10 Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, M;iy 14, 1!I53 Big Drive ANTlOUNlSll, N.8. 0) St Francis Xavler University here has launched a camoaiim in ;- ........a....... Surgeons Can Detect Alertness of Pilots raise $2,850,000 to finance ex 1 pansion of facilities, including new buildings for the Xavler junior college at Sydney. '""d-d a n ?T TODAY TO SATURDAY '805 V i f Soldier Spent Time Coloring Comic Photos WINNIPEO (CP) A Winnipeg man, who spent 27 months with the United States arnry in Korea, has returned with an odd story of his part in the war. Technical Sergeant Rodolphe Prcfontaine, 26, spent his time .turning out colored comics designed to undermine the morale of Communist soldiers. Prefontainc became a practical student of Oriental phychol-ogy, social habits, living conditions, geography, history and religion effectively to carry out his duties as an amateur car Styled In The 1953 Manner Ladies' Blouses Wallace's Blouse Department Is showing this year's smartest blouse styles for all sizes. Wallace's stock also includes all price ranges. WALLACES DEPARTMENT STORE By It K NX IK "i'AYLUR LOS ANGELES (AP) Flight surgeons now have a way of watching by radio the heart and brain action, breathing and temperature of pilots aloft. , Any dimming of pilot alertness - - - - can be detected so quickly and may use it to work out ways aground that the doctor will of preventing a recurrence, know about it before the flier j since aviation now Is in the himself is aware that anything transition between propeller is wrong. , , flight and thrust jet and rocket The doctor can warn the flier j flight, the machine will be of by radio and perhaps prevent a j extreme importance in deter-crackup. But even if the warn- mining how man can endure and ing is too late, the physician still survive rocket . transportation has a record of what happened I much faster than the speed of sound. wirictvonnwrv MARILYN MAXMLLV, TOTEM A KtiiiHiiift I'liitcr Thnttn The complicated device was I developed by a navy medical of- f icer. j Father of the complicated in-' strument is Cmdr. Norman B. i Barr, head of the aviation divls- TODAY TO SATURDAY More Comedies Wanted by Russians , CANADIAN -BORN Lt.-Gen. Sir Charles F. Loewen, 57, who has directed Britain's antiaircraft command since 1950, is chief of the Army's western command. A native of Vancouver and a graduate of the Royal Military College, Kingston, Ont., Loewen succeeded Gen. Sir Cameron O. G. Nicholson, 55, who became British army commander in the Middle East. Candy Upset so easy ! pineapple toonist. The four-color comic? nr- a recent development, he said. A more generally used technique Is that of the silent cartoon, designed to make Its point in CORNEL WILDE CONSTANCE SMITH spice cake j pantomime for the 80 per cent ; of the Chinese Communist army i that can't read. I He told of one cartoon that ion of the navy medical research institute at Bethesda, Md. Basically it is a combination I of some well-known medical in-i struments, a couple of extremely sensitive temperature measuring devices and an ultra-high frequency radio transmitter, i The pilot has to be "wired" for radio. He has a couple of j wires running outward from j metal plates plastered to his I skull, three others from the sur-i face of his chest near the heart. 0 and two or more extending from went astray? It showed two cold, f hlvering soldiers on one side of the paper and on the other side, two more warm and comfortable In front of a fire. The caption. In Korean, Indicated that the Communists should come over to the Allied side and warm up. When the) leaflet was dropped, one fluttered out of the target area and Into tha hands of a Chinese soldier who couldn't read the Korean characters. He thought the warm soldiers were Chinese officer Bnd since this didn't seem rlgnt in' a people's republic, he MOSCOW (AP) Gregory Alexandrov, Russian film director and producer, today called for more Soviet comedies and musicals. "One should not be afraid to laugh at phenomena which merit caustic irony or unconstrained laughter," he said. "If we laugh at anything, it means that we have risen above is laughable and that the obiect of laughter no longer holds any terrors for us." Alexandrov said the Russian film-goer is waiting for comedies devoted to questions of life and to witty musical comedies, elegant in form, which for some reason have not appeared on the screen for a decade. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE 1 1 jwirtdif ipi ntitc mil, with tpirt; $ tnhknma tntUrr; T rup RtXIKRS' IXtUtEX SYHf 'P; I So. t rem rrtuiM pimrappU, trrli drained; juirt from ptntnpplr; Ut -p eotirtfiy rkepped nuts; 4 marasrkino tkrrrm, mi in Quarter. TrllkllM T Love Triangle TORONTO f A young woman here appealed to a specialist on allergies for help in an affair of the heart. She said that every time a certain young man called on her she broke into hives. She favored him over a rival to whom she had no such allergy. The doctor discovered that the flist suitor always brought her chocolates, the second, flowers. Using this clue, the specialist demonstrated she was not alio gis to her suitor, but to chocolates After her swain was tipped off and brought flowers, there were no more hives. -Plus- '. tartoon - News , r -K5-.. .. , . Vt t "Breath of Disaster" -": r J Melt butter in ! x U Inch cake pan. Remove from heat and add RCXiFRS' ;(I.m-, SYRl 1 and pineapple juice; blending well. On this arrange pint-apple, nuts and cherri. Prepare cake mix iinp spices ca Hi d ft v in Spice Cake nciw Puur batter over fruit. Bake at ,'i7.VJ; for 10 to 4"i minutes. Remove pan from oven, aikw to cool 5 minutes, then invert on servine dish. other parts of the body. These leads run to a cigar-box sized radio, transmitter in the plane. This sends the radio sigr rals to a ground receiver which is hooked up to the recording devices. They include a brain wave machine, a heart action recorder or electro-cardiograph, und temperature and pressure registering equipment which keeps tab on heat, cold and the breathing of the pilot. Evenings 7 - 9:08 CAP I TO f -r Free Reipt Hook, Write daruraay tAor... - t:;xd a t.wioi s ri AVKnsTiinl The B.C. Supir Retinit." Co. Ltd., P.O. Bos '.m, Vanco.irer. B.C. I blORE tlillSI FRFFI .:ir .m fM in iii 11 mi u 'at rinui'tJMhH ii" u mm inn uh unnn Mathematics . Professor Retiring MONTREAL CP) W. Lloyd O. Williams, professor of mathmc-matics nt McGill University for the last 19 years, is retiring this year. Prof. Williams was born at Friendship, Kas., In 1888 and began teaching at 16, following a family tradition. His parents both were teachers. He obtained his BA from Haverford College. Philadelphia; was awarded a Rholes scholarship and attended Merton College. Oxford, where he Rained honors In mathematics. He obtained his PhD in mathematics FREE! A IMBISCO SHREDDED Merchandise FREE 2 EVERY WEEK A LUCKY SHOPPER . . . . . . to the one who first buys the lucky item mentioned below, we give (100 Whole Wheat including the bran and wfieol jeH riABlSCO f 1 lb. 79c Weiners Buns Both For 1 dor. SIinEDDEDk WHEAT, Relish Sandwich Spread Marsh ma I lows Picnic Specials for May 18th Holiday Weekend We carry a complete line of Paper Plates, Paper Cups and Drinking Straws for your. Picnic wKmm WnlE "Ai ic 45c Kraft, 16-oz. 53c Angelus 1 Lb. ... at the University of Chicago. Prof. Williams began teaching at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, and ca..ie to McOill In 1924. He was Instrumental In bringing In the Canadian Mathematical Congress In 1945 and will continue to operate Its national office here on retirement. He says Canada, while lagging behind Britain in the development of mathmntlcs, Is ahead of the United States at the Pleasure. JK UMUSUI W0MB WHIM C0Wi! Cordials CANADA'S GREAT 1 Eclairs Fancy, Pineapple, Weston's, Large ... LOW PRICi CEKIAl! 35c FRESH SPRING 30c Malkln's,' Assorted Flavors. rts undergraduate level. This was proven because Canadian students have won the William Apple Juice Prem or Spork Ixiwell Putnam Prize in mathematics as often as those of the I 2 for 31c 33c P"5 AND Sun-llypc, 12-01. Advertising in the Daily News Brings Results 20-o-t. United States, despite the disparity in numbers. Whole Chicken Meat Spreads (Gca Ibny TTirsiaira ... $1.99 Fark Lane, 3 lb., 4-oz. .. 2 for 29c J'nrilan Half Chicken ARRIVE ON EVERY BOAT . . . Boneless Chicken 49c I'ark Lane, 2 lb., 2-oz. .. liunus. Jelly Pack, 7-07. .- $1.25 Tuna Fish Sardines Solid W hite Meat I You will find only Quality Goods at your Independent Rain or Shine ( lover Leaf, !i's 26c S W C I Kil,K s,iir food Peanut Butter Peas Pork and Beans I st rcs l.ibbys, Deep Itrown, Malkin's, Ice Hox Jar, lG-oz Malkin's, Choice, Sieve 4, 13-Or.. 2 for 35c 31c 43c 20 oz. 2 for i,' T. V Tomatoes I Suaarcriso Margarine Parkay, 4 individual bars 1 lb Aylmcr, Choice, 20 -oz 00- I Post's, with liear Pin Q I Enclosed Of 37c O D D (,'jGODP I ft-.. Vooo .flfpoon o o a D o 'i Jam WE DELIVER The saving to you on a FRKE DF.MVKKY from the 1MF.I'KMF.NT FOOI) STORKS means many dollars saved each month-Yes our Delivery covers the ENTIRE City Sweet Pwdcrcd, mokes 4 quarts Milk 33c Extra Tin for Only 2C Better Buy, Apple & Strawberry 4 lb. tin 65c Travel relaxed - arrive refreshed MIDWAY GROCERY Phone SKEENA GROCERY Phone 581 or 582 RUPERT BUTCHERS AND GROCERS LTD. Phone 21 LYONS FINE FOODS I WILLIAMS GROCERY Phones I Phone 250 Red 465 I 656 Dependable, sale travel in all kinds oi Large, picture windows, eomforia weather. reclining seals. Wide choice of sleeping accommoda- Room to move around and ttch Cons berths, sections, roomettes, draw- legs, visit with friends. ing rooms, compartments. e Delicious food and gracipus aim 9 Air-conditioned comfort in coaches, par- service. . majof lor cars, dining cars, sleepers. Drive-youiself car service ai Convenient rest rooms. points. IMDE iPIMIDISKlT F!D ST0K TUB THE cxnn STORES re nr . . . . . M . . . 1 ml When you Iwel, go by frain you SAVE oa to-cot round W OF QUALITY AND SERVICE CANADIAN NATI0NAl& CANADIANPACIFIC