Bylaws To Go Belore Rale Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, March 27, 1953 Northland KMI'I'lltiHS. SCREEN -k FLASHES Pressing need for room biiiuu If x ,ii i,..,... ""- iney vtaut It elation at Siuilhers, Telkwa and and uccommWal , Ill usion will necessitate ure.sen- th nlnr,,.i . " It s A Wise Woman... j Qwn (jovt 4 Falling off a horse Is an oc- talUm of a money to dlt- An increase in w cupatioiial hazard of any star I net ratepayers. lion from 3o2 in i' of outdoor pictures, states Ran-t Additions and new building, uf February I'ji.j ta dolph Scott, and any actor who umor consideration by Bmllhers the steauy gruwsh w'' claims he dnesn't take an occa- rjtstrlet School Board No. 54. in- Smilhers Jum,)r.s;," sional spill never gets up speed , clu(p a jive-room new clenun- school and Bmithir,,, in the saddle lary lool at Smitliers. sehoul to'a! o 3,, .8,.t wm'n,,71,,,'.l1''?Jh,,!;,''i Smlther Parent-Teacher As- than em,,as . 3v-. When Buying Your New Ti - -tV.3 . 1 : Ul l lie I"'"' tin iu ul j,. A j bt bUKh IU btt UUK - NEW . . . 55- EASTER I CCIlIllcuuii opening r w outdoor u tn. h.,. drama j sociatlon uw ut nn das has vnlced voiced dlsannroval disapproval . . . . .. na ,,,rl ' Klim.ri, ""I'th tonight onlght at the Cupitl ;of tle proposal as Inadequate. Onftwooci is as as he he 1 brushed himself . grade, tour- Quicl-.. 'UM . T))(, illl' presr,.t Ul Li I v jnlor ,lll B wv... vu. niini., i 2 .7 al:ll v- IA " . ....... Theatre, ufmr hi iiiu Itirnun The ant- I "-" j OTTAWA (CP) J. A. Simmcmo 5 IL-Yukon-Muckenzie river) saysj m' Canada's nurthland is develop-; ing so fast that it won't be long j belore the Yukon and Northwest! 1 .rritone.s will be in a position ! ! to seek .self-government such as other provinces. j It i.s only natural, he told t he i Commons that the northern peoples now supervised by t'hej f lederal government, should want I self-government. Development of j mineral, oil and power resources I ''was coming so fast that self-1 J : government was something with- I i in the foreseeable future. j Si v -f BONNETS i Mi j j A mal had slipped and fallen to i Its side during a gallop 'si Randy, playing a cavalry of- , ricer. held his sabre at the ready position. 1 He was rilling between pht'ln ; Carey and Roleit Cabal and fell E'S DEPARTMENT STORE VALLAC 2 n. iiyEoan between ttiem He rememnerca , 7, 4 "It wnnld be in the best Can-! adian tradition." lie said, "to allow them self-government as soon as there is .sufficient population and industry." . The so-called "frozen north" RAMMiLPII St'O'lT. Philip Carey and Una Romay as they appear in Warner Bros.' Tecnncolor action picture. The Man Behind the Ciun." beuiiuiinn at Hie Capitol Theatre tonight. Patrice Wymore has the leading female role In the film directed by Felix Feist. Col. McNaughton to Change Name in Accord With Will IWDiit'OlCK lOJI Mum idiiMt! "itHr.'" n TODAY end SATU PRINCE RUPERT UNIT CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY DINNER MEETING finest Speaker: IJH. S. F. CARK On MONDAY, MARCH 30th in the BROADWAY CAFE Tickets $1.50 7:00 p.m. 1 lit 1 nil. r. "JI ST toil U N" Eveninqt 7 - 9:05 Saturday Mot., 2 - 4:30 i.s on the threshold of Hie great- est development Canada hao ever' known, Mr. Simmons said. De-; ' velopment of hydro - electric power permitting establishment 1 of industries there was in the; forefront. j He outlined investigations In: the Yukon river basin which could lead to development of I between 4.000,000 and 5.000.000 ViV.WAVA'iWiVAVi'f'.V.W.i; ' "'v . e. .3 1 KINGSTON. Ont. M. D. M:Naughton. -t-t. Col 'notice that Edward Murray D;il-son of ziel McNaughton would apply to TIIK BltiGl lt Tllt:Y AKK HIK IIAKIll K Till V (1 to throw the sharp-puinlec ! jiitire to f,ri" "-'de ho it hurt neither him, Carey nor Cabal. The saddle incident was th stars first ,'itve "Canadian Pa--iflc" some years ,ir'). . "I tmve fallen muni times uu iig riding sceni-fc," admitted K indv. one of the in t popular if ul! outdixT ai'lnis "What tioi s-num ha.Mi l'.' "The best nrote.'li'n fur rider is In knowh: now t.i fall when the time comes I try to land as fas away from the horse as possible. However, no rmc can give uJvice on this Every -uch incident is different, and ofivrt nuide more hazardous bv having other riders alongside or behind " He has never been hurt In any fall from a horse His worst Injury durltm many years of outdoor action roles mine from th' horn of a placid Bruhma bull the player was riding during a slow scene. The bull turned it head suddenly and Jabbed tlw point of Its twin in Randy arm. county court )udne In Ottawa April 27 to rhanee his surname Last August Mrs. Leslie's wnl left a home and $-'50,000 to Col. McNaughton on condition th'it Yu change hu name "legally and publicly" to Leslie. His father is chairman of the Gen. A. G. L. McNaughton, hu given notice that he will seek to change his surname to "Leslie" in accordance with the terms of a will lef by his aunt. Mrs. James Norman Stuart Leslie of Kingston. A legal advertisement appearing in Ottawa newspapers gave KIwrlAKU VrlUMAKIt : JUANNt C AUDREY TOTTER Evenings 7: - 9 p.m. Motincc SoJurdoy 2 TODAY at TOTE Canadian section of the International Joint Commission and commanded Canadian troops !n theatre! ! hydro-electric horsepower. Hy-j dro. he said, is the key to de-I velopment of aluminum, ore, ' crude oil and other rich resources j of the north. He hoped the government ! would give every assistance to ! private enterprise in bringina power development to the north, j Power could mean the develop-i ment of a "vast hidden mineral i treasure" not only for Canada I but for the free world. He hoped the government YOUR LITTLE PRESENTS Kngland during the early part of the Second World War When the legacy was firs', announced. Col. McNaughton Primitive Ccokstove was on duty in Korea and at that time said: "I haven't the LOVERS LEAP "B I f I least idea what I'm going to do " ijn LISDia V 1 Hp nimatfd that hr ouUl wa''- r I i for at least a year before com Look at Our A-l Cars By FOItlil S ItlllDK ing to a decision but added: "If the old girl iMrs Leslie) sin- Before You Buy. Try One of These and Be a Sotiificd Owner. ' would do what it could to bring I liGie transportation to the north. ' more roads and possibly even a railway. ! A rail line was needed "from I the heart of America to Alaska." ' He suggested it could be a con- tinuation of the Canadian National Railways from Prince GTTADD V CEflQ A cookstove made of rubble, 1 cerely wanted me to continue with a garbage can for an oven,: the family name it very possibly Is a feature at the convention will be a matter of personal and exhibition of the Canadian honor with me." Rcstauiant Association now be-' Two weeks ago Col McNam-h-ing heid in Toronto. ton s legal representative. T. J. This nrimitlve cookstov Is net J. Rigney. said in Kingston that Monday and Tuesday, March 30 - 31 Civic Centre - 3:30 p.m. Adults Only Admission 75c Courtesy Samuel French 'Canadai Ltd. IMl Plymouth Tudor. 22.IHM) careful mlics Only JlsW.OO 1'JSO Monarc h turdor Truly Call 112 That's the U hi a luxury car i7j.uu i i: V 5. r t 'it, 'k. If c i.l J t t l r . :.. . . . i George, B.C. to Whitehorse, Y.T., l:i lord Sedan amid t-iousands of gleaming i the amount of succession duties Pverv F.xtra nJ'w of sleek i 'as 81111 'n the process of being utensiu and gadgets ioik Plymouth Sedan A real it u nrt: : determined. and then to Fairbanks. Alaska. The Americans had considered such a line during the war. MODERN AND OLD TIME restaurant operation there, however, for tr.oooo The many holdings of the late contrast, and it is not there to show how S01- 8na Mrs V has! Sonu- of these w r e in the science of food-se'rving FAREWELL DANCE and Cheaix't u Hi L: vi umw " 1- r progressed family man s car. KPM'IAL l!MB Angtia '. uilnr - than the bus ....... Trucks ISIS 3-T" Kortl . MJ.'i.Ou It is there to show people ho I to get to work quickly If war or j disaster should set them to for-aging amid ruins. PART OF EXHIBIT TONIGHT LEGION AUDITORIUM Music By Vl.rt. IIM;.I. and HIS W I.M I KSMHt S Very useful S'ni.OO securities and they had to be assembled and valued. Col. Leslie predeceased his wife by about a year and liquid ation of his extensive holdings had not then been completed. The will also said that If Col. McNaughton. a bachelor, declined to change his name, chll- Mow . Price $1.00 Doncing from t The cook-stove is part of an exhibit by civil defence welfare services, which was opened by Maj-Ge. F. F. Wcrthlngton. .. dcral civil defence 'If you don't know cars . . . know your d"aler Bob Parker Ltd. Phone lit "Tin: H,iM uJ Frh'tidlr Kl-t" idren of any future marriage were to be given a similar op- portunity. Advertising in the Doily News Brings Re j ON ONT Elect ric-and gas - operated! equipment of restaurants mayj Je put out of commission, but j anyone, if he knows how, c:n.! quickly set up an emergency kit,- ehen with things that arc-around him. j j He " can build a stove from , rubble, using mud for cement ! Aged Motorist Has Solution For Crossings Only nine 1nnr ami you're lln're! Monday, ami Kriilayn, 9:H a.m. Diri-fl romi.-i lions to KASTUSN CANADA. v ' ft. 'Wtw (Ino't (it currying rot nut inlo a lull id towing lurlat, lill nylit into Its machine. . fjrJX : He can set an oven In Its cen-j lONIK)N f- An fiH-year-old ! ire, even If, as ith the current , motorist who has driven liUO.nMO i xhibit. It U only a garbage can.imiiet sees a solution to Britai't'.- Hi can provide a fuel spacel highway in what he i underneath which will burn calls "half-moon" and a "string wood, or hold a flash pan for oil! of pearls." I and water. i The motorist. F. 8. Bennett, i In Britain, some 00.000 women ! suggests Installing a row of re-; are tx in j taught how to go to i Hectors 50 yards on each side of I work quickly with such "curb-j the highway to warn drivers of .side" cookery. British expcrl-j Th!.-. he calls the Also, Fly lit Yani ouvi r !y ay of SaiuUtlt. Sav linn-. . Save niom-y . . Anil i-njoy Canadian Taiilic frifiidly, murli-oiis mtvmc alofl. liffeclive Manii loth "Scrviil li ilirrrl rminrrl- t ing linimi'iiir laing i il I'rini-c ltii rl ! 9 a.m., ' X .Muliilavii, -Hllrilar nd I- A ' ' h ' - - r . t t , "4 wJ - " -.5 !dL'.tress and shock need some-. Strings of pearls The half-miMin Is a scml-clr- rrinn. thing "hot and sweet" probably ; tea or coffee. The "curbsldo" cular safety zone at each end of ( iiiimiII voiir Travel I Slip o loti or Ino't OPCN ARM - durn In a r'M the crossing. Here pedestrians could stand so that motorists ;ould see they Intended to cross. Bennett aoanced his propo cookstove can provide that and! j follow up quickly with sustain- j ing stews. Restaurants and other cook-, ing and baking establishment ii Slip clot.d cul.v ormhoLt over if - tw 01 tovW Agent or Ounailian I'arilic Airlinen; I'lione 79, oi on o flat turf ace! Slip lorn elbowi and irwnwi oer II ond m.nd ih.m in minutnt. No oilior mortimi mend i tubular thopn ot Elno dosl se being asked to make arrange- sals at a national conference of rents so that they can quickly. tne Pedestrians Association. I put emergency facilities to work, e ! :r 1 1. n .1 I I ir '.-"w a . ur" it I ii men iiiinii i n sii.uiiriu mi; iub out of action. i I And shortly, communities aercs Canada will be asked to I 'end representatives to Ottawa ' ! to take Instruction in emergency i i i-ookin-? and feeding. These rep-', have a GOOD RUM for your money " ! , ? m r. V.JID SUM: :,"', ft, -5i " i - resent atives will, In turn become earhers in their own V1- Vj 11 1 entirely New! not only SEWS belter but DARNS and MENDS! l'ilmi (lunit fasler than ymi eoulil ever do liy Imruf I It mtMitJs in tniiiutes-w xK'illy you burnt u see, the mrwl Nn other machine can do it! 1'lna nmti"-j.'rumR-r'inlirfid('r.s-Hews backward ami forwurd and in ANY direction! Ili''v.' bulky fabrics -thin soft sheers -Kina handles them all with equal ease. Kin ' FULL-SIZKI), yet stores away in a small Hpnee. Klna is a niafrni lice nt Swiss precision machine, Rolidly built. It w nilcntly, MmiM.thly ; it doesn't vibrate; it' a joy to use! Come in lot us Rive yu ' free demonstration. $41 down, $2.25 per week At-ltC Fully guaranteed Parts and Service always availaW'' I" Trade-ins accepted. Allowance nu deducted from down paymem. mm mm i! Y'-W Garnishee Law Changes Being Studied VICTORIA ti The provincial government is expected to Introduce legislation at the current session easing out-of-date garnishee regulations. 'iJL vj. "v 0H OT77r Go&stdlatt (Pacific AIRLINES The present law, enacted 40 years ago, says a garnishee order can take all a married man's salary except $60 a month. This figure Is expected to be Increased ' Your Local Travel Agent ... to $100 or $120. Leo Nlmslck (CCF-Cranbrook) already has Introduced a bill providing for an increase to $120, but it Is understood he will withdraw his bill if the government brings in similar legislation. CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES ThU advnrtlnemont U not publlshM or dt8ulayeI by the Liquor Control THE STORE THAT SERVICE BUILT" Phone 620 Bourd or by th Oovprnment of ) WaUace Building Uriluli Columbia.