I 1 :.-ia 1 . rrii.ee Ruperi' Doliy iNfew MB A Thursday, Marcn 2, IteS . r. t 1 PHONU 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER BLACKWOOD on p-ADMNg fOR CLA.TS1FIED ADVgRTISINO 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS , ,1-. .i J V. L ' ' v 5-- i f -,,1 1 - e.' i - . i; - deride, 5 i" V" jt T 'I ' V t BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OI T OKOF.RS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe by EASL2Y BLACKWOOD Pull U1AT rw iii.Ni.isil.,.,),n(! room, Cull l J'l" full Wi-xt. (74) SINf!l.;t KfcWINO CKN VHV. rent Portable t..achli1(.. Phon, R')OM Edit Kr.N I Black 717 73 ( No-Trump Kid Is a Shot tj FORCE DAWES AUCTIONEER Into Unknown Territory Many players dislike raising partner, holding-only king doubltton of his Kuit. I do, too. I would like to have more. I5ut in actual play I don't aeem to get hand.s which are like those used as illustrations Phone Black 8I and Keif'-17 ' w.tvn.ii i it km' r ( ' .. WANTKD TO RKNT - Gara. , C vinniiv of llth t und ?i.d Ave 1'hone -d 7fl!) i7iT' HI SINESS PERSONALS NATIONAL Machinery Co. Limited, Distributors for: Mining Hawmlli, lAfwlna. and Contractors' Equipment. Inquiries Invited. Oranvllle Island Vancouver 1, bo. tf REMEMBER E a 1 1 1 r ""simda y April 5. Call at the VAHIh.1V STORK for rards, rhocolute novelties. Easter basket hud toys. i7&) M AOA.INLK, novel'les. Lddle'u Nw4 Stand. (ri WILL. BABY-SIT afternoon or evening, Phone Green '.! WII.FORIl Electrical WorkiT Motors litinglit, sold, rewound and repaired. tf HI KINESS OPI'OICTI MTY ......... . , SAWMILL FOR SALE-Parlner-xliip or rental terms. 20 M cup., situated at East Kin-Itna. DC, Apply Gordon L Utile, Ux &47. Tcrrui, Uf: 'S2( llST AM roi M 3i i 1 ' t V Ml RIEL lliLI., 16-year-old full-blooded Mohawk Indian from Brantord. Ont . is one of 50 Canadian Rirls chosen to see the Coronation June 2 end spend a month touring Britain an Ruests of W Uarfieid-Wenton. Canadian-born British industrialist. The girls, whose average ace la 17, represent every province and the Yukon and Noithwest Territories There are four from B.C. (I.O.rr On Bn(rdy, eycRlnswF In brown li-athfr easf Phnni Rrd MJ. alllon Army Olrls UhIkc. (7!p) XWT-Lacly hiiurk wallet ron- iniiiniK rn. i m p o r i a n t ' patwn. rtr. Finder please kec u money and rail Red S81. 73 i IIEIJ- W ANTED MALE j Wf".UAVTrtl-i m,.n t 1.1. "mini 1 HKNT liluo 331. ynmrn TO RKNT Four to- '.' ix-riHim tidir.p iiinrnrni'.hi'rti ! r t'V April I. l!x 6:c. Ir,tlvl News. rJ1r.i I Willi CASH FOR S r:ip: ro)x r. I.raw, b:.tl-ric radiator. lUiont' M3 Call 6:i') 61 Avp Wmt in WANTED T )!' MARK FT PRICES PAID f(;r scrap iron h'Pl. bran, ropier, lead. He. Honest f'tadiiK?, 1'rnnipt p;.v. rticni mad.- Athn iron & Metal Ltd . -r,o l',i.ir t;i , Van-".er. JJ.C. Plinnu PArlfir 6?,!7. A(( (tMAMS - - PCH1.IC A 'Cl )!'VTAKT In-ome Tix peri'.ll.st s n Furt t"' m ItHI. FSTAIE IIOI'SE- For sale or ant niiw & 407. i2t 6 6 FOR fiAI.E CiMKl" farm "near b Kilimat market. Write P(), e It.x 4'i' p: ;nre ltapert or 7 I'hone'y 173.,, 7 KATI I It V SEXV It E (1 RtlPEHT JBsllerf Rh w. Fast V Srd Ae, Khnne fil ); K'-pain, y n-rl-. i ri'!' fin-" b,.i:id-lr.. .V'-ik vuarnplmi 111 TsVIX and tr.N. 1 lis II II CITY TRANSFER Lonq Di'Annce CRAT1NO ftno PACKINO Furniture Movers FURNlTtrPK STORAGE I.iu-ho1 Eftr-c'jt Moved to or from any p l:it In DC. Phone 9tiv0 First Ave anC Mrnh) 'ell PEAL FSTVTK I 10 own b.imrwM Almrwt no money required Rewini; nm-ehine rxiierlenre helpful bu n"l etwntinl JUeply to Box 5D9. Dully New 77) llttf WAXTEO-IFMAI.E WANTED - Ballet tap dnnee tenrher Phone Green (78 . hk;h school -students and graduates Younv men wlw left hh:h tuhool within the pat two year nth a Rrade eleven iil.indinii or bi'ttcr or will at-tun nich itandir.it by June of till year are Invited to Investigate the opportunities for permanent employment with in text-books. j In today's deal, Mr. Dale hn j enough (iiiiit barely! for twi i bids. His first respotiKe was on-; nade. When his Dartner rebid :"two heaets." he had a choice between two no-trump, with no semblanee of a club stopper, or three hearts. Undoubtedly, the k tter is the better choice. The king and another heart should be enough support for a rebid suit. Hearts represented known territory. No-trumn is a shot in the dark. Three1 hearts should be a safe spot and If Dartner goes on to four he will have 'values not shown by his previous bidding. The luck of the deal wns -.bout evenly distributed. Mr. Champion got a rough break in hearts but a good break in the location of the queen of spades H was touch and go for 10 tricks, with Mr. Champion's skill at dummy play tipping the scales in the right direction. The defenders took the first three tricks In the club suit, rndine In Mrs. Keen's hand. She then shifted to the four of diamonds and the queen forced : Mr. Champion's 'ace. He led to the king of hearts -eturned the seven and finessed the jack. This won, but It was , bad new when Mrs. Keen show- j ed out. discarding a club. Mr. 1 Abel still had the guarded queen I of trumps, with no more trumps ; on the board to lead through him. But there was still a chance. Mr. Champion led his last dia- ; mond to the king in dummy. returned the suit and ruffed. He ; now led his six of spades and finessed dummy's Jack a nec- essary risk as he needed the t extra entry to the board, j He ruffed dummy's last dla-j mond. Mr. Abel discarding a spade. Next he led his king of spades and overtook with the ace. At this stage everybody had The be.-st camels in Arabia are bred In Ihe Sultanate of Mus;at , and Oman in the southeast 1 Arabian peninsula. i(WjijJk y io M&M, 1 r5 la.1 rtiii.a'.a la ast UhM alTd y t Lm Cwaxl iaW at hy W 0.ai rhanie for advaneemrnt pro- yjj .; CANADIAN DANK I. ' j ; Today's Stocks 1 (l..iirlr, ft, t. J.ihnto I . lid.) VANCOtVE American Standard 17 Bralurne 4 25 B R X 03 Cariboo Quartz .... l.io Congress .oil4 Cronin Babine , 12 Giant Mascot, , .431, Indian .10 Pioneer. 1.90 Premier Border 08 Privateer M Rves McDonald 2o Klieep Creek .75 Silbak Premier .19 Taku River 07 Vananda .., .03 'i Spud Valley 04', Silver Standard l.lg Western Uranium 2.85 Sil-Van .43 Dorreen . ..... .29 i i Estella ,63 Oils ! A P Con .. , 35 Calmont . 155 Ci l.ti al Lt'duv 3 85 Home Oil 10 00 Mercury .20 J Okalta 2 80 f Royal Canadian .15', : TORONTO Athona . .18 Aumaoue .16 Beattie Dequesne .31 Bcvrourt .60 Buffalo Canadian ... 25 Consul. Smelters 30 00 Con west 5 00 Donalda 70 Eldona 41 East Sullivan 5 85 Giant Yellowknife 10 00 God s Lake 1.05 Hardrock Harritana Heva Gold , Duvex Jollet Quebec . 31 Little Long Lac Lynx Madsen Red Lake McKenzie Red Lake .... MacLeod Cock,shut j-.,v Nee us -'. IBlii Noranda 78.50 Louvicotirt 18 , Pickle Crow 1.45 Petrol Oil & Gas 87 New Senator .83V, Shervitt Gordon 4 95 Steep Rock .. 7 80 Silver Miller 80 Sweet Grass 62 Golden Manitou 2 70 tandover Oils .42 Rix Athabasca 2.70 The Maldlve Islands, a British ; protected .state near Ceylon,1 cover only 115 square miles. k V i -.Vr v. f: . - i w i. . - t !.k. i f"' ' .' i '' ' " . - ' V ;.T ; i , v - .,; " ! . t t ' 1 ,.z ' i - -f l-r. i i , ' yv "--V "V. I " e 2 , - tfi , C. . x-i, , r . - i .s- - t 1 .- m .4 ... -4 1 - . t r-1 -ii r ' 'i ; ' t - . ..st . -- . i - . . t .. . . . .-. " 4-V f s ' ? V r.. r . . '- " : - -' , '.'7 . Nfi." ' - - , v -. - ' e- -j"' ' iru -. - . i . i .. . ' . i if i ... , j,.,, . " . 1 ir Sovth dealer Neither side vulnerable North (Mr. Hale) - 8 A J 8 7 H K 7 D K 8 7 2 C- 9 8 2 Vest fcllkt (Mr. Keen) (Mr. Abel) 8 J 5 2 810 4 3 H Q 8 1 I J 10 S 4 D Q a C K Q 10 7 c a J a Xoiitlt ( Mr. 4 h.'impiim) S K H A J 10 6 5 3 D A 3 C S 4 3 The bidding: South West North East " I H Pass IS Pus 1 H Past 3 H Pass 4 H All pass two cards left.. When a small spade was led from the board, Mr. Abel's queen-nine of hearts Aere effectively smothered by Mr. Champion's ace-10. DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Caie DELUXE PRESS "Gesterner" , 1 Duplicating Circular Letters - Vonnil Bulletins any i:ind of Business forms. Direct mail advertising, etc. 30 - 40 lef than regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd A? . W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Giv as your mailing list We do the rest. CREER & BRIDDEN LTD. Builders and Contractors New Construction. Repairs, Foundations and Re-rooflns 215-lst Ave. W. . Phone DO'J ... (. : PO. Box 721 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Sows Shorpened 215 1st Ave. VY. Phone 9M Train Schedule STANDARD TIME Far the East-Dally except Sunday 8 p.m. Fr..in the Fast Daily except Monday 9:50 p.ifi Buenos Aires, capital of Ar- ; gentina, 1a the largest city of i Latin Anrerlca with population i of about 3.000.000. ! 10 3ti -'I'liw W in s Srust FOR SALE-Wartime six. 1536 iih.s-m,imcj Kiuntn K-cond Overlook. Phone 878 jli.oo Kimiert.-arien : the A:r 174PM11 is- tt".'!1'! liutc ' fit -l Weill lu r IftlHirt FOR SALE Fmnll house. T2l l- Thnn.nc.n Cl Turn. ovoU-TH -l- J-lW rHUC - in ii m (laV Dfe- t iin ' -,u r ff.mini.int chant 'U"". 58 rcnUf CarH ,.k, i..lh Notice. M.irriaite and i (,tirfs, "'jtwiii Announcement, " fpuy ri""1'1'" Prlre- fin H :HIW , n linn - ntincaiun rived within T fir-1 -'. ..irltun. tVMll M I MrNTS 7.i.',!!.on." Ilil'li Mrhoul nun, Mjn li tift'-f- A'tcnt.on All TEE I ACERS' .t COX PARTY of the ! fi.KS HALL I i on fklCAY MIGHT "',' ,J p IK W!il p TA !.:' . Oor-s t;;;l.f-.n i. M.irrli 21! April I. fa ',; J. Armories. 6fl '.s-'-'H'i Cilliidtal ba?a:ir ;.:!, Apr,! 9 Vr.tre IMby Show. fc'iinUy and Kundaj. rtl parlu". April 15 -v.-un spring ale i A Ulll.iljr r.imni.ice i! j : y th.i,r Oaf lodil K;iiik ll.i7,ia prmj bazaar it '. 1'iDE Sprjiic Bjn- A.irli JO ( ump Awriaiion tea, S:r.it 8.hjol. May J. A t'iiaar, May 4. t Chiinh WA. Spring W th1 ea. May 13. Au;ay Tea and si'. May 13. " Star tea, MayU J "I H.P M(xise fiprlng ' 21, M.se Temple. yjJale, May 20. m nijsinnary ten, 1 . 1 I1". Jun 4. "RSONAL ,,, ,hT 'v4 wfir.ro1 'f-V'H PrminS . ., ... "U,K. Avail- 11 aii druRRisU rnor THANKS "tlwris of Pri- d . siai ? nk you ""i en ni rim Mr Ivy Stewart (It) eflt the He """"meal alx nrtls f. 15 ronf(.i,i 1..- Ann . "- uays ,7 I -f-ne) Md a;,"r'Ken. arety-'iW111" Ola88 supplies. 8tora tl.J.r, lh Ave- W'st- ''koriea. '.. J """"and Me csmates. ph0ni f W p?AANK1- " Partes,, "no Blue (Cl ,!"omatlc oiibTIT" 11 metal ''"'Work. Phnn. Dfj4 mil West. La Prince GserMe Luxury Steamer VANCOUVB? ami Inlermediate Part Each Thursday at 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MitlnisM Coinfurt and Service FoT rwcTf ationr mile or eall iv nr lenot OffliT ' Pi.ce P.ujert. B C. VANCOITER - via WaypoinU SUNDAY ' 83. Camosun 8 p.m. FRIDAY - : SS Chiicotin, 8 p utt ALICE A KM and STEWART Friday, Cumosun, Midnight FOR NORTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS March 25 and Aprif ij SS Chilcoiin, MMuitdit FOR SOt TH Ol LLN' f'llARLOTTE ISLANDS SS Chiicotin. Midttit-,Ut.: April 1 and IS ' FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Acr.t, ; Third Avenue Phone 5G8 JOHN H. BULGER 'third A7enue John Eulqer Ltd. John F L. Hughes, D.C. chiropractor; Hrs. 10:30-12:30: 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment tniy 21 - 2S Besner Blirlt . Phmt Blue; iti - " H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED ' REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phot.e 96, Evenings Black 899 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B C. Phone 3-17 P C. Box 174 CHOPSUEY... ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 By CHIC YOUNG COME BACK- fi"N ! C ' VJANT tO BuV , IJ'Hk.i I1 w 7 SOMETHING frri A THAT MAN I t j ( TESTIFIES ME.' " r "vr- able Iflw down payment. Call after 5 p.m. (77pl J $1700 00 DOWN PAYMENT, bal- I a nee on ay terms will pur- chase a Wartime Four with full cement biwment on Overlook Pt Full harbor view Price includes oil range and healer i Prince Rupert Realty " Co I Phone 301 (74 WHY PAY RENT? j Q 1 7'vA ftfl rash hnlntiAit aa rAr OK COMMERCE F.nqnliloi may be made by or on behalf of applicant at your local branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce or bv letter to: The 8laff Officer. Canadian Hank of Commerce. ! Wnl Hatinif fitree'. Vancouver 2, BC .8!e CAKS IOR(Aljr. FOR RALE 1052 Meteor custom line automatic. 10O0 mile Fverv conceivable accesoirv Excellent eonditlcn. Phone 94. l4pl fY)R KALE '52 (.he 12 0O0 mile. Perfrn-t Condition. Quick -ile Owner lenv.ni! for V 8 Box M4 Oaily News. (73 BOATS FOR HALF. FOR RALF.-84-ft troller Victory F A-l condition. Phone Blue. If'P'.i FDU SALE Boat "Orca " Phone Green 8W4 after 5. (75pi pives vou Immediate posses-. ed as referees for the Saturday sum of this four-room war- rtiM basketball feature, old-time with hleli. dry cement timers vs Challengers, hiscment Price onlv $4500.00. i The event will be staged as a For the best buys spe Lsueclal treat to old-time basket- CFPR RADIO PIAl j 1J0 K.locycU- v V-Aejvwe.-jvi.- THt"jDAT PM Jut. Ortnrm-iilary OS Ak ti'ttxit- Wtih tli Lennlriu to - Mn,i, u Hrueram 4i -K.aiy Ht vu 1H) ,Sii(i-r tvi.i xlc O0r HC Nrrt 7li-m; Nm Roundup an- Hirnlule 1ti-.'ltlmi Frwum 4u l-.inim Ne Talk -dm: Vano.uvT Omrrt Orch, ii- Wm hi jWTt rHunia hi him: .- .- Nm turoe io Winiifr I(. r.rl O.l M11 u tn! mi.liii:'lit liUO-Klgn Off Anna FKIDAl M 7 uo B C PI. (iormrn' nr.iarl. art 7 MaMCal I'lurk 7 wan; nw; wmther Report 7 -Wmiful Cloclt ci i'Ik: Ne R !fl. l).n i liill Oood B 15 MoriitiiM Sm'' H n MoriiiiiK IM'ntias 8 41 - IHU. CiWCTl h ixi -liiw; N"?. anrf C mimviitary I t ft - MtiNi. s! VailiTllil tt !.! - "I Hill- .Hiti,:l ll MniiuiB Vl.t I Ml IS Mimical IV.;r:im PM 12 l) -Mirt-Dny Mt'lciltl 12 l.'i HC Ni'WS ... , ,, i,i,..i u:j5-Rec interlude Referees Picked For Cage Feature jounnar Anderson and R. H. 8limi Davidson have been nam- ball fan, iwro. ho.wiU-wltne ln cemui w uir tobb raiun w their past favorite hoop stars. Angus Macphee will pilot the old-timers against this year's senior all-stars coached by Alex !Bill. The show takes place In rivic Centre svm Saturday at 8:30. Lineups will be an nounced. TENDERS FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undcr.sip.ned tip to noon of Thursday, April 9th, (or the purchase of the hereunder described motor vessel, toeether with gear and equipment situated thereon, belonging to the estate of Harold Ed- Ear Miller. ! Name "Trims." I Length 38 It I Breadth 10 ft. j Depth 3 ft 6 In i Powered with a 77 II P. Gray marine enRine. Arrnnement. to Inspect the said motor vessel may be model with McLean's Shipyard, Seal: Cove. j HiRhest or any tender not j necessarily accepted. i Terms: Strictly cash. i Slcned: O. F. Forbes. Of fl- ! elal Administrator. Administrator of estate of Harold Ede;ar Prince Rupert, B.C. (73c) FOR 8ALF Tenders will be received hv the undersigned un to noon of Tursdnv, March Slst. 1053. for the purchase of Lot 15, Block 2fi. Section 5, Map 923. Prince Rupert Townstte, tn-nclhcr 'vith Improvements situated thereon belnnginir to the estn(( 0f Fmnk Wilkie, derensed. This purchase Is subject to exltinf tenancies. "Perms: Strictly ensh. Hiehest or anv tender not necessarily accepted. G. F. Forbes, Official administrator. Administrator of the, estate of Frank Wilkie. de-ceascr. Room 13, Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. (72c) F0R "ALE Coal and wood h""nU'r- Oeneral Elwtrle table 1 radio. Congoleum rugs, budelc. Ch.u 111 na uv.. ,11m FOR SALE Voltthtlnnder reflex ramera. f3 5. compur shutter. mler, good mndition. Reason-M!vdnn;(r;dn70;l able. Black 687. 74p ali-l ,Jk nw- Cow Bay Boal Armstrong Asoncios Ltd. i rhonc 312 Black 197 rvcnl" (73) ' ... - I.I GAL NOTICES in pf fsttt or niriMA white. I nrcMsrn jntfstate TAKK koth r, thai m AdminW- lruv. duly apiwinti hy the tNntrt, m. hc entile of 7't.itmnji White, y i nien ut iirmi" nrmsn luiitmiiM iw the "?:ird cinv of (Vtuher. 10.S2. I reomre ail critlilors and nlhm hm'-Inc itniins HL-amsl the said eiiMe to end ibe snme tn me. nn.perly verl-fled. m the ndilress meiuloned brio mi or bef.ire ihe IMh driv of Mav. lS:l nfter whirh dule I shall prucee-t to diidrihiite the estate to th(e en-1 titled hv la, havinu nsnrd onlv tfl audi rtaims of which 1 ahull then have been notified. 1 AND Ft'HTHFI: TAKE KOTIOF IhRt all persona indehtiHl to the snfd estnle are refi'iired to pav their lli-dehnlneva to me forthwith n.Vl'KH at Prince lluiierl, B C this 24th dnv of Mureh. IVI (lOUIHlN FHASKIl FORBES, Otllrliil Ailmltililratiir. Prince Riicrt. BC (M.M Al 2p) in in: Tin: "Minnvii s- i ii n Al T" TAKK NOTICK thnt lmtiu McKay, of Prince Rupert. BC. linvtus owed Ruiiert Motori Ltd of Pl'inee Hupert BO. the atim trf 4tX 78 for it period of over three months for Inboiir and materials bestowed on KI4S Dixlce lour door aeilnn. 1951 I.leenee No ft'J7m. Eimlue No. rosCSAMC. Serial No 72X4aH. reir-latered In the name of Helen -Alberta Haudenaehlld of 510 Seventh Avenue West. Prince Rupert. BC. the Bald Rupert Motors Ltd will oiler the aald vehlrle for sale at Us premises on Second Avenue West, Prince Ru-per, nr. en Tuelny. the 7th day of April. 1K.VI. at 10 iH'lork n 111 . Iln-leas the said sum of M04 70 and the emt of lid vert Ixlnn this notice ahull sooner be paid to the said Hupert Motors l td DAI'KI) nt Prlneo Rupert, B.C., .,. inn. h..v of M'ireh. 11)5:) UUI'KtJT Mm'.t I By "John a 'LlniKiiy." UllTctoi-. (78c) Thr Channel Wands off the French Coa.st are not bound by nets of the Hrlt.lah Parliament unless named specifically. MODERN AND OLD TIME DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT LEGION AUDITORIUM Music By PETE I1EGC.F. and HIS WESTERNAIRES Price $1.00 Dancing from 10-2 worxa. i i i) FOR 8AIJ: Household furni ture. Including electric re-frlnerator nnd dinette suite. Hione 131. 878 8th Ave. Fast (73p FOR SALE 120 bass piano ac- cordian. rollaway Olud Iron, miliar. 813 3rd Ave. West Oreen 780. (74) FOR SALE-bed Camp stove, slnele and washing machine Blue 802. (72) FOR SALE New lumber 2x1 2's. Phone Blue 054. (74p) FOOTHIU-S ( soot lessT r oa 1. Phone 651. Phllpott, Evltt & Co. ltd. (el FOR BALE Four-burner roek-gas deep fryers including 3 pots and baskets. Very compact, economical unit. Reasonable. Phono Red fW2. (72p) FOR RENT . FOR RENT BultC and one room. Black 890. (78p) rWTin.vTHERTZ U-DRIVE Car, Phone DO. (94 BLONDIE The Unpredictable Type IHELL STICK- HIS MEAD) Uif I ( KnrM? a.TfCwiYiM ") l I II r1 . f THE M AN VkHC LIVES f IN THIS KC.Ijr HAS A NA6TV Tf.M?s-. ( 1 HATE TOfciNG HIS SELL.' HES SO V Di5AGCEABlE 4 .' V ' r .. "3 FOR RENT Larire seml-fur-nlshed housekeeplnn room, eentral. Phone Green 241. evenings. (72) ROOM FOR RENT 343 7th East. (74p) ic)