i 1 f 1 riii'ice iU-'t'i'. Duiiy f" Tuesday, June 3, 19ai! ADS ! I w BLACKWOOD on PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs. 10:30-12:S0. 2:00-5 00 Eves.: by appointment only 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 1 4 End FOR SALE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Counting Points Is Only One Guide For IMay (All Times Daylight Saving) VANCOUVER and VICTORIA SUNDAY ss. Camosun 8 p.m. FRIDAY SS Coquitlain 9 p.m. ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Friday, Camosun, 12 Midnight FOR NORTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS June 4 and 18 SS Coquitlam, midnight FOR SOUTH Ql'EEN -CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SS Coquitlum June 11 and 25 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Aver.ue Phone 568 Surely you've heard these plaintive words from your partner: "How could I go on? I had a bare minimum opening" or "I couldn't try for a slam. I only had twelve points." j r Points, he says. As If points '.fJuiuenihie FOR SALE Three-piece sectional chesterfield suite, bedroom suite, Quaker pot burner oil range, oil heater and other household articles. Call Civic Centre Dining Room, phons 868 between 2:08 and 5:00 p.m. or alter 7:00 p.m. (1301 BOATS 'OR SALE FOR SALE Trolling boat "Al-den," care of Fishermen's Coop. (135p) FOR SALE 38 ft. trolling boat. Phone Red BOL (143p) FOR SALE 12 ft. row boat and Johnson Outboard. Apply Di R. G. Large. (134) CARS OR ALK KJR SALE 1930 Chevrolet coach. Engine sound, interior shabby. Offers to Bell, Room 29, Commercial Hotel, Prince Rupert. (133p) FOR SALE 1950 Austin A-40 sedan. Very good condition. 3 new tires. Price $900.00 Can be finanfed at i price. 1332 8th Ave. East. Call between 6:30 and 9:00. (131) Ti.'.n oT intn run oill iau aumuii, new j overhaul, eood condition $400.00 down. Full price $625 00 1 Phone Black ' ' FOR SALE Scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block C08 3rd Ave. W Prince Rupert, B C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 GEORGE R0RIE & CO. ACCOUNTANTS tt AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK SAUNDERS BROS. We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 PRECISION SAW FILING 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving P.eauty Culture hi all Its brunches 204 -4th Street Phone 55 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Wutn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE ( HANOI IRS KTMUO 218 -4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert Radio, air conditioner and sun hJjs visor. Privately owned since jiio new. Can be seen at 112 Taxiili:3i stand. U31pi!:33 - .. 11 :45 FOR SALE 1951 Hornet Hud- pm. Make Your Printing Matter Part of Your Business Did It ever occur to you that you need distinctive printed mutter lor your particular business? Type faces give you this outstanding distinct iveness and these can be supphnl ny our modern printing department. Dibb Printing Co. DINING . , PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe CREDIT REGULATIONS EASED Vs Down 24 Months to Pay ON THE ALL NEW in '52 FORD and MONARCH See our roniplelr sloejj Mf good I'sed car:; ' at reduced prices. BOB PARKER LIMITED "Home of friendly service" FORDMONARCH DEALERS Phone 93 i PHONE 9' BLUE 593 P'- BOX un o ELECTROLuy "u,rs aim Strvk list NOW iv,.- ""u'KS, Blue 970. If pnone or write t HANDYMA: HOME SERVIC ORNEHAL CONTRaH Stl DuiuiiiiR and Repair, kinds ROOFS -cmu, OIL BURNERS PHONES' P.O. Box 1670 MATTSON'i UPHOLSTERINl Phone Blue 126 PO i 234-Srd Ave t IV Prince Rujiert, E V T: H. G HELGER! LIMITED REAL ESTATE tlNSi Phone M, Evenings B: LING THE TAIi Tailnrinc AllmiJ and ("Uithes Mailf-te Mn 220 Sixth 81. Ph. r?3 Gtnerol Construcfion Floor Sanding Gencrol Repoi Cabincr Work Greer & Bridi LIMITED Phone 909 1 l.t Ave. W. f-0 t" JOHN H. BULGE ( JnlnlSlflnd "I John Bulger Ltd Third Avenue For the MEAL that REFRESH RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) TUESDAY 5:1S John Fisher 6: JO Inwrnatloiial Comty. 6:30 Music Box 5:45 Lyrical Lady 5:55 CBC News :00 The Hih Adventures 8:30 Mu.sxul VurU'tiea B:45 Junior chamber of Commerce 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7 :30 Leicester Square to Broadway 8:00 The Nation's Business 8:15 Club Date 8:30 Record Album 9:00 Sweet and l ively 9:30 Musical Program 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Bricks and Brickbats 10:30 Chicko Valle 11:00 Weather Keoort and BtRn-on wEDNfcSUAK A.M. 7 :00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Quod 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Morning bevolUmi 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Music lor Moderna 9 :30 SunrLse Sereniule 9:59 Tlm filuniU Morula vh1I Barry Wood Show 10:30 This Week's Artist -Musical 10 45 Kitchen Kindergarten ot the Air Kounduu Tint Weather Report Message Period Recorded Interlude Scandinavian Melodiet , 00 Mid-day Melodiei li:15 CBC News 1 26 1-oKram Resume Vi;X) B C. Kami Broadcast 1 5o Recorded Interlude 1 :W) Afternoon Concert ' 3 00 B C. School Broad.-ast 2:3ti Records at Random 2:45 My Own Mother: Conily. 3:00 Tea Time With the Sisra 3:15 Famous Voices 3 :30 Hobbies 3:45 Novel Time 4:00 Jimmy Shields 4 :15 Ptiwo Pops 4:3)1 Mani-U' Mllilgiu 4:45 Slock QiK.taikiiia and Int 4:5a CBC Newa 6:00 KawhidH Wolves Gobble Poisoned Bail PRINCE ALBERT J) The death knell is being tolled on northern Saskatchewan's predatory wolf pacis. After years of unsuccessful combat against the wolves, the Saskatchewan game department last winter Introduced poisoned bait. The result 154 dead! wolves. The surprising thing was the wolves liked the poisoned! bait. They gobbled it up. Harold Read, game supervisor j at Prince Albert, announced 1 some of the findings after the 1 winter-long campaign against ! the animals. j He found that of the 41 bait; stations set up the most effec- 1 tive were in the path of migrat- j ing caribou. Those outside the! area accounted for only a few ' wolves. ! In the caribou area 17 wolves were killed at one station and the average "take" was nine. It was thougt that wolves would shy away irom the cy-anide-and-tstrychnine -poisoned bait, but this was unfounded. "The wolves rubbed up against the trees, -often chewed off and played with th warning sign and literally gulped down the baits," Mr. Read said. The annual toll of caribou, deer, elk and moose killed by wolves has been placed as high as 50,000. Provincial game officials are considering poison campaigns every winter. Artificial Lens Restore Woman's Sight VANCOUVER An artificial lens, made of plastic and smaller than an aspirin tablet, has restored the sight of a woman here. Blinded by cataracts in both eyes for 10 years, Mrs. M. Boert, 57, of Enderby, B.C., underwent the first-known operation of Its kind in North America, it was reported Saturday by surgeons at Vancouver General Hospital. The artificial lens was placed inside her left eye alter It was molded to the same shape as her natural lens. "I can see my daughter's features for the first time In 10 years," said Mrs. Boert now staying at the home of the daughter in. Vancouver. "Now I can hardly wait to see my other four children." Surgeons here followed the technique evolved by Dr. Harold Ridley of London, He has performed 25 such operations in England. Prior to the operations, Mrs Bogert was able to distinguish between light and dark, but that was all. Classified Kates Closure time 4:30 p.m. duy previous to publication. Classified, 3 cents per word per insertion; minimum charge 50 cents. Birth Notices, 50 cents; Cards of Thanks, Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcesiuents, $2.00. , Special Display double price. ANNOl'Nt EMENTS Make your reservations now far the Shrine Ceremonial ball. Fliday. June fl. Tickets at Van Meer faiu.lio, George Dawes (Red 127J ov 'X. G. Shearduau. Presoyleriun Tea, Mrs. Lam-bie's, 403 4th Ave. Kast, June 19. . Presbyterian Bazaar, ber 26. CARI OK THANKS Our sincere thanks to all of the electrical staff of the Columbia Cellulose Co. for the lovely farewell party and gift w received which was greatly appreciated and will be well remembered, and also all the friendly people of Prince Rupert. We say again, thank vou. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wilson. , iltpl ENGAGEMENT NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Beketov announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Barbara Anna, i Anna J, to Rv. Leonard A. Thorpe, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Thorpe of Duncan, V I , B. C. The wedding will take place in the Regular Baptist Church on June 21, at 3 30 P'n- dtp) PERSONAL . WE PAY cash lor uirr.i. out.! motors, any size or ':mke. Wil-ford Elctjical Worl, Cow! Bay. Phone Blue ZUl. (tfi j ' SHRINERS' CONVENTION- Shriners' wives and candi-1 dates' wives contact Mrs Roy 1 Evans or Mrs. Hairy Robins immediately. 11311 IXir'l Worry About Alcan or Columbia Cellulose . . . WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF j Vote ART MURRAY For SOCIAL CREDIT I AM not responsible for any debts except made by mvself. George A. Cook. 1 134p LOST AND FOl'NIt LOST Parker 51 pen and pencil set. Reward. Finder please phone Black 892. U31p) H I : I . V WAN T F 1 ) f i. M A 1 e HELP WANTED Our accounting department has openings iui iwo capaiue young women trained in stenography and general office routine, i't-i-manent positions for those qualifying for same. Pleasant working conditions. Reply by letter or in person to Rupert ' vMotois.J.td P.O..' Box 1730. J2 C-C 1131)- f:-P WANTED-'-Fully (ualified stenographer. Permanent job. Group medical plan, group insurance. Annual holidays with pay. Apply in person ty Albei t & McCaffevy Ltd., Cow Bay Prince Rupert, B.C. ( 132 ) STENOGRAPHER, with o7wit.h-out experience. Apply to Northern B.C. Power Co Ltd Room 15, Besner Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. ( 130 ) WAITRESSSwanted Falrview Cafe. Experience not neces-sary. Phone Red 780. H30p) WORK WANTED MAN with fourth class certificate of stationary boilers requires work. Blue 900. U32p) EXPERIENCED' payroll "c le r k desires position. Box 399, Daily News. (135, FOR SALE FOR SALE House trailer. A beautiful home on wheels. Three rooms fully furnished. Oil heater, refrigerator ice box, gas or electric cooking, built-in closet, drawers and wardrobe space equivalent to a 4 or 5 room house. Call 233 6th Ave. West. (215p) NATIONAL Machinery Co. Limited. Distributors for: Mining, Sawmill, Logging and Contractors' Equipment. Enquiries invited. Granville Island, Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf) FOR SALE Deluxe three room house trailer, furnished. 238 6th Ave. West. , (135p) FOR SALE Motorcycle. 1948 500 c.c. B.S.A. Vertical Twin with accessories. Black 9H6. dtp) FOR SALE-Shotgun case, shell vest, hunting coats, breeches, boots, pack saddle, fish tackle, hunting knife, etc. Phone Blue 784. (135p) FOR SALE Baby buccy. Blue 297. (134p) BEST OF FOOD Niirlli (Mr. Muster) S 5 H K J 9 8 D A 8 0 5 4 CA K 7 W est hast (Mr. Keen) (Mr. Abel) S-K Q J 1 S 10 3 H-5 4 2 H 10 3 l - J 3 I ) - U 10 a 7 3 c y j c ui 8 5 4 SuMlll (Mr. Dale) S A H 7 (i 4 H A Q 7 ti U- K C -6 3 2 The bidding: South West Nurih Pass 1 H Puss i D Puss 2 H Pa-ss 3 V Pass 3 N T Pass 4 H Pass 4 NT Pas 5 11 Puss 0 H All Pass of ruffing high In each hand from this point on, to prevent an opponent from over-ruffing with the ten and firing a trump. Mr. Abel finally won a trick with the 10 of hearts but that was the oniy trick his side goi. Dump Trucks Stand Idle Men who are planning to take llumP ,tlrucks 10 central British Columbia, in order to get in on the ground floor of industrial expansion there are being warned not to do so. Li Prince George alone, twenty-seven dump trucks stood idle all winter. Iftll ftiwnstr it not ftvUitftad ftf 4nplrd ky hm Uq C.Miol ImiJ t ft. l mJk Ql.t.ift Brush and Spray Painting Paperhanging ' 'SINCLAIR & KELLS Painting and Decorating Contractors Phone Blue 693; 345 9th Ave. W PLUMBING ill id HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know Phone 174 For Repairs and Alterations Smith & Elkins Ltd P.O. Box 274 GKOKGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Red 127 BLONDIE .WHtK'fc lb MY I SENT IT TO THE i ViANI IU J CLEANER'S, . i ,. 3 8 I ' 1 . , 3i ,' 3 If ' I I f tS'-.i.. M..J " At '': ? f.; 'ft'. , f it's. r ? b ? ; ' Vf 1 !.. were everything, ana you could ieave your brain at home! If point counting alone were the whole story, everybody would be a master player. Counting honor tricks or points are good guides for opening a hand or for determining how high to go at no trump. But after that, listen to your partner. Visualize his distribution. Decide whether the two hands fit that is, whether your partner's strength Is so placed that it will be of maximum value to you. Some call it plastic valuation and some call It common sense. Take your choice. Mr. Muzzy would have passed today's hand out at four hearts. He would have pointed out that his hand was a rock-bottom minimum opening. And Mr. Dale would have to agree with that statement. But he took an entirely different view of the situation. He didn't feel too optimistic until he heard his partner's four heart bid. Then the picture was complete. Mr. Masters had bid two suits and raised the un-rebid hearts to game. How could he have more than one spade? And his three club bid hao taken the curse off those three quick club losers in Mr. Dale's hand. The king of diamonds, of doubtful value at the start, took on tremendous imiMutance after Mr. Master's two diamond bid. Considering all these favorable factors, Mr. Dale properly decided to forget he had opened a minimum. He won the opening spade lead with the ace, cashed the king of diamonds, cashed the other high club and ruffed a club in his hand. He ruffed a spade with the eight of hearts and proceeded to cross-ruf spades and diamonds, taking the precaution few m GRAVEL SALE KITSELA14 INDIAN RESERVE CEALED TENDEHU will be received 0 until 3 p m. Thursday, the 10th day o( July. 1952. for a permit to take gravel from land In Kttselas Indian Reserve No. 1. Form of tender containing terms may be obtained from Mr. P. E. Anfleld. Indian Superintendent, Prince Rupert. B.C.. Mr. W. S. Ar-neU, Indiun Commissioner for B C, Vancouver, p.c, or from the un-dersiKnd. Tenders must be marked on the envelope "Ti nder for Kltselas Clravel'1 and sent to reach the undersigned not later than 3 p.m Thursday, the loth of July, 1052. U. M. MacKay, Director, Indian Affairs Branch. Department of C'lUinstiln ; , ' ' aud Immigration. : . Ottawa. IT May, 1B62. (ltc) LAND REGISTRY ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 284B5-I to Lot Seventeen (17), Block Twelve (12), Village of Btewnrt. Map 905. WllfcliEAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title la-sued In the nam? of Michael Cornelius BermliiKhain has Deen Hied In this office, notice Is hereby (riven that 1 snail, at tne expiration of one 1 mnth from the date of the first I publication hereof. Issue a Provi- ! slonal Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certlllcnte, unless In the meantime valid objection ha made I to me In writing. ' DATED at tne Land Reelstri nmce Prince Rupert, B.C., this 14th day of May, 1H52, A D. Andrew Thompson, Deputy Registrar of Titles (14l'p) USED I I III La: "lft- -mil Distilled, Blended and Bottled in Scotland' or botllo FOR TAKE OL'T ORDERS PHONE 2(tfl BROADWAY CAFE son, two toned, perfect running, condition, new rubber. Private owner. Price $3900.00. Terms. Phone Green 981 cr write P.O. Box 1171. (133p) FOR SALE Studebaker tj-ton pii kun. blue, good shape. Call at 1425 11th East after 5. U32d FOR SALE 1951 Plymouth, sun visor, heater, radio, seat covers. Phone Blue 872. (135p) 1949CAR for sale or will trade for pick-up. Apply 1439 8th East. (135p) 1951 AUSTIN 5 ton truck will exchange for big or small, house. Truck can be seen at Superior Auto Service. (135p)j FOR RENT -j- Large sleeping room for gentleman. Phone Red 248. (131p) HOUSES WANTED TO Bl'Y FOR QUICK GALE ! list" your house with us, we have several rash buyers. Armstrons Aeencles Ltd. Plume 342, Black 1U7 evenings. (1301 FOK RENT FOR RENT House, New Westminster, for house or rooms, Prince Rupert, July, August or shorter period. Box 398 Daily News. (130p) FOR RENT Three roorrTlog cabin at Lakelse Lake. Phone Red 807. (143p) WANTED TO KENT WANTED TO RENT 3 room suite furnished or unfurnished by CNR fireman, married one child. Blue 291. (131p WANTED TO RENT Four or five room furnished suite or house by young couple with schoolage girl. Blue 849. (135p) REAL ESTATE WOULD TRADE 6 room house and 3 room suite for 3- bedroom house. Phone Blue Cu7. FOR SALE 4 room house and three lots. 1425 11th East. Call after 5. (133p) FOR SALE Large wartime four, furnished. 1547 Second Overlook. Daytime if possible. U35p) FOR SALE Waterfront Lot" No. 2fl at Dodge Cove. Boatshed 41 x 30. Lot partly cleared. Small house partly furnished. Lumbershed, some lumber. Good place for cradles for scows and larger craft. Price reasonable for quick sale. Box 751 or see owner, Albert Lar-sen, Dodge Cove. (131p) WANTED WANTED Pair of loggers or field boots, size 11, good condition. Box 401, Daily News or P.O. Box 1474. (tf-nc) WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Honest grading. Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St., Vancouver, B.C. Phone PAciflc 6357.. (tf) CASH for scrap cast, brass, copper, batteries and radiators. Phone 543. Call 629 6th Avenue West, City. (tf) ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Incomt Tax specialist. 8. G. Furk, Stone Bulldine. Red 593. (20m SHEET METAL PLUMBING, Heating and Sheet Metal Work. Roofing. Phone 543. 630 6th West. Letourneau. (130c) Train Schedule STANDARD TIME For the East-Daily except Sunday 8 p.m From the East-Daily except Monday 9:50 p.m Shippinr and General Moving, racking:. Crating Cartaje and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also anvnts for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMIJED Cor.-2nd and Park 'Avenues Est. 1910. Phones 60 and 68 WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTINO ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUFPLIES Phone Green 136 Box 478 Chinese J2)jfJ Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 c bAVS I I S Vtzk" M PORTANT AND YOU MUST ) III COME DOWN TT V Sfil f Buy 7MD 'TC: -lE!5 On Him They Look Good CANT COMpI QATUCOOM 1 CjX t DOWN -I HAVF LI DAGWOOD, VOUR BOSS ), 1 WANTS YOU (. ON THE ' PHONE niPTAlNS.'t n NU BAIHk'OfcJc.' VA I I I I I f ' II Ml n i 1" J 1 W IV Thl. aovertisement i not published or displayed by the Liquor Control ESS, CoCh,r ,JVm" Classified Ads Pay