Prince Rucert Daily Nsws Wednesday, May 27, 1953 Mrs. McBroom New President Of Women's Curling Club Mrs. Allen McBroom was elec-1 bonsple! and their operation of ithleen Willa Smith Married First Presbyterian Churcli '-v-iti fVf . V ted as president of the Prince , the club house canteen. , R.m.rt. Wnmpn'. fnrl' rinh t " was aeciaea mat, imuier white Swiss silk lace forming aHiidema of Vancouver wore a gracious chapel train. The mold-1 full length strapless gown of ed bodice of lace with Peter Pan pink net over taffeta, with ny- laoDlicatlons for membership will ,ttv rhoral wedding took it Fi''st Presbyterian I Vhcn Kathleen Willa im liter of Mr. and Mrs. its annual meeting. - t. arm . I. r' collar and fitted pointed sleeves , season. Other officers' named were Mrs. William Anderson, vice- ;-nitll 01 Oil Is ... i . . president; Miss Jean Ramsay,; secretary; Mrs. Roy Brown, treas- j urer; and Mrs. W. D. Smith, Mrs.1 Gordon Bateman, Mrs. John ' Waklev, Mrs. Ray Wilkins, Mrs Ion stole, headdress of match-1 ing bandeau of flowers and shoulder length veiling. She carried a bouquet of Kokoma , carnations. Bridesmaid Miss Maureen Lancaster of Terrace, cousin ol the bride, wore a full length strapless gown of yellow net I .. vr., .. C3 ran oey; Ms. emphasized the billowing, bouffant skirt. A tiara of seed pearls held her full length veil of illusion silk veiling. Only ornament worn by the bride was a necklace of pearls, gift of the groom. She carried i bouquet of pink Rapture and white Ophelia roses. Maid-of-honor Miss Louise raw ,rlnic tne Drmc ui ivua.iu 1 u;iiier, FE. RCAF, son ,,id Mrs. J. L. Lasnier ,ntr-al. Rev. Dr. A. E. officiated. in marriage by her Hv bride wore an ex-uown of blush pink satin hi, li was nylon tulle and k,nget' xfclk Veep t-r" f -rnation. ..,.ioa . imi use , ...wpt : Harold Thom and Mrs. Barney Eyolfson, directors. Members reviewed" a successful year In both their curling competitions climaxed by the . .urefnB0 tWe paotry c Veep ,-lts-3U" . lor o-'J - Carn3""n I.' I "".iK' ,.., tl .r VOW , fresh Gir Nellie Glock Is Busy over yellow taffeta, with nylon stole. Her headdress was of . matching bandeau and shoulder ! length veiling. She carried a bouquet of Kokoma carnations. Mr. David A. Smith, brother of the bride, was best man, while ushers were Mr. Robert E. Smith,- brother of the bride, Mr. David Waterman and Mr. Bruce ndVie0 long,"- . ttt1-'- s Graduation Exercises MJtfN, NR AP) Nellie Olock Is valedictorian of Alsen FOR A LASTING SHINE '.vtEST During their lactation period, , which usually lasts seven to ten ' months, average milk goats pro- j duce two to four quarts of milk daily, or sufficient for most families. ' atioo- Car"' get .., lust OIK .nl VI" school- . .re MRS. ML'RIEL McQUEEN FERGLSSON, 54, of Frederic-ton was "almost stunned" when told of her appointment to the Senate. She said the appointment was a conse-ouence of her activities for recognition of women in public and professional life Born at Shediac, N.B., she practised law at Grand Falls, N.B., from 1935 to 1943. For four years she was enforcement counsel for the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Wf Bear v illi Ciloi K is unoiuciaiiy me class siuu.mi.oi mn. , olix k is the only graduate of Alsen high this year. i-a v.-- .,, ......ill Mills. Organist was Mr. Henry Plnym, and during the signing of the register the choir sang "O Perfect Love." A reception was held at the home of Mis. J. R. Mitchell, 2150 nvenlion Delegates Told Atlin Avenue, and guests were received by Mr. and Mrs. E. J ueen Patron of IODE Smith and Mrs. J. R. Mitchell, i 10NTON d1 Queen fcilza- ' stimulant to tne worK or nil - .... menihers nf the nrripr. pnnhlinp the bride's mother wearing n cocktail dress of navy blue. Toast to the bride was proposed by Mr. Fred J. Conrad. Mrs. James Simpson and Mrs. kn. hcr'O lie DULIUll ui uic o them to "wear their badges with Order Daughters of T3RAND I l . x ' A more pride." 8. D. Johnston presided at the FINEST iipire. Thf mtlR nrwnt 172 f)SH VI (in meiit was made . educational project's during , daintily-decorated tea table and announce 5 EVADG9ATE0 tea yM i..iti s John H. t'hipman oi M52-53. It was shown In a re- ;... . , of t nnrt port tn to thP the mpptini- meeting. Cross, Joan Cross, Agnes Smith, nutmmu present I . , Joan Smith. Joan Croxford, as- I 11 I li can vy jSi'fjnaiifei In order that voters In coming elections may be correctly Informed on the various issues and party lines, The Daily News requires that all political advertisements submitted for acceptance must bear Identification of the advertiser, either by name of party or name of candidate. The Karakul sheep Is a fur-producing breed, its most important product being the pelt ! of the lamb, which Is killed and I skinned before it is 24 hours old ,DE. at the vsol national mrs. u. m. ru i, EistPCj by Mr. Kenneth Johnston ,n here. national educational secretary, , and Mr David Waterman, and .... i isnlrl SlSfl 443.30 of the amount I . n . i .u iic'.'ice was receiveu iium - . 'mis. jr. m. rvuy anist-cu in mr .,iri secretary. It said; icv'"chku i "" cutting of the wedding oar.e. " " .. . ... 'vlnplnl ih9ntir "thp nrirpst. In I . . . . M iic ty the Queen is gra- ' ' , " 7, A honeymoon trip by motor IN THE BRIGHT RED FOIL. PACKAGE ORANGE PEKOE pleased to grant her , 'c " ' ' through the Interior of B.C. will .,. to the IODE." Mrs. Martin said $41.739 08 was be takcn by tne newiyweds af- J' Advertising in the Daily News Brings Results .... . .1 i . i- i i i i... tin snent iinunr nn on 1514 in a schools sitiiuiin by iiv 618 Din er which thev will go to Comox, mian said tne pairon- ,",.". where the groom Is stationed (Jueen would be aicnaPlers ,ur l lie to insure highest quality fur. ADDS ZEST calendars, magazines and other Wtn the RCAF. supplies. j The brjde was born an(j edu. Total used for students wasCated in Prince Rupert. She $88,795.98 including scholarships, ! joined the Women's Division of bursaries, monetary assistance the RCAF and was stationed In and prizes. Rockcliffe, Ontario. The groom mr- Biu PRI7F rm.r, i noi ist was Dorn 'n Toronto and joined th ppait In 1U9 nuiine the for the three B's. (It) 7 p m., to all sorts of (124) , I Pri7f.alvlnff Increased last ' u t .w o'hall Wednesday, ry vs. C Y.O. ip three B's wiM i o o war years lie wtia wiiii uic itui m appear year when 3.994 prizes were pre- AUantic squadron. dt) sented, 1,773 of which were books u'.tt'h foi them dishes 'i to students," saia Mrs. wiarun. a.? a date, don't be .late , Last year 848 students, 128 of m F Stone's S,urplus Stock wnom came from homes of ex-See our ad on page 5. It l ! service personnel, were helred ... things done with the , by the order H':ir Arnold Webster over; (It) it t k . r jt if-V1 i , t. r '"Si I V.A 41 t 1j. ' 6 10 tonif-'ht. ft OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10, Stone Building Phcno Blue 593 ,lt Lake Ferry running Hniiday. Leaves Cow Bay ! f very hour from 11 a.m. (It) mil further notice in this .n. I ri'M'et to inform cus-rs the !()dern Beauty Shop ELECTRIC COOKING YOU CAN THANK B.C. FORESTS FOR THESE BREATHTAKING FABRICS FOR YOU AMD YOUR HOWE Tlicy all started right here in our B.C. Forests ... in the great stands of spruee and lienilo k entrusted to Colunihia Cellulose at Prime Hiiper't. Pulp produced here will soon he sent direet to our new Edmonton plant for the production of these wonderful acetate yams in Western Canada. r closed due to illness. M ;eii. proprietor. (125) IMS' I'KLAL PUSHERS j!1 aees f".im little gills ii lii'roftii-ups. Now in stock v.i:',.i'.e's I)c,)urlment Store. (124) ".EN! It starts Friday morn- takes core of the job even when you're out of the kitchen! Wai. F. Stone's Surplus Salf Quality men's cloth-it prices you like to pay. inir ad on pane 5. (H) (1 JjL j L - ru 1 is Week U 1 p.m. on Thursday, May ihp animal Inspection of Cartels will be made at the litill Halt. Trophies will awarded to oiitstandinit I'K. lii-rrcshments served, "one welcome. Soon , these yarns will he rolling to Canadian fabric mills ... and Columbia Cellulose will become an important' factor in suppling the textile market in this country. , COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Chemical Cellulose ...,,... I.I J. A .sl,si,li,.rv ,. Cno.hmi Ull'.A meeting Thursday, 8 K Oildfellows Hall. IT'S FAST! Completely insulated oven speeds the cooking. Heat is applied directly to bottom of surface utensils. IT'S AUTOMATIC! Slip a meal in the oven, set timer and temperature controls. Your electric cooker will cook to nicety, turn itself off when the job's done. t ' ? X , ii IT'S ACCURATE! Every switch setting gives same amount of heat every time. No fluctuation. U'j CLEAN! No combustion. No soot. No grime. And no waste heat. Kitchen walls nd curtains stay cleaner. HEAR ALD. KAY SMITH IT'S ECONOMICAL, too, and REALLY MODERN! Average cost of electricity for medium sized family, using electric etc. runs to about $2.00 . week, l.lectr.c range, water heater, lights, cooking is modern cooking at its cleanest, easiest best. over the nw models today . . Set CFPR 6:00 p.m. THURSDAY May 28th VOTE LIBERAL VOTE BROWN r xzfi w i js. .j ...!.:vO(... .-...v)ftN..vhN..N.-w-u ...... -..M. "ni .1 Caoodian Ch"""' 1 'vj,' Company, ltd