P.is;cc Rupert Daiiy flews All Aboard As I See It INSTRUCTORS Saturday. February 6, 1954 CONSOLE CREWS ENTRANCE (BEHIND) POWER V ure trove of by olEarnte fllrthpr rt UNIT is Independent dally newspaper d-voted to the upbuilding of Prlnoe Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulation! Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Ruptrt Daily Ke. Limited. J. f. MAQOR. President H. O PEHHV. Vice-President ' '"'""1 in Ir.V n, ' reached ih. ... COMPUTERS ft COCKPIT AIR CONDITIONING disreputable were. Thev ), . there fw Subscription Rates: iy carrier Per we, 25c; per month. 1 00; per year, aioGO. mollis. PLANT Suddenly I iy mall Per month. 75c; por year, 98 00. -,ae-- (BEHIND) mtriorlzed as second class mall by the Post Office D-partment, Ottaa-a most Of Hi n,.. ... All over the world, doctors are staring reproachfully at patients who smoke. They nre saying, "No doubt you have read nil that stuff about cigarettes and lung cancer." "Sure, doc," sonic of the patients reply, between puffs. "Now, why don't you try one of my brand.'" Other patients, 1 suppose, fall into a lit of I'otir.hln at once. A doctor I know admits an attitude of otlier-wordly detachment toward sinokersr 'When did you suv you started ,st i n ik 1 1 ifi; "' ' lie enquires. "Alxiiit i3:ta." I tell him. In Four Corners CANADA'S minister of external affairs re- wre ignoring lhp staring at me Thn vl-msly llacillg H " wneiner 1 vmil other cigaieiu., w I hate U, Hiiuk u. X & 4 I I j marked laughingly the ! other day that we hardly ever have real debates on l !'"".et C1.S1I1S a n weeks' pay. j quit smoking, he rifH j with no iXH kets. i who looked m m ; smug way culmea v international affairs in our parliament. But an examination of II it' speeches made January 29 by the various party leaders show that there are vital differences in the Durtv attitudes. I iiim-niiiimer, lum!t - MAINTENANCE DOORS lie had qua suuikiK,, j before. I'd like to '.. tpnls of hi,s up p,. I all. On international affairs the ( MMkL LtN&TH 6f. mktiTWFT. Liberals and the CCF form one i definite groVplng. The Conser- f vatives and Social Credits form S3 MilLvit another. You could say that the CCl THE FIRST OF 10 Sabre jet flinht simulators his been turned over to Canada on schedule by British industry. The electronically-controlled flight simulator, shown housed hi this truilir-truck, has instruction Instruments for pilots, t) familiarize themselves with jet flyliiK without, the high costs and hazards of flying. vi Mnu, - DAILY NEWS LETTERBOX - VICTORIA (CP)-H(u ister Eric, Martin said government will haif nn additional $3.lKi(ii British Columbia H.i-, sura nre Service tins y. He did not lndmi the money was ccu B.C. Will likely learn ! the budget Is prtw i legislature later th : The Editor, talking about the silliest stuff j ters or in promoting controversy "Well U-ey give vnu 20 veurs before it starts taking effect." And he looks pnintcdiy at me, us though v.aitinu fur tin; first symptoms of decay to appear. I fee! al"!Ost nbliwed to collapse on the spot. Hut I stay ulive. in an apologetic way. Surely It isn't conect to commit suicide In front of a doctor's eves. And Vet if you commit suicide slowly enough, the doctor doesn't seem to mind. Even before the scientists fastened on the nicotine habit as a menace to health, I had a rare time switching on and off cigarettes. I quit two or three times, i.ach time, I lie-pan rhealim? a few weeks afterwards. Just a cigarette with mv coffee, I told mvself. Soon enough. I became what Is termed a moderate smoker again. One evening, when I was supposed to be a non-smoker, I attended a ba nonet. The speech was dull. I felt in my pockets. No cigarettes. Suddenly I had a fine Idea. What about my top pocket? I hndn't explored that for months. As it turned out. I had been in the habit of tucking cigarettes In my top Docket whenever one was offered me, or whenever I conquered the urge to srmfke, during mv days of abstinence. I had no Idea what a store was concealed in my ton rocket I produced one cigarette, then another, then another. you ever heard in your life when 1 If any person desires data re-she ought ,to have been home garding rates, conditions of sup-tending to her business. ply, or (eels that he or she has a WelT, that's just a few of the legitimate complaint, .such mat-things I could tell you about I ters will receive every conslder- Km tiut CBC. "ALSO disgusted; Port Edward. The Test For Mr. Molotov four-power conference in Berlin is one of the THE most important events shut the cold war bf-gan ecause it is a test of the sincerity of the Soviet's oeace proposals. If it produces a just settlement with Germany ind Austria the way will be clear for an attack on other problems that constitute a threat to peace. If it does not, the air will be cleared and the western world will know what to expect from the Malenkov government. It is almost nine years since the end of the European war and there is still no peace treaty with either Germany or Austria. Both countries are under occupation and unable to take their place in the family of nations. "Germany is divided, like Korea, and the purpose of the conference is to find a basis for unification. As long as the country remains divided there will be no withdrawal of occupying troops. About the desirability of unification there is no open dispute. The question at issue is whether the German people shall be united in freedom, with the right to choose their own form of government, or be united under a government part Communist forced upon them by the occupying powers. In the latter event, they would be denied freedom now, and their hope of freedom in the future would be imperilled. The division of Germany into zones was no more meant to be permanent than the division of Korea. It was the Soviet which, in both cases, made the dividing line rigid, with the aim of bringing the whole country under Communist tyranny. Its conduct, and its unmistakable threat to western Europe, compelled the western nations to form the North Atlantic alliance, and to plan the European Defense Community. It is now proposing that, in return for unification under a plan which would give Communists a share in the German government without the consent of the people, the allies shall scrap the plan to enable Germans to take part in their own defense, and leave Western Europe open to attack. To this the allies will not consent. The simple and just solution would be to allow the whole German people to choose their government, and then, when the country was free under a democratic regime, to withdraw the forces of occupation. If the Soviet will agree to this, the German problem can be solved, and the Austrian question can be settled in like manner. If it does not agree, it will be plain that it has not given up the hope of conquest, and that its peace moves are a sham.' EXTRA is just the advanced or left wing of the Liberal party on how to deal with Russia, Germany, China, or for that matter, the U.S.A. You could say, with even more point, that the Social Credits are the more rightist (some would say,' reactionary! wing of the Conservative party in Canada in external outlook For instance, Mr. Solon Low stands for the Immediate expulsion of Russia from the United Nations, and a total embargo on all kinds of trade with all Communist countries. No Canadian Conservative leader in parliament or outside, has taken anything like so harsh and provocative an attitude as this. However, both George Drew and John Diefenbaker spoke in challenging terms about trade with Russia and China. The attitude of the Social Credit leader of Canada is much more akin to that ot the extreme right wing Republicans in the U.S.A. than it is like that of any Conservative element in Britain. In that latter country the Tories take exactly this same line as the Liberals and CCF take in Canada: We want all the trade we can i ation, when a personal request ' for information or investigation J is made to the officers for the Company. j At the present time and under j uncertain conditions of tenure, 1 your readers will doubtless reai-i ize that no commitments whai-j soever can be made as to future ! policy. , ! Yours very truly, NORTHERN B C. j 1 POWER CO. LTD., ; ; T. B. Black, Gen. Mgr. The Editor, The Daily News: U would appear from th last two letters, that the main objection to CFPR was the masic. That is bad enough, but let's The Daily News: May I take this opportunity of congratulating the Chamber of Commerce and the City Council for their action In connection with the sale of the drydock here. We all hope by now that those who first hailed its sale as a good thing for Prince Rupert have taken time to really think of the consequences, and are regretting their hasty decisions. I also note where Mr. Apple-whaite reports that he is fighting a one-man losing battle over the issue. According to press and radio reports, we are given the Impression that Mr. Apple-whaite was a favorite amongst the MP's. Now we wonder how much was propaganda. If this sale had been proposed while we had a Conservative or CCF representative at Ottawa it -SPECII PRINT JC consider the other programs. Farm Forum Of what inter- est can this possibly be to a city comprised mostly of fishermen? CUC Wednesday Night This it- tins mnct McimcnrnP niuht- ; STATION MAKING K.FFOHT CALL 0 DIBB PSI COMPANK marish program that could beIe dir' j heard. I doubt if 10 people listen i rn uay "ews-to it. I did once and I still lie!, In answer to the letter of, awake at night Disgusted in your February 2 I wish to out that edition, point ! , The radio station here is sun- While the speaker droned would be clearly understand the 1 on, I uncovered a real treas ' there is a large part of able, but if that sale does go i posed to have a program direct i through, Mr. Applewhaite and PPuiuLloil ill LUIS rra liiui. uuii, think that he or. You would the Liberal party can rest as- ana uo, appreciate classical music. At the same time, these would make it his business to finri mil uVint. IhA mninrilv nf ;get with every country, inelud- sur(,d lnat this u hu lastterm Iff m hit am rw m w w m rennte iin tiie irf. hr nmn e people can appreciate ing nussia we win noi sen any; and lhe d(.atn knp tor Communist country any goods , Liberais in lhis area. modern music. However, for I more complaints. Maybe it 11 . or materials mai wouia increase their I wonder If Mr. Applewhaite j wake them up power to make war. But and Liberal tne party are ready C. WATSON. 7 jaiJkM j apart from that no restriction. of any kind. If they have money!10 hav,f a by-election over this Prince Rupert I those whose musical apprecia-I Hon is limited to the beat of a ! "tom-tom" and the "banshee . noises of Johnny Ray," it Is difficult for any program director , to find enough variety In that I field of entertainment. tx hich ic orpontahlo tn ..c thou ") UUI limiuiuuir mi- 1 1- , NOT FOR C'ONTIIOVKKSY The Editor, The Daily News: I would suggest that "Disgust- A comparison of residential i PACWV. IRau-V Our Methods Safeguard Valuables Against Breakage are free to buy like anybody ! "' hs "? ,r s:il"; which will affect the lives of pISP ! tens of thousands of Canadians also numbers of American ALL FOUR parties agree on one atn vitally important point that 1 '1'svhermen-Western Germany is to be re-! ?eyer have we been anythu.g armed, and admitted into the I u bllt, Libl'r" fj,a"acb- S"P: ! PrtHS of Mr Applewhaite, but western community nf nations returns for electrical energy 1 ed" nave nis raaio repaired soon, supplied was published as infor- so ihU he can enjoy the mation and was occasioned by a, "Cultural'; music of Ketchikan, news item which appeared in I any any local restaurant can the Daily News and also in the ; supply his type of music In the Vancouver press. j meantime. This company ha.s no lnten- ; There Is no doubt, ample room AN EX-LIBERAL. as soon as possible. But the government of Can Your, most fragile possessions packed crated by our experts for really SAFE rtw storage. For dependable service Call 60. lion of entering into discussions for improvement in the program ada through Its spokesman, AOKKF.S 100 I'KR ( FVT Lester Pearson has gone mtien'ir.u. p,iii,,r of the local radio station. I with writers of anonymous let- further than any other western ,. T, D nation has so far. j I , 1 ui.a ..,,,,,.,,.'.' i,i.i.f l,i em IK.,1 ii.ii CM & S Profits Canada looks forward lo t received some letters about the I something very close to War- j CBC. , a,Pf. wlth tnpm lon m.r ! ! ence Strelt's idea of Atlantic1 cent. REFLECTS and REMINISCES Kay tjr-'m I, ( ill and Long Distance Mnvui( ! Down in 1953 ! VANCOUVER CP- Piotils f.f i the multi-million dollar Consolidated Mining and Smelling union. Mir our lor.-ign minis- Soine (jf lh(. p,.0BrulIls Uiey lf"r Kuys: put on are pretty awful. What "However it is to be done, j d nke lo know Is why the CBC close 'and organic association of cannot give us some decent LEAVE IT TO LINDSAY'S" would not care to listen to Urn many heavy classic, nor cm 1 diKi'st too much nasal cowboy music and modern love lyrics sung in the present stomach rending manner, however, I Hum; that CFPR Is making an effort to entertain all musical types. "Disgusted" would lie quite surprised at the' number or "ordinary working people" who desire to listen to ' long-haired music." particulary those people recently arrivinu in this country. APPRECIATIVE. Prince Rupert. a free, slron strong and and cohesive rohMive At-I At-1 m, music InsLend of nil that stuff Membj that Xtw. yewpie' ever hoard of jfcrs ot ft Toronto mion . trying to describe thenv. In those .f ..nr'L lba'y P-s Without .olfiding.lnef'shfpMn ttellnited Na- . are to Surely and eveii lewer want to hear. "V r I haven't heard this fellow Balance ; your rrtireiiient income from demanding pay for time spent at the barbers. This is because their hair grows in the firm's time. How different today. Six orjtions, provides I think the best "Figaro" they are talking about eight cars can meet at the same guarantee that the military but if he slnK,s as Dady as that nglh of.a reviv.ed Germany j Emma Castor who t ime on these new broad and woraan was will be used, only for defensive splendid highways. purposes Company operations were down in 19.')3 for the .second year in a row, R. E. Stavert, company president said here. Mr. Stavert said the company's metal production wa.s normal until the 25-per-cetit cut at the first of the year and that results of falling metal prices have been off.set to some exLent "by thn continuing excellent business in fertilizers." Amount of the decrease hi 13 profits will not be disclosed until the annual statement Is released in March. Chewing of tobacco is said to risk eventual association with mouth cancer. But have we not sighted fellows chewing on cigars all day long. It still seems a fact that far too many people continue to itch for what they want. But what Fred E. Dowdie OPTOMETRIST Now address: 303 ?rd Ave. W Phone Green 900 Servicemen Get Jail Terms ANCHORAGE, Alaska Wl-Four on this week he must be pretty bad. She sounded like an old cat with the colic. The other morning when I heard this funny noise going on, I thought for a minute that my young daughter had swallowed a tin whistle which stuck in her throat and gave her the hiccups. So I said to my wife, "news, hasn't that child gone to school they object to is scratching for it. WHAT COCNTS The price of coffee, more than the coffee itself is enough to keep consumers awake. Seventh-day AdventLst servicemen were found guilty Thursday of wilful disobedience for refusing duty on their sabbath and were sentenced to .six ...WITH A GOVERNMENT ANNUITY You can olilain a holier relirj r... 1;r.,.ni l,,.r liv in""r months at hard labor by a special Army court martial at Ft. Richardson. A lot of us don't know beans about William Shakespeare and feel an indifference as to ever becoming otherwise. There are signs, however, of the situation becoming relieved, chiefly through the unshakable determination of the CBC. At last a few of our friends are becoming cultured. Some are actually Shakespearian scholars. FLY... Prince Rupert's giant warehouse, built during the Second Great War and later dismantled and shipped away, aroused plenty of local resentment. How many more time must Prince Hubert protest, when another of yet?" and she said "It's not her, I think it's another one of those musical concerts on the CBC." And then the fellow came on and said "At the start of the long dash it will be 10 a.m. This is the CBC." And I said, "It sure must be." So then a woman came on The charges against the four who had refused to take part in a practice alert on a Saturday had been reduced from an original one of mutiny. llfl 1111 Ul II.".. . .- . v f'.iivernmenl AnnnitV will" lT with her invaluable industrial assets Ask for details of litis l'v' '' Iiiidtnc rian. V.... r-nn nnr.li.ise Government is threatened? w . fCDFMAl DEPARTMCNI Ul UIOUI Tim Buck, chief of the Labor-Progressive party, told Vancouver last week that Soviet Russia is not prepared for war and does not want it anyway. Tim ciulrihl, or in monthly in'.'l""'nls' ELLIS Sometimes a retired man will confess he is not having half the fun having nothing to do, as formerly when he had so much to do and neglecting to do it. I'ayalile immediately, or at a J'"1 .,3111 Won't lapse, even if you nii 11 P was 63 a few weeks ago. Some years back, he filled the Capitol Theatre on a Sunday forenoon, ireil. fnjlii Automatic WASHER No medical examination reqit Automatic DRYER and did not seem to fancy war then any more than he does It's not so long ago the roads were so narrow we had no fresh words of abuse to think of, when Assure TOMORROW'S Income 10DA1! now. , wMi fatsctiva Mf, fndotaa flamaat . AaaaaraaM. araraea, Valaa. with lamaus Suds-MlMT I tava an h4 watar, taaai ..mm? jMny ymJK aWancaa PvMM Ckculolio lor laitar mar nifarm aVylnf, ana's lint and nalslur warrlas "aulaoar-frath" Sua-a-MiJnf Ua . . tanH Sota Smaota ItmUtr. . . . axtra-aSiclam AofAW Acliam . . . srkalharaugh San tfrnaa . . . Mra vlalat Sva-a-tlibs Unas . . . ttaa-aavaig Cyda-Tona Sfsaal htailta; Th Dictr, Canadian 0vrnmnt AnnuWo Oaaartmant at Laaawr .Ottawa . ri Ppt f 'tVfli nd mf information nhnwint; hew rWi Vow"1 me retirement income at lot cott. KITCHEN EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Tenders for surplus kitchen equipment will be received up to 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 9, 1954. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. F. JONES, General Secretary, Civic Centre Association. to KETCHIKAN with connections to SEATTLE, WHITEHORSE and ol! ALASKA Phone 266 Office Opp. Post Office My nana It (Mr Mri.Mm) (Jou'll alu)at be proud tjou own RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue Phone 644 Data af Wr Ao whan Annwlty la tart unjerttand thai information giin heU CJm''