flav Reflects and Reminisces & ' m i. ...;v mrt rf mil' 4 B '''J-jr As I See It Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, May 7, 1953 KE Lar TO TRAVEL? T0 "AVE FUN? TO HELP THE KINSMEN v thP time he had sa d his i it s aiuereni win . U th e western Twers were I modernized provinela oentrrs piece in the bl4 readv to feel the imm-More than a few are mn Sr'hapl oT'Eupe wa.s city class, and that before. oou d not bo by c Hi said was so long India Is demanding return of the great diamond called ths Kohinor, worth about six mil-1 Jion, greatest pern in the British I crown and sometimes described : as "a mountain of light." Well, it, must be said this is an awk-iwiirrt moment to ask for It back. u til J i-ienaeu t dui; newspaper devoted to the upbulldlnn of PrtoM Kujn aiuj Nortticra and Central British Columbia. MuM o Canadian Press Auillt Bureau of Circulation Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by """he Prlnca Rupert Dally Newa Uinltea t. f. MAUOR. President H. O'. PERKY, Vlee-Pranldenl at hand, for there was now but a, Several years . back, Egypt's claims for possession of the Suez Canal became more and more pronounced and it not any the Iocs nnw And today she is call- per year, 10.00 TO HELP THE KIDS? Watch for the Kinsmen CORONATION CONTEST Starting May 9th 8ubaerlptlon Rates: By carrier er week, 25c; per month 10'. hi mall Pel month. 76c. per year. H 00 a minimum reuson w anticipate niiy future anxiety concerning Soviet Russia. But Matthew Halton, hardboiled and experienced correspondent, spilled a dish of beans the other day. The Soviet, unexpectedly, is be-im; called on to explain. , Ottawa, 9 uiiioriwHi aa "tcond class n.all f tl:s P-)st Offii Depart meat, SAH.I.NO TIM K For 79 days at Vancouver grain handlers and waiting .ships killed time. And now it seems to be about over. If these ling loudly on Britain to return S Cleonatra's Needle, originally ! Plump or Not Plump? pol- are what yon call Incidents. READERS of. this thnu nrc rw,( til till llDiviiiini.kn ! from Egypt. Tills has !oni? been ! standing on the banks of the i Thames, and that isn't the Nile. Advertising in the Daily News Bring; Ru ! umn arc A married man acquires a large vocabulary Jiy marrying it, And bye and bye turns' into a bachelor who became a fellow v.io.se luck finally gave out. aware that Ij0. f.xiraorrtinary. . confused, j 8t.llin.s K,1(.rP;w,,. Ki.m,t.i ,t system which ! gracious entry to Hie Kremlin. dislike the j switch-vote i wo now have 111 li.l . M.tre paintings and drawings (,f Canada's cities are appearing, and Us not a bad Idea. There's no question about our familiarity witli Canada's scenery. But rTTrnnAv I favor Hie yooit old Iried-and-tested British system of j vol I im where you put just ore j X opixi.sll.e the name of the j candidate you want elected. j True the one system slants; the new Quick-mix J&& He Had Faith in Rupert ' SAD LOSS to the city will be 'felt with the A passing of John Lanibie, another of the pioneers who went through the city's good times and bad to' make their enduring contributions to its history. Mr. Lambie came to Prince Rupert at a time when it was prospering, and he-came n the railway i.hat was expected to keep it that way. Rut when he city's fortunes failed to follow their predicted ourse,' John Lambie did not light out in another b'reetion. He kept, faith will) the place of his choice and, staying on through its trials," came 1o have an important part in the development of its public utilities. A true Scotsman, Mr. Lambie bad all the tenacity and purpose of his race. It was, in fact, due to the determination of early citizens such as ha; that Prince Rupert survived its bitter years so that it can now move into the brightening future IIARO TO Itl' AI.IZR The Editor. The Dally News. Hearing the radio-broadcasted offer of a cash payment to the first deliverer of ft compart Russian MiQ aircraft filled me Willi' aiuaeuient and alarm. How Mich an offer could lie used by tlwise HUUi CAlVttf JUST ARRIVED NEW Hip result in favor of the party which comes first. Hut far from beihg a iMtd thing I think that is the greatest argument in Its favor. It makes sure the winner gets a working majority. But the iiiiit is, we are "stuck" with the switch-vote system for this present election in B.C.. It is viUilly Imixirtant that intelligent 'ople everywhere should realize Just how it works. TO USE-TOM 1 CHILDREN'S RECORD v v r 't f -r - v v o o . .j t. i. .... THE MAIN Question in the mind of the average voter is: Should I iiliinio or not iilumn' most interested for propaganda ; can hardly be realized. j Those ol us who try to analyze the full significance of news j Items, the above offer can have but one effect, for taken in conjunction with previous state- ! inputs of the utter Inefficiency of these machines as a fighting iinlljt Is quite imX)sslljle to accept news items as authentic. , If these machines possess novel ! and most-sought-after features ' which give outstanding perform-' ance then the previous state That is should I mark only my FIRST PRIZE $1,000.00 SECOND PRIZE $ 700.00 5 THIRD PRIZE $ J00.00 FOURTH PRIZE $ 100.00 FIFTH PRIZE $ 100.00 I p0 PLAY-COLOR BOOKS You Get ... 0 Two 7" I'nbreakalile Kcoonls in allium fnliler Rook contains ten paces Fach page ready for color- 100 PRIZES OF SWIFT HAMPtlSI 100 PRIZES OF ROOM Of THEATRE TICKETSI hit and relation a dm pier first choice? Or should I use all my choices and vote 1, 2, 3, 4? The answer depends. If you are only interested in electing one particular person then by all means plump. One thing is sure. Your ballot can never be used to elect some candidate or party that you do not want If you do not vote for that candidate any place on your ballot. But if you are really interested in getting good, stable CHOOSE THE JEWELS YOU THINK BEST EXPRESS THE PERSONALITIES OF THESE 12 STARSi Vultrit si-irririK in Nil X:iiW4r.l' "kut MP. tonu.ht," a J. Arihur Rank Fruduttum; Zm Cjlmr, PpuroiK in John llusum'j "mouun KOI't.i ," Colour by let Itnuolof, released ihrounh liniic.l Anii: fiinU (Mirt, si jrriim in "madi in iii avi n," J. Arihur Rink Production; K.tlh.i'nit llrpbum, surrinK in John Huston s "miss iiak-(.kiavis," released through United Artists; V.ra hartuk, aKrjrm( in ' vi nitian bihd," t J. Arthur Rank Production; I'aultur W,,r,. to surrinK in "bahcs in haldad," Pio-diued by the Daimger broi., rtlrned through United Artists, K.iy KruJ.itl, appearing- in "it stahtid in caba-Dlsi," t ). Arthur knk Hroducnun; Kila H.iyuerUi. starring in "sAi.oMr." tjilour by Technicolor, a Columbia Picture; WVi, (..itteri, starring in "nit ni r," a J. Arthur Rank Proiluciiorl; Lilli Hjlmtr, co-starring in "Tilt Kjc hjsTI a," i ( cilumbii Picture; (JanJiitt (ulbtn, starring in "oi-iKivr IN MAl.AYA." I J. Arthur Rank Production; Hlnn.la iUmmf,, starring in "sikpi.ni op Till Mil," Colour by Technicolor, a Columbia Picture. HERE AM THE JEWELS! Diamnd, raky, mtild, Mpphira, tpi. mnH, pl. tln, ny, auamwin. m.thyil, prl. All Vt do il srlect ilie Jewel you think best expresses each star's pfrionahly. Using eachjessrl only once, wine the one you have chosen beside each star s name. Send the complete list, wnh your iianie, atblress and one carton top Irom Jewel Shortening, to: Hie Jewel Star Contest, Km IV. Toronto. Out. in the hlory on the records, ments are quite incorrect. Possibly my reaction to the cash offer made was influenced by schoolboy code of honor In Hack rover lias 10 small C.LT YOUR ENTRY FORM frti your , . Jewel advertisemeoti in street can. l.t,terfctaj)'(ian-. colored coupons as color iH8 (juiile for each page. closes miclmglit, June otii, iflj, SWIFT CANADIAN CO., UMITE0 that any boy who disclosed the tactical methods employed by his , a-" '" ' tetat . wt 1 J .,'f ( , :- ,-. c j . f . - h : . .4 J il i . v, ij :;t. t home team or divulged the Good Selection in Stock government for B.C., then usp 'names of any of his schoolmates ull your choices ina use mem ; responsible for certain escapes was placed in "Coventry. Be was intelligently. ostracized by all. His entry into the assentbly hall or classroom was ureeted by low hisses. His ONLY 75c RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC only escape was to leave. HERE is my hint to voters who are not yet sure how to mark their ballots: USE YOUR FIRST CHOICE TO TRY TO ELECT THE PARTY YOU PREFER. . USE YOUR SECOND, THIRD Surely we are not compelled to adont such methods as a cash navment for such service ren OUtCK-MIX 1 X . Stiptr (harttnlng powrl 2 Alt Hit MlvantaaM a) catrllill thartaaingat 3. taol Icanamyt dered when we have a depart AND FOURTH CHOICES TO 1Pnl. financed to obtain such DEFEAT THE PARTY YOU information. The Question now which they saw for it. We owe them much and can reward their en-deavors by showing the same kind of faith with which they were blessed. Ninety Million Ties IT' COSTS a lot of money to run a railway. Just Uow much, the CNR tells in a new booklet with luCs of pictures and few words. Y: If 27,000 people crowded Toronto's Varsity Stadium and each of them paid $2, says the CNR, the stadium would have to be filled nearly two and a half times to take in enough money to buy a single railway coach. A sleeping car costs as much as lfi modern suburban homes, and 11 high schools could be built for what it costs to equip the Continental Limited. Then comes the coup fie grace. A railway tie costs ?M. And there are 89,655,378 of them in the system. We would like to see the one-long, one-short-step character who walked the rails to count, them. Some facts are missed. No mention is made of how many pennies are put on the track to be flattened out each year. And no one has thought of the barked ankles from slipping off the rails or how many freights have been "jumped." '; And no one has counted the number of cream cans tossed off in the early hours of the morning at Hoedunk Hollow just as you have been shunting off to sleep, or how many whistle blasts have disturbed the early morning slumbers of the citizens of some faraway Ville St. Jacques-de-la-Tremouille. Still, it's a good story. The Financial Post. : OTTAWA DIARY f ' ' ' By Norman' MAJcieoi ' f v t MOST WANT TO DEFEAT. I arises: Do sueh offers as above Let us consider what would ; produce that mental outlook so have happened last year had all necessary If a peaceful solution the Liberals, Conservatives and is to be found for the settlement CCF given each other their sec- j of International differences? W. D. GRIFFITHS 41 J ond and third choices. We know very well that a considerable number of Liberals and Conservatives would not then, and will not now, give their second choices to the CCF and the same thing applies the other way around. Hut this fact Is now clear: If the Liberals, Conservatives Hew Highways Are Essential J 1 i s IA1 1 ,1 vTi , T ' GOOD HIGHWAYS ESSENTIAL TO ARE PROGRESS OF THE 11 sirMvf hi A if P and CCF want to make sure of j beating llv Socred government I hen they should teach all their, supporters not on any account to give any of their second on third choices to the Socreds. I THANKS to a masterly statistical analysis made by Jim ; Dennistun, a retired naval in-1 diligence officer, it is clear that; the real choice in this B.C. elect-I 'lion is between the Liberals and 1 the Soereds. I I i His final figures show .that I i 115,447 former Liberal voters de-I B.C. j YOUR SOCIAL CREDIT: GOVERNMENT HAS: APPROPRIATED $38.-J 778,750 FOR ROAD MAKING THIS YEAR,! THE LARGEST PROGRAM IN THE HISTORY OF THE PROVINCE, WITHOUT INCREASING THE PROVINCIAL DEBT. scried the party last year and - t : -" ; 1 - i THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ; In the comfortable spirit ; "One night he left here late to gave their first choice to Soc-haven in which Albei t ministers B ba('k to his office to write j reds. Conservatives lost 58.344 letters. About a! to Socreds. some Personal former supporters to the dlstininii.shed thirst of a quarter of an hour later he tele-j CCF lost 33 48!) nainly Parliamentary clientele, ii,..w nti .nn,nri phoiiedme. He wanted to know ! Yet on the first, count the GIVEN A SAFE I N G MAJORITY I N THE NEXT LEGISLA 1 put extra into Liberals only two cent ately upon spiritual subjects. ! jad anything ; ran per , 111. gia.s.s 01 magic miAlulc. a toiu , otniiiicc cite out it-cm vviiiict Kitt The late Prime Minister Mac in LONDON ; him I hadn t, because Magic Mix-1 Socreds in turn ran five per cent 1 l,i.a stOI.-,' rnr.A t,nll,!.,n IhnViiriH thii rrl ! ken.ie King's interest in psychic nlt until , Itcnt ailj C111UK CAC1U. I titttu wn, wt. plsenunieiia in the last years of his life is a favorite theme. That the great Liberal leader hoped like the great Houdini to make TURE YOUR GOVERNMENT WILL CARRY OUT ITS PROGRAM. DONT BE MISLED. MARK YOUR BALLOT FIRST CHOICE. ! He said that he would accept ; Even a moderate swing back my word, but that he was more j to the re-vitalized Liberals worried than ever. I asked him ! cduld elect them with 30 seats, j what had happened. He said ! Takp thc case of Salmon Arm. lianre .....1, .c.,,., I,.,ca Viirr.llrr! rliecittCS, CXC I j nis nas become tne political I stormcentre of the province, due I that the Devil had just passed j his open doorway. 'In the morn- cuntuct with this world after he had departed it is well known to those who were his former inti Clltll 111 I'CltVIIII .V. t't" ' 1 for safekeeping. a"-111; money. leave valuables to the Socreds' attack on teach- he told me, 'I go to lllg, AllMTt confession k-rs and teaching In B.C. schools. ..r ..tin : ii ...v..i I The Socreds gained as follows 1 or held ami make nsf . . 1 .1 to have mail torwartiec SOCIAL CREDIT I .1 1 from the other three parties: Luo.ic iviaKic; mixtures iiiiliili l stand a touch of water In them mates. After about the second portion of Albert's Magic Mixture, whenUhe idea of impossibility begin. to lose its hold over the mind the chances of the late Party :hlef tain piercing the veil fiflen'"are discussed in terms . which reveal most creditably the extent of the theological interest The eyes of (lie world will lie on London iita June. Thousands of Canadians will lie there for the Coronation. And they will find in (he heart of the Commonwealth (wo little pieces of Canada. Through the years our two London branches have liecome popular -'rendezvous" for dians visiting the Old Country. Here you can From Liberals 581. from Conservatives 423. from CCF 480. If you study those figures you see what the last chapter could be. This aclvi-rtlscment In IkkupcI by the British Columbia Horial Credit, Cnm-ptilKn Coinmltt.ee. of other services provided by Canada s largi bank. So if you arc off to London this Coronation of these li.md.V KJ year, make a note Hank offices, whereyoucan doallyonrhanlunj when Henri made his second call. He told me that I must come up right away. The Devil had passed his door again. This time he had seemed to look ln.! "I put a flask of Magic Mix iilierc 1... :., o f,,:i;...r friendly tn,,sl' and knowledge which some MP's possess. Albert himself is a frank sceptic. " almost believed in Spiritualism once," he said cryptically to a corner table audience. "That was then one of my customers here insisted on me coming up to Phone 266 Office opposite Post Office ture In my pocket just in case it was needed and went up. Henri was white and frightened and I poured the Magic Mixtures with-1 out any hesitation. Henri drank 1 his right down and held out his ' f 1 , 'J . u n c i - t New Schedule starting May 1 glass for another. But before I j ' could pour he let out a shriek. Out of the corner of my eye I j caught a glimpse of the red spectre passing the door. The MP's at the table waited Vie House of Commons to see the Ovil. Since then I haven't been Interested." He lapsed into unsatisfactory silence. "Tell us .bout it, Albert," his audience insisted. Albert complied. Leave "mm mm .1. ' TWO BRANCHES IN LONDON Our main London ofllc-e rif-hl) ia lit 6 l.otlil.urv, in (lie hrart of the financial district, optimite Tivoli corner itnd the nnrtliern icle of the Bank of England. Our West Fuel llranrh (left) it aiiuated at 2 Cotitspur St., just nil' Trafalgar Stjuare, a Nfrp froai Cuoacta ILquk and the OH'ice uf the lliala CoaimLuiuitar, Prince Rupert LINES for Albert to take a refreshing 1 12:00 Noon for sip from a glass before he enlightened their perplexity. "In KETCHIKAN "I will call this MP Henri, because he was French-Canadian and Roman Catholic," Albert eommenced. "That was what made It worse for him Roman Catholics aren't supposed to believe in spiritualism. Well, Henri those days," he finally explained, "one or two of the more thrifty MP's used to live in their offices. Henri's devil was one of them. He would go several times during WRANGEL - PETERSBURG - JUNEAU and other Alaskan centres with connections to WHITEHORSE SEATTLE ANCHORAGE Qae Tour Local Travel Agant .was a customer here away back In the days before prohibition. Befort you Iran far Fnfjand, call al any nf our brain lira fur traveller rlierptes and other 6an' arrangements f.w vmir trin A .L fur a fraa ronv if uiir diniiii.lii.ii fnl.lrr i.tiitliiiiiiiiii a llamlv mail oi Lun ,,a the night to the washroom for a drink of water. This night it Ife wasn't too good a customer was winter and he was sleeping Just about right. But we were pretty good friends. in his red flannel underwear. -1 r