1' L ri ii iCi (ui ( Doiiy Kriday, Marcn Ti, 19i3 fT-, ...Twr Hobby Show To Be. Held In Centre Next Month Mil raphy and artificial flower-mak- I uiues ror the Prince Rupert and riUrK honijy , how planned for several weeks by Rowland Miles, civic Centre, handicrafts' Instructor, have been set for April 24-25. Invitations have gone out to j ail known hobbyists in the district to enter a display. There is I no entry fee and nn ,.f.nru.tin The show is open to every person ujiiow a nobby but nst to' professionals, j Such umpiayi as leathircraft j needlework, woodwork, photo-I Ing are expected to take a pro- minent part in the display which ; will take up space in both the j Civic Centre gymnasium and the i auditorium , Actual demorustrationa in lea- I thercraft and coppercraft are j planned and a tea is to be served for guests. ! Another feature of the display j will be a continuous showing of ! films dealing with hobbies and ! handicrafts. Mr. Miles, who has Instructed ; handicraft classes In the Civic j Centre here for several years, ia ', enthusiastic about , this year's how i "It will be open for the fi-st I time to hobbyists outside the Civic Centre classM. We hope ' also to attract a good display of native art and cr'.ftj. "I know there are many peoiile here Ingenious in various hob- , hies It will be a privilege for us i 1 1 i ii Dana Wilgress To Get Degree VANCOUVER f T1n DeLuxe 10.6 Cubic Feet Cycla-AAatic Frigidaire b mks Jov.w fKOSEVIC. marries! er. t!:c A.Uur j- Windsor. Out , lean acrosa the international boundary XrwA't to confirm their marriage vows with a klms -i a Jwii'f O 7. Ids of Detroit who performed the narration diljlcultlca prevented their bemg - erther rottiitry gres-s. Canadian under-secretary Ic of Local Artists Adds or oiaie lor external nffalrs, will receive an honorary degree of IJix'tor of Laws at the annunl Spring Congregation at the University of Kriti.sh Columbia He will also deliver the annual Congregation address May 19 firt day of the tWO-dav cnmr io aispiay melr work and should be of much Interest to the gen- I eral public. i hbrful Variety to Show OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10. 8tne Building: Phone Blue 593 gatlon. i Mr Wilgress, a native of British Columbia, amended schools i in Vancouver and Victoria be- ' tore studying at MeGlll University. Montreal. FOOD AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Low Down Payment Easy Credit Terms mA.n, arriving steadily , tion and were generally ronsld m me afternoon and.ered to be among the best ever :n n Mliibition held shown In Prince Rupert Ar-r ft Bm Memorial , raimemeiiU have been made with ,,i dl rated by lUjthe Rotary flub at Rmithers to i ror.plMe success, place them on exhibit there on t pai!:Ui;i on dia-! April 4. .mwu-.i U. have been j Work by Victor Amadlo also (drew much approval Hu paint-:f a, .1. -play . Ih- Ing of the Columbia Cellulose ; B 7a)lor, A OC A. plant was particularly outstand-a specialty of Ing. .in Albert and i k...i , , , iweniwr of the m . j loral art r uh irom Mr. Amadlo t I i. t ,4 A I Mr I "( S LA fort garry Shop in quantity and less often because there's plenty of room for everything . . . Sliding Utility Tray provides an easy-fo-get-at storage for cold cuts, cheeses, etc . . . "Roll-to-you" shelves make any item readily accessible without fumbling and moving . . . Bin-sized Hydrators hold a week's supply of fruits and vegetables, ond they're extra deep to hold bulky vegetables. Handy door shelves puts more food in sight and handy for frequent use. OTHER ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS FROM $189.00 jbwflt of this In the paintings they had on display. Their work I was aklllfully done and added Theatre orange pekoe tea roionul variety to the exhibit IJDPrK i Those who had paintings on ,J urvl (display were: 3 Monday I Mra O. Hill. Mrs. Thomas IPrlest. David Radford, Mrs, Sid IGARRY rrntu iianoof TEA YOU CAN BUYI X r IM tHI IIICHT prwiurlK-n billed ' for O. Bcaurhemin, Mr. Herb Young v ..,(! lrlurir.g risque MlM I.vohel Magee, Mu Milan fV;? (7t-"'Kft WmuU. Mrs J t Magor. Mrs. t, C;w Centre Monday T. Harvey, Mrs. M DauRherty ve hupert Utile Mr. Jim Rogeraon. Mrs. L. M -T U'JaP rerne- M' O. Smith, Mm J ti the p.ay, classed as o. Husvtk. ir: comedy, centres ., , . "no P by .uto-.pir, -one married , WiJ other not msr- !,fU?.e1n.UM"nd,r "J lWU,on cU,,:geof decldm, ?' ifymentotthe tM? oceMHm. " f 10 i"' Tea ,n" wan '!.!i..isethev y love luVf . rved boih afternoon and even- '"8 i Jf !!.f utranged wife l " 'i-'W married and so: I ED FOIl fACKACI V a, S)cts ..... FOR STYLE and EVERLASTING BEAUTY Rotary Choir There's no sport shirt made that will fit you better than A It now ;.i!.v.no sin ULhappy plicht tr bails for a plot ton vuhi iauphs f-'ifM ar.d Marion ih' Iwline roles l! the (ir,ul produc-v 'J"lf Theatre group '-. I'.vmc and Drama Tickets for the Asked to Make Record For CBC Prince Rmvrt's Rotarv rhnir Let shining beauty be a feature in your kitchen . . . With "Cooey Chrome tables and chairs you . . i -can be certain of destinction. No hard-to-get-at corners where food particles could collect . . . ; has been asked to record a 15- ,.ay sh are avail Cvic (er.ire office. Chairs from $' ryf Beautiful, durable upholstery, cleaned with one swipe of a---dampened cloth . . . yours for ;s " Allien Cn,j iiunute audition for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's "Parade of Choirs" network program. i Rehearsals for the audition take place Monday nd Tuesday. All choir member are asked to be present at the Civic Centre at 1 8 pm. both days. The recording will be made on i Wednesday If the audition is accented, the i Tables from $.50 beliv-a Jark Pndlay will allernoon from r- !ttr a brief visit r'3 lwve Umlt'hl fr -f; t i,.Mf i-lin , Rotary Choir will appear on the .TMr Plndlay has C-ooey i.Ji(( Enhance 'LJonr baling Jple eaSure , regular Friday evening program ' W3Q. If - " -y ad ers Brazil, largest Independent state of South America covera 3.288.000 square miles. l ii .1 ir i hi,t ir'wt. Saturday. ""ne r.verv- (74) of For a ",ur.'ers. . 'fh " smooth Pm. ). U a and ba- 6ccMf SPRING IS COLOUR Paint Up NOW With O MARTIN-SENOUR O GENERAL PAINTS "K'ving pip. (731 ::! Prmce Ru. ' Ration. Cnn.v .I, Fri,laV. March 27 (731 SON. dance. I i JL n ill u 'rpshments Lam us NAVY RUM A FULL RANGE OF PAINTS AND ENAMELS in colours which will always compliment. your pxnrt collar nise your exact fleece length uith the anions Arafold collar 12 handsome colors, all uttshoJde mi "J" all f. , ;rpM reminded KlnR ' lum March 30 at 174) rnini-j .,. "A ttaunch old friend" W, . p,1Utled WMi:,,', .. 5'm:n "companies the This dverllMnrnt 1 not published or dlnpiiayert by the Miur Control Board or by the Government ol Booth Memorial Parent Teachers Association Sale of Home Cooking March 28th ... at 1741 British Columbia. LINDSAY'S Arrow Gnlinnnro is America's most popular sport shirt because it'a tops in fit, comfort and value. The fine rayon gabardine is an all year favorite with surh styling features as saddle stitched collar and pocket flaps. ! Cabnnnro's Arafold collar means greater comfort new smartness with a tie or open. Get yours here today! $6.95 WATTS & NICKERS0N MEN'S WEAR K'AGE AND STORAGE LTD. OT LTD. OVlKl- ,'-8ll"lhed 1910 phone m - ' 1 0RWAR,NO , . . MOKA4.K c handling Local, Nation-wide and E W ith r ldWld,s ShlpmenU. A. E ' S,,IP VIA LINDSAY'S S nU-A111'l l!rM Van Line. Ltd. Cur. End and Park At.