Sit" EiiAin Ijiinistci . mal painue who died In 1873, uTl'' wild bo', s' 1 lie fiiiiCe rupfeif UGlly iNew; Sacuroay, Kenruxy K 19:4 the Royal was an associate of Academy at ae 24 Betty Vegh Sparks Dom's Win Over Frosty's Food Lockers SHOE SAU IN THIS CORNER DICK AY RES US. Fighters Top Decisions Betty Vegh 'with 10 points paced Dom'i Department Store to a 27-18 win over Frosty's Food Lockers in a scheduled Girl's League game at the Civic Centre last night. Dom's continuing to dominate the loop outscored the Locker gang 4-3, 8-6. 8-2 and were tied 8-8 in the final qua' ter. Dot Marshall was top :xint-getter Tor Frosty's with 6 ppuus. In the Junior Boy's le.ieue Ormes fought off a rallying Sa 1 Trinse Kupert curlers, male and female, are not having VANCOUVER (CP) Classy scrappers from below the International boundary dominated LAD $ " is f 1 , ' " - I ' ' f o '' ' ' I x , . I ' y ' jf"1 ' s 1 t' , ' s ' J t ' ' ; tr.w.T;f,. -f-Y.-iwv vifwr riTinmi ffi m i imii t n 1 1 ri mn mm tmi iw nwvo. wmA ES' SHO Ji95 Cadet crew to take the decision 29-26 in a fast-paced g.te. Ormes took the first quarter 11- 6, lost the second 7-5, edged tiv first-round matches in the annual two-day Diamond Belts amateur boxing tournament here Friday night. Buzz-bomb 147-pounder Cclly Ruibal. stationed at Bremerton, Wash , with the U 3. Navy, probably got the night's toughest decision. He won a rugged decision froin Crag Grey of ilaney. H C. In tin 10th bout of 23, then came bark in the 27th to lose a split decision to fresh Carlton Lincoln of Portland. The crowd booed the narrow decision so loudly the ring announcer couldn't be heard as he set up the la-st bout. Bob Rauitf of Fort Lewis, at FASHION FOOTV JOCKEY TED ATKINSON poses with the unnamed two-year-old daughter of Equipoise, for which he has been signed on as trainer-consultant. There is to be a Kentucky Club "Derby Day" Contest to name the two-year-old, and the winner gets the filly. Atkinson will make the presentation at Churchill Downs on Derby Day. Sailors 4-3 in the third mr.irterj and themselves were nicked ID-1 9 in. the final frame. I.ugrhv with 8 points led the Sailor-;! while Duncan scored 8 for :he; druggists. NBC Power Mially scored a ' win in the second Junior fixture , eking out a 20-18 victory over1 Bulgers. Trailing 15-12 in the; third frame the NBC squad sU'i-; cd a comeback in the final staa- j za outscoring the Jewellers 8-3, Landie scored 9 points to pace the winners while Lambie and Marshall scored 8 points each fur the losers. GIRLS' LEAGl'K Dom's Leask 4, Moore 7, Soence, Cloulier 2. Vegh 10, Webster 4. Total 27. ; Frostv's M. Young man 1,1 Windle 2. Marshall 6, Gibb 2, Pivich 4, Thair. 3, Home. Total 18, JUNIOR BOYS' LEAGUE Sea Cadets Lugrin 8, Husvik 4, Howell 2, Christoff 2. McLeod. Flood 6, Ntwfield 1, Iveson. Howell 3. Total 26, Orme's Mcintosh 6. Duncan 8. Kelly, Reed 2, Hodgkinson 7. Hewitt, Chow, Leeman 6. Total 111 ' MI OTy That oil Wash., lost the next toughest as 1 he went down to another split decision to Des Archer of Bur-naby, B.C.. who Is stationed at Regina,, with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. American battlers won 18 of the 28 scraps on the, first night card. Results of first night bonis in the Diamond Bells boxing tournament included: Chicago Black Hawks Nearing Worst Loss Record in History ( 1 By JIM RA STABLE ' I There are four other weekend r'.,.ii.. i..ff vriir Veames. On Saturday the fifth- clash PhleU,rn Ftlnek Hawks nil? ! P" N,'W New Y("'k York Rangers WerS our (nxd 1 i Hit M ! Tom Palmer, cllumuit AIVitTU. Ubuwski, if 1 ctecisiuned L o t h a r with the third-place Canadiens at Montreal and the league-leading Detroit Red Wings meet the fourth-place Boston Bruins at Boston. Sunday it's Montreal heading for one of hockey's all- 1 time records. Nobody wants it.1; Unless the Hawks win nine of their remaining 18 games, they will Riinnliint the Chicago tea.i. i Whipping Cream - Table ( New York and Detroit at ; of three years ago as the club'1 that got the worst kickin Cereal Cream 1 Just osk the driver for anyofth. when he delivers your milk Prince Oeon-e, H C, Hun Htxv. belittle. (lrt'lslonel Will Dt'sjiirlai.s. Krfcina 1!.-. I'lMMIS ' Vance. V:nu ouvpr. dechlon-i-i.l HudUy PillimT. chMimlo. Alex M:r.ur, M'-lville, tlirl-slorifd Sain Clari-ut. I urt U'Wln. Wash. 1 I" I'OI t-9 Fri'ildv Bilker. Vuneion tr dccl-Hioiietl l-auiift Webb. Winnipeg. Lies Areher, FieKinu. ilecislonccl Bob tiuhff. Fort U-wlB. in; inn mis Jak Puscqh. EuKene. Ore., dec!-sloiu'd Jack Htrayn. HfRlna. I'OI Ms Tom P.iliucr, cliiutiiiion. dccihion-ecl Rftn Rx8. Htnule. Boston, besides the Toronto-, ; Chicago return match. ' 1 ; ! The Hawks have done iusli ', about everything to chert- their j defeats. Nothing has worked. General manager Bill lubin' negotiated with several NHL j clubs but his money didn't talk. , The Hawks ended up buying or j ealline up such vonngsters us I Ike Hildebrand of the Western : League Vancouver Canucks nnti j Jack Mclntyre of the American League Hershey Bears. Th. e y much luc k with outside bonspiete. Last weekend the men were robbed of their artificial ice lir.esse when the thaw set in at the i8ih annual Smithers Bon.spicl. This week, the continuing mild ii-ather ha;; caused Mrs. I net Herman, secretary of the Smithers .allies' Curling club to inform the gals here that the bonspiel planned fur thi.s week-end was off. Three rinks from the Prince Kii)cil Ladies' curling club were planning on going. They were to be skipped by Brtly Moore, llessie Wakley and Elsie Anderson. HuAvvci , all is not lost. The Smithers ladies' club still plans to hold 1 he spiel if the weather tightens up and there's every indi-latiuii that it will. The sun shone on Smithers, on Tuesday when the groundhog came out for a look-see so there should be more winter in the interior before spring finally arrives. We still don't know whether there will be a Prince Rupert rink wing to the 59th Annual British Columbia bonspiel at Trail, B.C.. v.lih ) .' tarts Monday. Neel.v Moore's rink of bom Dominalo. Jack l'aul and Jack Webster are entitled to go as no one from I'rinee (ieorgc wanted to go. The Trail curling club, hosts for the B C. event to decide who goes to the Macdunalil Briar competitions, has 13 sheets of ice available for play. If there is a large entry they will add six. more i' e rheets. all of them under one roof. An added attraction says Tummy Knight, bonspiel secretary, is the fact that a cocktail Imr will bo maintained for curlers and their friends throughout the entire bonspiel. Only other outside spiel of interest to local curlers is the Bums lake one set for next Friday and Saturday. A Prince Rupert resident is scheduled to play for a Smithers rink when about half a dozen interior rinks come here for the Prince Kupcrt annual bonspiel February 19 to 24. It's Dr. J. A. MacDonald who has been "imported" by Reg Collisun for his rink. With tteg and Jack will be Reg's brother Tom and Chuck Aikenheatl. Other Smithers rinks will be brought down by l.en Kvans, Bill Bovill, Hick Heggie, Cliffe Delage and George Ailumeit. Better bolster the end of the ice sheets boys, those muscle boys from inland will be slugging those rocks through the walls. Thirteen-year-old Diane Frith Smith, daughter of Prince Rupert-born and raised Mrs Allen Smith of Vancouver, formerly Marie Mussallcm, last weekend was the winner of the girls' novice class skating competition at the Winnipeg Ice Carnival. Diane, born in Vancouver and a member of the Vancouver Skating club, competed in her class against 21 other skaters from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. This reflects extremely well on both Diane and her instructors as she has only been skating for about a year. Columbia Cellulose 300 Club take the Civic Centre floor tonight against Senior B second-place Gordon and Anderson in an effort to improve their three-win, seven-loss record. CCC will have to pull out all the stops as they are still short-handed and G & A have taken on a fighting spirit that saw them trounce the league leading Manson's Omegas last Tuesday night. They are al o bolstered with the addition of Mel Holkcstad and themselves are dedicated to cutting down the 9-win, 3-loss mark set by Manson's. According to the schedule we have, only four more guinea lemain to be played before the playoffs begin. In that time CCC meets Manson's twice and G & A once and G & A tangle with Manson's once more. Looks like time has run out on both trailing teams. In other basketball I'are tonight Fraser and Payne meet North Star in the Inter A league and Manson's are host to General Motors in the Inter A loop. POST SCRIPTS The Diamond Belt, tournament is underway and no Prince Rupert boxing champions are attending. ' Well, shame on Prince Rupert. We know that it was a matter of finances and that you don't go down to,Vancouver for peanuts, but v.e would fiave thought that someone or some organization wou'd have made the gesture even if It had flopped. Absolute indifference isn't healthy for a town or a club . . . Speaking of hovers (lien (Tiny) Carlson, our local heavyweight champion leaves today for Vancouver where he will confer with Dr. W. H. I amcy, spine specialist about the "disc" trouble tha has been plaguing the big mitt-slinger and basketballplayer. The weights Tiny had placed on his leg at the Prince Rupert General hospital did a fine job but as soon as the pressure was removed the trouble came back. Here's hoping that some permanent cure can be found to fix Tiny up as he's a fine athlete and a credit to the City, your friends wish yini ,tl the best, kid! '- v - - ... ".. U .: i..i.'Ui-.u .-S . v t .--- i Northland Do around in the biu time. j It's an unenviable situation and the percentages say the Hawks are certain to end up in , It. So far this year, they have i won only nine games in 52 National Hockey League starts.! Any fewer than nine wins before the 70-game schedule fin-1 ishes next month will give Chi-I cago more than the lowest rec-1 ord of 47 defeats. j The Hawks have little conso- , 29. NBC Power Furniotis. Desau-tels 4, Ritchie 2, Stewart 4, Landie 9, Hargrove, Keisey 1. Total 20. Bulgers -J. Johnson 2. Gur-r.ey, Lambie 6, Thorn, Marsh al 6, Rowe 4. F. Johnson, Wat-mnugh. Total 18. Phone 18 NOItTIIIKN ritOKL'CR FOR NORTHERN ftnl still couldn't break even on lation in the team they run up wins an(1 0SKPS MOVIfi FRIDA aganist this weekend. They 1 meet the second-place Toronto Maple . Leafs in a home-and-home series and the Leafs have been showing late-season strength. iiirlwTr ' j1 J jiw to Hildebrand and Mclntyre w.F. make their Toronto debut tonight. Mclntyre, a tall, 135-pounder from ftcgina. was $jld to Chicago by the Bruins nearly three weeks ago. Be has produced two goals in six garhes. Hildebrand. a 26-year-old ri' ht-winger from Winnipeg, v as bought outright from the Canucks. 328 3rd A .Ki I R. Pedersen, Wayne Crowe Jop Rifle Club OR MONEY REFUNDED GOODS SATISFACTORY Civic Centre Youth Rifle club i officials today released the I standings for January of the top five marksmen in the two trophy competitions presently under way. Robert Pedersen tops the highest average trophy with RECRUITIN TEAM CANADIAN ARMY 94.7 per cent; second is John Clibbett with 94 per cent; Bill Holgate has 92.5 per cent, Wayne Crowe is fourth with 192.3 per cent and fifth is Frank I Anfield with 92.3 per cent, j In the top five for the best , grouping trophy are Wayne Crowe with a 1-inch grouping; ! Bill Holgate with lVn-inc.h j grouping; Frank Anfield, l'ii- inch grouping; John Clibbett, l'inch grouping and Joe t L'" '4 ... V-I- 1 hJ!. ' " ' ill - IT I - 1 . - ' il ,'3? Will Be Located At . Kr jnpner jtittj ! inch group- j w, V - : - 1 1 Two sharpshooters with possibles, or 100 points out of 100 are Bill Holgate with l'a-mch grouping and Frank Anfield with lV-inch grouping. .HOCKEY SCORES Western League Vancouver 3, Seattle 1. Edmonton 4, Calgary 2. Last Night's Fights Tly The Associated Prrss New York Joey Giardello, 157'4, Philadelphia, stopped Prince The CoiuTlnfor ( a OemonstratioiiA uperfc note Hours 9a.m. to 9p.m Walter Cartier. 161, New York, 1. West Palm Beach, Fla.-Fran- kie Sodano, 128, Philadelphia, outpointed Marvin Dick, 133, New York, 1(1. Philadelphia Jim Soo, 135, Philadelphia, stopped Billy Francis, 139, Baltimore, 3. Melbourne Augustino Ar-pote. 140' , Spain, outpointed Marshall Clayton, 144, U.S., 12. See ALL trie From FEB. 7 to FEB. 11 FRIGIDAIRE CUchic nAiircc 1 1 m 1 1 1 111 Ljigi "r I MODEL 0-3 RJ 299 75 1 Ws UHiiutJ $3,730 i tail) A Year OUR BUDGET PLAN WILL HELP YOU BUY GORDON & ANDERSON Phone 46 inis advertisement 1$ not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia YES!! YOU CAN EARN THIS!! , ' t - For Further Information See The ARMY RECRUITING TEAM ON EARTH THE BEST CIVIC CENTRE BASKETBALL TUESDAY and SATURDAY Night