1 r i d iCc PVupdl f LUlly lfc'C Tuesday. Fcuru.iry 2, 1Uj4 3LACKWCOD on (T 63s iii 1 r. ..jriM. IMi tUMAV 5- BRIDGE li r i r mi ;ir LIU W .By EASLEY BLACKWOOD 2u Disinterest in Poor Hands Makes Had 1 Mayer DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS Watch a fine player operate and you will see I that he plays his bad hands with just as much care i ! , llnrl tViftiiri-Vif liT. lrtA T....lw. fart "ST . li - it is natural, I suppose, to b. Classified Kates come come a apathetic pa and careless af THE DAILY NEWS KLUr4tiulUa& Today's Stocks (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co .td.) South dealer Both i.ides vulnerable Nmlli (Mr. Masters) S 7 V Q 1 H Q 7 3 'CIRCULATION", TODAY 335! C A K :i o 7 654 A SOUND SPRING investment i this basic blouse . . . simple:, feminine and easy-to-care-for. In Avisco ribbed acetate, it wahe easily, dries In a jiffy, and needs just a touch-up v.'ith the. iron. YEAR AGO 3057 time 4-30 pm. aay previous mimtion. ,) 3 cnt wr word p In minimum zhnrn 60 ntm ,otlc'M kO renin, Curd of i j'atri NotlMt. puufsml Murrlane and Engagement irir-innta. 12.00. )t'ipiv doiihla prlo. No Khfundft !'. nut accept rfsponalbllity Ku-ti a'ls liif-rted Incorrectlf r wrutiK cifcAflincjillun unlaw imi at such errors Im received . 4 uoum ot fln t luaerMw. (let ( Mrv S Q Ala! t li : 0 :i : ter you pick up three or foui busts in succession. But the fine j player realizes that he cannot hold a hig hand every deal. If he did. nobody would play with J him. He realizes, too, ttiat when ihis opponents hold a bis edw I in hien card, they will usually Ibid the hand to the hilt, fioiiif. j after the bonuses for game ami slam. j Therefore, there Is a chance i to beat every contract ... at least until declarer lays the hand down and proves otherwise. If you don't have the no- !() f. :l 2 10 II 5 4 ( ':. 8--h 1J c 14 BUSINESS PERSONA!.? '39 liOVCS I OK KENT VANCOUVER American Standard Bralorne B R X Cariboo Cold Congress Cronin Babini. Giant Mascot I Tnn advcrtiicMnt it not puMnkiii Of dipUy4i.by ! Hie Liquet (Wol BiMro) a by iht Oovcrnnuni j ftl British Columljtt. fi ff CHAMBER THF F.LKCTRICIAN D H.mse wiring and repairs. H!) Ulh Av IT.one Red 105. uuyatT,. fbLLY furnished modern two- .octiie.il bedroom house, Gruiiam Ave . West. S55.0O per month. T. Norton (3X1 Youngs. Real Estiile and In.r. t Sriuf.li Mr. Ilali ) H K 4 H A K V K .) 10 0 C 5 4 Wtiiliii",: V.i vt K.,rt Indian Mines Pioneer ,. . 'I.UMBTNO. auirn'us oil hcaT-1 !;nco' Jone 1. 'Wl (Continued from pane li fhe remaining two could still handle 10.000 tons. VANT AD nf, !heet niPtr.i work. Phone (BUSINESS And FOUR-ROOM house Apply 225 Premier Border 143. Call 630 8tl. West. Letour- Harry Breen susgested that U.minl setting trick in vour Green 1st Ave. Fast. Phone 884. 13'i 3.30 .02 .Co .04 .01 .43 .03 1.49 .05 .03 1.30 .55 .10' i .01 .02';. .58 .52 .10 .05' 2 .18 neau. (ci The Sen, ill 1 I) 2 D 3 NT i whether or not the drvdocks hand, mavbe nartner linns haw 28pt K..-.t Ail pa PROFESSIONAL 2 (' 5 D REPLIES 39 A SUITES IOR KENT WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER ELECTROLUX. Phan Bine 570 or Parts Jales Service. (c) V.'Jorc holding replier Privateer Reeves McDonald l Sheep Creek Silbak Premier Vananda Spud Valley Silver Standard . .. Western Uranium Sil-Van Dorreen Estella SELF-CONTAINED completely redecorated 3 -room suite. Available Feb 1. Phone G. P Tinker Co. Ltd. 57 (27) i were .sold, the railway should be ' . It is your job to co-operate with i asked for assurance that service partner and try to guide him in j would be continued for district fhe right direction. Look how ! fish boats throughout the com-j Mr- Abel overlooked a nolden ing season, and was backed by opportunity to beat today's con-'Dr. L. M. Greene who said anyjtract- sale or shut-down should be, Mrs. Keen opened her single-' postponed at least until next fall ton deuce of clubs and dummy's for the sake of fishermen and to are won Mr. Abel woorieniy i allow prospective buyers to in- I Pifyed the trey. Now Mr. Dak' ,e following News nxes: WILFORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. ufi (29) OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER . 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 $ 865 878 888 SUITE. Phone Red DZi. 10 IIOMEHroVlsAlir it 894 DRESSMAKING ai.d , tions. Phone Red 224. eplies must be vestlgale and prermre bids. j a diamond from the board Urging immediate action on ond P'yl the king. Mrs. Keen jlled for in person NEARLY everybody uses WILFORD EleTTHeaTWorics Dealer lor Ekolite .Sounders. (38) OVUM. LVF.N1S Oils AnKlo Canadian 5.25 A P Con 35 Central Leduc 1.80 Home Oil 9.35 Mercury 12' Okalta 1.80 Royal Canadian 12'- Auxiliary caiil parly. EXCLUSIVE Three-bedroom house, two bathrooms, cement basemenl, two lots. This 12-year-old house is close to the -hospital and Mc-Bi ide St. Price $8000. Easy terms arranged. Hcli?eison Ltd. RjiI Estate and Insurance 216 61 h Street Phone 96 Or Frank Wilson, Black 197 eves (27) CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smlthers Every Tuesday and Friday. For connectior.s Phone 632 the proposed sale was a wire from E. T. iTed) Applewhaite, MP, who said he was awaiting more details on the sale proposal but meanwhile was fighting a one-man losing battle in Ottawa. MAOA2INE3, iioveldes. News Stand. Kddle' (c; BEST OF FOOD . FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe ml 17. I c; ui'if unci Brownie ke Kale and Novelties, SI reel. School, Feb. 6. TORONTO Alhona a Aumaquc The session also heard a brief j 103, 12 ill m FOR chimney Meaning and odd Jobs, phone Green 773. 42p. BOTTLE Collector. PhonT&reen 62fc 1 38p BURNER and chimney cleaning. Phone Blue 331. (6i Church W A Valentine Con. Discovery 1.98 42 WANTEli TO KENT b. 11 at Mrs. L. M. won with the ace and, as you see, all she had to do now was to lead a spade to Mr. Abel's ace. Hv could roturn a-club and she would ruff for the setting trick. But unfortunately Mrs. Keen was not equipped with X-ray eyes. She had no ay of knowing which major suit ace Mr. Abel held or, for that matter, whether he had an ace at all After long thought she came o it with a heart and Mr. Dale won, picked up the last trump and pot rid of all of his spades or dummy's clubs, making six-odd Mr. Abel should have deme some thinking at trick one. His partner's club lead was an obvious singleton. If she had a ouick trump winner, she would fi4r) Borden St. prepared by the Prince Rupert Industrial Development Committee in ir46. which outlined the potential of the drydock and urged the government and Canadian National Railways to make the drydock available by lease to Bevcourt 53 Buffalo Canadian 23"s C M & S 22.75 Conwest 3.65 THREE-ROOM unfurnished suite or four-room unfurnished house. Apply Room 85. Prince Investors Syndicate of Canada Ltd. and investors Mutual of Canada Ltd. T. M. CHRISTIE Ph. 384 315 Third Avenue W. Representative for Prince Rupert Terrace and Kltlmat Cud Parly, Feb. II. ( :'.' 10 HELP 1VA.V1T.U FEMALE iKupert Hotel. (27) fcArcttiCNCKD oilice clerk and bookkeeper, Knowledge of!1 un IL'iun nee, Feb. W A. Vulen-VI, Legion LISTINGS WA.NTFX) private enterprise with the Donalda Eldona East Sullivan Giant Yellowknlfe God's Lake bookkeeping machines an ad Luxjiy Steomsr Prince George SAILS FOR I VANCOUVER I ami Intermediate Ports ! Each Thursday at H:l"i p.m. i For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midniehl .51 .31 3.85 8.75 .80";, .30 .05 vantage but not essential. Full necessary rapital to operate it. The 1P40 brief said there would be sufficient volume of work available in the area to maintain a staff of 125 emDlovees or part tl r.e. Steady employment MS.A. Box 8D4, Daily News. (281 List your house with H. O. HKLGERSON LTD. "and prepare to move." P'.ione 96 F. Wilson, Bia-k 197 eves. (31) .ill V:.li'litin Ttu, Feb il W.A. Iiak SaleTbor-.nderson's, Feb. 13. Or fF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck arid Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS j Harricana i Heva Gold I Duvex j Joliet Quebec I Little Long Lac j Lynx 21 ' .35 ' i for many months of the year. 20 Bi ll DIM; MAIEKtALS - naturally want to know how 41 BUSINESS PROPERTY ' W A Rumnuiee and , Ki b. 13, 206 6th St. LTD. PHILPOTT. EVTTT Si CO Phone 651 or 652 Comfort and Service it hire-wu mat., wun same ; she could reach Mr. Abel's hand minor changes in layout at so she could ruff a club return : minor cost, the plant could con-j with these thoughts in mind 1' Valentine Dance, Feb. ' Inottire about our biuluet plan I Maflsen Ked Lake .... ! McKenzie Red Lake ; Macleod Cockshutt . nvit.dii.n enly. Tickets for your home lmnroemeni . No TO CLOSE AN ESTATE Two-stony business block, nets 20' on full investment. II. G. 1 1 person Ltd. For reservations write oi I call criil C City ity or or Depot Depot Office, Office, Prince Prince Rupert, Rupert, B E C. C. li.irber Shop. down payment. JlOO to $2 .000. 6 JS jf:.;' j siiuci wooucri vessels oi oa ieer Mr. Abel should have played th or more in length, undertake all ; jack of clubs at triek one an types of ship repairs', overhaul unnecessarily high card. This anil repair machinery and nower suit preference signal would tell units, either gas, diesel or steam; Mrs. Keen that If and when she to 24 nios. to par (31 .79 ' I .09' 1.62 . .35 1.40 .42 59 00 .13 1.10 .54 4.05 Moneta scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTA.-TT 216 0th St. Phone AS'Nnrmdn "7 u( Prayer, Cathedral, M iH'li 3. evenings. 147) !7 np. ' Louvicourt . 45 THE BEST Farelirr Vour llenilng tXillnrs C. James Block, 60-1 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.D. Box 374 view lot, Pickle Crow Petrol Oil & n s Denial Clinic Bake undertake" metal casting and machining: construct tanks of all types, and build truck bodies. got in, she should return the higher of the other two plain suits in this case, spades. close in, 37'2xl00. 1 Gas basement excavated Ion & Anderson's, Sherritt Gordon Price only $1250. II. (i. Hel":crson T I'M!. (, 1 Steep Rock 6 60 oil..- i.n BLONDIE : (Iwa'i-d Silver Miller 92 I'.TA. Tea find 1 " . " " By CHIC rOUNG A NEW ELhXTWiC ) (jSNT T j lib IT GOIHS TO Br" ) , I'LL SAY I ' c Pin.l i IRON jl ' ( 6EAUTy? A SURl- KiSE ? I IT IS ' ' - A MINK eh 18. Phone 96 Wilson, Black With Mcl.eod River Hard Coal LUMP Eon STOKER t ClMll MpKialllei: l.lRnlte In ton loin ... lie 5H Ton Dipl., innt EuB-Ton lots f.BOOToil Albeit & McCafftry Ltd. rhonw 118- 117-53 Sweet Grass Oils Golden Manitou 197 .28 1 45 Or F. t-y' TO SHOW VOL) WHAT eves. (27; 1 V7 A. Rummage Sale, Can Chem & Cel 9 00 (451 D.iuehlers Easter Tea, Landover Oils ftix Athabasca Nesbitt Labine .11 1.53 1 81 16 Id'SINESS orroRTUNITII'S FOR SALE Skeena Cafe Snack Bar: Phone Black 937. (321 (Mil-! of the Moose Spring! e of Mrs. Fred Grim j FOR vour fuel requirements: Hi Ave. West, April 15. 1 OII"ShH" Stoye and Furnace. wncoine. i Coal Foothills and Bryan Mm. had:o dial 1210 Kilocycles CFPR mi soii"- ,ir. Apiil An,iiirrrI1c,..rj!:",1!!no..,. , ' i II 'I II. I I II I H U III A? '11 I'lII (3D Phore 8:l or Cr2 (Subject Ic rhanjte) llllaill':r'lll (3D Show, fen l re Spring 30. May I S i - i - " V CL ' . u ' .T-t .j-v ... i..i - "1 ' ' ' . , - ' " , 1 . i I s i v , . j , ' "nil, .T-'- -MM ' . 'i' ' 1f ';, it.. ' . . 1 t i f . 'S - - i i ' ; -, 1 ' ':'. "... ,' . t ' t4ffi i ' 'ei;' . .''''' ,'i' .-3 . I .,.: Ml 11 h TEfiDAY !). SEWINT. MACHINES Mil) (II THANKS lALESReoalis-Kentnls. Elnger Sewing Centre. Phor.e 864. c KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED By ZANE GREY' Kular Baptist Church ) express their great )" and thanks for the Boreal 2.35 Gleason Plans Show Despite Broken Bones NEW YORK i4i Jackie Gleason, who broke a leg and ankle In a Jail ' (turios his television show last Saturday night J says he will appear on next Saturday's show "if I have to go on my stretcher.'' Doctors Doctors said said they they .thought .thought it it "extremely doubtful that Gleason could make this week's show. Gleason fell in full view of his television audience. He slipped on a wet spot on the stage where I fT'fl 'wjv cJ7 I m o reset you to sue up rui iiJKAcs I j nded bv the neluhiin 9 FOR SAL: MISC. -Sjseuio sp 7xeec is,i j; x"?, children of the Sunday! "Id to the Prinep Rn. i MO HIDIN6 INDUS rVTT I tiXK AND tvCTfigTA CENT' . --'f' ft T L' 4 Department who liin-dainage by their pro-Ut) PtRMlNAl. Ff ' AV IXT ' IW-l: vVv HrS4 ' P.M. 6 :00 li::ill 6 45 7 00 7:15 7 .10 8:00 8 15 8 30 9:00 9 .10 10:011 10:10 10:15 10:MO 1 1 am r!:IHI A M. 7:00 i:l.- 7::t() 8x4 SHEET '1,-lnch fir plywood and 11 nieces of nine-foot clear fir 2x4's, with miscellaneous lumber and hardboard; the lot, SI 4. Walnut china cabinet, glass doors. $18. Call nt 115 First St. Phone Blue 705. inr-tfl F'iriay. Feb. 5." Legion lum Music by ihe 'imtain Boys, featuring 'fig. Canada's rham-;lmc fiddler. Admis-" (281 the floor was wet from meliedi BAND SAW, 14" Delta and red cedar boat lumber, 18 foot lengths, about 600 feet. Apply 1119 6th Ave. East. (27) dry ice used to create steam for an episode in the show. ? Alcoholics ''O- Box Mi. FRIGIDAIRE electric range, two lN'ES PERSONALS , ytf -f J rAt ii "Muaa i ?. Cv . : LI'LABNER ruai tap uneie months old. Pfone 669. (29) QUAKER oil heaTeP with oil drum and all connections. Cheap for cash. Aonlv Familv r 7ftt: Siipprr Serrmifle Kiiilli'.v lliirnrttr slum' llov Scout Program I'liC News flit; News Roundup Leicester Stunr to nroHtlway Th Nutton's Business C'anadiana Twenty Questiona Mr. ShowbtisincKS Vmicouver Theatre CMC News I'Bt News Ahout Israel l? re Come.s the nund Ileal her Hi'lmrl , Miivltal .MiiHlfrpieces M;:n-i.n WEDNESDAY B C. Fishermen's Broadcast Mn-t.-al Im k die: News; Weather Miisletll I Im k liiriiiiig llevolloilM I'PC News; Weather Hire's Bill C'xkkI breakfast Club Laura Limited line News unci Comty. Aunt Lucy ( nine llllat May Time Signal ' Morning Visit The Happy Gang Muslcnl Kitchen Your OtKid Neinhhor KlnderKHrten ot the Air. Mi'ssne ivrloil Ml'IS hill hen c;nc News Interlude B.C. Farm Broadcnst Interlude Kerorils fur YllU Kecoril Allium B.C. School Broadcast Trans-rjanada Matinee Bruve Voyage lloetlown - B C. Roundup Other Voices. Other Places Jubilee Rcmd Benny the Bashful Boxcar stock llimliitluii VucalNe International Comty. CIIC News; Weather i Hawhitle Have You Heard? Shoe Store. (27) ER SERVICE that's our name. ER SERVICE CHOP SUEY . . . ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. I ".-' -'isA ( AGENT. AH MERELV GUARANTEE) $XO.OOOffJ C WILL? Jl COMMISSION i L. ( THANK ) '-.'JS V NEEDS 6 IO.OOO. T6IT -OU-NOT J yfiTI Ul r i i.t t THE FIR-iTfi 10,000 V VO; .a? MAHPAPPVA MEREL.V N X4- AlTw'"- V J VOU EARN.'.''- MlSTAH I -A(4''.rEMBARRA5-ilN' AS tO.OOO- ) HOURS'.' ) w, Ml THE SECOND j t-ULU- S rAyv SOPEiwoN.r-r---, - ip-'in An"1'1! 11' '0,ooo (lesgo) COLEMAN oil floor furnace, never out of crate, $180. Phone Blue 549. (29) S2 A FORRKNT VI I ScT" hat's our claim. '"Tories and their need, tine we snn,i ij FURNISHED two-room cabin, located 1153 11th Ave. E. Apnlv 801 Borden St. '291 3TWANTED MISt'ELLAlS EOUS 'one us nl ic. 8:(K) 8:10 8:15 8:45 9:UO 9:1S II: :lll 0 :59 10:00 10:15 10:45 1 1 :0O 11 :I5 I can I I 4.) P.M. 12 15 12:25 12:aO l'i:.ri.1 I :lill 1 :ao 2:00 2:10 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:15 4:30 4:45 ., Ull 5:15 5:20 6 :.') 6 :55 ' there to smile and fix. (29) WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Honest grading, prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metal Ltd., 250 Prior St., Vancouver, B.C. Phone PAcific 6357. (Hi will 1 WU you wear r ea1yy":'?,?!d 'me nrrifii 'aR,"B Hollywood Cafe l(M&, ' For Outside Orders Phone 13S 'V Sj f THE HEART OF JULIET JONES i,.,. By STAN DRAKE AA -s S,NNX LcTAE LL "X ! HiSi XO g CH ICE" LJT VE JB...THAT VOU EE WONPSePUL, PUSTV, I ! . ff If V VOU AZK. V.-HAvSE 1 CN HAP TM MOST STUNNINO WAPCCCSE POSlTlvetV TOPS.' JULIE, ' AT-' I , , ft C-ET TO THE STATE COLLECCE ) OP VVINTES sTU-F... I'LL WlRS THE I CAN GO.'.' -O"' '' " - 1 rMkllkl i ' ' I (i v ,1 V WINTER WEEK ENP- JUST HOL0 ' STUD TO RUSH IT HERE. I TMN . 'T '';A! ..'' J ' UIINllNVj '' 1 j TH6CFFE'lOPeN,ISeuN&. VIE RE 4BOUT THE SAME SIZE , ' (is- -vV i'v ::U PLEASURE I 1 W r-Mn7 J0mM I SPARKLING NEW I 1 a ' & -. M fjL Jji . SURROUNDINGS lM A hOfSfl I Commodore Cafelj life II --lfaX4 CASH TOR 8crap. cooper, brass batteries, radiators. Phone 53 Call 630 6th Ave. West (c) i o T'ii ut act 1'ilck. ' M 3(14 m ', ". ""'ley- 36 ROOMS KCR RENT 68, Mntr?Hl ilCHIIHIT.'.".- li..i,". '""I. incom. Wonr a Pier? - aii.'si. o n . - ONE large furnished housekeeping room, 1 'A blocks from Post. Office. Phone Blue 7!7 after 5 p.m. (31) Furlc, IUIII LONDON (CP) The government ian. fil- Pro. 215 1st West. TWO furnished rooms NewWave tmtisn Kailways has a house. No children. Abslain-! pter for sale. The structure which era. 1063 9th Ave. East. (31p) juts into the Thames here will CTtT , : -. . . "T be useless when improvements FULLY furnished housekeeping after1" u" -, lry s service rv" e are are corn- coln room. Phone Blue 638. 5 p.m. (2!i 'plPtfd. (41) 'h Park, '' f course. (45) v VI , ' '. " -..." ' " ' ' I t '..-JV, " '--- ,