t-nnce Kupcri UGiiy iNew3 Wednesday, May 27, 19b3 Today 's Stocks "(,i,rtej ft. D. Ji.hnwton fju. tld.) TO: Buy -Sell -Rent Trade or Hire uo ww m BLACKWOOD -on VANCOUVER Phone MISS WANT AD 748. She will be glad to help you place your od DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS FOR SALE VANCOUVER 7ia Waypoints SUNDAY 3S Camosun, 3 p.m. . FRIDAY SS Chilcotin, 8 p.m. , Windsor Has FOR SALE Large Kelvinator By EASLEY BLACKWOOD lassif icd Hates t)me 4:30 p.m. day pre- to publication. ,,d 3 c-nts per word per .,;,; minimum charge SO When Things Look Bad, fridge, practically new oil range and other household articles. All in excellent condition. Reasonable. Phone Green 826. No. 4 Mussallem Block. U28p) American Standard 15V4 1 Bralorne 4 00 B R X 02 Cariboo Quartz 1.05 Congress 07 Cronin Babine .10'2 Giant Mascot 45 Indian 05f2 Pioneer 1.90 Premier Border ' .06 Privateer 03 '4 Reeves McDonald 2.00 Sheep Creek 87 Silbak Premier 12 Taku River OR Vananda 022 Spud Valley 03 'i Silver Standard 90 Western Uranium 2.25 Different View On Coronations NEW YORK (API The Duke of Windsor said in a radio in Notices, 50 cents; Cards ;iallks, Death Notices ,,,, Notices. Marriage and ''mer.t Announcements, FOR SALE Wick burner oil ' Don't Forget Your Partner Defending is a part of the game that requires initiative and improvising. Often, in bidding a hand, you can mentally refer to a neat, precise chart on page 142" of that last textbook you read. There you will find your answer. Hut in defending, you are on stove, good condition. Phone Red 300. ( 125p) ALICE ARM and STEWART Friday, Camosun, Midnight FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS " """ May 6 and 20 SS Chilcotin, Midnight FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SS Chilcotin, Midnight May 13 and 27 FRANK J. SKINNER"" ' Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 Display double price. mo Refunds terview at sea Sunday tie doesn't share the feeling of some Americans that Queen Elizabeth's may be the last British Corona FOR RENT n,it. accept responsl- , ,, ci:i.--sifed ads Inserted Dttircd part-tim work Advartiwd in clcmifitd ' NowAndtsw it a (Itik tion. FOR RENT Bright single room, ''. in- under wrong 41 ! JUUI UVA 11. .iin unless notification close in Phone Black 977. Call at 101 7th East. 125 Sil-Van Dorreen Estella .. .28 However, there are a numoer .50 I of things to remember which mors is . . BCSINESS PERSONAM UI ;irt insertion. The Duke is travelling to fcu-rope aboard the liner United Etates, which departed last Friday. He was Interviewed by another passenger, CBS radio newsman Robert Trout. The Duke, who will not attend 1141 11251 FOR RENT Sleeping room Beach Place or Blue 433. West dealer Neither side vulnerable North (Mr. f'hnmplnn) -S 10 9 7 a H A K Q 6 D 6 S C Q 3 r.t .BEER bottles picked up. Phone will Improve your delenae game. In yesterday's column I sug-eested that you carefully avoid Oils A P Consol . Black 627. . . U48pl .33 ' TisNOtNl-KMKNTS SINGER EEWINO CENTRE rent portable n.a:hlnes. Phone making leads which are likely to missionary tea, PLUMBING, automatic oil heating, sheet metal work. Phons the Coronation, said he thought i virrinn 8(54. c If. . ii' . Calmont 1.41 Home Oil 8.30 Mercury 15 Pacific Pete 11.50 3. 543. CiU 30 th West. Le- give declarer a clear picture or your hand. Here is another gimmick. there were two reasons for the reat Interest among Americans FOR RENT Large room for tourncau. c ( Mr. Kreu) 8 J 3 H 10 5 4 D J 10 9 3 C- 9 7 0 2 (Mr. Malfr) 8 Q 0 H J 9 7 3 D -K t ,CA K J 8 4 Anglican gentleman, near hospital. Red ! i c; c sale, Royal Canadian 1 2 'z When the situation seems hope HELP WANTED FEMALE 248. u.ipi FOR. RENT Two single rooms. rsl, May 30. - -,,ran Church tea May 30. less for your side, try to visualize a cjrd or cards which your r.artner could logically be ex WANTED Clerk for retail shoe in the event. One reason, he said, is that Elizabeth is a young Queen and In America "youth is almost idealized." The other reason, he said, is that "some in America seem to Tune 4 store. Apply In person to Family Shoe Store Ltd. U26) TORONTO Athona 15 Aumaque 15'2 Beattie Dequesne 30 Vfe Revcourt .50 tea. one double room wun twin beds. Board If desired. Men only. 812 2nd West. (123) for RENT Two-room apart South (Mr. .hel) 8 A K 8 5 4 H 8 D A Q 8 4 2 O -10 4 - ' The bidding: , Went North 'East 1 C 1 H Pass PrdW 3 S Pass All pui.8 by F. W. (127) pected to have and then play him for that holding. Often this I will Involve making a lead which you would not dream of ! making in ordinary circum- SALESGIRLS wanted Woolworth Co. Ltd. DINING PLEASURE iTTENTION South 38 43 Buffalo Canadian .21 Consol. Smelters 25.75 Conwest 4.40 Donalda 72'2 ment for working man. 100, feel that my nieces coronation 11th Ave. East at Wantage may well be the last." Road junction. Phone Red -j f0r one," he added, "do not 272. (123p) subscribe to so gloomy a forbod- stances. And, as always, you STENOGRAPHER-CLERK, with or without experience. Apply to Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd.. Room 15, Besner Block. (1281 in should consider the humanics i Eldona .... .36 ROT1M nnri hoard desired bV "'B SPARKLING NEW 1 SURROUNDINGS East Sullivan 4.70 , young man. Central location. Box 682. Daily News. (124p) Giant Yellowknife 10.00 God's Lake 87 WAITRESS WANTED AnplV In person at the Civic Centre. (1241 Commodore Cafe angle. j Look at the sensational, result Mr. Masters tfot in today's de;il. He took the first two tricks with the kingnd ats of clubs. It was clear that another club lead would be suicidal. Where wero two more tricks coming from? Queen Charlotte Airlines WANTED TO RENT .13 .06 David Cohen Embarrassed liarricana Heva Gold Duvex Joliet Quebec ... WANTED Girl or lady to look .38 VOTERS IBERAL VOTE is a vote for :E ENTERPRISE. VOTE BROWN LIBERAL on June 9 .27 ' WANTED TO RENT Three-room suite by young married couple, June 15. Phone 209, office hours. . " (Hp) after children. Live In or week-ends only. Phone 453. . (1251 Schedule trips to. WANTED Girl or woman to .65 .11 J. 50 .35 2.42 .41 .18 Little Long Lac Lynx ' Madsen Red Lake McKenzie Red Lake ... MacLeod Cockshutt ... Moneta Negus Kitimat and Kemano Tuesdays and Saturdays look after nine-month-old WANTED Urgently require baby, days, for four months. I three-liedroom house. Phone With Cribs CHICAGO (AP) David Cohen found it embarrassing when delivery men began deluging his home with baby cribs. He's 68 and he has no use for baby cribs. There was probably on? to be had in diamonds but certainiv jnone in hearts. And that left ' the spade suit. Mr. Masters knows that with 1 nine trumps, missing the queen, j Mr. Abel favors laying down the ii.ee and king. In this case, thut : would mean ruin toe the de- Phone Red 104. , ilti! Blue 602. (tfnc) ' ' ' Steamer , Prince Rupert SAILS FOR 1 VANCOUVER ind Intermediate ForU j Each Thursdey at 11:15 p.m. f Tor KETCHIKAN ACCOUNTANT1 WANTED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income j . F'lrk, Tax specialist. K O. fenders. There were four spades Cohen found it mystifying when deliveries of baby car 20m) Btnne Pnlldtiiff. Ved 503 icn the board and, for his jump WANTED TO BUY Brownie uniform, size 8. Also chest of drawers. Black 709. (tf-nc) WANTED TO BUY One- nr BATTr.K of.KVICE hI Church W.A. Spring lime It. ix Women' League trill tea, June II, at the i,! Miu. M. P. McCuffery, h Ave. West. Noranda 68.25 , Louvicourt ; 15 Pickle Crow 1.40 Petrol Oil & Gas 54 ' '-nv Sf-nntor 20 Sherritt Gordon 5.00 Steep Rock 6.90 Silver Miller 65 Kweet Grass 52 Golden Manitou 2.35 Landover Oils .v 22 Rix Athabasca 2.40 Nesbitt Labine 3.80 WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service two-room cabin and lot. Cash. Box 681, Dully News. (124p) riages, of Intimate articles of women's clothing and of miscellaneous pieces of furniture arrived in addition to the cribs. The flood of articles continued for two months. David was spending about half his time Stewart and Alice Arm Mondays and Thursdays Charter Service fa Contract Flying Afients: CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES Phones 476 and 620 RUPERT Battery Snap. x:'4 East 3rd Aw. fhooe B'. l?fl. Ke-pnlr. recharglrc iin rhalld-inn. V'-vii ruarantrfO '") For reservations write, at I bid in the suit, surely Mr. Abel . had at least five. t i But. what if Mrs. Keen had ' the Jack? Wouldn't a spade lead j at trick three be a masterly I piece of misdirection? Mr. Masters thought so. He led the six ' of spades. Mrs. Keen played the1 jack and Mr. Abel won with th" king. CMfcll FOR pZflaM '"' 1l"'t ,"V BOATS FOR I.E batteries. Scrap; copper, nr.ips, returning to Chicago stores tne ivtrrian Ladles' Aid tea M:inse. June 18. PERSONAL ie 'Mi Ull U.VJ ,v,w v, V,rt r hnnlrhl radiator. Pfc Bth Are. We: . but which were delivered to him. WANTED Good home for year- FOR SALE 18 ft. cabin cruiser with or without engine. As new condition. Very reasonable price. Write Mrs. M. G. Uf, General Delivery, Terrace, B.C. (123p) Thinking it over, Mr. Abel The mystery was solved Saturday with the arrest of Mrs. Mary Gulczynski, 24, on a li-mred he had got a good break nnd-half-old Labrador dog. Phone Black 912. P.O. Box 62:'.. (125) DU CAN WIN charge of passing,, worthless cheoues $15,000 worth of them Five Guides End Course For Badges lousiness &1 Pi,l'e.':!onar In the last two months, nolle reported. Police said Mrs. Gulczynski Clearly Mrs. Keen h'ad started with Q J 3 In spades. Mr. Masters Toutdnt have the qneeti. (Who would be crazy enough to lead away from the queen of trumps?) So over to the board with the ace of hearts and back with the 10 of spades. Mrs. Keen played the trey and Mr. Abel ducked. Down one. FOR .SALE Large power boat, two cabins, boathouse. Within half-hour drive from town. Price very reasonable. Excellent for fishing and hunting. Phone Red 418 for particulars. , . (134) FORSAI.1532-ft. glllnetter would go Into a store, make a Five Girl Guides of the city JOHN H. oiiho nlfor n rhrfiuc made od Highways, Best' gislotion, Business-i Administration of , jr affairs . . . and much more. VOTE LIBERAL June 9 - REM ESTATE FOR SALE Big 6. furnished or unfurnished. Newly decorated in and out. Cash or easy torus. Phone Elack 731. (125) FOR SALE Six-room house, 2 bathrooms, furnished. Hot air furnace. Phone Green 933. (126p) a three fnr mnrlhnn the cost of lve i"st completed week-end stint of living out-of- Marie H." Phone Red :s , (128) BULGER Oj'forriefrisf ..." CARS FOR SALE DELUXE PRESS "Gestetner" Duplicating , Circular Letters - Moninly Bulletins any Kind of Business forms. Direct, mall advertising, etc. 30 - 40 less than regular printing. . Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 -2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Giv us your mailing list We do the rest. the article and ask for the balance in cash. The purchased articles were lo go to David Cohen, the women would specify. Mrs. Gulczynski said she didn't know Cohen. She'd just picked his name from the telephone book. doors in preparation for their pioneer's badges and eligibility as first class Guides. Pitching their tent m the wooded portion of a back yard were Nancy Lund and Julie Prockter of the Cathfdral Company, and Judy Lloyd, Jean I FOR SALE Neat one-bedroom RE-CHROME bumpers, grills, VOTE home near McBrlde. immeai-nte occupancy. Completely Improvement in quality of meats served on Canada's din- j ner tables today has resulted from the emphasis on quality animals at district fairs states etc., with "Bumper Re-Nu"! Not a mint or polish! Just furnished with all kitchen RUCE and household furnishings, Including range, new frig, the Pacific National Exhibition. Ihird Avenue John Bulger Ltd. like chrome! Last vears! Send .98 or COD. Fernlor, 772 King West. Hamilton, Ont. (Dealers wanted.) (124) t..M KMilSTRY AT 1 Golds and Anne Eyolfson of Conrad Company. The five "pioneers" spent the I - I BROWN rie; Certificate of Title No. 8251-1 1 Lr 11 three week-ends by themselves .'38 Nash. Phone (123p) FOR 8AI.E-Black 247. washing machine, sewing machine, dining room set, bedroom and chesterfield suite, etc. Full price $4 000.00. Terms. R. E. MORTIMER 353 Third Ave. Phone 88 and Blue 326 (128) i rein on your govern-Jom Social Credit to Lot Twenty-two (22. moot Nlnetv-seven lfl7l. Section Two (3i. Towuslte of New Hamm. . Map B68. 1 W11EUEAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued in the name of John Roderick ftwer ba (Men Wed In thin office. John F L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR y Hr; 10:30-12:30; 'MM-450 r zxl - 2 Bcsht')lOckA. "'t Phone Blue 442 . . independently cooking their own meals and keeping house In the outdoors. Guide Commissioner Miss Honora Silversides will announce shortly results of , their tests. .j . . . ' :-. : .f;s Mrs. Frank Baldwin is the FOR SALE '42 "45" Harley-Duvldson, new battery, tires, engine overhauled, In excel-1 e n t condition throughout. Train Schedule STANDARD TIME For the East , i i natty except Sunday.'..8;p m. From the East '' Daily except Monday 9:50 p.m rV FOR RALEModern. four-foom iTiotiee la hwoby Ktvn tlwt 1 shall. INCIAL affairs are your irs. Join Social Credit to- ' ' ,,f - Phont W4 before 8 ojn.. Green . . linns...- mirUv -liH-nished ( nw Guide captain. IXSINESS 1'EHSONALS FOR 8 ALE '41 Buick, new mo furniture). Full cement basement with furnace. 792 Alfred St., or phone Red 129. ( 125) FOR SALE Five-room dwelling nn Seventh Avenue East, two 'Vi everybody uses W. (c) tor Job, new paint )oo. ou jra Ave. West or Bus Depot. (128) at tne rxpinHiiiii ui iik'uk. .." the date of the first posting hereof. Issue Provisional Curtilleate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me in writlnc. DATED at the Land Renlstry Office. Prince Rupert. B.C., this 20tb day of May, 10M. A D ANDREW THOMPSON LVpi'tv Hcjilftrar of Titles. (14.1p WINES. novcUlcs. Eddie' (c) H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phoi 96, Evenings Black 899 FOR Sai it Stand. hlocks from McBride. Newly . . IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY, ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK, Rent of Trucks and Equipment Ph. Blue 939, M. J. SAUNDERS decorated, cabinet cupboard TS tjr Canadian Liquid Co. Ltd., for oxygen, acety-' and all welding supplies, (isay's Cartage 6i Storage TAXIS anrt TKANSMsRS i Phone 60. Ut FOR SALE Kitchen rangette, good condition. Call after 8 pm. No. 11, Waldron Apts., or phone Blue 944. (123) FOR SALE Leaving town Studio couch, radio, chrome tuble set, baby tenda. crib. Innersprlng , single bed, tricycles, etc. '39 Nash sedan. 1364 East 6th. 123p) D'M FINEST CLEANER M'THOLUX. Pnone Blue SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W.. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P C. Box 374 IJ 'or I'arts Sales Service. kitchen, Duroid roor, part basement, cement posts, par-den, kitchen range, chesterfield set, beds, etc. Full price $4,200 00. Terms. R. E. MORTIMER 353 3rd Ave. Phone 88 (128) FOR SALE Two Industrial lots, 48 nnd 49, Block 17. Section 1 Next to Imperial Machine Works. Apply Standard Machine Shop. (It) " LEGAL NOTICE (C) BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OLT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe CI1 Y TRANSFER Long Distance CRATING ana PACKING Furniture Movers FURNITURE STORAGE Household Effects Moved to or lrom any point in B.C. Phone 950 Flrrt Ave. ant! McBrlde ELECTRICIAN D. Ouvatt. w wiring and electrical I (sootless) coal Philpott, Evltt & (c) FOOTHILLS Phone 651. Co. Ltd. a tneie ci CHOP SUEY . . . ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. , Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phoiu: 133 14!) 9th Ave. West, ""e Rod 185. (138) PRECISION SAW FILINCf All Types of Saws' f stir. RALE Lady's bicycle, ex I cellent condition. Phone Green r.- 610 after 8 p.m. (123p) Sharpened RR FSTATE OP OLOP HANSON. 10NAL Machinery Co. Lim-"i. Distributors for: Mining, "mid, Logging hnd Connors' Equipment. Inqulr-'"vltfd. Ornnville Island, npouvrr t, B.C. (tf) IN GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 127 U Ifcw CmitsI Um4 m v Gi in.nl FOR SALE Oil stove, drum and Phone 909 215 1st Ave. W. tubing, J100.0U. rnone diiu-r 448. (125) t TO ' k - 1 k It , i. j DPCF.ASFD TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned Executors of the estate of Olof Hanson, late of Vancouver. Prince Rupert and Smlthers. B.C., riiort at Vancouver on June 4th. FOR 8ALE Phillips iu-iUDe FORD Electrical Works, Mo-rs bought, sold, rewound and Paired. (tfl 7P ! BLONDIE : " "By CHIC YOUNG A 1 LnJLlAZ Jto 1 LVINeASOuNI5, y sleep, whv ,15LlHrNS I cJt (f fiL DON'T MJU LIE . i THE HOUSE ALL ' INfOMNtA AND y ,s 1SSJ require all creditors ana ouin havInK claims anainst the said estate to send the same properi j to the address mentioned below on hfnr the 31st day of July. 1953. RICHARD SEPHTON 10t agent Mutual Life of "Ma. For Life Insurance "n-ie!. Phone 436. (129) combination raoio-pnono-graph, like new, for almost half price Phone Red 510 and ask for Wilbur. (128) FOlTsALE Oil heater, portable radio, end tables, gramophone, lamps, dresser, bed and new mattress, table and chairs, after which date we shall proceed to .ii.trihtitp the estate to vuwo en titled bv law. having regard only to such claims of which we shall bav CE your classified ad In this Per at the economical six rate, is words for co;- bTrV0tLfl,mTH TAKE NOTICE cuu- dishes pots and pans, horse motor, clothes hnarnv china cabinet, hot- Indebted to the snl.l that all persons estate are required to pay their In-HaKirm,.us to us forthwith. nlate. other household unvf. day, cost $1 3S. j5 slx cnsecutive days : ?t ti 1 i -80. And remember you J Phone your ads Just call '" Daily News ( tf-nc) this - i nur i mv . r-T- mj i- r ,tasa vv Ar ' ,is4 i.'a tv. - i - i DATED at Prince Rupert D C. West. cles. 613 3rd Ave FOR SALE-3 H.P. oatboard 407 7th West. (125p ;':tSCAPlNG AND GARDEN- 25th clay of May. 1953- ARTHUft PHOOKSBANK, , ' WILLIAM O. FULTON. Executors. 1350 Dallas Rood, Victoria, B.C. M2fl.a7.J3.4e) k walls, rockeries, t IlOWer hriVAfl lnuna nnri FOR SALE White enamel wood nd coal kitchen range. Phone Blue 988. (124p) Lnr pree estimates. Phone mm mm' m fl ft n f-V il . P fl T1 A fl ' t Y . i twwriwiam it Mm Paiy . Wens Waft Masaj g : il -m .1 ' : 1 h: . . f - miii mi ii m