.oniitil IDriffj $1,000 Advance Granted For"! '54 Library Budget "f- (in . i'-np ! ; Thursday, March li; i' i I ft EM-CEE j at 1 j Oiiy ' Conrad,, Seal Cove Children Put on Colorful Program . Parents and other Interested . er and an action song, "Looby adults flocked to Conrad Street Loo." and Seal Cove schools yesterday - Miss Jean Burns' Grades 1 and afternoon for the Open House j staged a musical skit Inter-events staged An conjunction -retMon of "Three Billy Goats with Education Week. . i Gruff" and Mrs. Eidsvik'dem- Th rft""noc.. oronram b onstrated the steps In teaching gan with visits to the bright and a song, with her class learning colorful classrooms where piiDll? j "The Birdies' Ball" on stage, were engaged Jn various actlvt- Two lively folk dances were ties. In each room they enjoyed ' "resented by Mrs. Reeves' grades seeing displays of social studies. 2 and 3 classes, artithmetic, science, health, a precise and expressive dem-sDelling, reading and other sub- onstration of choral speech was r "Therefore Squamish or Prinze Rupert is their logical export terminus and not Van-ouver." It further points out that Rupert his rieepsea docks and a ! XaO.OOO-capacity grain elevator and reminds readers of oral grants totalling $100,000 ' from 1949 to 1951 toward con-; si ruction of a lumber assembly ! w harf at Squamish "for thi ex-! press purpose of exporting fro.;i j that port . . . and up to now i it has not been expended." A request from the Health j League of Canada for a grant to j -id it in its health campaign was ; referred to the finance com-; mittee. Requrt from the Library :oard fer a $1,000 "advanr-o" on Is 196 4 budget was apprcrci by lity council th s wetk. The board secretary a:-i:'d for he piyficy to pu:vh isc n w yik how. ins'ead of h"vii:? to rait Jintil the budget is brough1. lown! by .council. r V ThijrOi'lciermen Mikp Kru?-,er, Phil' Lyons and Norman if Hi -ii've been mm "d a om-rnttet" .V Mayor Hills to study i inepigrjindum sent to council iy the .district of West Vaiuou-i-r onJ,cmins tv proposed outhem extension of- thi F'JcL A Jcrtr-' from the reeve oi Vwti Vancouver slid t!vi gov-rnmf'nt's extension plri "his lot Ij-rn i Justified by any facts nadcipWlic and the pyrainidinp, Jects. , I given by Mr. Harrington's Grades 1 ' Following th? visits to the ; 4 and 5 class and a health study classrooms, some students from project, "Care of-the Teeth,", Seal Cove moved to Conrad ! was demonstrated In the form of ' '':'sy T"" 1. s; RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 1 t-A A... D..na.A V''-," f ' Jl jljr " Street school for a varied pro- a skit by Mrs. Wclse's Grade 3 1 rm lime ivuunt (- clasy. fls Wonc's Orade 1 from Seal Cove performed a poem, "Traffic - n . . gram bv nrimary and Intermediate pupils. T. O. Bateman, Conrad principal, opened the program with a welcome to parents. Mbs Irving's Grade 1 class took the stage first with reading of a story from their school read- ' Council approved payment of $10 for the annual mem'ocr&hip fee in the B.C. Aviatiun Coun Lights" and sons. "We Are the Indians." while two pupils from Mrs. McBroom's Grade 2 class at oeai Cove gave recitation. Mr. Bateman and his class wound up the program with a comparison nf tandem i" oiH-fashloned teaching methods, choosing social studies as the topic, with students nwin songs of the south to Illustrate :tieic preseiu social studies sub- patrol (?atei NOBILITY ON THE ROCKS in England, and Lady Perdita , Blackwood, .19. has taken a job as waitress In a London restaur- j ant "to keep the wolf from the door." Lady Blackwood, who Is 1 the daughter of trie Marchioness of Dufferln and Ava, works j from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.. in the eatery where her employer Is ' 'idame Madeleine Bailey, who, until a short time ago, designed clothes for the Princess Royal. . Classroom Tour and Tea ! cil. Quern Mary Chapter, IOD'-:, has been granted permission to nolo, a tag day April 24. Recommendation by A 1 d. Ot-orge Casey, chairman of the . board of works committee for ; purchase of $8,688 worth of pipe. if fioh' affect every Ujx- layeri in 'B.C. "v'p -Ji.eve . . . thn proposal is a wmi examnle cf political railrnpdnig but is a poor sample of SuKincss p eminent." Thi "memorandum says, in part, ! 3hat freight su-h as erain minerals and lu:r.ber fiom jthc prince George. Quesnel and P 'ace River areas "nuut, of necessity,' travel the shortest c'istauee and must terminate at the netrst tidewater for export,'! ! Purchase of rain rne fn' Ject.-school patrol boys was approved Following the program, tea at the monthly meeting of the was served by members of the Conrad School Parent-Teacher Conrad and Seal Cove Parent-Association held Tuesday night Teacher Association under the at the school. direction of Mrs. Mackl. The group will buy two special and other equipment was ap- , proved by council. I i V SEALED ClHi ; ; ; j Imwmi MS : rxm CANADA : Feature Borden "Open House" Tours of classrooms and after- drawing fish, noon tea served by the Parent- In Mr. Dack's grades three and Teacher Association highlighted , four room, samples of number the Open Hons; srsiion at Bor-, work, spelling and penmanship rirn Street school Tuesday after- were commended. noon- : Mrs. Cobb's Grade Four room capes witn hoods attached lor use of youngsters guiding stu-1 dents at street intersections en route to and from school.- i Mrs. J. Murdoch, president, conducted the meeting at which the Maple Leaf Honor Roll for ! On recommendation of the i utilities committee, the city clerk ; has been authorized to let the j contract for replacing the fir-, i hall smoke stack, at a cost of j $::79.75, to Thorn Sheet Metal, ! Limited. ! ... .j ' Trade licences have been FAST RELIEF FOR flBEB PH11 Commissioner coM Pakistan "oj -Speak Here Pakistan's hign commissioner i Canada wHl be guest speaker ; this' -month's meeting of the rincfr -Rupert Canadian Club, The tea room end serving presented a colorful appeal with increased attendance was re-, table were attractively decorat the many displays of art. Three ceived along with congratula- j lins from the B.C. Parent- 1 Teacher Federation. . 1 Mrs. M. Hubel was named dele- hcduled for Wednesday, Maren ', at the Canadian Legion aud- granted; Robert L. Player, re-f liberator sales and service: Northwest Builders & Awning Co. Ltd., roof.nft and siding con tractor. . Building permits totalling $14,-320 were issued by the cuy uur-.rg February. This compared with permits to the value of $14,850 in January. ed for the event convened by Mrs. George Cook and mu"h en-loyed by parents pnd friends. Mrs. Morns Wnymon. vice-president, wiic Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. W. R. C. Jones received the .K-Hnrs. Presiding at the tea and coffee urns were Mrs. R. C. Telford. Mrs. G. F. Freeman, Mrs. B. D:ick and Mrs. Logan. Girls from Grade Six were the efficient serviteurs. The visits to the different dimensional snowmen in varied costumes, cleverly-drawn char-peters, a novel Valentine house rnd a modern farm, held the at-tent'on of all who saw them. In Mr. Freeman's Grade Five room the children's work books were vi wed with appreciation end sniiples of art displayed on the walls were centres of interest. Grade Six pupils gave a n.usi cal program when several flut- gate to the forthcoming Cancer Society annual meeting and can-vissers were named for the Cancer fund drive scheduled for next month. The meeting also discussed plans for a white elephant sale o b? held April 3, after which he pn rent-attendance pennant was awarded Miss Burns' class and refreshments were served. ' I . p; clnssmonir, w-ne niucn cnoyecl ' ouhnno numbers were uiven SATURDAl The total is only a few riol j iars above values for the months 1 of January and February, 1953,; which were $10,875 and $16,9 )0 : respectively. In last month's total w-zre twr j permits for construction of small ! homes, one to the value of $2.- C0 and'the other for $3,000. FRIDAY IV. Js ( xtf . y Daily News Classifies by parents and other friends. ' sonic in unison, some in hir-intirest in their own children i mony. Wi;h the addition of vio-work was paramount. m played by Don Lew.s and Jn Grade One, Mrs. Stone's Feter Flad.set and piano-accor--UvHou. rlcosed Mothers and dions viU Larrv F.'-.v and Chri fathers were impressed special- gowning providins u.se accom- AT iy rv tii printing ana reading pinunenl tue items were muai oi tue young students. In Mrs. Calderwood's Grade One the THE UNIVERSAL SPRING COM enjoyed. Practical art exhibit.- none by the children of Grade Five and Grade Six under Instruction by ; Mrs. A. Rutherford were also I stand-out attractions at the successful "open day." Cast of Eight To Highlight 1954 Musical 1! ? . "V i - .t I' ' ' . ... 1 ',-"i5 .... -i '..-: : i ' SI -'"" ; .. tp H ; r? ' dluncie tiilics CHOP SUEY . . . 4 , , . . CHOW MEIN Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 o.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Order Phone 133 we. ving and sewing attracted favorable comment while painting at the easel Impressed visitors. Clocks to hi used in l"nn:nr to read the time and vari-co!-ored kites in number work had a novel appeal in Miss Smith's Grade Two room. Miss Bern-hof's pupils were occupied in Ladies!' Spring is jusf Ground' "Impressions of 1953," a musi ' You are helping to keep your Red Cross ready for any emergency when you contribute m March. Give generously. corner. Drop in to our store weekend and look ever our Spring Fashions. cal production by eight talented ical artists will eo on stage at the Capitol Theatre this Sunday night, marking the end of onstage programs at the theatre this season. $25- Budget Priced, from . FAMOUS DRESSES FRASER & PAYNE LOOPED RUGS Lovely loop-twist rugs in deep decorator tones. Vat dyed. Washable., Non-skid rubberized back. Hunter Green, Red, Rose, Light Green, Blue and Grey. 9 x 12 ft.. each $57.50 6x9 ft., each $29-50 4x6fr., each . $13-50 26 x 48 In., each $-50 24 x 36 in., each $3-00 18 x 30 in., each $1-98 CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Beautiful closely tufted baby chenille bedsprepds in smart new decorator colors. Hunter Green, Mauve, Rose, Yellow, White, Light Green ond American Beauty. Twin Bed size 70x100, and ' l M. O. ISAIG Pakistan tommissiuner His Excellency M. O. B,u ha, lioscn as1 his topic, ' Pakistan .artner jn The Commonwealth.' Bonrrm 1904 at Bombay, In-ia. he was educated at C'liftor lollege, Bngland and commis-iiitic4 the Indian Lane 'orccs in 1924. He served in th: ndiap Cavalry until 1930. His, .political career begar, 'hen'-he 'was transferred from lie cvWjy to the Indian Poli-leal service and held various ppoihlncnts !r India un'.i: 942. , - , , In IlfHaj he became R.-itNr 'onsirf vixi Portuguese India, in :M6 first 'secretary at the Bri :sh Embassy in Washinston, in 947 ioun.sclloT in the Embassy f Pakistan at Washington, in lay, 1949; acting high eommis-ioner, for, Pakistan in Canada nd in 1950 was appointed minster (n.hc embassy of Pakis-;m at Washington. He returned to Karachi in 1951 a.S) "non-political h-ad of the rrlihistry of foreign affairs and commonwealth relations. You will be thrilled wild the s:' npw rrkn rnttons nvlonS, CrfJS etc., in our spring collection. Gr in early while the selection 15 or bet In Misses' and Half Sizes For St .95 Priced From . j V w stcp'n lively 1 lover's knot ft 2' ncw bcou i ij The show, which features records of popular artists syn-hronized with actions on stage plus some live talent, will include hit songs of the past year. Not a variety show, the musical will be in two acts, one predominately western, the other modern pops. Included in the cast of eight are Mel Thompson. CPC an-nouneer: Pat, Bolton, drummer with 'the Four Dukes dance band; Mel Skalmerud, navy vet who has been active in show business since his arrival here in 1945: Marie Lavigne of Kitimat, formerly of Rupert where she has been active In Little Theatre and various shows; Carol Brentzen who also has been active in local shows; Frankie Murphy who is making his first local stage appearance; Jim Cum-niings. a Little Theatre member who plays with the Dukes and the Navy Band, and John Currie another Little Theatre member. Marie Lavigne replaces Nina Youngman in the show, due to Mi":s Youngman's Little Theatre commitments. The Westernaires also will be heard in Sunday night's show. "Every Wear" BROWN RED BENEDICTINE BLACK Widths AAA to B FISHERMEN'S BANN0CKBW PANTS Humphrey's Pure Wool T 5-poeket. Sizes 30 to 44 m Double Bed size 80 xlOO, EACH $5.95 In 195S he served as the advisor (oJPakistan's prime iriinis-!er atr the Commonwealth Prime. Ministers' Conference and In Srptraiber last year he was appointed (high commis-icner to t'nnada. The commissioner will arrive icre 4 hoard the Prince George Vetlnesday. Special, Pair .... If you have a secret yearning to go barefoot, you'll be mad about APTITUDES ... They're so soft, so unbelievably flexible, you scarcely know you're wearing them. BOYS' DENIM JEANS LADIES' NYLON HOSE "Substrlndards" from one of Canada's leading manufacturers. In new spring shades. "rnrihnu" hovs' denim pants. ;nnfnri7Prl Sizes 8 to Sizes 8V2 to 12. PAIR ONE LOW PRICE $2-95 3P . mocca-son9 "WiiMiW'iw X-r (lw1 god-obouf We Pair prish Eyes Arc Smiiing" because of these clcpcndnhb, smart-looking bargains. JtVe nrrrpl tnn?rs n ivvi cars. Easy terms of course J for v)r ropvi-nienre. $.95 'Mi I rl IMrhmi. Onl ?i't mtlW. ' JiBtiiiHiiljitc. "I'K "'-(.fit '4 rin-vrittcl f'litii. liinllit. Ilt'iid-r. vr hHI k"'t. HtiM-k iilH. t.itrti iir tli lrt-.i. PLAN TO ATTEND Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary - FASHION SHOW -MARCH I '17 M'riiui't'll ScilaM. (ll-I'MM heater. huiivNr. MHlt:lii. Hher evlnis. KnlhhMMi mn'il he Muil to ride til this l r i '47 lrflCV 1 1-,! I IT tV clean. U I'M.k the oii Millii- lrr, 1. the priir t',Z Exclusive at Canadian Legion Auditorium FAMILY SHOE, STORE Fraser& Payne The Univers . .. r YOUR FOKD-MONARCH DEALER BOB PARKER LTD. "THE 1TOJ.IE OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" LIMITED Phone 357 638 Third" Ave. W. Street , Third Avenue Third Avenue xth -. t 0 M - K c';.ivnr-' I' 1 t