future He,e A J',iV(!l'll dram ! ""pact 10V'1' P'oi tl,(me lauw start eniiatettioMt 11 a thr - U ; . Ir, i 'n ai t' - Mi,- T uieatre McGuirc Calhem hi, .L Kilt. Xn.r. . i , . - v " 4 j mm - -in iiiiiimiriiitffr;ft' '" ii im i . T f . . v . ,. .- ,(.2::."" -'--. i ; . - "m . - - -r-T , - ... " . . . -rfiim. HL ' r -' Ill- Vw ! --'""Wire is iv be'cn -ml-inv-aliued; Ufe cf 'Pirwte hood Shc Wa''e tt her ?nd fl" U not noe,J more tha , M liable yoUng !" matters tprnn, t0ll,f When M6; o nen, a medical U'' Bin, jealous 5? lous tnc-k hv .....i.,. .1 . a.. FOI"P Hl'MUM l nnlfs of rnuch spo wns endured hy trie new metliod of usj-tovin; last week with arrival of Dolmaee Towmg Co. Ltd. tut,. Sea Quern, shown with a Imp on the miliion-fool bundle raft. I.O'is we. j brought to Columbia Ccllullosc Co. Ltd., Watjon Island, l l exchange of cedar logs. e learns that he ' the steps taken ,, h'uband and the , hch tlv- finnliv tragic ,s c "wk h . ' a .. -vwr . . !- , 4V . KWM Prince Rupert Doily News Monday. Mav 5. 1952 9i ' ' "--"'veil mate 1 t, drama. Lisa Culm. Ray Colli' Alex Oerr lav0 prh(i p porting pa,ts. B Terrace Horn Auxiliary Mo) tt - r t r't rJi -u-'i 1 B T . It SITCESS IN TOVVIXG fust "bundle raft" of lo ;s one million ft of heinl..rk-M v.ewed bv top E C. logging and mill experts at Columbia Cel ulo.se Company's "l-.g pond" at Watson Island. From left are Capt. William Dolmage, of Dol .lago Towi ig Co. Ltd., Vancouver; Lloyd Evans, assistant woods manager of Columbia Cellulose and inventor of the bundle raft; Comptroller Ted Cuthbertson and Woods Manager Rae John jn j insci TERHACE Various 1 1 tees responded when ti Pital Auxiliary he id ' monihly mec.jig aitiC.i Mrs. Nurton. with liiteel" bers present. Mrs. Laird, t; president, was chahmat absence threueh Klnea President. Mrs. Frank. Mrs. Osborne reported fashion -how, and the pro. wlikh came to over $20f Hie Serrttary will ter or thanes a Mrs. staging the show from ! mxil.ary oh;a nfd the r GLOVES SWEATERS SCARVES MILLINERY UMBRELLAS HOSIERY LINGERIE GOWNS SLIPS PANTIES DRESSES COATS TOWELS TABLECLOTHS BEDSPREADS V.. Wis.. f i - 4 "V CATHOLIC SCHOOL ISSl'K Cunt nuico I rum pagt: li i Roma ) , Catholics of provincial !.ch(H) tuxes plus th," cost of Urndint; their children to Roman , 1 fS- i Farewelled i system of non-sectarian schools Catholic wlvwls, if they so as at present established in B.C." i choose." Pitt Clayton, Prosresstve Con - 'MINIS! Kit's STATEMENT Mrs. D. Little repcrted. You Know It's Right When It's from Wallace's Road Foreman at Hurns Lake Honored The cozy hall of the B.P.O E M B M N B B B servatlve candidate m Aibei ni j Tne only other public state-riding, said: "I do not believe ' nietu on the Issue was made re-that reliTlnn a id nolitirs mix " c""y by Education Minister W. BI ND LE KAFT" First such experiment of towing huge amount ol loas oven great distances- is composed of bundles of logs interlaced with heavy "weaving cable." Raft landed at Columbia Cellulose Co. pulp mill last week. This system will be used by conven:r. anc seated ; mending for the pat v been done by the Pe; ladies group. Tiiere w quantity of rubber shteb Visiting committee (or the Haipital are Mrs. D Mrs. Norton. It was decided to p; "We foel that to separate young No. 246 at Burns Lake, B.C., was filled to capacity by members of the crews of the Department T. St rait h. Mr. Straith quoted a statement by Dr. BConant, Harvard Unl- th. comnunv for a'l future towing. children, particularly in the foi- ol futmc worits ic a lareweu 1 mative veal-s. is to divide rather "duul versity pre-fidc it, that a ; Wallace's Dept. Store This Province do back east.' said C. J. Carrol i J: ' "u"ul ul wvu'6'- i than unify.' system of education could hospital with a vacuum party Miro;,:,.,, the democratic unitv of and floor miliiher and t'n said the of Ottawa, executive secretary of ; Tl; fw.-artmnnt. ,lf i.nnrs as i Mr. Clayton hoo! system, and is being aiked to otbain ' tne institute. Living ana recre-1 represented recognizes the right of parents by the government thc put)Uf. s(.f st'nd tm'ir children to schools - ther, a,ki(.tl: ey Fisher, the For-!10 I must say that I able one. at ion mean so much more to apent Aubre Has Besi Homes approve of every word of Dr. : It is hoped to nave a estry Department by Carmen "V.1-," a,,u . to establish t heir Gibson and others, and the religious groups but docs not rn, rto,,o h raii.,Jownschool8 reca them than to people in other D,.st parts of Canada. They centre I v a v vr li'irr?, (CP) The Cuuant's statm.Tit." meeting place arranged i ' Mr. Si rail h added that he was and thut more ladw . speaking for the Liberal govern- The next meeting Hill be men' cab.net. Norton's. member nizc the justice of the irovern-ment being required to finance ll. Richmond. Other workers at flirt -rt.ii-t lliiirn ImilHirnF w.tl homes in Canada" are in Brit- their attention on their homes ish Columbia. ' 'and their design is outstand- The architects know and 300 jng." the district nurses, sent regret Jsuch Scll0ols' nu er of them are here today attend unable to appear at ! Jlre eiuj eonvtniion Mieiv- He introduced B.C. -type homes lat the party lor ilr. Benson, thc a 1rulu,"u" 'KUUM,IU'"S in,.ir wri fnr..,-,-,..n -, hi c roughly to the imegrai Ion t ought lo Ottawa. "They have attract- M-G-M'. DRAMA OF kmCtlvd Mtt! on -Sunday May 1 1th TO PICK A LOVELY GIFT FOR MOTHER IS AN EASY MATTER AT ed more attention than any: pfumoled to a simllar iJOI ; by Roman Catholics, other in the suburb ol Rock-1 siuon at Voweii xuvcr. It- passed a lother resolut io.i liffe." With his usual auap.abiii y. I pointing out. that textbooks are The architects also learned i Bill Simpson took charce of the , provhled free to private as well 1 17 Van Johnson that wealthy Toronto citizens rf i r.r thini.K i as public school students in lowvr DOROTHY McGUIRE are asking Vancouver archl- j g01llg Wlftl a 8Win(, uaUi lt be ing the 45th annual convention of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, discussing the trend to B.C. -type homes. The modern, plush homes with their backgrounds of mountains and sea views, along with the more conventional types, have attracted attention from all parts of Canada. Vancouver shares in the honor of having some of the most modern homes. 'Vancouver people won't liv.? in a hole in the corner as many lecis io uesign tj.i.-iype nomes i cair.e knoivn that he too was JttJTII ROMAN 1 V" !' lV in new suouros. During the four-day convention, the first to be held in Western Canada in the institute's 45-year history, national housing problems will be discussed exhibitions of arehitec- icavin;; me Department oi Public. Works to take a position ,vith the Aiuijiimim Company near i ahtsa Lake. bni Richmond took over the duties oi master ol cprc-niqnles. There were ninnv hrief snccchpti graues anu mai in some cases free medical and dental care Is provided for other public school pupils. NANAIMO KESOI.l'TION This resolution added: "He it resolved that the government be urged to consider any other apparent matters of disci i iniation with a view to further eliminating any such discrimination." The only reference to the Iksu.; iiri'iViltiirii TOTEJ MONDAY to WEDNESDAY .ural design visited, and tours ; frfcm Uie heuds of d rt made of Vancouver mills. - ments. vh, presentation of a J. KoxurKh Smith, Montreal i i oeauUfu, casUng rort, wlth all Eveninu S!kms 7: - 3 p.m. , FAMOl S Pl.AVKKS made by thc Social Credit, parly convention was thi:; plank in its necessary equipment, was made to Mr. Benson by the master of r oretnidll iuu on K.H!f nt' nil .he. choice of Vancouver as the convention site could be con- tf u.t ., For Cr n- , ,m trs ! fMIIiSi lt,: -'s& in ' 11 1 1 ill !!. M 120 Today for reservations 0 "The Man In the '"" "Curtain at 8 .Lined as the institute's recog-1 gcnt Tn(; sHver buU f th niuon ui the growing opportu-;rod wa(j skillfuUy ,nscrlbt.d by .nd profitable working. j platform: "Supply all elementary and high schools with text books free of charge through tlw Department of Education." At a convention at, Nanaimo. the Catholic Education Association said it will "actively oppose" any political party which "denies minority rights in education." i j There are about 85,0(10 Roman Otoff Woodall as follows: "To tiiOige D. Benson, from the boys ol the Department of Public Works, of Burns Lake, lx. 1 Clou's country, AD 1952)." ihe modest roaa foreman re Warner Bros. mkmi m sponded with a neat speech of Mr. Smith criticized what he termed "socialization of architecture." He saiu that Alberta and Saskatchewan are seeking to arrange that the universities decide who shall become an architect. "Control of architecture in this way by the government is absolutely ridiculous," he said. At present persons seeking to become architects are admitted to the profession by provincial Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form "v'-'""""- " Catholics of voting age in B.C. winch , ,h h. h? said tnat no one could 1 leave Burns Lake and the Cen- I u also Kakl 11 wl" o"PP'e any ! candidate who does not inter-havine tral Interior of B.C. without , fcelinirs of regret. He ! Pret 01lr Present system of double knew that he was leaving a large circle of friends whom hi hau learned to value on account education taxation as dincrim-1 Ination which must be elirnln- atcd." j "Double education taxation' branches of the institute. f'AUTOON - NEWS A f' ! TODAY o-d TUESDAY p n sets examinations as dd was a reference to payment by tompaiaoie uocues lor law and " ., r' , " i that they would welcome the ; ' medicine. FsfPD CARS it i young engineer who would now j be taking charge, render him j ; every assistance and co-opera- tion to Insure the smooth work- j ing of the department for which ; Popular Steamer Prince Rupert Hta w ua mbf- l- Korean War Film Capitol Feature he woulu oe responsible. I V0WER VR'CES-tffctP Wj SAILS FOR Vancouver xml Inlc rtm-iiiate I'orla Each Thursday it 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDMOll'l Comfort and Service For Reservations TaiTc a-ioo at.thcse: 1950 Ausfn JJ Si Nunibcr of Times ". Enclosed Please Find (3c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25; cost. ic. inserlions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c ) Add four words if bo number required "Retreat, Hell!," epic story of Marines in aetjon in Korea, is : Hie feature picture tonight and tomorrow at Uw Capitol Theatre , here. Frank Lovejoy, Richard Carlson, Rusty Tamblyn and Anita Louise head the cast. The narrative Introduces on heroic band of leathernecks who, with their allies, form the bulwark against Red oppression on I Korea's mainland. The fearless winter withdrawal of 1950 from ! North Korea Is graphically de-jpictcd. Lovejoy is a conscien-i Uous battalion commander. Rich- ard Carlson Is a Marine re.ser-: visf, recalled from his family to Austin Panel 1948 rora jcou- -Sedan. Anil vie have more tied t'rs Hl lirire BIG SPECIAL -I . able Write or Call CITY Oil DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, BC. 1937 Tcrraplonc Sedan Any reason ! sm ! V , . ; Buy fri Superior Auto SeW Address ..Phone No P iigni, in worcn K.oiea. Rusty Tamblyn is a "kid" who enlisted out of tradition. Anita Louise plays the part of Richard Carl- Limitea firceM TKIDt ETC. I I jj Third Avenue West iWiJ-bj iii.i a ; son's wife. . ,