Prince Rupert Doily cw, SPORTSMAN'S Thursday, March 11, 1954 LOOKS 3LACKWOOD or LISTEN! PIGEST C - jrV ' TODAY to SATURDAY nm8s-" Saturday 5 CARRY A BOTHERLESS FOR FISH BRIDGE f 0M WARNER BROS JN A RELENTLESS STORM OF ExcITEMfI ' LANDING NETS. . . Bv EASLEY BLACKWOOD 1 SEW RING'S TOP TO ' This One Still lias Mr. Muzzy Stumped i,:r. Muzxy is still trying to figure out hov Mr. i IT - m r r - THONG' !' 1-i Jl.'.-l! ,i WAHNFRr. iru mrn niiwn in itnK vy f" Mast'. : s "ot ivvny without losing a diamond trie;: on tlvs bv.rv.l As a matter of fact it isn't too euy to J -p' ?'Mi 'ooliing at all the cards. Lla DinntK rnlLLIo IK .wwulhuuh . r.t I J I iff. DRILL ftll i it -A JWitti Innrl J'. M-irtrrs hid his A METAL RIN3 CAN BE SEWN mm "NOKTII OF THE SAHARA" T jTt f "toiiN t) ski- I rj iironr'lv. knnwhv that caution Nelthel' WITH LOOPS TO A FISHING VEST l.ltllO.N A KAMOI s I1 IAVKRSTHB "''i' "allnla'nk, Vnrlll (Mr. Mik) S O 1 !' 7 Mr irk nri'bili'v hail some-' I'hi'v; n r'";'."'ve ior Irs cltih i-o... o-i th" eriif! round Mr. ; Mre': r,ui"k!.v tro', out of the no I v, r)rn'i'tiu"nt h'lt. not to TODAY TO SATURDAY 4 .1 7 5 n c- rit in -k cf i S JUUY ISOLUDAYl r--. hern) a H fi 5 2 K I) 4 3 Mll ) ill a si ii 2 OR JACKET, AS INSET SHOWS, TO SNAP NET ONTO. LOCATE RINS SO NET WONT BE IN THE WAV, YET HANDX NET'S ELASTIC CORD, WITH ITS SHOULDER-CARR HAZARDS (SNAS6INS BRUSH, ETC.) IS REPLACED BV A SNAP, FIXED WITH A SHORT LEATHER THONG, LOOPED THROUGH A PRE-DRILL-ED HOLE IN HANDLE'S END. , If jacket has A ring in back FOR NET'S SNAP, REMOVE THE ELASTIC CORD SO IT CAN'T SNAG ANO SNAP BACK AT VOU.' j 1) r'-ni'Tl. T-'r. PI '-.'ef: tq "rif at "lit: . n -V l"tl tlir v.,'r.. ; I Mr. ?! ! fill '' 'cfr 'in d frni-i j ITALIAN ACIKKSS Rasanna PwleMta. 19. (leinonsl rates how she carries her newborn son, Stefano. around her Rome home with Sum Ii IVr. M.isi-ri) S A 1 . 'f II) S 10 (1 111 I li 2 4i A II A ( A buliiln '. Wi st I' 'Si All I The -! 11 Rust '.' H Pass .i Mir tifta (rlil.fc . s., v.,t, nti fc. CARBON fArna Pio.;t4 h fPLJ rOill MAP . (!! s, itOKljt UJny) I Mvo I "Ita-sliir K.,gues" f A IMTA' ' Iih m Yonder in the Corn" I f yj I I I 1 Kveni;i;s 7 - 9 p.m.' I I V Saturday Mat. 2 - 4:25 p.m. FA.MOIS 1'IAVtKSTHlJ h r ; !naiji fi'inonv's riaer n Th" r'::; v th 't, he 'ilaci (1 iile k n T. o'l 111-: li-h' and wanl",l t() Ihro.v Mis. Keen in at t h nroix-r 1 inn for a diamond pMurn. Vi'inninj! the t -ii I: with t)v ace of spades. !v e is'v"! jth" aee of h.'a-ts ami rnfTed a heart on the hoard. He then led a Huh lo lies" rr and leii-ned th iT he had a loser in that sir!, when Mrs. Kei n discarded a small .spado. ( He ruffecl his his1 hi ait and led a spade. Mrs. Ki i n was in Willi the king and if she return There's Big Carpet News . at McRAE EROS. WUMDA'S of tho Corpet World I !A ( 'UKST Produced by I'opuUr !. Hi. did to yivc the most for the least Si.!!." sq. yd. Wl'NDA WFVi: '1 li" carpet Hint created a new fashion in home (L-roralion - Sl(.!i." si), yd. Wt X!f PUSH Woven exclusively for (hose discriminating people who enjoy luxurious floor covering S1.'S.!I5 sq. yd. 9x12 WurnJa Wove only $139.00 See Them Today at McRAE BROS LIMITED "The Store That. Service Built" Phone 6 or 3f and put. Mr. Mu..y j her hands free. The infant rests in a larrje light wool scarf that ; j hangs from Rosanna's neck. The young mother claims ghe got ! i the idea while watching a movie in which American Indian ' squaws carried their papooses. His facial expression seems to 1 indicate that Stefano doesn't think too much of the novel ; arrangement. . Royals Edge Cougars 54; : Seattle Bows to Saskatoon i : l By The CiiiiHciiun Pres jn the third period when Cou- ; Victoria Cougars and New gars struck for three fast goals, ; j Westminster Royals provided; Gordie Fashoway with two. i club . lead Ud u in the JOT ONLY - FRIDAY EVENING - ONI Aaain, a spade or heart return would give Mr. Masters a sluTf , end a ruff and Mr. Mu.zy hid to lead a diamond as his only hope. He led the seven, dummy';; l ight covered. Mrs. Keen played the king and the aee in the closed hand won. Mr. Masters' , six spot was now the master card in the suit and it won the i game-going trick. I OK THAT ' EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY ON STAGE BUDDY TAFT in a Variety Act, assisted by MARKS A WHNDLE, KEN M( KINNON and pupils from the CIVIC CFNTRE DANCING STUDIO ed a spade or a h -ari. Mr. Masters would ruff in du.uniy while discarding a diamond l"r froai his hand. Tin refore she led back a diamond, selecting the' nine, although any diamond woald have bioiight ' the same final result. most of the action in the West-'Jack McGill, Bobby Love, and ern Hockey League Wednesday ! Jack Hamilton provided the New night as the teams near the end j Westminster scoring punch, of the schedule. Alex Kuzma,' Eddie Dorohoy, Saskatoon and Seattle also i Fred McCaulley, and, Colin Kil-had it out on the Prairie but the ' bul'n did it for Victoria. Bombers showed little fight asj Cougars, fighting desperately thry went under 8-0. The Seattle I to stay stay 'our four Points points ahead ahead of of MAM Ml I Al!l) team now is out of the running 'New Westminster, led off with; Mr. Musters coven d i ilh the as sixth-place Royals topped a goal by Kuzma. . j ten. Mr. Mu.,s.v played ihe jack jifjofl I the Cougars 5-4. I McGill tied it up with two i and dummy's queen won. Now, ' Royals almost mounted the 1 minutes left in the first period j consummating a beuutitui Try News Cl. NCO's and Gunners, 120 HAA Battery Inviie you to attend their ST. PATRICK'S DAY DANCE Music: ROCKY MOIN1AIN HOYS gallows in their own back yard j ancl lnen Royals went on a scor- ' double end-play. iir. Maste rs MlllflllSIllBllllllIIIIIIIIKI B No One Injured In Eaton's Fire TORONTO (CP) - Fire caused, an estimated S100.000 damage early today when it raged out of control for two hours in a five-storey warehouse of the T. Eaton Company In west-central Toronto. ; No one was hurt in the three-alarm blaze, which spread quick-ly through stores of inflam- i mable merchandise and gutted the building. I ing spree in tne secona. A goal by Bobby Love at 2:34 Hi ; Z Fridov, March 12 At the Armouriei Arrow Lakes Power Project Being Studied EVERYONE WELCOME Dancing 10-2 Admission $1.00 (. Kiner Showing "Old Form" In Exhibitions By IiOIl MYERS ; of the third boosted the margin ! to 5-1 before Victoria cut loose, j With only a minute remaining ; it was anybody's game. PI IX GOALIE Vietoria goade Ron Evans was ; yanked for an extra forward but I -eve ragged the puck until the ,W.VAV,V.V.'.V.V.V.V1V'rAV.VA,WM ! Wallace's Deportment Store I Get In The "Mood" With Wallace's New j SKIRTS a BLOUSES : s-QU SPRING L You'll like the variety. Styles for all ag Frices for every purse. All the new wonder 5 faOrics chosen from the leading factor!. i of Montreal. Toronto and Winnipeg. Yours to choose at Wallace's. ! WALLACES DEPT. STORE 'SPOKAis'E Mt-Kaisr-r Alumin-; um and Chemical Corp. may construct a water power project j in British Coluinbia to help firm; up its supply of electricity dur- ing low water periods, a company spokesman said Tuesday. 1 Norman L. Kiev, manager for ' the company's Northwest operations, said the company has been ! clock ran down. In Saskatoon, the last place Seattle club didn't have a chance. Chuck Rayner racked up his sixth shut-out of the season as MESA, Ariz. i.Ti Ralph Kiner of Chicago Cubs gives every indication of a young man who hopes to regain the home run Phil m llirrcVir rf tVia Nntlnnal League and of re-establishing Bm1ber "ew were complet ely outplayed. his claim as an all-round baseball player. Hit bat sank New York Giants Wednesday for their fourth straight defeat, 10-7. with a per- studying data on available sites and has had discussions with both Canadian authorities and Bonneville Power Administration; officials on the subject Kaiser engineers will start ' preliminary lield surveys lor a Ray Manson was" top goal scorer with the hat trick followed bv George Senick with two. Lou Fontinato potted the other. Jackie McLeod had four as-; sists to be tops in the play making department and Alex Kaleta Z ! i r . K : iormance mat started with a I two-run homer his first time at bat and a grand-slammer later ...v ....... .v...... ".--Iower . in the game. Arrow Lak north of I . . 4. se'iriiii; in uie. iirst ana uaK- ii In five exhibitions to date. Castlcgar, within the next few! weeks, he said. i Now Millions of Men Using HIRAM WAIKER j U IMPERIAL f Canadian whisky 1 'Kiner is hitting well, over .500. were ahead 4-0 to begin the third. Seattle nlays at, Edmonton tonight in the only game IMPERIAL In the "exquisite ffif DECANTER BLUE BLADES GILLETTE BABY'S GOLDS 0 rilll.POTT Enjoy Extra Shaving Convenience With Modern Gillette Dispensers! He has three home runs and. has driven in 10 runs. Kiner renorted to camp weighing 190 pounds, spven less than when he finished the long grind last year and 10 or 15 pounds under the figure he carried last spring into the otiarters of his former employers. Pittsbiiih pirates, i The general impression is that --.h,b ,..'l n "bad vnar" in l!)a3, : though many a club would like more "bad" years from a guy who belted 35 home runs, drove i In 116, hit, a creditable .270 and : had a fielding average of .973. Rut. not. wriPen in the records j are the facts that Kiner in 1953 Continued From age 2 : and that refusal ' to face the j facts of life in any important i problem is a sure short-cut to disaster. New India Is supremelv con-; fident that sh can hold her j own In competition with New China. Nehru's party has just won the most Important prov- j Incfal election so far held in i Help Nature To Fight Them Off Mfiliml Scien-f 'Irnii thf-r' i pny mifh tliliiC ait h i-ijfc f..r i uIiIh only Knnr tVrwir ran it- 1 1 . So ln hatiy'n hiiiIII-i, nr m nffy hn ai Kuiij mm yii f u rniti'u (irom-mc ( .H.fH-rali' ul urn-- Willi Naiitrf. of HtfcC unl laki- oki in can t hat. Mm b-iweU wrc thonajv'lily rlcar.-rl of harmful was UtL To rl Mtis hnut ti wl I inj; huhy ' wliuh- nyh'm mhi) further vn'ukcinoK it, try HadyV ()n T;iM' l. Mil. I, j t t proinptly ih ettn,K mi (,f irrCiiitm niaU-rinls thai nii(k' hxliy nlf- nuii ( vefuli. Oih N"vi S-tiiia MkiImt wiy: "My 0 fi ,,,ti,x romihl a .iKl,i ri,f , ft, fit i-il.V thin w'i "i- Ihrrtg II,, (T -Ur th.i rr.r ,.. rtrhntil4 oi.i l'-tt ' O.h T-Ut fr-wt wit n." Kiiiill.v K'""t l'r r stl. MHr Htnl jieew.t ri-nin,if fr-irn irn-tMihn il.y at tci-l limn film-. I'M ri ill I I, ihj;. I i VP H.mtK nnt otli.T minor infant Irnultl.'fc fji-t a packaf toouy al (IrwtuieB. For the regular price of the blades alone, you can buy easy-shaving Gillette Blue Blades in a convenient dispenser that ZIPS out blades unwrapped, ready for use. Dispenser also has a built-in compartment for permanent disposal of used blades. Ask for Gillette Blue Blades BOTTLE TnrJiii nrith n rlnriivo rt fnni fur In The Handy ,u.yi-u u.u.rr me nantucap oi a thR communists, who looknd ! I Bruin iniurv fuvl tmt off to a Hke sure winncrs up tiU rercnt nonr ond tain start because of a months ! row Initial.Pd by his boss then, . GILLETTE DISPENSER I Brnivh Rickey, Sr. I The Rickey moss is prfst hW- ' ory and Kiner is happy to be ! Kiner was home-run kins of i the National, Lratrue for seven straight, years until Milwaukee's laddie Matthews dethroned him last season. EXTRA OUS i ram Legion Ladies' Auxiliary ST. PATRICK'S DANCE Friday, March 12 Legion Auditorium Modern Music hy JAKK'H RHYTHM KIMiS Dancing 10-2 Admission $1110 Grand Door Prize Refreshments Served CONVENIENCE AT NO EXTRA COST 20 blades $1. DISTItlERS OF THE FAMOUS 10 blades 50c I I -T NIP.HT S I IGHTS i PHILADELPHIA Bobby : Jones. 155 Oakland, Calif., outpointed nil Turner. 151. Philadelphia, 10. ' in..-, .i.... 1 1. um in . iii published r (Itspiniil hy the Liquor (uulttil Hwii'il ' I .nvirnnieni tl liulisti Cnlunibia. 1 IMPRESS i ;5) wr . -ON STAGE- CAPITOL THEATRE-SUNDAY MARCH 14, 9 P.M. All Proceeds i to the . KINSMEN ' B.C. POLIO FUND TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: Macey's Confectionery, Ormes Drugs, Wm. F. Stone, N.B.C. Power, Art Murray's Men's Wear ' This ad courtesy Dibb Printing Co.