1 he Pm.ce Rupert Doiiy Niews Tuesday, February 2, 1954 Powerful! RCMP iirtk Captuj Major Honors in Smithers P.v DICK AVItl S second prize going; to Pat Tin- the bon'-olf;.-. Tie Game Tightens ' WHLfoce TTl" I ' '"" ' . 1- - 1 Sj . ni IN THIS CORNER DICK AVRRS bault of Smithers who lo;t r, r,. , jn. til! mi statprt ir - -' - ji 1 -.... .... It was Walsh who knocked Kin! Knhf rtsnn's siiuad out of this I I'AI) Hues. rr By The Oamnhiin Pr-N Th, '"Dspil-I ,., SMITHKRS Cagey veteran' curi 'r C!hi Delage of Smithers I .staved fit a tenth end rally bv I the powcrlul RCMP rink of fluj McKim to win the Bulkley Hotel; trophy in the final game of the; 28th annual Smithers Ctirliu" bonspiel Monday afternoon. 1 8t -"y oi aii (tin, at He" Or.-. SMITHERS It was a tired collection of broom and stone In . .." aeru " event 8-2 in the .seini-fiuabi. Reg' Colli-son of .Smithers who defeated Jack Downey of Telkw 1 9-5 to win the Hudson Iloti'l trophy, also doA-ned Al Miller's mm iiroi,.- n-' !j A ri:" cor, ur "aw of mmx team U-4 111 the jc.a: Tied .six-iix in the soventu end' Rupert finals. IJcla.te.s quartet added .sin-iv points in the eighth and ninth ends mid held McKim to one punt in the tenth to take th.'l crucial game 8-7. T liv .io;k; MrKhn link had 1 i )NMi.i,i..vn)X ti Victoria Cougars, casting win-1 ried glances over their shoulders at the Seattle Bombers and the Western Hot key League base-', ment, adiK'd one point to the'rj margin of safety at Saskatoon ; Monday. j Playing the first of a ttm'.'-l game Prairie jaunt, they tied the ; yunkers 1-1 before 3.IK1U and went five points ahead of j Seattle and within three points j of Edmonton Flyers. j Cause for most of the Cougar's concern over Seattle stemmed from a 5-1 lacing the Bombers handed Edmonton and a 3-1 win over New Westminster. 1 Quaker's goalie Chuck Rayner and Ralph Almas between the pipes for the Cougars were the stars of the game in Saskatche-1 wan In Monday's fray. . . , . . , . ... 1 iV.-AAIi--, rr-'-.v I" 'l . L ; t -n y - a t - 1 r i - V i - j Bill Bovill of SiniUiers dcieaV ed Herman Benni-t of ila.e;i ii 9-2 to capture Hie Imperial Oil cup. 1 Of the seven Prince Rii-:t rink-s which arrived for the ryei-spiel Saturday Dibb's link vti the most games with four v;--tories to their credit. Al Millers crew won I!. rip games as did Mitch Creene'j rink before four Rujm i t rinks dcvvte-l aj.'eaoy capiioeu ine nri;Kic Cite trophy earner in the diy beat in out caitf toner of Hum:: Lake 9-7. Htii'h. CTurkston oil Smithers defeated fellow towns- j nr.. ,1 s.mer b.iai.s IJ-a for Hit Wall Electric trophy. The McKim rink also won the grand a'Vtivxali: piize foi in-t ; 1 r -r th mo t games, taking 11 .if 12 cuntests in whih they I competed. Dclai'e wii second , Aitii ei'ht win.i and Eoner tmul 1 : v. ;t!i -evn. ! 1 It wa.s the RCMP rink which put an 1 lid to Prince Rupert s I bids for tiie major trophies be.it- I'.OY SCOI T FINANCIAL APPEAL February 1 - February 6 I his out Ken Robertsons crew i Playing Days Over For Joe Shack LONDON (CP) Joe Shack, veteran Winnipeg hockey plaver, fx ) 6-4 in the enthtl s and downing ; Al Milier's squad 8-5 in the n-ini- finals. George Dibb's qiiaitel i failed to make the .semis wlif'i j tl-.ey were trimmed 7-3 by Cliil I lie! age boys who wound up the soggy but enjoyable bonspiel at the iour--heet Smithers curling rink Monday afternoon. Contrary to any reports that might have been circulating in Prince rJupert. the 'spiel continued right through as was agreed at the meeting Saturday night. The Smithers club, headed by president Dirk Ileggie and piloted by a worried draw committee chairman Carl Spicer, made every effort to keep the bonspiel going since there were 15 visiting rinks, only two less than were entered from Smithers itself. At the meeting Dick said from the start, "it's up to the visiters." to which Keg Collisun added, "if the ladies could play on ice worse than this, which they did last year, surely the men can continue." This was seconded-by Mitch Greene who said "keep going.'' to which Ed earner suggested that the games be shortened iu eight ends. This was done and later that night the bonspiel got under way again. It came as a great surprise therefore tint the four rinks ;ei:ded before train time to call it quits. Strange part of it is that though the temperature stayed fot-twetr. :!8 and 40 degrees the ice was no worse when the bonspiel ended than it was Saturday night. Tiredest of all the Rupert crew was undoubtely "pile driver" Art Kristmanson, who threw a total of 64 extra rocks during the Dibb rink's last four games which they played short-handed. The Rupert gang have been inviting all the Smithers boys to tlwir o'.'.n bonspiel March 19-22 and they will have to go some to out-do the Smithers curlers for their hospitality. An English couple who learned the ways of the w;est In veiy short order are Dick and Gladys Balchin of the Hilltop hotel who turned their ultra-modern hostelry into a home away from home for the Rupert boys. It didn't matter what time of right the boys were curling there was hot coffee ready for them and in the w ee, small hours the boys could make their own. Thanks also go to Wiii Watson of the Hudson and Gorilie ( mteluml of the Bulkley. Highlight of the 'spiel for Ken Robertson was the goose dinner provided by Reg and Benny Collison. Also on the appreciated menus were the moose steaks provided for Dibbs' crew and liill Anderson by Wilf Watson and cocked to a turn by Cliff Deluge. In the long-time-no-see department was Fred Rush, former Rupert resident and well-known tennis player between 1P"0 and 194?. Fred, who married Dolly Derry, daughter of W. H. Derry, engineer at Booth, sends his regards to Dan Kristmanson. He recalls winning the city tennis championship in the mixed doubles with one of Sid Thompson's daughters but he crn't remember her first name. POST SCRIPTS Personal thanks go to Dick Heggie and George Dibb for loaning us their cars to get around to Bill M 1 ean for the lecture on journalism to Al Miller" rink fcr FORMER NEW YORK YANKEE baseball star, Lefty Gomez of Durham, Conn., uses a bat to give a shock test to a new type of football helmet. Lovely Jane Tamburino of Chicago models the shock-absorbing headgear, which is said to be from three to five times more effective than previous models. Even with such protection, it doesn't seem that hitting her with a bat is the "sporting thing" to do. It's all for the sake of research. left hospital today after a siic- The Ki tiiiey Cap vas won liy Chin k WaWi of Burns take with I BOY SCOUTS I mum r mmrttn Ire'j a new hith magii . The M(Jfta,' tion S.-iies fur ji tlle:iniiiis p,,r I "liy Aulunuiit Prismatic Ijcm,- "I he :Ui-ii( ftlr, Hui;e "Kim-Mjf-; Pills .1 hiist a . fiatures. yiMH.l. zu H I-I t I K ! ttthers from J2J: Use Our Eudf McRAEE! LIMITS The Store T!i.it Sr Phnue C cessful eye operation. Hut his ! playing days are over. i I Shack, 38. has been told by j his doctors that he fares per-! I manent blindness if he contin-j ties playing, a friend .s:iid. It's' CARDINAL'S COLLEGE Christ Church College. Oxfoid Universitv was founded by Car-inal Wolsey in 1525. Objective $2500 Quebec Boxer Retains Crown With 5th Round Knockout QUEBEC (CP) Scrappy Fer- expected that Shack will fake a' front-office job. possibly with Harringay Racers, which he captained. Shack came to British hockey in 1946 and scored 274 goals Ik-suffered temporary blindness in his left eye from a disi:hc"d retina shortly after Chri.'nias and the operation followed. BASKETBALL TONIGHT CIVIC CENTRE K:t5 Inter B Nelson Bros, vs General Motors 7:45 Inter A Fraser & Payne vs Watts & Nickersun :00 Senior B Manson's vs CCC Edwards, rated No. 1 challenger for the bantam crown by the Canadian Boxing Federation, proved no match for the sharp hard-punching Quebecer. jnando Gagnon of Qebec, Cana-; dian bantamweight boxing champion, slugged his way to a ; fifth-round technical knockout Monday night over Edmonton's The champion was declared Jersey Joe Edwards to retain his the winner at 1:12 of the fifth) crown. I when referee Ralph McWaughten , , The triumph was Gagnon's j stopped the uneven light after j seventh successful title defence the Edmonton Negro went down j since winning the championship i ror the fifth time i in 1948. The bout was scheduled j Two solid left hooks and a ! for 12 rounds. ! . , , . ... ... . ; jiigiit. arm inc ciiiiiciiger iu me , , canvas to end the fight. Neither i fighter appeared hurt at the j i end. j " "4 j a mum m'M V1'1' I ' f-t " " - " : , , wl Last Night's Fights ' s i r By The Associated Pre-s j Gagnon entered the ring at : kK vnrg us their room temporarily because it was so quiet t?i i Quebec Fernando Gagnon, 1 16 'a pounds, while Edwards i 116U. Quebec stopped Jersey j weigried m,- to Carl Spicer for his co-operation and to the Smithers Curling Uoe Edwards, 1 10 ' 4, LUIIIUII- Cleh for continuing their bonspiel to please the visitors who had come a long way at considerable expense and didn't want to go home until it was over. or' YOU'LL APPRECIATE THESE I ton. 5. i Sew Orleans Santiago Esta-:ban, 138-., Los Angeles, out- ' pointed Brian Kelly, na1,, Ni-; agara Falls, Ont., 10. j Brooklyn Johnny Saxton, j 14'i, Brooklyn, stopped Mickey Laurent. 159. France. 7. i Detroit John Barnes, 135 1 4, ! Detroit, stopped Kenny Lane. -137. Muskegon. Mich.. 1. Hero of Half Century Ago, Alberto Braglia Taken III MOOE-V-V Italy Alberto a job as messenger boy in th?) Braclia. who fell from Olympic very eym which was named i Holyoke, Mass. Art Mullin, 122 1 2, Philadelphia, outpointed fame to dismal poverty, was after him. Eventually he was I I taken to a hospital today a ! demoted and worked nights i Ken Adams, 123 '2, Waterbury, Conn., 8. HOCKEY STANDINGS N A I IOVAI. .1 l.( I 1947 Chrysler Windsor 4-Door Sedan $975 I9.-.0 Plymouth 4-Ioor Scdcn. All new tires .... $1450 1919 l ord Tudor. Very good shape $J 95 LARGE SELECTION OF OI.DLR CARS TO PICK I ROM c'yiii't man and forgotten hero, after the young athletes hid An ambulance wheeled him gone home, sweeping out the silently through the streets of .building. , a ri'y v.- iH-h a half century agOi Italy finally gave him a pen-eeh'ed his name. i sion amounting to about $35 a The (h ers had come after he month. He had no other income, won a golden cigaret holder. Doctors said he suffered a W L rtro(t 28 12 Montreal 2B IS Toronto 25 15 ' v A TP A 9 135 B7 i 143 104 8 101 HO 6 121 132 7 112 137 5 100 172 The door of your nearest Naval Recruiting Station is the door to a liveiy. adventurous, well-travelled life ... a planned career in the rxpamtinj; Royal Canadian Navy! The Navy oilers you the best in trades training a permanent well-paid job and a pension al an aye when you're still young enough to enjoy il. Put that's not all! 11k- Navy provides you with (ree food, clothing, living quarter.!, ineilic.il and dental care, plus a worthwhile goal the defence ol freedom! Monday ; Bto" 21 22 from Quern Victoria and prizes severe heart attack Pts 65 57 511 48 45 23 Pis U2 61 52 49 48 new 1 urn i 3 Chicago 37 H KM I.K.N W L from King Christian of Den-j night and hold little hope for; mark, pud the last czar of Pais-, his recovery. j ia. i r v a Alberto won one of the first Darrell Royal prizes to be awarded in gym- ( nasi Irs at the first modern I 28 18 6 152 121 29 19 3 194 149 23 19 0 152 149 21 24 7 159 1H5 20 24 8 1E3 1)1 , 1 .Q 8 143 1S1 . Vuncouver C'ulHiirv Sa.sk ft lof.n N Wur Fdrnonton 'Victoria :ti'-attle . AUTO SERVICE Olympic Games at Athens Jieleasedlj l'J04 He repeated his vie 44 .40 in 1U08 and came homej herald GO PLACES! GO NAVYI ' ' at a t . ed as u, hero. For a time he j EDMONTON ' Cftu. . Dautell ' liPftle good Money'. Then bad"in- Royali the man wno brought vestments wiped away his for- i Split-T football to Canada, bow-tnne and he was forced to take ' ed out as nead coach of Edmon- ill j ton Eskimos of the Western M i Interprovincial Football union Walls Dropi Drops M- ' '11, ) f In Ratings NEW YORK 1 Upset defeats suffered by Earl Walls, Yolantie Pompey. Danny Nardico and Gerhard Heeht have resulted in a vigorous shake-up of the latest boxing ratings, released today by King magazine. iA- IX lew iiouis auer ilskuuos released the WIFU's all-star coach of 1953 from his" contract obligations, the 29-year-old Royal left Edmonton by plane for Starksville, Miss., where he will become head coach of Mississippi State College. Eskimo officials said Royal would return here ;n about a week to wind up his' affairs. Spring training at Starksville opens the first week in March. SHOE SALE LADIES' SHOES $1-95 at FASHION FOOTWEAR Tommy Harrison, Los Angeles heavyweight, took over the No. 8 .spot among the challengers by Royal will succeed Murray defeating Walls, the Canadian j Warmath, who will take over as slugger from Edmonton, who: head coach at Minnesota State. The move was in line with Royal's ambition to become a "career" coach. Eskimos didn't stand in his way. Royal signed a three-year contract last season, his first in Canadian football, but Eskimos waived his obligations. twice knocked out Rex Laync. Coley Wallace, beaten by Ezzai'd Charles was dropped out of the top 10 and was replaced by Clarence Henry of Los Angeles. Despite a disappointing performance against jimmy Slade, Philadelphia's Harold Johnson retained his No. 1 spot among li'ht heavyweight contenders. V ry jpilnee RnpfH,"l!.iM.r.S. Cl-atham. l-Sjf, 2 i m.il to m., without obligrtiw. 1" " ""L1 Vl regarding CMW. enrolment ....... ' requiremenlj ona op il ovailabte in the R.C.N. Kl AME Dlnnr DSnl J m m t C t Mr CURLING RESULTS ART Ml KK.W TKWMIV (mcnS) MONDAY 7 PM- Johnson 4. McLeod 9. Ramsay 7, McKenzie 5. McBrooin li, Schuman 9. 9 P.M. Biteman 9. Turner 6. Crovslpy 7. Willson 8. Anderson 9. Shier 6. WEDNESDAY DRAW Wakley vs. Petrow. Httniilton vs. Partridge. I "wit vs. M(Kire. liKOTTO COMPETITION (Mi-n's) TONTOHT 7 PM Mutthew vs. Lafcrie. Jilrhnr vs Gtewart fjhier vs. Bird. 9 PM SEE THE NAVAL RECRUITING OFFICER AT THE ADDRESS IN THE COUPON OR MAIL THE COUPON TODAY, STREET ADDRE5S province IT'S YOUR GATEWAY TO A MAN'S LIFE - SERVING CANADA. I CITY . T. ioin th. R.C.N, you mt- . h..we.n 17 and 25 (J in .m. .p..li..d c.t.go,i.., EDIICATIONlby gradi. and province) . km ohvtlrnllv ii ond have Grade t Education or belter. I . AG' ' .. 1 4 Cigarette . HA1L (SANA -1' ! Kytjlfson vs. Pord.