3 t r'fincd Kuweit' Luily Met, j Mm ie.y Mo . , A I Hit-and-Run f. Me DAILY NEWS Run-and-Hit By GAYLE TALBOT NEW YORK AF The young I Big Clean-up j Vancouver Grain On Horse Wager Shipping Record bvnr fliTi LONDON (API A man who VANCOUVER (CP) The port of f thtl" 12 IS5 li0' on two horse. Vancouver today U well on ih. tU T' ' WOn 71'53H- ' ! av to U-time record in tho IKmJSSp The figures were re.ea.sed by -shipment , of grain. nd. W so. just wherein the dif-i William Hii!. a London book-! More than 70,000.000 bushel, ference lay. There was only one I maker, who said he believed Uwl,f wneat have been loaclrt hore-man to . of course, and h. Wf.... during the present rp year eompa-.eil with 41,000,0(10 itt thi! Not Victorious But Not Badly Defeated, Local Men Returning approached Manager Casey Sten-fcel of the Yankees with the sublime confidence of youth. : "Of eourse there's a difference ail the difference in the world," Casey said decisively, "and I'll be happy to tell you what it is. iYqu know, I'm not eveo supposed to be out here in front of the dugout while they the St. Louis j iz.ikj to 1 was me largest in time a year ago. jthe history of racins. Hill did; About anotner 3H.nuo.004 bitsli-i H.t dLsrlo.se the name of tlwjeb, are expected to move out be-,ho se player, but he gave th- ore the Plld of thP Prop yoar jOetaii-s: July 31. ! The man had a tl "each-way" I Uiiited Kingdom, Japan and j win and place double a pound India are among the best cus-! to win, a pound to plar-e -link-, t mers. I in Ivernia in a race at New-1 ShipmenU from the prairio i market anil Ckilclen Sparkle in S average about 300 raUwv box I a race at Lucliuw. Ihe bettor! cars a dav The averaue fullv- U By LARRY STANWOOD UrVU7 r u h k nroul i n' li,... ' VANCOUVER. Team of Prince iiurjert ama-ltaik to ue Datrons. eitiier. but loaded deepsea freighter re tfUr i)0ei' Rtt out for home todav nfit viVtnn"on that tbere a efl Some j , 0 I0r P-mutuei odds, out leui f.eis m.i ioi iwmt umd), noi Victorious ive,la paid S79.30 $79.30 for for each quires about 200 box cars oi grain to fill Its holds. but not bildly beaten either in the thi ee-day Domin- either turns out to be a gambler 28-cents bet to win and $9 for ion amateur boxing championships and Olympic UM " a j denepaw m.t& Ships and Waterfront 28-cents bet to win and $7 for! trials which ended here Saturday' night, I "Now, this here hit and run. i You got the hit and run on, the v CUNY CARLSON. Prince Rupert's Golden Oloves heavyweight champion centre spelt sins fr McOiil University's Jim Miller Friday night. With a three-inch cut over right Miller b being treated by his second in h e own corner defti. Andy Marshall, Carlson' r.d, walk together from the ring. A ring wise Quebec slugger each 28-cents bet, Place Quite a few of those empioyed ; in the whaling industry have. batter's got a choice where he iBob Malous. who decisioned mid-! die weight Bill Mouse Morrison tin the finals, will carry sore wants to hitwherever he sees tnen shook his head in the af fir- j of late, arrived in Prince Ru-an opening to push the ball ' rnative. Cassy, who likes to be pert after having been laid off helpful to the press, gave the because of conditions in the through. Hill Gail Wins Derby it ti riPn.wa nn th youngster one of his justly f am-; market. Weak oil market is I count say if the batter's got ' ous wlnks' as though they alone among depressing factors. Ithrw. h!i on him u'. nt t shared a deep baseball secret, and . Evasive Champs libs and eut eye all the way back home. V Only slight gleam shone back lom heavily swollen eyes of Mantoban James Saunders an hour after emerging from three rounds with battering heavyweight Glen Carlson. In both ! Drotect the runner. 'in that cr.se, -lased himself down the dugout! Frv Daily News Want Ads steps. 111 tfii Kim vhr f r, Vit 1 TV. of a LOUISVILLE O. A - roaring &re 0th,r8 ml ht do it ,ufrerent crowd estimated at the record ; T but hlm whe t0 wt total of 110.000 persons saw Hill , ..Nnm m,,v fV,M D bouts decisions were won by' NBA H U Oitt at These Wbe Shy at Siskins Titles easterners in the last round or"" , ul t V . 7 Thev dont know yet they can be leather slapping and inside ! cU4!,i" 2 mulut?Ll. 5seco"cU' ! licked They're goin' to try to do COFFEE TABLES WASHINGTOM (AP) - The fighting, overpowering Rupert 4 " T. v i " 'e' Tnan j a lot of buntln' on us. That's National Boxing Association to- i boxers with streneth and weieht!llw 1 lR 11 uu' CJ-lulu-y- 'what I hear. I'd better .ti off day hit out at world champions which won for Malous and A Tast audience of at home j my young men to watch for it. who shy away from risking their Saunders Dominion champion- I folks- experiencing their first "I'm beginnln' to wonder about titles against first class opposi- Rhips and the trip to Helsinki ; country-wide telecast oi the Ken- this here league. All I hear is tion. Mil I I lit" I 1 II I zr : --' J- iv ,' fTr- V'- '-. ii i Olympic Games next June. tucky Derby, also looked on as ' about how these pitchers think the Calumet ace forged out of j they're havin' a bad dav if thev At the same time the NBA congratulated the two smallest title-holders for "conducting themselves like champions." The NBA praised Vic Towell of Johannesburg, South Africa, the bantamweight king, and Dado Marino of Hawaii, boss of the second place with a terrific burst j give up more than one hit. You ; of speed in the home stretch, j know, it might not be that all ! Blue Man, second choice in wag- ; these pitchers are so great. Maybe ! rring, finished third, Z Lengths ! it's just that this ain't a hittin'j behind Sub Fleet. (league any more. Think that's! Hill Gail's performance earn- possible? i Defence work of Rupert boxers, however, was unequalled by any bout with exception of thi Ken Walter-Ferdinand Paradis show. - NOBODY Hl'RT Neither of the two Elks stable i V rd 08.350 for his owne -s "This fut and run, it s a very for lor taking taking on on Iiywelgnts. all oy were nun any ume. The fabulous Lexington. Ken- verT PlaV you've got comers. Vancouver's Len Walters ofiturkl thorotiahbreri invinert i,v : meri can do it. So's the run and "AH we ask champions to do," Dive Brown s PMBA stable won j Mrs Warren Wrieht Tolal nurse !nit- but ll's different, and a lot ti,. of people never learn the differ for the raca was $124,350 withjence like I've been tellin' you. We invite you to come in and see the new arrivals . . . see how easy it is to have lovely accessories in your home at small cost. Gordon & Anderson Phone 46 track was fast and dry warm sun. ; One of em you're tryin' to keep ; out of that double play, the other 1 said Dave Rochon, NBA pre.- the Dominion featherweight dent, "is to abide by the iimple 'championship and ranked tops dictionary definition of titt word1 on six man Olympic team after champion.'" demonstration of ring crafts - Rochon said his dictionary de-; manShip "and scientific boxin-; fines a champion as "one who! outsmarting fierce and Tigerish stands supreme in any branch t Paradis. it's somethin' else. See what I HISTORIC TOWN mean?" Gananoque in Eastern Ontario ; The young sports writer, who was founded in 1708 by Col. Joel had listened enthralled, looked Stone. 'at Casey a long moment and of athletics and is at all limes t,imi,.,t.i. t o ,.i JacK Butula s won ready to defend against any y KJmberley a disputed decision over 147- qualified challenger." Pund Rle Chaitrand o "Th, two little fellows," Roc- hon said, "are c'ertainly setting an example for the bigger six ucutx wiiu gave kiic uuuuuuu driller his toughest match so far in ring. A crowd of 3000 saw the finals to follow." snifl hpn vvu-pfcht 1 ' i The NBA f thc first trials in Olympic Jersey Joe Walcott, light heavy- i weight Joe Maxim, welterweight !l yl ,' " " "" ' ' Kid Gavilan and lightweight , j Jimmy Carter are overdue for NBA pointed out it had rated I defence of their titles against ' Rocky far ciown at No. 9 among", first rate onnosition. the challencers. i ITM.IMTT by Prince Rupert's Andy Martha!) sends I Ray Robinson, the middle- The other champion, feather-! as Wayr..' Scheer to the topes in the first elimination bout ! weight champ, defended his title weight Sandy Saddler, escaped '! liiun Box'ng Chamolo tshius anH Olymolc trials in Van- ! against Rocky Graziano, but the censure largely because he didn't ; iniirsday. Marshall lost fight In unpopular decision. escape his draft board. He will j be in service the next two years, 1 and during that time his title j i t bjwert out to.Diumonfr Bel'.er Ed French Friday night. wui he neia tor mm. Piwirfiuil vf nada's Olympic Boxing Reps Named In Vancouver Tests '' 't X, . 5' v ? r. Vaniouver! Oftawirv Virinilejfsand 'lV3 Montreal Men To do to Helsinki VANCOUVER (CF) Canada will tag its top Wand boxing hopes on a pair of light sharp- of Ottawa, a Winnipeg heavyweight and a "t tough customers from Montreal. Uons were - made. Satur-l Baseball Scores American (Saturday) j St. Louis 2 Boston 5 i Cleveland 6, Washington 7 Chicago 1, Philadelphia 7 Detroit 6, New York 3 Sunday Cleveland 9, Boston 6 St. Louis 1-7, Washington 2-la Detroit 6-5, Philadelphia 10-8 ' Chicago 0-1, New York 8-3 NATIONAL (Saturday) Philadelphia 0, St. Louis 3 Bropklxnhkajjo 3. (10 Innings " ' . Boston 1. Cincinnati 8 New York 3. Pittsburgh 2 Sunday Brooklyn 6, Pittsburgh 0 New York fi, Chicago 3 (10 innings). Boston 3-5, St. Louis 4-1 Philadelphia 4-7, Cincinnati 5-8 PACIFIC COAST (Saturday) " Portland 7, Oakland 6 (10 inn-in&s). San Francisco 4, San Diego 0 Seattle 4, Los Angeles 7 Hollywood 3, Sacramento 4 Sunday Portland 3-0, Oakland 5-2 Seattle 7-7, Los Angeles 8-8 (first game 12 innings). San Francisco 3-7, San Diego 4-4 (first game 18 innings. Hollywood 4-0, Sacramento 2-6 WESTERN INTERNATIONAL (Saturday) Yakima 4-5, Victoria 6-8 Wenatchee 3, Vancouver 1 Spokane 4, Salem 5 LewLston 1, Trl-City 18 Sunday Lewiston 5-4, Trl-City 3-J Wenatchee 11-3, Yakima 3-2 Spokane 2-4, Salem 0-2 Shuffle in ' at a three-hour closed which followed thJ ' combined Canadian' "8 championships andj "trials. Canada's Olym-X!nS team u tr.ntotii ' loiter r W SIX In n la,)is-committee selected ''"Wing; thorweiiiht Len Wal- Jht Kenny Oay. Big Leagues Giants and Sox at Top Rut Others Change NEW YORK (CP) Major League standings got a quick siuulie Sunday following an action packed day of five double headers and three singletons. "The league leading New York Giants in the National, and Boston lied Sox In the American maintained their top rung, but nine other teams swapped positions in the junior circuit. Cleveland replaced St. Louis fJcht WKerwe1Rht Roy Bob Ma- -"itweiKht Montreal. yses . 'MtlH . . . vy weight ties ,lh:i:se r-. of Montreal. i, "r'8ni jamcs Sauna "inipeg. ll' the committon my,... - . Browns In second place in the consideri over Chicago Cubs while the Wllom it calibre." today's more powerful engines require a highly complex gasoline to deliver their full power. There can be as many as 1500 different chemical compounds in a gallon of ' gasoline. To select the best of these chemicals, and to arrange them properly to fulfill the needs of your car calls for the last word in refinery equipment and scientific skill. It Is Shell's manufacturing policy to make "The most powerful gasoline your car can use." Shell activates gasoline by splitting and rearranging petroleum molecules. The result Shell Premium the most powerful gasoline your car can use. See the Shell Dealer in your neighborhood. wing the ton si v American League, coming from , Dod M were shutting out the behind to whip the first place , put b plrateg 6.0. Boston Red Sox 9-6. Browns fell clnclnBnatl ousted the ' Cuba I ' l'0'nprl I l"ampions npions . are: are: nit. "WWH p -It from second to fourth as Wash Jack Butula from third- with a pair of tri lh, B.C. lngt'on handed them a double Pearson i trimming 2-1 and 15-7. ins Activated fcuvWfiRht Bob Shires ast Part nr .1,,. . .... thi, Ulis ?ke the triptoHel- umphs over Philadelphia 5-4 and 8-7. The Cubs dropped to fourth. The Boston Braves split with St. Louis Cardinals to move up a notch into sixth place and drop the Phillies into seventh. After St: Louis had won the opener 4-3, the Braves bounced back to take the nightcap 5-1. In the American eLague the Philadelphia Athletics buried the Detroit Tigers deeper in the cellar with 10-6 and 6-5 victories. finances thc Senators thus movea ,up uum fifth to third. The New York Yankees swept a double bill from Chicago 8-0 and 3-1 to climb Into fifth place with a '.500 mark. At the same time the White Sox dropped from fourth to .sixth. NATIONAL I.EAGI E The Giants retained their half game margin over Brooklyn, winning a ten-inning 8-3 decision Canad i lan .- scats Olympic BJL'IPEIlMOI!!IIJaflSILOKI. SP11i more than '.six This advertisement is not published or dispUyed by the Liquor Control Bord or by thc Govtrrusem of Biitiih Coluoi ie " the t"l six are