Prince P.uoertDaiiY News . . Thursday, March 11, 1951 Chances For Playoff Berth. Get Pretty Slim for Rangers fighters Soy Thanks Still Money in Fund For Boxing Team Trips Generosity of Prince Rupert , boxing world. From the $375 total collected t ,. r ' i I ,-. V. . 1 ' - ' i 1 0' . ' , , K in a point of catching the ! fourth-place Boston Bruins Wed- j nesday night by taking a 4-2 j National Hockey League victory over Chicagb Black Hawks. TJn- j less the Bruins lose a few games the Rangers haven't a hope be- cause Boston has two games In ! hand. ' The New Yorkers picked up their 20th victory in 65 starts by j scoring two goals in the third ; period. They have five games ! left in the 70-game schedule. It was the only encounter of ! the night and the end came : when rookie Camille Henry and I Bob Chrystal drove two shotsj past Chicago netminder Rollins ! in the last 12 minutes. I we re $89.70 for Canadian Pacific Airlines and $38.46 for Canadian National Steamships his been pai'l out for transportation Following- is a list of company's and individuals whose donations made tho bcxing team's tiip possible: Gordon &J.Ancl: rsov. 10 00 B::.eba!l Association 50 01 Fsouire Shop 53 qq Hotel Association 25 CO Hill Gordon 20 CO bus'nes-s houses and individuals has made it possible to set up a fund for Prince Rupert boxers to make further trips if necessary. Prior to the Golden Gloves attended by Andy Marshall, Bill Morrison and Bill Tsuchiya, 'a collection, sparked by Johnny Odowcs. was set up and tlure is still $196.8-1 in it for future contingencies. The city's boxing contingent is back home again, with Aniy Marshall flying name with Billy Tsuchiya Monday and Bill Morrison and trainer Joe Ward ar- proud lly JIM BASTAtil.E C'aijmllati Prs Sinn Wilier New York Rangers, behind hockey's eight-ball all season, still have a chance to make a Stanley Cup playoif berth. But things are getting to the mathematical stages even with the Rangers winning some clutch games. , The Blueshirts moved to with- Packers Take Second Game Of Playoffs By The Canadian. PrtisB Kamloo'ps Elks the one game away from elimination in the Okanagan Senior Hockey League playoffs. Elks went down 3-1 in Kam-loops as the Kelowna Packers took the second game of the best-of-five semi-finals. our n( arnv North Star Bottling Works 20 00i '') Taxi 20 OJ I! ii api'V ! BHilhrrt t riving back yesterday afternoon ; . ti "' on on the the Prin,.; Prince Grn.-PT George. Andy, Andv tho th,!John McNulty 1 0.00 , MEfcT BUl'INS TONIGHT I Coach Muzz Patrick and his ! ri j"" mill i t. Bud s Place . lo.OO Rangers will know tonight just i ""'r " li'iii.!,,,!,.! l!jl'fKl.,J 'turn llri ra I ' JOF MM FIT UNO Urft a "bonus boy" from San Pedro. Calif., will try to displace veteran Hank Thompson irighU at third base forthe New York Giants, now training at Phoenix, Ariz. Thompson was recently named the "varsity" third sacker by 'manager Leo Dtirocher. He said others would have to "knock" him off, if they want the spot . how tough uie race will be from here on. They meet the Erulns f Boston in a key game for both ini.iv,ei(-d. proU-in meMt ( (- normal iiifaul difi.i, fw von lo ,av, clubs. - In two other games tonight, j HON' ZIMMI'.K, heir apparent to Pee Wee Reese's shortstop berth with the Brooklyn Dodgers, whips the ball to first base from high in the air in a double-pray drill at the team's Vcro Beach, Fia., training camp. Zimmer, a highly regarded prospect, may spend one more year in the minors while waiting for Reese to hang up his glove. city's 1954 Golden Gloves middleweight champion was .greeted at the Seal Cove airport by Mrs. Marshall, and the three Marshall boys, Johnny Oclowr.i and Martin Saunders with his junior boxing club. Johnny Odowcs also met Joe Ward and Bill Mons'l Mnrriso". as they arrived yesterday and all members of the boxing team expressed -their appreciation of the kindness and goodhearted-nes.s of the firms and folks who contributed to the fund. second-place Toronto Miple ri'lil Ihiii. fr vm i Miller's Cigar Store , Sam Marsh I Grotto Cigar Store '.. Hills Shoe Store . .. ! Riir'ty Ford ! Jack Lindsay Jack Judge General Tire ' George Hooey Shi ila Ramsay !ics,sie Davis I Frank D. rry F. J. Hicks Mrs. j' G. Anderson i J. N. F'oi mau The Scrapbook i Past and present in the Sports World I lo Heal ami scrvf, VI ati Ii f- morr STRAINED JEEF STRAINED BEEF HI By JACK CLUETJESSOME The game was featured by Leafs go agalnsl thlrd-nlace-close checking and top net Canadiens in Montreal and the minding. The first Kelowna goal last-place Hawks, with Only 11 came at the 20-second mark us victories in 65 starts, clash with an Elks power play rebounded. the league-leading Red Wings Kamloops roared hi from the at Detroit, face-off but Ken Amundrud car- j The Hawks made it tough for icd the Icnglli or the ice to slip the Rangers at Madison Scjuare the puck behind Hal Gordon. Garden. They battled from be-Frank Kuly picked up an assist hind a 2-0 count to tie the game on the play. i early in the Viird period but Kelowna took advantage of '"ln't " anything after that, another fast break to m two-nn The other Ranger goals were STRAINED VEAL CTD A It,... - iiiintu BEEF LI' 5.00 ; 5.00 ! 5.00 ; 5.0D 5.00 5.00 ' 5.00 5.00 3 00 2.00 2.08 2.00 2.00 2.00 I 2.oa ; 2.00 ! 2.03 i 2.00 I 2.00 ' 2.00 ! 2.00 : 2.0') t 2.00 1 2.03 2.00 2.03 : ' 2.00 2.03 j LOO . loo ! Collecting the money with Nuk Pavlikis Johnny Odowe.s was Gunnur An- J. r. Standi ina WEeh I was a lad my Dad and his friends would Rather at home 'on J chat for hours on spol.! unci tho top .story would! always be on some boxer. On ; numerous occasions it would be about the "Durable" Dane. also to wish heavyweight Pill. Morrison and lightweight Billy Tsuchiya the best of luck next lime. THE I'OOK Hl'lX! We read a short story re'-ent- rcorcd by Eddie Kullman and n.yVJA fJ'M,, 1 Elks Leading Junior Series VANCOUVER P A meagre 100 fans watched Wednesday night as New Westminster Flks took a .1-0 lead in the best-of-three series for the British Columbia juvenile hockey championship. Flks trampled Nanainio in the second stanza. Kuly col- derson and Bill Murray. Mr. Odowes said today th il although there is still $lufi.81 -n a special account for Prince Rupert boxers, anyone wi.sliin:; to boost the fund may still do so in the event any boxers wl-.Ii to make any further trips i-j enhance the city's name in th.' he , Nick Mii koski. George Gee and Lou Junkowski scored for the Wltpnever Bht fans in days ly on bull fight but did not gt looted his second assist as fed Hill MiCnllcv thp ilisc interested in it at all, and pitied - I'ry a D.ti)v rtc,v i D. H. 1 : !.- on C. Yule l ing Tailor A 1 1 ; 1 1 1 Mai .. .-, I George C. Low , ! Hector McKiijnon .. ... Joe Gallant ' Warren PeterMjn : J. Hogan Jean Ilollisten j Pat Formaii ! D. Guyatt Johnny I.uiuik ,. Don Smith made it 3-0 before : ,:imk' Fred Denny passed to Carlson 'mmtmkm at 12:13 for Elks' only goal. Next J battle betwneii the two is Friday, Jjy niht i ICplnufnn Pent ii'ln ; j" to Clinpers 4-2. eorrp by discussed gameness and durability in a boxer the n-tmo of Ni lsnn was always mentioned as die yardstick by which all fip.hters were measured. Old-timers, especially those in close to lh?i fight same, often said that, as a fighter Nelson w is not much to look at. But h more tliw TO'.ulo up for this by continually charging in and v :ir- rt7. ill I f m m the poor bun A matador is known as a bullfighter . and in his country :.s ( on.sidered a brave athlete, despite being dolled up in lace and whatnot. In his native land may be so, but to many of ils as sports lovers can't imagin . him an athlete. According to bull-tightin'? h's- The next gamp will be played plays In Vernon tonight. The V's tomght at New Westminster. lead the series 1-0. i I'.m Bariko , 1.00 Frank Pop Ivy Signs as (each For Edmonton to EUROPE ing down his opponent until lr tory (although the styl- Ins ' T A -LI I . . oners new iow tares Detwoi we ; refilricnlly softened up fer' changed somewhit todavl Ih mil, ASPHALT ROOHMG the l'iTc!;r ut punch. VANCOUVER - GLASGOW For low Tourist Fares and full informal- Enqu'rc c!nou our Instolmcnf Paynint Plan. 1.03 1.00 LOO 1.0) 1.03 1.0J 1.: ,) 1.03 LOO 1.03 103 , LOO 1.03 : 1.00 LOO Jimmy Lemiik Sa:n Julian A. V.Hl.Mrl r Itcnny W.ndic Yamariu George Sh:i-k Kicky L:w.s . Lou Anders Alex AuiJ ' Jca Hindson . ... Don Wona maker G. Macisin John Rooedale Steve Mintenko . Elmer Ritz A. J. O'Brien Sec your Travel Agent, Hallway Ti,k 0!l SEE OR CALL FOR TR5E ESTIMATES 0:-nr PattHng Nchon. l;etter knewn in his bcxing days i-.s "Thi Curable Dane", 'wes hnril (n Jie.iir 5 18C2, at Copenh '.gen, rc''ii ijl-k. He stood 5 f et. 7'. inch s land weighed in th.: vicinity of 123 pounds. matador is ass" ted in trl-l-tir? the bull to its death bv t'vea flag-waving toreadors. These men" proceed to exhaust w'vtt "little energy" is l?ft in Ih beast by waving a red cloth at him, which causes the bull to run toward one and then to th-: ether until its head droops and EDMONTON 9 Frank (Pop1 Ivy, an old hand at the split-1" formation, has signed as coaih-of Edmonton Eskimos of'ihe! Western Interprovincial Football i Union, who introduced the spUt-T to Canadian football last year, i Announcement of the signing of the 38-year-old Oklahoman , as successor lo Darrell Roval r call TCA in Vancouver at T A 0131 6.V! Howe SI. (iipp. Georgia Hutch. GREER & BRiDDEN Ltd. TRANS-CANADA NiUtm. after winning the fm Phone 9C9 215 Fiis Ave. West NII.ONl H AMI :vc!ght title from Joe Gain, lpgs hardly strong enough to l'i I AtHMMt4t hold him up. And mind you 1.03 b - , 1 the 10- came Wednesday from Eskimo president Ken Montgomery who said Ivy is "sold on the spIit-T." fore th3 red flag wavini. bull has had a number of Andy Cowan , 1.C3 S. K. Johnson 1.U0 Inch long neck by dart.s driven into his . Salary terms were not announc- ; Ernie Rachford assistants of t h e : ed. ' ' Mel Metteaws LOO ; LOO tt i-::s st.v FRIGiDAIR 1 Ivy was signed for three years, the same as Royal. Royal, however, was released last month from two years of his contract so he could become head coach at Mississippi State. II Hammer 1.03 $375.03 Transportation 178 16 Bank balance $190.4.; ... MEANS VALUE in lf0;f, scored a knockout over Did: Hyland in 23 rounds, end fought, a 10-rcund no-e'ecision contest with the lid who was later destined to relieve him of his crown, Ad Wolgast. The. fight took place in lt)09. on F.b. 22, 1010, Neln j i'n'l VVrirart were brouarht to- i pct!irr at. Fort Richmon t, Col. 1 h"t v.":;' to be a 45-rotind rirt 'h with slrji'iht rule:, e.ich ; ri-n l protect himself sit, alii timrs nnd no foals were to be) cjli l r:ili a man was actml-ly i'vap.ic:t:it"d by a foul blow. '1 e was intense bitterness' between these two boxers as j wes . hnwn in their mennreble !!:. It. w.js give-and-tak no (iii'Mier a.-ked and nam given. l I toreadors. After that, the matador seizes the opportunity to close upon the nearly-dead bull and puts an end by jamming a long s-vorii through the heart and the fin-el? with a short knife. The lid stands in triumph in the pools made by the biood of the bull which had no dunce to defend Itself. Once in a while a lucky bull gets his opportunity the matador is tho loser but we h ue CAREFUL . ...... ...... 4 f i, qs o cat- with u Kitten . that's the expert packers who prepare your household goods lor moving. Phsnc 60 never sesn a picture cf a batliv battered bull as a winner, rlec-! crated and cheered by the spee-i tators. The only ones we have ; sten decorated, and champions jtiewever. Nelson made a com-i gci us effort to retain his tit; ngiinsfc th ycungcr Wo'g "St. Ua n A. indsays tit (hfll n,n 11 -a ..' ir.3" h "-""l Wolmjsr w1s bulta ln 0U1. finc Canadian agri. " F.l 4trni 'Jfl fl'-M fO' Zr&tfWS, t,er. cultural ;how Wlm Mcl-.t.n went to his cornei , lfl,,5 hv wnnm ,,.., v Uocai aim I-iiim; instance :lovmg m "I.F.AVE IT TO LINDSAY'S " YOl It I.OC.U I.I,iri " AtSTS " ' J '"""in A v - - ""'")' "V;,,,;,(:" fl cn. mpion. bative. . $459.75 V $446.75 anges we wmnir u clay t'Shts, especially seme of the heavyweight bduta. would fire old timers to chat with su"h enthusiasm as they did of the long-ago boxing game. ( ONGKATI'LATIONS And while on the subject of fights we would like to add our congratulations to those of others, to Golden Gloves middleweight champion Andy Marshall for his grand showing" down at Vancouver and v V Refrigerators i WEAP IT I hi ativcrusciiieiii is nut puliliitK tl or clisplaf. Iy ihe Liquor ( ontrol Ititard tir Itv i he Oi)vcriiment o( British (Julumbia WASHERS Vl ' ' ''S "' CONTENTS PROUDLY SUPPORT THE RED CROSS Local Objective '' S5.500 XZ Education is not only OUR business IK Education is Everybody's Business This is Educat ion Week Time to face up 'to- on impendinq crisis in teacher supply. School enrollment is increasing annually we need more teachers. Standards must be maintained and improved. 'iAre young people in your community enter-ffcig teaching? If not, why not? New Live-Water Action HtlGIDAIRK Automatic Washer docs not fool with dirt. Surging Live-Water currents of hot sudsy water go through and through the clotlu-s, flushing out the grimiest, toughest, ground-in dirt . . . yet o ' gently does it work IJiat nylons, woolens and rayons are safe! New, Fresh water Float-over rinse . . . Rapidry spin, too! FRIGIDAIRE DRYERS . . . The same high quality This is your business- GORDON & ANDERSON Sducafion is Everybody's Business ! B.C. TEACHERS' FEDERATION PHONE 46 LIMITED Q ?utid, yHeniil and SOcttrd in ffiothtud Thii odvertisemenl ii not published by the Liquor Conliol loard sr by th Oovriimnt (if Urilith CulumLiu ,