Prince Rupert Daily Mews Victoria Report As I See It Saturday, August 8, 1953 f " b'y I'M Y yf Clin ore 4a independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Ru)iert and .Northern and Central British Columbia. - Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. Published by The Princt Rupert Dally News Llmtted. J. F. MAQOR, President H. O. PERRY. Vice-President Subscrtptluii Rates: ,By carrier Per uvek. 25c; per month, 1.00; per ysar, (1000. MiS7j?L?aH VICTORIA, Had two interesting assignments in the last week. One was to view new forests on Vancouver Lsland, the other tq visit officials of the government's Motor Vehicle Branch who are trying to make driving safer. . First about the woods the ' i J - i - Saturday Sei -rmon oy mau t-er momn, ioc; per year, va ou. 'Authorised as second class mall by the Post'offlce Department, Ottawa. 40- ','ALWAYS BROKE" . . by J. .. Nesbitt &te to see that our forest Industry Is not .wiped out. And an informed public opinion and pressure, often, on our elected representatives will be necessary to keep this reforestation going. It must never stop. Here anj a few figures supplied to me by Canadian Western Lumber Company: from 1943 to 1948, this company planted 3.026.OO0 trees on 3,650 acres of denuded land, mostly on the site of the great Campbell River fire of 1938. Total planting throughout the province now amounts to HI. 51 7,450 trees, on 110,847 acres, industry has planted 15.587,100 trees on 19,235 acres, while the government's forest service has planted 75,830,350 trees on 91.412 Be There Mond iy'-s.t.fL-'U J It 7 By CANON BASIL S. FROCKTKR. xt. And,,lCJ Election Finale THIS is my last article before the election, a r, 9 0 S. . f . sort oi thank-you to j everybody who has help- One of my favorite Cariboo stories concen i restaurateur who lived and perhaps still lives at q? I frequently he would be called upon to contribuu si I which was being made at one .or other of the chu-1 always roaponded and one time when he had gone tj was handing Over some money he aid in his own ir inimitable way, "Menus Christ is always broke!" I How true! Kor everything that Is given mut be immediately ,,,.,,, . "1 I .,.1 t ,. 1... It. cu w iiiarvt? il su unci ending and friendly. When I was honored by be government and private Indus-1 try are co-operating to plant, new forests, so that B.C.'s most precious industry won't disap-1 pear. I must say I was aston- ished when I was driven up into . the hills, , 'way back of beyond,! to find vast areas green and lush, covered with new trees that will be ready for cutting : in;80 to 100 years. You can't see i these new forests from the highways, and so the public doesn't know what's going on. The public sometimes thinks of the lumber industry as robber j barons ruining the people's nat-i ural resources. But if that did j happen in the past, it's not hap-1 pening now. These new forests are the very llfeblood of the ; province's economy. It was encouraging and com-! forting to see these new forests ! and, to be honest, it was pub-1 lie opinion that forced government and industry to co-oper- acres. A good piuatei , wutkiug lefciMuuiuti Xw ,uy of tout .tiutuy 1 awavs hp i in fnunriihle countrv. call ulant i nui noses which have to do lth!. Droke II . . , :... ..... ; v. : w ouow m th. Stf(( ...1. .f,....,.,f n imlo or 'i.i.-.o rwul Tk. I W'"' "JU "0 hd PVT. ;i ()KE ABANAVAS examines his billions, but sadly, because they're in drachmas instead of dollars. Abanavas discovered .he was ,heir to the fortune while visiting the native land of his parents, Greece, while on leave from the army, but due to Greek money itgulutiuns he can't take Ills .15 ibilliun drachmas uut of the country. And even if he were able to convert them to dollars, Uie current rate of exchange 18O.OOO drachmas to one dollar would leave Abanavas with a paltry half-uiilliun dollars. It's a sad day when a billionaire can't even raise a million. one acre. or ieel m. iiiiiBi uin-invr u iui uwiuoni. """' l In the doing of Christ's work and httVjn such thinus as Kurnliuex anrl , prom are not ever 10 oe con- -j-hp sider'ed. A church that ends the 1 riw,trf S(lm, , k year (or a church organisation) ! cnarily It " " with money in the bank is not I ,.. ,, ing ask"d to run as Liberal candidate in Vancouver South, ' I made up my mind I would do j my level best to win; but to try to do it in a way to end up wtA ; more Xriends in ALL parties I than X was lucky enough to i have when the campaign began. I have tried my best. j So far as I know, not a single j candidate in Vancouver South i has said one really mean thing I abuut any other candidate of j any party though each has in- i tuUigently set forth their ow.i j party's case. ' NO MATTER who wins in Van- j couver South we surely set a j record for Canada; j All candidates met several Now for my visit to the Motor Vehicle Branch. I came away from that visit encouraged, too. The Motor Vehicle Branch, in its drivers' education, Is trying to check up 0:1 car drivers who are constantly in trouble with the law, wlu have accident after accident, nnd are therefore menaces to society. Every car licence holder in the province ha.s his own file and that's a lot of flies. Every EXCEPT for a Sunday of contemplation, the election campaign is all but over. By Monday night we shall have most of the answers to who, what, where and by how much? I While the campaign . itself may not get much attention in history, the , government it produces certainly will, for Cana-da is just moving into the Jeircle of big and influential company." Whatever kmd of government it may have, its presence can ;be hardly overlooked, but the direction of its affairs Jwill determine whether it is accepted for its size or Jits brains, or both. I , That is where we voters come in. By. our elec-toral system, the decision as to who will make the ;decisions rests with us. That means we are in control. We are the boss. ", In such an important position, the greatest 'mistake any of us could make would be to fail to report for work the day we are most needed the ;day that our mam is to be hired. It becomes particularly foolish when all that work involves is to 'give some thought to the question and mark an X. There is no board meeting, no speech to make. There ws"just a bit of paper, a pencil and that X. This, of course, is not news to anyone, but it is ."evidently too much of a trial to some. For those Yho feel apathetic about it, we might point out that Shis little job is the most important you will ever do. V'our voice in your country's affairs is the biggest voice you will ever have. See you there on Monday. Duty, Tax Collections Decline All Aboard &,Q.m. f Iclt, but It should : a? equally as tad l' .could show 1 proia stltutlon which ma nature and purp broke. It Is pertinent & point as to whetk: or charitable lnstirr. shape It is jimph . work or on tecwri that those who shci on mi on Total of dutv, taxes and other levies collected here In July by the Dominion Government Department of Customs amounted to $50,182 89, a considerable drop time he's in a scrape it's duly mentioned. Most drivers have pretty slim files nothing to re are falling down ot Seldom if ner ca port. But you should see sonic , from the June total of $74,731.69. of them. They're the bad boys i ist month's collections, re- few girls of our highways, ported bv the customs office in waste or extravajra the ones who are always in charge of F. W. Orlmble, Domln- for churches and t trouble with the law. It might ion Government Collector, how- dollar do thret or fa. be drunken driving, or driving ; ever, are the fifth highest this work that motens .! times before the same audience, in joint debate and a good time was had by all, including the candidates. All candidates used this column twice, and had their articles printed not only in the Vancouver Sun, but in quite . a lew other newspapers as well. The candidates also met in a whole series of round table radio discussions which the sponsors of my radio news commentary were generous enough freely to offer to us all. Many thousands heard these and liked them. It was a thrilling experience for me to get direct, strong personal tsupport from my' oldes wiwyiui insurance, ur ui ivuig , year and bring tne 1953 total j mougni 01 ooir.? r when the licence Is suspended, . revenue from foreign vessels 1 amount. racing through school zones, , visiting Prince Rupert to $369- ignoring speed limits and hand 1712 89. ' signals, driving without lights. Second hsnest collection ot I) I HECK Prophets of doom have been warning us for years that a man goes home at the risk of his life. The latest and most bloodcurdling alarm is sounded in the July issue of Pageant magazine. Some 28,000 Americans mot to mention Canadians) Were- killed and 4,000.-000 injured in home accidents last year, it says. The Pageant article is accompanied by unpleasant little pictures of men, women and children falling down stairs and off ladders, roasting alive in bed, gazing down the barrels of loaded guns and slumping in car seats while carbon monoxide fumes dq for them. "l used 4o think of the house as a friend. It welcomed me home with a squeak of the stair and a glow from the fireplace. Now the house is a leering assassin. The stair may collapse and break" my leg. The fireplace may shoot forth tentacles of flame to consume us all. else fails. Stairs cause 27.2 per cent of accidents. All right. Cut out the stairs. We now have a bungalow, all on one level. Some 28.7 per cent of accidents happen In the bedroom meaning, of course, such mishaps as being burned or smothered by smoke. So we must cut out the bedroom. Get a tarpaulin and a blanket and sleep under the stars. . For extra safety, we will also eliminate the kitchen 1 11.2 per cent of accidents), 'cellar (5.6i and porch (4.5). That leaves us no house only the yard. But 13.9 per cent of accidents happen in the yard, so we'll have tq eliminate that too. "Where are we going to stay?" you may ask a silly question if I ever heard one. It says right in the magazine that more lives were lost in home accidents last year than in the first three years of the Korean war. So we will simply Join the army, mother, , father and the children, and 1 get posted to Korea, out of harm's way. , vf,. 1 year was in March when is the problem. Often they seem ; $5318S 96 waR pnld lnt0 rwtomn sane enough, but behind thi coffers. Thlrd was ln Februarv wheel of a car they go berserk. I ,.hen $52.712 88 was collected. Usually they're young19 to 22. otner months- collections thus What causes this recklessness, fa, tblg vear are January $40 . this thoughtlessness for tlu-.09I58: Apl. $42.385 51; May, RrrvIrM in ill rlmMt mifl ?:3n p.m. 1 "S : t .1 mpi m AMII.IMN flW 4th Av. W t Or' Holy Commune l Bunday Schoa ! Canon Bitsll 8 Pr-jci-f factor REFLECTS and REMINISCES , Ontario fiienus among the cab- iaet ministers . u. nowe, ijes-Iter Pearson and Paul Martin: " A west coast man is reported , broader viewpoint. It will be aland the powerful help of our it. appears, mao driving aaas up to anti-soclal acts like the small boy who breaks windows because he subconsciously re- Tanks Ring Russ Factories 5th Avf I u T -! Minuter . Hv. Pw 4 't isents parental authority, or the I IKT PHI WIS 4th Aviu( Vj-1 K. A rc immature adult who tries to get even with his wife by getting drunk and driving. 4o have temporarily lost his j good thing for the Dominion of j fine B C. Liberal leader, Art "voice after a first plane ride. It j Canada." And as far as we're i Laing. seems it doesn't cost so much to concerned, it is the Dominion 1 But the thing that moved me seems it doesn't not cost ... so , of Canada. But we're not going ! even more than that was sup- ' to eet into a blood-pressure- port from a good .cross section Now that it's over, politicians j raising altercation with some jof the people, such as: ;earn their money. Look at the j person who favors complete The dear old lady of 70, who U'buse they take." t , Abandonment of the term "Do-(has fibbed a bit about her age J " " pminlon- of Canada," 1 ' i for many years,. and now ha v- In the Soviet country, two's ( " r j ing some trouble getting the Old BERLIN P Soviet army tanks ' . today were reported ringing j many East Oerman factories to I Should the licence of the 19 year-old be taken away for, say. deal with possible outbreaks of : MK-T IMP. o:io em am Rev. U 0 S five years? That's drastic. Yes, i reoeuious populations. , I it might be good discipline, but ; The report was published in i it might make him so bitter ; the U S Stat Department news- i -company ana mree s a conspir-, Canadians have been advised I Age Pension. She wants me to lacy. to eat more salads. This being j try to get the law or the ad-the heat of mid-summer, we 1 ministration of the law chang- i he'd try robbing banks, or beat- !Parer Nette Zeltung as East Ger- j ing up old ladies. i mar coming to Berlin for food , j And what to do about the 39- ' handout parcels reported new i ; year-old man who has driven ' sporadic unrest in the Russian . mh i Unset Si Sr. Cnpt ll(l M.t Sunday Sclwo! 1 sr. r ti i 1 1 v- ed, to allow for a very human 2 A lame duck Is a fellow who sometimes Is interested in pub could do with another pinch of , failing. Quite right, too. Fisheries Group Bads Sinclair bicarbonate of soda, please. well for 12 vears. with never a . zone. His goose has been i The fellow who wrote the "he affairs. Rooked: 6th Avemi l Pator: Kc". R t "IKfl LftK :witn d d musi(.m.. First United Church - Mr. Coldwell promises every Canada's soldiers are coming 1 brother, what chance would I j brush with the law, and .then, suddenly, he goes crazy drunk- cn driving, spinning around In I the middle of a block, crashing into other cars in his lmpa- , tience? What's the matter with the hT. 1-HIKK " VANCOUVER "C?1 F Is h e r t e s Sixth Avp. W. and Musgrave Wal a Sundiiy -huoi n; Evening PrJ" KKI.I UR ,r 39-year-old man "who has sud- r . Beds are potential smothering-places. Baths are dank pools where you can go down for the third time, if you don't watch out. The magazine article goes on to tell you about precautions you can take. However, when the house and all its furniture are bent on murder or violent assault the way they seem to be, precautions are of little use. No, the only thing to do is to reform the house. Perhaps the house is nursing a grievance against society. Take the house aside, give It a fatherly pat on the roof and explain that everybody likes it, but there are a few things it ought to know for its own good. If that doesn't work,-more drastic treatment is called 1 for. ,HuBian criminals -gpme-! tin' have part mt the- bralrl : cut away to make thenvmorfi docile. Surgery for the criminal house may work when all (See Victoria Itrpurt, Page 5) Moriiluit Wurelup C2M tlth Ave t .anaaian a urst class bathroom I nome irom K.orea, and it might ; nor hive to get elected if I .every home. This much is ! well be asked that of those who sang them? Even my radio ..clear he is not bidding for the left three years ago for that speaking voice sounds like juvenile vote. j little far-off land, somewhere sandpaper. Jff-.fgTH.-iln China, what -should be said The thrifty and ingenious U So long as a man has a deep- j aD0Ut tne situation today? How , Scott, who wanted me to nut freezer, the family can holiday I many troops, for one thing, over the most thrifty campaign for weeks. Hasn't the little have h"mes to come back to? in history -where all advertis-.woman cooked as many as 24 I Tnree years Is a long time. ing would be by stamps carry- Jdinners and tucked them away !'n& my picture, or the slogan tor her husband to warm up? ! ! Storjy silence is not cruelty, a "EP for MP." 'All he ha.s to do each evening, i London divorce commission has 'ihe guy who coined the best 'therefore, Is to put the soiled rule. , Some homes would find slogan of the lot, but which the ..dishes back in the freezer and (the situation refreshing. And Party advertising department "keep onihopjng some day '. he'll that applies. to. everybody con-, thought was perhaps a wee bit First Presbytcrnt SERVICE ot 1 1:00 A.M. ONLY Come and Worship MorninR Sorvlre only during July and August. The Church Is always open for mrdltatton and prayer. Minister James Sinclair will have support of the British Columbia fishing industry in Monday's federal election. John Buchanan, chairman of the Fisheries Association of B.C., announced support Thursday for Mr. Sinclair following an executive meeting. He cited Mr. Sinclair's "effect tlveness' in exp6rt market problems, and said: j ."British Columbia's fishing In-dtutcy. iMts-many -major problems to overco'me'ansLakl of a vigorous, able and experienced minister such as Mr. Sinclair will be of Invaluable assistance." exciting; , wash themf ! sried. rmt-v T ' ,too exel "Elmore will yell more and Let there be no mistake. saviraise np!1 Wore." United States Congressmen are "tc have a special room for prayer 1 some who still debate the truce, i The sodly folk of four dif-and meditation. We have long! The price of banishing war from 1 ferent religions who said, "We "felt that what Congress needed the planet ias Korea has proven) are Praying for you." 1 Better BRAUN'S ISLAND See the new... iwas less public speaking and is nign. it must be paid In stead- 1 fray oesi-niiea person wins) The old man who said this more private thinking. j fastness, in willingness to sacri-I f ice blood and treasure. Free-idom from war, like other free- would be his last vote, and he wanted It for me, and the sweet young miss who said this was .kNO CHANGE There rnmes t.impc n.Vir,r an doms, is not (as poets dream i n rexchanee of ill feeiinos .n v,o fair young girl with delicate ! her first LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 MOVING . . .RACKING . . . CRATING SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING . . , STORAGE Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide t-nd World-wide Shipments. 'MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. engendered in a general elec-; Umbs and wavv tresses. Freedom ! Well win or lose it has been r.tion and here's what an east- ls a warrior armed to the teeth, ' wortn n- For 1 don't think I !ern campaigner has to say I "scarred with the tokens of old , nave ,ost a single friend, and tli-bout it. "If the new trenera. i wars." I who knows I may have picked BOYS' CAMP TERRACE The bus will leave the Church at 8:30 a.m., Aug. 12, for Boys' Camp. Olrls will come back about suppertlme on the return trip. We extend a cordi-to visitors to 231 Fourth " ' Minister: Rev. E.A Organists: Mrs . S; and John Ci SUNDAY. AUOlf Morning Worship'-Sunday School I-1, r..nln Worship 1 I up a few, even among the other tion," he exclaims, "will look at k politicians from a loftier and House cleaning is under wav ! candidates. in the House Of Cnmmnnc Tt'o I Phone CO or 68 Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. j I t7ll .1 J i M I M CMH i ; I been fn Progress for many a day. j Hospital Opens II pen ow Roap Minister at bott "Remember " to kep " Bl oiniiai inemie RANGE nuuut a uuiiutcu unices nave ai- I MUNITION. N.B. w oinciais ready been repainted. The House of Moncton Hospital expect to is going to look little short of. move into their new $3,000,000 wonderful. Then of course think building Aug. 8, two days ahead of what's been done from an- of schedule. Additional staff other point of view. Think of members have already been hired MONDAY IS THE 10th THE PRINCE RUPKRT me numDer or new laces may- , and a year-long training pro- be, 1 gram completed. AUTOMATIC OVEN TIMER PUSH-BUTTON CONTROLS SPACIOUS MASTER OVEN STREAMLINER DESIGN REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCI will hold no services on Aug. 9 or Aug When the mnlnrllv r,t nhiMn onH nrlults THE LAKESHORE BIBLE CAMP, TEUBAf , By paying oil charge accounts in full by the 10th of each month you'll protect your credit. " . . Just tell yer boas that an Irate Taxpayer wants to ee him!" Only $359.00 Just telling someone off wont pay the bill but if he has oroDer CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCt Extra Pants FREE with every Man's Suit also Extra Skirt or Slacks FREE with every Woman's Suit HOUSE OF HOBSERLIN "Made-To-Measure" HUNDREDS OP PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM Top Quality ., , Guaranteed Fit Prince 1 Second Avenue West Branch of the First Church of Christ Scl . INSURANCE he can collect. Be sure that your Insurance la with reliable companies and for adequate amounts. If your INSURANCE will soon run out. That's what you should see u about. On Display Now RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC 313 Third Are. W. Phone 644 "A GOOD CREDIT RECORD IS YOUR BEST REFERENCE" PRINCE RUPERT RETAIL CREDIT GRAHTORS' ASSOCIATION in Boston, Mass. Lesson Subject: "SPIRIT" Services every Sunday at 11 a m- Sunday School every Sunday at H m' y Wednesday Evening Meeting on Second WeJnf ( TH7 iVVI'llliIif LING THE TAILOR of each month at 8 p.m. ,.4f IZ0 Sixth Street Phone G19 Rending Room open Wednesday and Friday