Parliamentary Indemnity Bill Headed For Free Vote t i. lire ti sion to study the Pft amount. Howard n,." W V x Russian University Students Rewarded For Good Work With State Allowances By BILL BOSS and 90 per cent of students i A "three" cancels the allow- MOSCOW (CP) Every Russian training to become teachers ance for the next term. It may university student maintaining draw the allowance. ! be restored by higher marks at ; a certain level of excellence ! It goes only to student grades the next exams. Similarly, a draws an allowance from the "five" and "four," equivalent to non-recipient may earn an al-state ' i-A" and "B" in Canada in uni- lowance by obtaining the neces- examinations sary marks at his examinations, DrPavil Zymine. den.Ky nnv versity entrance ister of education, told The and must be justified from term jr.;ipx FUOrtI EXAMS' Canadian Press that between 85 toterm by continued good work. , students cnterlng unlversity-- T1 n d. nnili, K su i level institutes from high school OTTAWA (CP) A. government. bill to double parliamentary indemnities appears headed for a free vote, members deciding ac- cording to their own feelings. . All shades of opinion were expressed Monday as the Commons debated the measure ,:Kfv; Vancouver Quadrai saw 7 ' lng the indemnity u fieu"at any time" and not for the Senate. No Liberal member has ed the legislation. Angus Maclnnls which Piimc Minister St. Laurent ha.s said should be decided basis. on a non-p.irti.san The widest differences appeared within the CCF party. All C'CF members opixxse raises ior - -v-k & -r! increases, which he m I put MP's salaries above 'to' 90 per cent of was while thousands of tW went to bed hungry. The former Vancouvpr a. Tuesday, February 2, 1954 I """Si with gold or silver medals are exempt from examinations and automatically draw the stipend. For the first term It is 220 rubles. Requalification after the first examinations raises the "regular stipend," as it is called, to between 320 and 350 rubles monthly. For exchange purposes the car motorman said the p. the Senate. S(ne reject any Commons Increases; others support the entire $4,000 increase; still others want a smaller Increase. ni-hnte was on a government ..2V ance, give members jn higher than 89.3 per m saw LI s indemnity hill Drovldlna for vauaiuuiis wno paid lntoni. Wallaces Dept. Store Vinyliie Plastic "The King of Plastics" Curtains - Drapes raises to $8,000 from $4,000, this j in 1951. In addition to a $2,000 tax-iree, M,. Drew $M n otniinllv A , . TWO FIREMEN CLIMB towards the centre of the $300,000 fire sweeping a three-storey building in downtown Montreal. Firemen battled mo e than two hours before bringing the blaze under control. A hotel next door was evacuated and dynamite was removed from a haruwaie store further down the block. facia or Information bftotr Yardage house to show how the it Soviet government values the ruble at 25'cents. Its purchasing value is from five to eight cents. -Additionally, outstanding students may be awarded a "personal stipend" for application and excellence. They are for a year and worth between 500 and S0O rubles monthly. wus leacnea expense uwwwttuvc second bill, proposing salary Increases for cabinet ministers, speakers and opposition leader In both houses, the deputy eader In the S.-nute, did not enter the discussion. Opposition leadet Drew said there should be some Increase, but asked for a royal commH- The new improved Vinylite so easy to clean, so inexpensive and permanent. Beautiful new color combinations to blend with any room color scheme. See Wallace's stock of brand new 1954 designs. Llsmorc In County Wall: Ireland, was the Elte otc '.. a-tery founded by Sr Car: in 633 A. 0. New York Is Only City In World' Says Writer on Return From Rome TRAINING SCHOOLS There have been three types ! nf npri.icneiral institute: The : WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE : four-year pedagogical school; I four-year Institute. get up at 3 o'clock In the morning and buy a bool; or a shirt. By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK ( "A city to: TODAY ond SATURDAY "MARRY ME AGAIN ' ROKERT CUMM1NG8 - MARIE WILSON ' "THE SEA AROUND US" t in a leui delist' ui ut'iuM a cmv, me," .said Truman Capote, i'or!i-i New York is the only city in the in5 thoughtfully at a strawbeuy world. It is the only one open tart, "Is a place where you can I 24 hours a day." Capote, recently returned from Rome, has somewhat outgrown h Is c h i Id - wonde r- af -t he-1 Kt r-ary-worid status of a fe.v years ago. Critics then were divided over whether he was startllngiy precocious or startlingly preciouswhether he was pale young genious or merely pale. "I'm 28 now." he remarked a' luncheon in the 21 Club, "and It's No Pedagogical school graduates may teach only the first four grades. The two-year institute was an interim measure, introduced when compulsory education was extended from five to seven years. To teach higher grades under the compulsory system iuw beinu: introduced, its grad CAPITOL . FAMOUS l'LAYKRSTMl.i LAST COMPLETE SHOWING 8:13 p.m. Secret... That all drivers on our rrucks carry uates must requalify;' Most are U.S. Military Schools To End Color Segregation This Year WASHINGTON W Sept. l' segregated schools." 1955 is the date for ending segre- The end of segregation of the ?ation of white and Negro child- schools was directed by Presl-ren in schools in United States dent Eisenhower last March, military posts, under a new plan TODAY AND WEDNESDAY I've written four books and a play. I just finished writing the dialogue for an Italian film. Now I'm working on my third novel and doing the lyrics for a musical play, based on Haiti, called 'House of flowers.' It's light and strange." THE EYKS HAVE IT MPrlutn f.alM" .... 8:20 n.m. "Serpent" 1: anil: doing so by correspondence. Pay is based on an. 18-hour week for specialists, 24 hours for elementary - grade teachers. Overtime is paid. The four-yer institute qualifies teachers for eighth, ninth and 10th years. Its graduates have BA status. . , Teachers earning the title Whipping Cream - -Table Cream Cereal Cream ' Just ask the driver for any of these when he delivers your milk. CLEOPATRA! .ff2 - -.r.r;. 7 Ir r""H Ve Zealander First to Head Capote, who talks with the! i, artistic assurance of an Oscar ; Wilde, is blond, blue-eyed audi of the defence department. Assistant defence secretary John B. Hannah says details have been worked out with the health, education and welf&re department, which will ask Congress for the necessary funds. A key provision, he said, is for operation of schools by the welfare deDartment in those places "honored teacher" obtain a 10 per cent increase. Dr. Zymine said extension of Two UN Croups UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. Uf' Northland Dairy compulsory education to the 10th grade is producing a teach- the first time in United Limited in the south and southwest For small enough to walk under the j onus of a high school basket-1 ball centre. He looka less like a , sophisticated fawn today and more like a retired choir boy or a rising young literary critic, "I don't think writing for the films has anything to do with writing," he observed. "In wilting for the films, Uie only im Phone 18 nortimk: MtODCCE FOR NORTHERN CONSUMERS ; er problem which Is being remedied in part by giving teachers more work. Nations history,, one diplomat today heads two major councils "where there are state' prohibi ! tions against operating non f TECHNICOLOR "V. 1 I '?r 1 mm , ' ' Tthnnda FLEMING - William l! of the United Nations. j Leslie Know Munro, New Zea- j land's 52-year-old ambassador to 'he UN and to the United Si a es. took over the presidency of the security council for a month He already head3 the UN trus TOTEM n the Same Program: BRIAtf DONLEVY JACQUELINE WHITE In "Behind Prison Gates' portant tning is the visual sense the eye Is everything." But he did enjoy doing the dialogue for "Indiscretion of an American Wife," produced In Famoui Players IbeiiH teeship council. Munro said the security coun-f ' nxs com" buck into action after months or Inactivity and he must arrange his schedule of Home for Columbia Pictures by Vlltorio Dc Sica, "In Italy lliry don't rely so much on a script," he said "They council meetings to avoid con- HKc to make things up as tlicy eo flicts. He termed the new ac-1 along. The film was hot In the tlvity in the council a good sign. CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STOBAOl Hrxt Avenue and McRride Street Munro was elected president of the trusteeship council last year. Rome railroad terminal, anu whenever tncy needed dialogue ; for the next scene I would go into another room of the station and write It." j NEVER SAW TELEVISION Capote has never .seen a 'tel .- i vision program. j "I have no opinions against It. i I simply don't own a television Inventor j Dies in Fall NEW YORK I Maj. Edwin H., Armstrong, Inventor of many of the world's basic radio patents, was killed Mondav when he fell or jumped from luj 13th floor apartment In swanky River House. Armstrong, 63, developed the frequency modulation FM sys family favorite.. ' J 5 ; set', and I'.iody I know ever looks at 1? "It somite ierrbl; xcltiiiy. but I dislike all cphemcreal things." This mellowing enfant j terrible of literature he eurncd j his living tap dancing on a; river boat, painting on k-. and fortune telling while learn-! ' lng the waiter's trade uoked j moodily In the ruins of the 1 strawberry tart, then said: ' "What would bo'.her me about,; working in television Is that you 1 have only the bubble of a mo-nient. To the creative' artist.' his work has to be a solid thing not an ephemeral thing, such as an actor's performance." tem of broadcasting. He also invented the superheterodyne and super-regenerative circuits which are basis of virtually all radio receivers. t Pope Better frozen strawberries VATICAN CITY (Reuters) The Pope is still suffering from an attacK oi niccups wnicn imau. Radio-TV program troubled him for a week but ine attack has become less severe, Any resemblance between this ad and a popular purely intentional. ! it was disclosed Sunday night. It Is the most serious illness the Pope has had since ascending the throne nearly 15 years ago, an authoritative source said. "DRAGNET" A BOB PARKER LIMITED PRESENTATION ..k.'T" Try Doily News Classified HAVE BERN ClIXNCil l) TO PROTECT TIIH INM'"" "ONLY TI1E PRICKS FOK YOt ......c! i ni'Kiinu'N : . ' 1 - . : . -- . 1. ! The chief Inspected all of the use ... - .... . .i lnnn bill 01 ine lot aim. gave uicm a Nothing misleading. He had the w .,, ,kv oil -loan. Them"1" ..... - iu. :lt.h a ilne HERE'S THE FACTS, JUST THE FACTS, SIR: The day is Tuesday. The name Is Bob Parker Limited. We are In the new and used car business. We're working on McBride Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. As public servants were experienced we've been here for eight years. We have a large selection of used cars real bargains that we're offering the public. Drop In and see lor yourself. " snop went OVUl uirm , (Jld comb; everything checked ut" " . u.,t.. tl alcnhollCS Hfl.. , a.rr., nno hfld & laa 11(11., t.Vl.T W.. of anti-freeze and is ready to rou. HERE'S TODAY'S LINEUP: ,iD MlHYl ltY Tl"" Every fifteen minutes, a Canadian suffers serious injury in a traffic accklaat Every four hours a life is lost. Every two minutes a fender is smashed. Insurance cannot restore life or mitigate pain. All it can do is relieve the financial burden of disaster. Even then, the bill comes high-Last year, companies writing Automobile Insurance paid out mors than $75,000,000 in accident claims a part of the cost of carelessness a'nd discourtesy in driving. , ALL CANADA INSURANCE FEDERATION on behalf of more than 200 competing companies wiitin& Fire, Automobile and Casualty Insurance. All accessor" 880 Do"1 Nobody could clW '52 FORI) SEDAN Heater. Excellent condition. '840 Down Here's a chance to cop a real buy. Don't let your feet drag. Net this before it gets away. ' To VANCOUVER via Waypuints FRIDAYS: SS COQU1TLAM, 8 p.m. SUNDAYS: SS CAMOSUN, 8 p.m. To Stewart and Alice Arm SS Camosun, Saturday, 6 a.m. To North Oueen Charlotte Islands January 27 and Feb. 10 Coquitlam, Thursday, 6 a.m.' To South Queen Charlotte Islands February 3 and 17 Coquitlam, Thursday. 8 p.m LKS SMITH Prince RuDert Agent 48 FORD PICKUP ' Box on back.. Al shape. 270 Down Alter seeing our lineup here's one car you'll recognize as a good buy. car. us ,,erpri ALL CANADA INSURANCE TEPERATION uui r m mm mmr an m x wurm. wr w mm BiMbwiH mw "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" 511 Third Ave, Phone 568