f i ' J f i 1 tuct. i, upei 1 ' Thursday. Juiy 1 saayNJr''''1 r.gwg ;' ' II Today's Stocks xvr The Dry Goods and Novelty Shop will be clo&t'd July 17 to July 31. (1061 nFAr.1 INF FOR CLAiriFD ADVERTISING P A DAY PlJCVIfWS AUTOMOBILES Conrad Circle United W.A. bake sale, Gordon & Anderson's, Saturday, July 13, 1 to 4 prn KEITH H. TUCKER 1 OPTOMETRIST J OPTCAETRIST j 527 3l, Av hone 2 Fred E, Dowdie ! 1 Room 10. Stone Building PHONE 1 Phone Blue 593 383 I MESSENGER PICK-CP AND DELIVERS' jjj XL(7tO'-ti IF YOU WANT A Qiayk cirnrr. DRIVEWAY, J" rSL ROCK OR CONCRETE WOR3C, yZ4r-r ' Rent of Trucks and Equipment Ph. Blue 939, M. J. SAUNDERS BES1 OF FOOD -4- FINEST OF COOKING 'jf. L Hughes, D.C. FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS CIIIKOPRACTOtl . Phone 200 . Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5:00 Broadway n Cafe j 2iPhx?r BOYS! Do you want to iarn extra pocket money curing Rummer holidays? If you do, cull and leave your name THE DAILY NEWS OFFICK summer paper routes, itfnc) I8HIXP WANTEDMAKE V 14. Q , J J WANTED immediately Two salesmen. Must have car. Selling ex perk-nee helpful biit nut essential. Excellent commls-slon. Reply to Box 728. Dully lietlpt for evening work looking after stock, etc., in grocery Apply fikeena Grocery. (184) 32 Help Wtd. Male Female JohiKtm, la. I,td.) VANCOUVER American Standard 18 Bi alorne 3 90 B R X 02 Cariboo Quartz 1.00 Congress .09 Cronin Babine 10 Giant Mascot 46 Indian Mines .05 Pend Oreille, 4.55 Premier Border .07 Privateer 03 V2 Reeves McDonald 1.95 Sheep Creek 60 Bilbak Premier 12 Vananda .022 Spud Valley 04 Silver Standard 95 Western Uranium 2.40 8il-Van 46 i uorreeii 72 Estella ,. .5(1 Oils- Anglo Canadian 6.00 A P Consoldated 28 Calmont '. 1.25 Central Leduc 3 05 Home Oil 8.10 Mercury 15 Okalta 2.50 Royal Canadian 13M Royalite 14.75 j TORONTO ! Athona .12 Aumaque 14 Bevcourt 39 Buffalo Canadian 18 , Consolidated Smelters.. 27.50 Conwest : 4.25 Donalda 74 Eldona : 32 East Sullivan 5.10 Giant Yellowknife 9.00 , God's Lake 91 Harrlcana 17'2 Heva Gold 0Gi'2 Duvex 36 Joliet Quebec 28 Little Long Lac 55 Lynx 11 Madsen Red Lake 1.90 McKenzie Red Lake .. .34 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 197 Moneta 44 Negus 10 Noranda 68.00 Louvicourt .15'4 Pickle Crow 1.27 Petrol Oil & Gas 42 New Senator 19'2 Sherritt Gordon 4.35 Steep Rock 6.35 Silver Miller 67 1 Sweet Grass 42 Golden Manitou 2.25 ; Landover Oils 45 i Rix Athabasca 190 Nesbitt Labine 2.05 The High Seas in international law donate the whole extent of the sea which is not under the sovereignty of any state. YOUNG people from 12 to 17 years to enjov 10 days at Luk- There's divine, swimming. lis 1 1 1 I'll 1-1 a ft, . I I 1 5 I t I I '1, ,i!J mm 1 1 1 ' "ti'li' rs 4 4 i v OA rir u .jiw.Mii.'in I ill I 1 hi 1 1 4 SLICK STRIPES, In red, white and black, suit a lady's fancy at Dlaytime in this striking ensemble by F. B. Horgan of California. The, bright pedal-pushers, with matching tailored vest, are warn with a black cotton jersey blouse. DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cale Try Daily News Want Ads boating, and sports to highlight nun ping experiences. The is provided, the lenders ready. The cost Is only $12.50 including transportation. Phone Thorpe at Blue 323. (184) s HELP WANTED - FEMALE MIDDLE-AGED woman, no children, to keep house for bachelor three miles from town, Dieby Island. Phone 557 Digby write Box 733, Daily News, (!:"))) 1 t EXPERIENCED stenogranhcr for local construction office m e bookkeeping required, Phone 563 during daytime for appointment. (168c) 'o'65 1 13, BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED '." REAL ESTATE Si INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenings Black 8M Scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave..W. Prince Rupert, B.C. . t Phone 347 P.O. Bo S7 PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Sews. ; Sharpened ' 115 1st Ave. W. Phone W9 (Chinese CHOPSUEY...- ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. (Dally except Sunday) Hollywood Cale For Outside Orders Phone 1S3 Ads! o V2-TON Dodge pickup with aluminum back, 2 mounted spares. 2 bunks and mattresses. Ail in excellent condition. $H00 cash. Phono Bine 734. ,U6j 1938 FORD Fordor. Phone Green 154. U67pi 48 TAXIS nd 1RANSFKRS CITY TRANSFER Long Distance CRATINO and PACKINO Furniture Movers FURNITURE STORAGE Household Elfeets Moved to or from any otnt In B.C. Phone 950 First Ave. and McBride , 'ct LEGAL NOTICES ESTATE OF ALICE FIIANCE3 OIB HON, FE 'EAHBD. - I OK bale Written fnclers will be received hy uninrsinjifU until aukui a. lass purchase fur cash or cme-nau canh and terms 0 property at 674 Avenue East. OflnK Lots 17, 18 19. Block 7, Section 8. City of Prince Rupert, consisting of a substantial Owelllnt! in good- condition divided Into three large sen contained apartments with cement base ment and foundations and attractive grounds. Apartment prenently occupied on monthly tenancies. JAM&M a. Mrtnvr.1. ' B.i 6S8. , Prince Rupert. B.C., Administrator. (.12,3,9.10. 10 17,23.24) RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 KJoe.ycle tSnfctert to Chun ft) AMAVA' .SeAAAAJV WW THURSDAY PM. 6 00 At Home With the Innlrks 6:2f-r-Int. f:onuuentary 6:30 UN Today 5:45 OBC News, Weather Report 5 55 Have You Heard? 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:30 Wavne and Hnuater 7:00 t'BC News 7:15 C'BC News Roundup 7:90 Eventide S) "Tim Wayn of Mankind" 8:30 Hoiner'a tKlysaey .. 9:00 Tliursfiay Playhouse SO CBC Vancouver Conecrt Orch. 10:00 C'BC News ' 10:10 cm: News 10:15 Midweek Review 10:30 Parade of Choirs 11:00 Weat her Ki port 11:02 Fish Arrivals 11:04 Music Till Midnight 12:00 hlun-olT PKIIJAY AM.' 7 :0o P C Plshermcn'a Broadcast 7-tS M'taleal Clock 7 ;t0 CUO News; Weather Report 7:35 Mimical Clock B OO CBC News 8:10 Here's BUI flood 8:1 5 --Morning Kong 8:30 Mornln Bevolloni 8:-l5 Little Concert n.oo P.BC News and Commentary 8:15- Musical Varieties 9 :5U - Time Signal 10:00 MornlliK Visit 10:15 "HI!" i 10:45 Musical Program 11:00 A Man and His Music V ! 11 :30 Weather Hepoit, a1 11:31-Pish Arrivals ... ,13M,,ssllKe period .- " hi -. . iiiteriude' - MelcSkr--' 1 a : I ft - t-BC News 12:25 "Program Resume ? 15 SO BC, Farm Broad ast 12:55 Keeonlwl Iiiterlutle 1 :00 AttirniKin Concert 2 .30 TrnnaCunudu Mul.lnre 3:15 KecorUa fi.r You :V B.C. Request Itountlllp 4:16 A Trip to tlie Mihiii cokoe dawes AUCTIONEER Phono Blaefc 846 and Red K7 t . VANCOUVER 7ia Waypuints SUNDAY F.S Cnmosun, 8 p.m. . FRIDAY . SS Coquitlam, 8 p.m. ALICE ARM and STEWART Frtday, Camosun, Midnight FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS July 15th and 29th SS Coquitlam, Midnight FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISI ANDS SS Coquitlam, Mitlnight July 8th and 22nd FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 Classified Rates r Hm 4 no pm, day previous HOYS! .iihliriilinn ml, 3 rt'nti pvr word pr In- ,;n: mli.'Hnum charge fit wnl. i Null if. W f;iHj; ittnlA of Just tlltJ. UfUtll fcol.H:i, t itiii-rui at n-H, Mnrrlufl and frnp:HKmH)t for (.iiCKt-rHt-nU, $2 00. 1 iil piay double pric. No Refunds wi'l nut no:ept responitlUHUy ivufted uUfl in-sei-l! tiMorrrtHJy ii don ol Hitch 1'rrorn in rwftvrd ( i -4 huum of first lnwruojt. I News. VANT AD MAN store. REPLIES 19 ) arc holding replies the following News' el.se. ) boxes: i your ramp 19, 590, 639, 653, I are 673. 674, 698, Rev. F05, 707, 710, 711, 20 4, 720, 722. Replies must be I ailed for in person . or H NF.RAI. NOTICES j ( 'K SON In the cltv Tues- j July 14, 1953, Charles! v, aged 46 years, beloved.) S n .ml of Mrs. Margaret M I 1,11 3:;3 3rd Ave. West. Rev , Antmbus will conduct is at Greenville Court el at 2 p.m. Friday. .July nlerment to follow In Falr- Cemetery. B.C. Undertak-111 charge of arrangements (It) PI ItSONAL 25 TUCK. Friday, .lulv 17. U'glon ilidiloiluni Music by the (I v Mountain Boys. Admls- i i no. ( 163c) f. TACT Alcoholics Anony-f'.iis. Box 1511. Prince Rupert, lil.Ooe Blue 059. (189c) 727, 27 III SIM SS PERSONALS fclif'.CAPINO AND OARDEN-. i Rock walls, rockeries, f flnYer bows, lawns and r.anlin keeping. Free 28 Us, l'lmne Red llfl. -(I75pl i: your rlns.slfied ad in this ni r at the economical six rate. 15 words for 3 con-i' 2 9 ' davr, cost $1 35; 15 for ;;lx eonseputlvst day $1 W) And remember, you nhone your adu just eall Daily News. (tf-net 30. lONAL Machinery Co. Llm-I. Distributors -for Mining, nill. Ijigaing nnd Coitrno-Kaulpment. Inoulrics rn-I Oi.inville Isluntl, Vuncou-1. 32 B.C. tf) MTS for Canadian Liquid Co. Ltd . for oxygen, acety-and all welding suoplles. av's Cartage . ft. ,Slorai?e Plione 60. i.t'T r.nr.r s'-vmw wpwrW l hers via Capling's Tmck fverv TnednY nnfT'lttafly;' iitact Whulen's Curtace. ic 316. (I6lip) UXE Press "Gcstetner" mllcatlnc. circuls.r letters, Milv bulletins, business s. Phone 383. 733 2nd Ave. i. (178) I1 If IN coolers, deep freezers. "'li-in coolers, domestics i"eratlon of all tviies. Ser- ! nia.k 032. 510 8th Ave. W. (180) ELECTRICIAN D.Ouyatt. use whine and elect etel ii-i 149 Oth Ave. West. ie Red 185. (190) MR)NO. nulnmatie oil heat-". .sheet met.'il work. Phono Call 030 Clh West. Letour- ii. tc) JliLD'R FTNKST CLEANER 1'CTPOLTJX Phone Blue for Parts Sales Service. (c) PrJC ACCOUNTANT. Income fx specialist. 8. O. Furk, Jie Building. Red 593. (20m) 5; I AZfNEH ruivelrtes Krirlle'a yws stand. (c til. Rnw for rent. 836 Fraser t Phone Red 816. (167p) RI,Y everybody uses 99. LOST T Saturday, grey leather mdbag between Savoy Hotel 9th Ave. E. Please leave nt ay News. (164p) - - i KIR I.OOII ltr-SI'T4 "TSE THE DAILY NEWS I WANT AD COLUMNS l- a. i . i Invtnliv Ivan ndtd dough To put hit plant in motion A two day ad in classified Was a most successful notion. FOR SALE MISC. BEATTY washing machine. Phone Blue 371 alter 5. 166p) BABY Tenda. Blue 159. (160) 31 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap Iron, steel, brass, copper., lead, etc Honest grading, prompt pay- ment made. Atlas Iron & Metal tthr Ltd., 250 Prior St., Vancouver, for B.C. Phone PAcific 6357. (H) 4th CASH FOR and Scrap, copper, brass, batteries. radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 6th Ave. West. (c) SINGLE bed, reasonable. Black 594. (164) ROOMS FOR RENT ONE-ROOM partly furnished c:b!n for working man only. Apply after 6 p.m. 740 Fulton (168c) WANTED A man and wife to rent mv two rooms No children. Apply 1U03 9th Ave. East. (1681 ROOM, sharing single beds. close In, non-drinkers. 124 8lh Ave. E. (165p) FOUR-ROOMED suite.- central location. H. G Helgerson Ltd. (166) ONE-ROOM cabin. A only 740 Fulton St. or phone Blue 849. , (105) SLEEPING room, close in. Blue 4:)3. 1141 Beach Place. (167ci ONE housekeeping front room. CII0 6th Ave. W. lfjf.pl ROOM for rent. 836 Fraser St. (166c) HOUSEKEEPING rooms for 11 tit. Red 708. (160c) ROOMS AND HOARD YOUNG railway man desires room and board. Abstainer. Box 729, Daily News. tl64p BOARD and room available for youiu' num. Call Blue 639. (166) 40 HOMES I OR SALE $2,000 HANDLES purchase of well-constructed seven - room family home. Close to town, playground, parks and new M'hoo'.i.' Phone Blue 319. (1651 , - -. . - 1 tH'R rooms and nam, two goon oil :t lives.- some furniture . t lBfin ;:4.,-a,i-.'-.' i?. WANTED TO RENT WANTED hy working couple Three - room semi-furnished apartment or small house by August 1. Box 731, Dally News. (169p) FURNISHED suite or 1iou.se for married couple. Phone Red 2122, mornings. (167p) FUHNISHB:D suite or house for young couple, no children. Phone 40. (165p) FOUR- or five-room house. Box i 730, Daily News. OGBul 48Bl'SINF,SS OPPORTUNITIES COFFEE shon, goin" concern, tunction of Red Rose Mine Road and Highway 16. Fully equipped, living quarters. Write or see Mrs. Les Powell, Skeena Crossing, B.C. (106c) 47 AUTOMOBILES RE-CHROME bumpers, grills, etc., with "Bumper Re-Nu"! Not a paint or polish! Just like chrome! Lasts years! Send $1.98 or COD, Fernlor, 772 King West, Hamilton, Out. (Dealers wanted.) 0 74) 1948 CHEV sedan Radio, heater, good tires, body in good shape. Engine new in 1951. Complete overhaul recently. This is a BUY. Green 680- after 6 p.m. (104p) 1952 FOUR-DOOR Chev station wagon, low mileage. Can be seen at 811 Fraser St. (104cl '47 OHFVHOtET sedan best offer. Can be financed. Given " " BLONDIE The Family Guinea Pig lJHCf , , frMis!-.,, i -'j SFF-- UJ-; 3 Wwf iiH f - i::!H TljOOK DEAfi" WATCH rf ... .: i rtAnov THINieS 1 TT I CEPTAiNlV H!1 ' - TAKE A qHk 1 THEPe) ! vW)- MAMA f GOOD'S (vWLKEO IN - C ,TAt TS RtAL GOOD , ' vou CXa-X spoonful to show ape J -V-v . ) Vat vvronc jfl "-.YOU V ujtf HOW GOOD THERE? - Vl Z, TIME vAZiSiT-'"' - fciv, ZANE GREY . By KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED .Xxr Kmh. WFA: 36 :,"";'" ' ,. ", VVWivinPl lor Jltl L-iailir woi a ill St. grocery store. Apply Kkeena Grocery. (164) OFFICE clerk wanted, married woman preferred. Apply Northland Dairy. (164) SITUATIONS WTD. Female TWO ladles willing to do odd ii.bs, typing, etc., in their own home. Box 728. (10jp YOUNG women desires house work or work In hotel. Box j Dally News. l!64p Fl EL FOOTHILL (siKilless) r oa I. Phone 651. Ph)lix;t 15vitt & Co Ltd fc) ITHMTt'ltE H)R SALE CHESTERFIELD suite and tri-llwlit 520 7th Ave. West upstairs. ilf4p) A S F W I Ni M A ' H I N E S 37 SALES Renalrs Rentals. Ringer Sewing Centre, phone 064 (174) ELECTRICAL Wll.FORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, rewound imd repaired. 'to FOR SALE MISC. YOU'LL SAVE " ' I ; at V:" ftfnpsbns-'SeQrs- See the complete line of new Kenmore- Washers now on display at your local Simpsons-Sears Store. "KENMQRE" Semiautomatic with the Visi-matic wringer .......... $189.95 "KENMORE" larqe family size .... $162.88 "KENMORE" Family size $144.95 "KENMORE" Economy Model $114.95 All above models complete with drain pumps. . SIMPSONS-SEARS 312 3rd Ave. W. Phond 400 Prince Rupert 105 SILVER-WHITE Sunshine baby carriage in very good condi tion. 825 Borden JSt. U66p) GENERAL Electric washer, good condition. Call at 744 6th Ave. West, or phone Black 984. (165) mMMmm .K-r t Limi Cl tm4 te Ommmnt l Mull Clww. Hi KtFECTIVE AT ONCE Bottle beer deliveries will close at 12 noon. Any orders received later delivered next day. - Use Want 1 LI'L ABNbK -Sleepinq Beauty Jrj' mXffi'''''' j f VTA rN V SSAf j Hj' ' B STAN DRAKE;;, f.v Ui rT -t- justthbw-np i' I I . nEi5?i.A? -f Ac" -- ' hjtV. f2 t. L 4 MOST SIWLS - NPNOW...NCT,V6HeSlM-S. U , ! B irak;i " t:j j 441. (10(1)1 o "Summer Hot? Summer Not so Hot. Be Sure of Hot Results (V r