and community sing- i Ing. i : veil and swectneart Her shower bouqaei. C. H. Kloiz, former project engineer of the Columbia Cellulose project here, left on today's plane for Vancouver enroute back to New York after revisiting lie local plant during the past week. l-rican Beauty rose.;. Jj, ,2ilt to tne oricie was ,blc strand of )carl. i was Hcrcii.s IIoli;e-ol ilic bride, pretty fc.on marquisette bul- n dress with coronet .j and matching col- j At the monthly meeting of I the Holy Name Society with Dr. ; jL. P. Charbonneaa in the chair,1 Phil Lyons gave an account jf his recent experiences i,hc ' ; Liberal convention in Vaneou-i iver. John Magor, publisher of :the Daily News was introduced! i to the members' and spoke a fewl , words. Prior to the meeting the menj i were treated to a boxing match t put on by Martin Saunders. Boys ' i taking part in the boxing were i Art Turcotte, Bob Desormeaux, j Jimmy Arsenault, Doug Letour-! ineau, Dick Bury. Billv Smith.' tot. ,d Marilvn Hoikeslad. i-.e bride, were dainty I MUSIC TUITION RATE INCREASE Beginning Scplember I, 1952, the music teachers of Prince Rupeit are increasing their rates. The tuition for Junior pup Is f.rm Grades I to IX inclusive is $80 a year and for Scn or pupils Gradvs X and A.R.C.T.. $100 a year. These rates entitle a pupil to two half-hour lessons a week. Signed : MI s M. Way Mrs. H. O. Jamieson Mrs. C. Anderson Mrs. E. J. Smith Mrs. J. Bowman Sisters of St. Joseph Mrs. C. Gilker Catliolic J-lomv -jlncl italic Sale An Annunciation Church home and bake sale was held cn Saturday at MacLaren's Music Store. One raffle was won by Mrs. McCaffery, No. 23, chocolates; and Mrs. C. O. Campbell, No. 38, cake. : girls. They w ore ht over pink tafleia . coronets of his and matching colon lai Billy Saunders, Bobby Smith nio . and the Cloutier brothers. Im was Rupert Hol- Mel Holke.stad acted I. .n followed at the .he bride's parent.'.. a Catherine to offer - , 5 Remember Mcther with FLOWERS o; v.'iih a FGTTED PLANT. im (."If.- vin ?ir mail or telegraph will l :ich her anywhere. !5,.. - , s. v s. THV WANT US TO ( SURE-O COUPSe. 1 . rV M - IT WAS OUP WIVES -) COME TO THeAJCTKl) TwE.L GO RIGHT ,i I IVirnra thev said they PVSZZ 7 ?srr over there i 'V I Jn .A III EACH BOUGHT A ) A TH-SS-rJHOME Y ' l fikr HELP ? r.ions. to the ; oposed by Iiev. II. O. l oom responding. Tho ?ifl of V.c-A'yr for Mother 5 . . t ... , proposed a toast to ..iid. t ' m m m m mm & 11 iB.ini (t x 4 v 'v.v y mm. -. it i x : s table was set with express your love and devotion. jC i . 1 F I; . ' t . I, , ... I I; " A p -' in' " i i ' - . - r- ':t ' I ...i r i , 1 1 i ! it , . ... B f 'I. 3' , t 11 , - i- i i i ' i if,' . p. 5 ''., . l 1 .; "t . . W ' 'Vt j-- ar.d adorned with rs In a cut glass vsuc li with a three-tiered erS neid ln Tacoma this month. Final plans were made for the June meeting which will take the form of a "bosses' " breakfast with a special program being arranged. Th? Breakfast Clubbers were all invited to the next mcctinc of the Credit Grantors' Association at which time a Du anu Bradstreet film, "Credit Men's Confidence ln Man" will be shown. Meeting dates have been changed from the first to scconc Saturdays of the month. The monthly raffle was won by Helen Douglas. (KSp-nKM-l . u S"r- m j if Viol I, vri "inn at the Job's Mother's Day mect-(i a skit by Heather ;ia Bennett. Janet :rley Haua.i. Joyce S'tiret Oiske, Mar- f -an. Marglt Macar- Ure Ritchie. fcis wer.. suio bv Bar- accompanied by accordion solos by duet. Oeorglna d Mvrna Kn lit sen by Mrs. J. C. GU Jlol cl Irrlva Is Prince Rupert Roy Wat.;on, L. O. Johnston, R. W. in, Donald. B. G. Burns, R. Z. McAdams, J. C. Ilamm, C. Cowa.i, N. H. Landahl, D. A. Sturdy, R. M Al.lscr. Mrs. M. Hopkhis, Pat Gubbias and D. K. Fernslde, Van-souVi.. ; K. Maclsen" and M. Knight. Kcmano; Max McAra, I' duet by Judv L'.ovd pi accompanied bv W,,ES15F L5A7E 1 ri VOU'WE P'GHT-vme I I THEV WORK SO HARD FOC US ) vou'RE J- LITTLE bCXJLS AND v ( PROMISED TO CHERISH I ClTSCNUVajRSlMm.EttJTVTO J"-m1r: RIGHT u TM.i. SHOULD BE TPEASUREDj L V-L THEM RIGHjy yyu WHEN WE OI'-TTCAT TOETH J NUUTUED LIKE T MARRlEO THEM 7 ( vJVnDnIsS AND "S Gl . 1 li J I 1 R 1 I "! I I : and piano and Bub Mitchell and I'll sweater, made by irs, H. Mork caigary; Esther Pederson. Sao- katoon: Mr. and Mrs. SwaffielJ, city; Dr. Croft. New Westmin Mrs. Robert Gordon, i-'colatvs. donated by Kcrgin. was won by lv slnclne nnnm. ster; Mr. and Mrs. W. DeSilva, Holberg; Mrs. E. Spence, Terrace; II. Bsiiop, Montreal; H. A. Per-; son. Prince CM orgc; Mrs. C. Mc- ( Leod, Stewart; Mr. and Mrs. W..j vo and family, New York. Day, with Mrs. iter's " the piano, ended -en by Mrs. Alex! f"'l Guardian, show ' recent tea and snip Ji ni el if ECIPES R Ti'lg was vpi-u I financially aiid so- i p .. ii i -m r- , .- ' I I wtn tKc dVnur edit, I AND eVeHPVTH NGIm VCE T )rn f IT DOESNT LOOK : wii. NNAIT'LL 1 GET ) 1 ft, - , iM W ! I Your Furs Need I 'd HONEY Fill' IT SS.ICKS 18 prunes or dried apricots !i cup honey 1 1 cup peanut butter 18 small round crackers. Grs Rinse prunes or apricots, cover I 'Jb meeting, Metro- with water and boil 10 minutes. -v-x iii i v.v'v - r - N r,. ; a w-.i:- 5u;,y 8 P.m. 1 107c I Drain and cool. Remove pits by rl'S Monda at flitting prune along one side.1 5 1 106c) ; Blend honey and peanut butle.v .rjffi,, , , , ; and spread on crackers. Top wit a . V ncces- oten- a prunc spread open, or an ap- f-ary. u0X 371. rlcot half. Makes 18 snack.s. Serve 1 100c) i with hat cocoa or glass of milU. ' ' " plp Y ' X C3l BiHScuby's I V ' ! TV 1 -1 ' -'rfQ,--'-( WHEN VOU CETTHRUj'rWTTI Scientific . . i - Fur Cold I rnm s,orage VauM i. -iP - BILL SCUBY S k - N - v : , .--'' ' jr- -; 'i " : 1 1 I ! - . . t. , . . ' , " ; : i ' I to n : cli ' ' jl i S : x . t w Suedes, Bcnqolincs, Plastics, Reptiles and Leathers ot 'ion Footwear