Leach 45c Margarine SOLO, Pound .... 32c n CRISCO 3-Pound Tim 99c Choice, ROYAL 20-ox. CITY, tin 19c ISO- 70c :ANSP CD NABOB, 12c Purex Tissue"01 12c hw. tin ISOv 35c IPEF JUICE nabob- 2r Hn H Jc FOIL Aluminum, Box 30c S J OCOA kssta 63c I -1 - -t - .. - .. LIPTON'S If jP Chicken Noodle and Tomato Vegetoble, Pkt. . .. J og rooa p-d z . z jc r 23c HEINZ, Bottle k4 COFFEE H "- 65c .At.'.i'.'i.J Tomato Juice 69c Choc'te Bars 6 f 39c Strawberries 33c BALLARD'S Champion .":'".: ery womans"09"-5c nger Ale q-,5" 26c 0 AT R BALLARD'S Champion in2i'C tins arshmallows 39c MPS 'TIDBITS, Typhone, 20-oi. tin " White and Colored Pound Pkt. TEA 91c Nabob, Green Label found 3' 2Sc SWIFT'S, Tin SCUITS 25c Tovernc Cheese, Pkt. CONTEST No. 2 WINNER INA BIRCHAU, 1J fifth Avt. E. Sauerkrauts -15c Cream Corn 2t"29c armalade ;in 63c .00 A WEEK Royol City JOHNSTON'S PRODUCTS if you can GUESS L THE WEATHER : ff .CONTEST Ky It WAX..: .1 lb. 59c WE NOW HAVE TWENTY D GLOSS Pints 63c mm MORE SHOPPING CARTS UUt! t -. .--, . 55c For Wood Quart THE WEATHER FlOORf,,,.,,,,) Li.oi.: 6k WW WAX, Fridges, etc. ,75c Lenten Special ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS: 0 Fill in the coupon ot the bottom of the page, giving your estimate Of the overage high and overage lovy temperatures for the week March 21st to March 27th inclusive and drop it into the ballot box ot Super Valu. ' .'. v" ' - RULES AND INSTRUCTioNS: CARNATION mm GOLD CUP COFFSS Grind Your Own Pound i $1.11 -'""-'PEACHES:;:: Columbia, Choice ' . t5-oi. Tin : :...l..:vlSc 6 Tins $1.02 Per Cass - ',--$3.95 If MILK " SAIMOH The tontost runs for six weeks wild a S25.Q0 winner every wjeKT. KKATION MILK 2 tins 31c ,KEYr Nabob, Fancy .-s, Tin 34c Successive contests will appear each Thursday: : '-r 2. Olficial Weather Bureau records at Digby Island will 'be the basis of determining the. winner "' 3. The person closest to the exact averagej to a decimal point (or points), will be declared the winner. , ., ' 4. In the case of ties, the winner will ba determined through a' question set by the Judges." ' . : : ' . ' 5. Entries received by mall will be disqualified . . . PLEASE DO. NOT MAIL THEM. ...... . 3 Coupons covering eaih fureesslve contest will l)e plainly marked to thow the week for which averages we to be given, and the date by which entries must be in our Ballot Boat. - 7. Contest, entries will be Judged for correctness on the basis" of hifih and low temperature averages' only. : ' ' ' ). 1 OEEF BRISKET w.,'f,......: ia.'27c h HAMBURGER so-u .39c M PORK BUTTS tb.65e iAL ROLLS mm .. u 55c CN!C HAM Burns, Midget Lb. C "Hiil nftyprnnfn' The Average High ancLLow Temperature For the Week of Mar. 21 to har. 27 Incl. A inspected meas soit" I rr nrnrsted at E I LOW FRANKS 49c I SUPER-VALU J; NAME ' DATE HIGH Sunday 21st Monday 22hd Tuesday 23rd - - Wednesday 24th Thursday 25th " ADDRESS It's Hard to Predict The Weather BUT ANYONE CAN PREDICT LOW PRICES at Super-Yalu PHON2 (If anyl FRESH GREEN PEAS .... 2 lbs. 35c GRAPES, Extra Fancy lb. 19c GRAPEFRUIT, Pink, 96's . 3 for 29c ORANGES, Medium size . 2 doz. 79c GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS . 2 lbs. 45c McBRIDE POTATOES ...sack.. 2.85 Friday . . 26th . Saturday 27th , ; ; Total AVERAGE (Divided by 7) Place this entry in the ballot box ot SUPER-VALU . before 6 p.m., Saturday, March 20th 2 for 23c JKHES WINNERS OF CONTEST NUMBER FOUR WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN THE DAILY NEWS, TUESDAY, MARCH 23rd IMo. em Wonder Book of Knowledge ... !.!. rfJLf """""Ms U a life .. :the PARKING LOT DIRECTLY BEHIND SUPER-VALU . IS FOR YOUR USE. V - J Vol. One to Six Now On Sole , Z J"S 1 ' in 12 vo1- l s"Per.Valu. Over traKi?1 a n,,,re lh" 3.000 il-'"Plt ,iHVfr ,'r,, ""hjwlH, UM m"Xe II tr 1 13 SPECIALS GOOD TILL WEDNESDAY. MARCH 17