RICHARD WlDMAItK In. 'Ninre PupTt Daily News ' aturday, February 0, I'.l'oi ENDS TOUAV 7: - 9: p.m.. TAKE THE HIGH GRQU Army Chief Started as Buck Private goose f i TVrK y'Vjcwe,"ulc,ctM r J , . - , - . ghos r 7 ; " REPUBLICANS APPROVE $3.8 MILLION BUDGET au toien n 1 1 i 1 1 Ald " '..INI' WASHINGTON 7 A record budget of $3,800,000 was approved by the Republican natibnal finance committee Thursday for the 1954 congressional campaign. This is twice the $1,950,000 goal of the last off-year election, in 1950, and the Republicans hope to double the more than 2,000,000 party contributors of 1952. r lit W"" wmm OTTAWA (CP) A buck private has risen to full general in the Canadian Army. Charles Foulkes, chairman of the chiefs of general staff, is the fifth to hold that position In tin Canadian army. In 31 years he has worked from the lowest to the highest rank. And in mounting the ladder he has become the first Canadian to be appointed a general in peacetime. It U the first among a lot of firsts. Promotion of the 51-year-old ......, VICGINIA Gltir BAVIO BRUCI STARTS MONDAY TOTEM ' A ,inoii Pluiera Tliealre Times: "Dangerous" 7 and 9;10; "Hurricane lieutenant-general to general was announced by Defence Min jjayCee VALENTINE' vtyii I I DANCE kl--;, CHINA y 1 the new , . , - fwiM' " V: vKv;;wi''''' I POPULAR nvT INDIA 0 V m.dwaY I DANCE BAND LoA ' jfiuco Admission by invitation only g "r .-24 X - . a . I,,J,,,,,lw.,,"Mr.l..!.i ... j TICKETS ARE AT JERRY'S HAKBER SHOP . , J -7 . I ... L Ji ' . t'lk I SUNDAY AT MIDNIGHT ister Claxton. ! The deaence minister said hi a statement that Oen. Foulke3 will continue in his present post and as Canada's military representative to the North Athintl" Treaty Organization. "WHITE GODDESS" JON UAH, - MFI,IS8 MeCLVP.E "HOME AT SEVEN" RALPH RICHARDSON - JACK HAWKINS HELD 0a Follow Your Heart To Wallace's Oen. Foulkes, who figured prominently in the collapse of the 25th German army in Hoi-land in 1945, first donned a uniform in 1923 as a private with a niaclilne-gun battalion in the old non-permanent active m'i-itla. He rose to captain and in 1926 received a commission j a lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Regiment. CAPTAIN TO GENERAL When the Second World War started he was a captain. As the war progressed he became major, brigadier, major-general and finally lleutenant-generai. "This new promotion to the rank of general Is another fii .t FOR FOR VALENTINE TW DAY Monday and Tuesday PRIMK MINISTER ST. LAl'RENT is In London today on the first stage of his six-week, 11-country tour. Tomorrow he flies to Paris and la tcr goes Vo Bonn and Rome. He will visit establishments of Canada's armed services at O ros Tenquin in France and Soest and Zwei-brucken in Germany. The Asiatic section of the tour will take the prime minister through , Pakistan, India, Ceylon, Indonesia, the Philippines, Korea and Japan. ' , " HOSIERY BLOUSES SKIRTS UMBRELLAS BLANKETS TOWELS TABLECLOTHS BEDSPREADS HOUSECOATS SLIPS OOWNS PANTIES : WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE "The Cruel Sea In my career. Gen. Foulkes said In an Interview. "I was the only oiilcer to ris.' from the rank of ciiptainto lieutenant-general daring the last war. I was the youngeirt oilier at 43 to become chief of th? ccneral staff. I was the first Postal Rates Bill Survives Crucial Votes COMMENCING WEDNESDAY 3LACKWGOD on BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Defensive IMay Not Confined To One Hand permanent chairman of the Canadian chiefs of stuff and now I am the first Canadian 'o he appointed a general in peacetime. "1 am, of course, very pleased. It Is one of those things a person looks for In life." Judged Canada's Finest Beer OTTAWA (CP) Thr govern-1 mcnt's plan to increase postal rates by one cent April 1 hasj eared another hurdle. The Commons last night voted ' twice on the bill, once to defeat on I have observed that many a player jives up a ccf attempt. to kill it and a ! the defense when he is th rough taking tricks in his appointed generals second time to defeat a corn- hand. Often he IS not lacking 111 delensiVC Skill !g,.nCial in the Canadian Army own i-.i ,...(.. ., ,.r mnntul Uivinosy ! were Sir William D. Otter of To.- fined opposition attempt to prevent it receiving approval in principle. For both votes, the Progressive Conservative, CCF and Social such such Mr. Masters is not a North dealer. e I urn to awwiirf n player. When he is certain that no more defensive tricks will be i won by his cards, he tries to. mm Credit members joined against! 10H2i For the last four years the jury of international brewing experts at the International competitions for Canadian Brewers have awarded Lueky'er the Star of Excellence Neither side vulnerable. North (Mr. Dale) S K 8 H K Q J 10 D A 2 C A 10 9 7 5 West Fast I the government but were de-1 i feated by 76 to 59 and 76 to 58. j I The Commons begins detailed j ! study of the bill Monday, it dream up some holding however remote, which his partnei could have and which would result in the defeat of the con- onto, after the Boer War, anl Sir Arthur Currle alter the First World War. ' Oen. A. O. L. McNauKhton, 1 now chairman of the Interna-i tional Joint Commission, was j promoted to general in 1911 j while serving as head of the first Canadian Army overseas. The I fourth was Gen. H. D. O. Crerar, retired, in 1944. He also served l as commander of Canadian forces overseas during the Second I World War. yuitr: I nuaur a-..l awa r iiu must then receive third reading tract. 1 (Mr. Champion) (Mr. Masters) oeioie oeniK win w "( He then Diavs in swell a m; Filmed in the South Seat in Color by The increase would bring the;m,r as , d(.V(,lop partner's impost of a one-ounce letter to five j a;jnpd holding to the fullest I cents from four for mailings i adv .,ntage. In today's deal, for symbol or Prize for Canadian liters QD TECHNICOLOR IT ! 119 7 5 4 2 II 8 D-K 7 U 8 4 3 C-K Q C J 8 4 3 2 i South (Mrs. Keen) i S-8 4 3 I II A 8 3 j D Q J 10 9 8 5 I C 6 $ between postal districts and toiexamplc he made an magina-four cents from three for mail-; tive iead at tlle thild trick ings within a postal district, j wnicn eventually beat nn oth-Kxtra ounces would cost another : erwise rock-bound contract. CAPIK 'Convos Bock Duck' Shows at 7 end 9:10 p.m. Famous Plaj'fl" cent each. Wh-i- t!v".-p rtfr-, fro into ef- BIDDING EXPLORATORY The bidding: r i, t. i I Mr. M,. Dale rdlo and anH Vtra Mrs. Keen Ktipn flirl leci, me government aisu ijiu- ...... - Knrth poses to enminnve me seven-1 ciuiuj u,uu...B, cent domestic airmail rate and j skirting around the edges of a East Pass Pass Pass Ffss South 1 D 2 D 3 D T West Pass Pass Pass All Pass nnai game contract and In a 1 C 1 H 2 N T 4 D carry all first-class mail by air where that sneetls service. DEBATE RESUMED The postnl debate was resum The Prince Rupert Little Thcotre Assa ANNOUNCES A Winter Season of E-.i burst of optimism reached five diamonds. , Mr. Champion got off to the good lead of the deuce of spades. ed after Finance Minister Ab Dummy's king was put up and bott tabled his estimates oi ex- i Mr. Masters won with tne ace. TALKS end DISCUSSIONS on BRUSSELS LUXEMBOURG 1950 1951 ANTWERP PARIS 1952 U '953 nenditure for 1054-55 calling for record neaeetime spending of $4,491,751,000. "Novrr mind about him betnij tall dark and handsome- l he Practical about INSURANCE?" The final decision by Mr. Masters was that It was more likely his partner had the king of diamonds than the acc of hearts. Therefore he led a spade at the third trick and Mrs. Keen had to trump with dummy's deuce of diamonds. That gave new lfe to the king of 'trumps which became the set STAGE PRODUCTIC He cashed the queen and then paused to consider his next ac- .lOll. The opening lead indicated, his partner had led from exact-' ly four spades. Therefore Mrs. Keen still had a spade in her Don't depend on the Crystal Ball to forotell your future. ting trick. - . Si ! nana. In proposing his motion to kill the bill, -CCF l"oHer Cnkl-well again suggested formation of a parliamentary committee to make a "thorough" inquiry into the department. Postmnstcr-General Cote, closing the debate, said that putting an end to free postal service for government departments as a means to meet the expected be sure that 1:3 Insure now and you are protected. (directing, acting. stui?lng by IAN DOBBIE Noted, nrltlsh Actor and Director CIVIC CKNTKK, COMMKNtINO FKB. I ' For full details phone 231 or I If FREE HOME DELIVERY LUCKY LAGER BREWING CO.LTD. ALSO BREWERS OF BURTON TYPE ALE Hunger Strike Staged by Sect What about hearts? Could Mrs. Keen have gone on to five diamonds without the ace of that suit? Mr. Masters thought not. But even if she had one or more quick heart losers it was practically Impossible for her to get rid of them anywhere. the Liquor Control $13,500,(100 deficit this year BlilW'lljlHM This advertisement is not published or displayed by Board or bv the Government ol British O li7TTiTii rTTh tt lJ in, ; olumbia. llllilllltlllllillllllilllimilllMIIIHIililll.llHMIHlMMMII itiliiHiiHi'uiiimxi" would not change the picture. VANCOUVER (CP) Twenty Doukhobor women, who put the torch to their hut at Oakalla Prison on Monday, have launch- SUDDEN DEATH Mr. Masters ti.rntd his led a hunger strike as another Any resemblance between this ad and a popular Radio-TV program is purely intentional. ti i a knr in 10 proteKt against transfer of their AGNET" I I I I I i"V Sm - thoughts to the trump suit. Mrs. Keen must have at least six diamonds. It was possible that Mr. Champion had the double-ton king. But if so it was laying right under the acc and subject to sudden death if Mrs. Keen got the lead at trick three. men folk to penitentiary. An official of the attorney-1 general's department said thej strike began Tuesday when the j 20 were put back into the 200-foot Quonset hut which received $3,000 damage in the fire. A BOB PARKER LIMITED PRESENTATION "ONLY Till; l'KK'I S HAVE ISEI.N ( IIN;I D TO PROTECT THE INNOCENT The Prince Rupert. District Scout A tion wish to express their appreciot0n " WUNDA tl-io cnlonrll-! ci mnnrf nivpn in this wef Financial Appeal. III RE'S A Rl'MMlWN FOR YOC: The chief Inspected all of 'lie used cars on the lot and gave them a clean bill of health. Nothing misleading. He had the boys frisk them and they're all clean. The men in the shop went over them with a fine-tooth comb; everything cheeked out. Wo did find one tiling they're all alcoholics . . . That's right. Mam, every one had a radiator full of antl-frecze and is ready to roll. HERE'S THE FACTS. J! S I THE FACTS. SIR: The bys is Ssiturday. The name is Bob Parker Mil. We are In the new and used car business. We're working on McBridr Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. As public servants we'r? experienced we've hr"n hero for eight yenrs. We have a large Foleclion oi used r.irs real bargains that we're offering the public. Drop in and sec fur yourself. ' WEVE has it! HERE'S TODAY'S LINEUP: -"HI i Fvprv Hnllnr will hp invested in "Citien Through Scouting For Canada '18 FORI) I'll Kl ! Box on back. Al shape. 270 Down After seeing our lineup here's one car you'll recognize as a good buy. '52 FORD SEDAN Heater. Excellent condition. 840 Down Here's a chance to cop a real buy. Don't let your feet drag. Net this before it gets away. '51 MI.RCTKY Tl'DOR All accessories. 880 Down Nobody could disguise this car. It's a real buy ... No burns, scars or fingerprints Pity the plight of poor Mrs. DeCoven, ( She chose a carpet that wasn't Loom Woven, Each day she has It, her carpet gets leaner . . . It's pile disappears In her vacuum cleaner. That's why women who know what smart buying's about Buy Loom Woven Wunda Weve pile can't pull out! 9 x 12 CorPe v on,y 13900 See Them Today AAcRAE BROS. LTD. "THE STORE THAT SERVICE BUILT" ; Phone 6 or 36 PRINCE RUPERT DISTRICT BOY SCOU ARECER LIMITED ASSOCIATION "THE HOME OP FRIENDLY SERVICE" $ ; - It'll'