ii' fnnCc rci(jcfr ic,i,f i iaturaa ., r'eorua y h, is) t it e w afii"iMiMM mm mm ' laaeM iF)Ro;; icvves AUCTIONEER Phiine Black 84(1 uni' Kr-rt S . CURLING RESULTS j Reiulls'of Prince Rupert Men's! Curling Club piay last night art I . as follows: ' linttia Troilt f'tiiniM-litiuii 'aDLIHE FOR CLASSFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS "THE DAILY NEWS "CIRCULATION" Y.-"'':lJ 'T- LOVELY JANET UAL'SCIIENBERO, 17-year-old "Louisiana Yam Queen," smiles royally at Rolf Christiansen of the Norwegian American Chamber of Commerce, as they exchange food baskets yams from Louisiana and sardines from Norway. The occasion was the shapely queen's recent good-will tour of New "York. Kimberley Downs Vernon 17-0 TODAY YEAR AGO 14 BUSINESS FERSONAI.S Si. PHONE 18 your Northland Dairy, for dolly delivery wept Sun-1 day. By looking after your milk your milk will look after you. I Keep It cool. All milk guaran-; (H) j hX J "T I ; j NEARLY everybody uses 9 WIl.rDRD Electrical Works lJealcr for Ekolite fiounde- (38) j. SAW filitiK All types of saws. Precision Saw Filing, 215 1st West. (4i) MAGAZINES, uoveitle. uddle'g news bhuhl (c) FOR chimney leaning and odd jobs, phone Green 173. (42p CARS? Bob Parker"lrcourseT (45) BOTTLE Collector. Phone Oreen 828; (36p) 16 LOST j GENT'S Mldo wristwatch. Vicin ity f'nuj Mill) - ThlrH A., ! For Worst Senior Shellacking wick were in Regina'where their Vernon Canadians, tied for second place in the Okanagan Senior Hockey League, absorbed one of the worst lickings ever handed a senior hockey team when they went down under a hail of rubber Friday night in Kimberley. Vernon, who lost their third game in three nights to a Western International l ackey League team, failed to score a goal while Kimberh-y rammed in 17. A shorthandea Per.ticton club, playing without the services of the entire Warwick line, stretched their lead over other OSHL teams to 19 points In beating Kamloops Elks 5-2. Grant, Bill, and Dick War phone Red 968. (32p) 1 ' " HI m-Ti" IP ,T..".. . . ; WANTED FEMALE j EXPERIENCED office clerk and-i bookkeeper. Knowledge of'6 latner died Friday morning. In Kimberley, Les Lilley scored five goals and chalked up three assists. -The Kimberley club registered 38 scoring points. They netted six goals in the first, six in the second, and five in the final frame. At Penticton, the V's went ahead 3-0 in the first, 4-1 at the end of the second, and matched goals with the last-place Elks in the third period. Jim Rairburn and Mac McDonald scored twice for the winners and Ernie Rucks potted a singleton. . Fred Denny and Don Slater scored for Kamroops. ' ' A " HAH - MAN I (THAT WAS) . 31 oooKKeeping machines an advantage but not essential. Full or part time, riteady employment; M.S.A. Box 894 Daily News. on 26 BI ILDINU MAI rltlALS PHILPOTT, EVITT "it CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 Inquire about our budget plan for your home improvement. No down payment. $100 to $2,000, 6 to 24 mos. to pay 131 4 BED, splendid condition, cneap. Also 8-tube radio. Luxury Steamer Prince George SAILS FOR VANCOUVER anil Intermediate Ports . Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service Pnr reservations write nr call City or tt omen, ' Prince Rupert. B C. ' BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth Street ' Phone 212 CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smithers Every Tuesday and Friday. For connectior.s Fhone 632 I, Investors fcyrwltcala of Canada Ltci. and Investors Mutual of tmatia Ltd. T. M. CHRISTIE Ph. 384 315 Third Avenue W. ItepreKt ntative for Princ Rupert, 'IVrrace and KitJmat IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY . ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTAJJT James Block, 608 3rd A'.e. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 371 Bv THIC VOUNG i HAVg NO SYMPATHY FOR ANY DOG WHO I TRiFS TO SWIPE , r-' r CHEESE FROM A J POOF? LITTLE ' MOUSE MOUSE r V. fitfrrx By ZANE GREY By AL CAPk PAPPY I PAID IO.OOO FOP 15 . YOU ro PUNCH HIM SAVED:.'; ) -YOU DWT-iO 1'LLTAKE MV MONEY &ACK.7 By STAN DRAKE A P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ALFRED L. BELL, C.A. Resident Partner Prince Rupert 325 Fourth Avenue East T Telephone: Red 879 Terrace Prince George Vancouver Quesnel ' ti ! Itnwbntham 10. Kellough H; Rob-, ertson 6, Miller b. Burg 12. George-! son 2: Warren 11. Bird 2. i'tmk lriiliy timiietitii.n Warren 13, Wakley 4; OsteriaK 11. Thom 8. Results of Prince Rupert Ladles Curium Club play In the Art Murray trophy competition yesterday are as follows: Hamilton 7, Petrow 8: Lewi'i ft. Wakley ; Moore 6, Thom 14. Draw for Monday nliUtt is us follows : 7 pm. Anderson vs. WIllKon: rrMt;y 'luniw; Bateman vs. Shier. 9 p ra. Johnson vs. It- msay; Me-Kenzie vs. MrBroora; Mcl-eixl vs Schuman. PRINCE RUPERT DRYDCCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MININO MACHINERY a CHOP SUEY . ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 " " I 1 MBMUHNCsflfe&iHMVDHIIIlHHHI .IT DINING PLEASURE - in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe A1V PATE. LOCK NONCHALANT & SSKOOS, iT IMPRESSES THESE LAPS' APS.' HEIR...I S KI5T (I A'? LEGAL NOTICE HKRVICE NOTICE i Examination for the position of AMil.HU.iit 'orebt Hunger will he held at the following centreB ut the. datca and time Indicated: Mon., March 1. (J :00 am., Burnft Lake Wed., March 3, K 00 am., Bmlthiira rrl.. March 5. 9:UO a.m.. Terrace StoU M-t. 6. 8 60 a-iu-. Pt.uc ttufM-rl Application forms and full parll-fularft may be obtained from the District r'oreater at Prince Kupert or the Forest Ranger's office at examination centree, Completed appll-cation forms ahould le forwarded to the District Forester by February 23. or fulling thin must be presented to the examiner at the time of the examination. These examinations are beiiiK conducted to establish eligible lists tor 1964 fire season employment. From such lists appointments to positions now vacant wIM be made according to candidates' standings In the examination. , Employment will be for period of six mi months at starting salary of 1M250O per mouth and expenses away from -Headquarters.. Candidates must be citizens of one of the nations of the British Commonwealth, and must have resided In Brltwh Columbia for one year. The candidate must be phyNtcally cap- Candidates must be 21 years of lase or over. No examination fee is charged P, 6. 13. 20, 27 RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycle (Subject to Change) OArnrojAt r m. 00 CBC Newt 605 Hockey Broadca1! 7:30 Orxan Music 8:00 Bhare the Wealth 8:30 Prairie Schooner O0 Hit Parade 6:30 The Music Box 10:00 CBO fcew8 . 10:10 CBC News . , 10:ia Dance l ime 10:3O XJixieland Concert 11:00 Weather Report Musi.- 'ill ulilnl-hl 11:00 tlRn-(t BUNUAT , A.M. 8:30 Recktal B0 BBC News and Commentary :15 Tha Qitlon Box 9:30 Harmony Harbor 10:00 B C. Gardener 10:15 Just Mary 10:30 Way ot the Spirit . nioo cbc News u :03 capital Heport ll :80 Religious Period PM. 12:00 N Y. Philharmonic Sym. Orch i :30 Critically Speaking 2-00 F:udle Joe's Yarns 2:30 Jak and tilt Kid S:00 CBC News li Oo Ask the Weatherman 3:13 Weather Forecast 3:lu The Way of a Parent 3:30 Van. Symphony orchestra 4:30 Distinguished Artists 5:00 Sunday clairaie 5:30-;haniler Music B OO -HlaK' ..4 7.00 4 BC Mewr 7:10- Weekend ltetl 7 :z0 Our special Mpeaker 7:30 little Symphuuv Orch, 8:00- NBC Symphony Orch. 0 00 Berenade t:;j vesjier dour. . 10 :U0 CJBt; Me s lQ:i5 Talk: The Forgotten Revolutionaries - . 10:30 Metropolitan Auditions of Air I :. iuhw HcfWH-t- mil Nlfti-til A.M. i. . ..." 7:00 B C. r'faherrflen'a hroadout :!.' Muslctl I luck 7:30 CBJ New; Vieat.ier itepurt 7:3.- MiihH'dL t'Kirk 7:4 Morning DeKitlnns 8.00 CBO News; Weallwr 0:10 Heie's BUI Clooa , " " S:IS Breakfast Club 8:45 Laura Ltd. , 0:00-BBO Newa and Jommentarj :I5 Aunt l.tK-y 11:30 Come What M:. i :t9 Time BlKiial ' 10:00 Morninu Visit 10:16 The Happy Oani; 10:45 Musical Kitchen i 1:00 Your Clood Neighbor 11 :15 RlnderKarten ot the Air lt:30 Message Period ll:!.V Mel's Kid hen P.M. 12:15 CBC News 1 : 12:25 CBC Showcase . 13:30 B.C. Farm uiuadcah. i:V-litterln.le I 310 Kecnrds for Voi( 1:3(1 Keeoril Allium 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2 :3f Trans-Canada Matlne 3:15 Brave Voyage 8:30 Hoedown 3:46 B.C. Request Roundup 4:15 Maxlne Ware Shiga 4:30 The Thunderblrd Curse 8:n stock ((nutations m-allse 6:1S International Commentary 8:2 CBO News; Weather 8:30 Rawhide. . Phone Green. 712. BL0NDIE r ; Jsifiod Kates ti j 4 'to pm. nay prTlom f ''l'"tt per word per In-,i SO eenU Ipuuni .-.har;e j' ,iX Ml rentt. CrU ol I., 1 1. Nutlet. Kuneral V (fcirlat'O ' EnKaenMUt ..,, i.ml)l prim. ij RellllldS ,t acept ruFonalbllUT ,x ciaiminiation iwim mjcIi errora l received rs of fln t Insertion. NT AD PLIES liolding replier allowing News 888 893 es must be for in person ICO F-VE.V18 Sixiiiary card party, ami: 7. l Cuifle unci Brownie sk(S:i!e and Novelties, t S'-lif.ol. Feb. 0. rch W A Valentine 1 at Mrs L. M. Borden St. d Party. Feb. II. (35 .t'ion W.A. Valen-Legion Feb. 12. Hinders' Day Tea, 0 pm . Ladles' .Uun Legion. uli-ntins Tea, Feb. A Bake iJalc, Gor-Min's, Feb. 13. V A. Rummage and u 13. 2d6 6th St. . ntlne Dance. Feb. itiun only. Tickets I rl)er ritiup. i Rummaue Sale h Street. Prayer, Cathedral, iri'h 3, evenings. (47) Ilcnlal Clime Bake ii & ('. (icrsor.'s. 1 Rnmrnage Sale, k'a Tea. Catholic 17 'I I'.T.A. Tea and IH. '!'". Hii'li School, 31 Afternoon April 1, " Kiirlim Sale Ap- f A. Itimimap.p Sale, 145) liters Faster Tea, war, April 14. I he Moose Sprlnp I Mrs Fred Grlin-Av-'. West, April 15. 't:0iue. Spriii'., Sale, April (37) !''' Spring Sliow, . 3 vlly 1, ;" f A KMinii Huzaur "'"f Spring Bazaar, f'tSONtl, 1 I Alcoholics Anony - ilox 43. (31 . M. y'wt. . .. a. ' n wri- Furlt, wt. net sai (20nV vatt elect electrical .if... 9th Ave. Ave. v West. (38) fc",lnt:c oil heat-"J work. Phone n West. Letour- !,sr ClIaISrZ (C) t-,,Phon ls-flales service. Blue (c) 14 is viTrrrr tft HK VAK- (36) ?t.;s (r.i K;i-mo. '"uuiiq ano T -12 4 on slippery (F I LL PROVE TOTHaT 1 j j ' : f , i i T'f f; ' , Vi'l'V" MOUSE THAT IS SMARTER t l "T i i a . i rr.rt- J ' K . V t II . m t .THAN BEAST" H 3447 3260 loit SALE MISC. FR1GIDAIRE, chesterfield and chair, large occasional chair, rhlna cabinet, bookea.se table lamp, record player pictures odd china, glassware, kitchen utensils. Blue 89. (32) HALZCRAFTER3 Cmntion receiver, ah wave bands. Room 39, Savoy Hotel. (3Cp) SMALL Coleman- oil heater Phone Red 779 after 5 p.m. I32p) SUNSHINE buhy buRgy, with mattress. Good condition. Phone Blue 394. (33i 32A FOR RENT MISC7 j PARTLY furnished cabin for! wuming irain only. Apply 7441 Fulton St. (35) j 34 WANTED MIS-'ELLANEOFS; CASH FOR 'Scrap, cooper, bras. batterlM, rad.dtors. Phone 63 Call 630 6th Ave. West. (e) i BOTADIAHQ nmil ln..nrlA.J second-hand piano. Contact Terrace Rotary Club, Box 670, Terrace, B.C. (35) ROOMS KOR KENT ONE large furnished housekeeping room, l2 blocks from Post Office. Phone Blue 7-27 after 5 p.m. (31) TWO sleeping rooms. Board if desired. Phone Red 510, 812 2nd West. (35) TWO fvJrni.shed rooms. New house. No children. Abstainers. 1063 9th Ave. East. (310) FULLY furnished Hint housekeeping room. 2'-il 5th Ave. East. (34) 47 ROOMS AND rfOAltD ROOM and board for 2 working men in private home. Phone rtea i4U. (34) 39 HOMES tOK KENT THREE-ROOM apartment. Green 106. (33) 39A SUITES FOR RENT UNFURNISHED apartment. Immediate occupancy. Phone Black 277. (32) 40 IIOMES lull SALE $1500 Down 4 Bedrooms Solid family home, one block from shopping, public and high schools. Two level lots with side driveway. Balance like "rent. Full price only $4500. Location! Location! Two blocks east of McBride room, nantiy Kitcneu jnus tiiree bedrooms and bath. Basement. Automatic oil heat. Two fully landscaped lots. Full price only $6300. Terms available. For these and other genuine buys see Jim Georgeson at Amisti'ono- Agencies Ltd. Phone 342, Eves. Red 958 (31) 6-ROOM house. Phone Red 827. (33p) 40A Houses Wanted to Buy Selling Your Home? We need good listings. For prompt Inspection and a satisfactory sale, call Jim George-son at ARMSTRONG AGENCIES LTD. Phone day or night, 342, Red 958 (35) NEWLY decorated wartime 4. Stairway to attic. 1439 8th Ave. East. (35p) 43 LISTINGS WANTED List your house with H. G. HELGERSON LTD. "and prepare to move." Phone 96 Or F. Wilson, Black 197 eves. (31) 46 BUSINESS OrTOKTUNlTIKS FOR SALE Skeena Cafe Snack Bar. Phone Black 937. (32) LEGAL NOTICES TIMIII K SALE X 1(1333 Sealed tenders will be received by the District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C., not later than noon on the 17tli day of February, 1US4, for the purchase of Licence X61333. to cut 3800 cubic feet of spruce, hemlock, balsam, cedar and other species saw-Ions on an area situated Miskatla Inlet. Two (2) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Deputy Minister of Forests, Victoria, B.C.. or the District Forester, Prince Rupert, n c Banner E. Hlady, Prince Hu (36) Fur. FOR your fuel requirements: Oil "Shell" Stove and Furnace. Coal Foothills arid Bryan Mm. Gas "Pacific" Propane. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 6s2 , - (31) 29 A SLUING MACHINE SALES Repal'Hrienials. Ginger Sewing Centre, i'hoi.e 864. (c) FOR SAL!1 MISC. WEST BEND OUTBOARD MOTORS KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED ' ' .iAlUHCUVt imriuuia ;yiinj;wiui m y-v :i . 2 h. p. Single' 'iti choice district.' taw living JF SNCCPf ft Pi"j Only Mtw hjuQ iva& DeiVINS THAT ("A AAADLVCCIVN THE ICV i (wC:iirA-eciAtve wouL&HAt'E cwe K-m Mltili UJf Mf MUST HF f.Vii C'fl 1 A . SCMFOHC S?OljL MvUDee HeMAM H"iV( lJi LI LABNtR HE PAIPMESIO.OOO - I BUT HE'Li. PAY Y -AM' THET 1 ( AH HERE WF-AiK'1 I FO YOC TO PUNCH IcTJ I YOU 4HO.OOO S. ftlO.OOO I I NOT TO PUNCH ) ENOUGH.? I I V HIM IN THE NOSE.':'' j NOT TO PUNCH ) H HINEV VO' IN TH' e-- wine. nose.v s a , k r 5 h p. Twin 7i h p. Twin 16 h p. Twin The latest addition to the West Bend line Is the peppy "Air Cooled" 2 h p. Single. A Fisherman's Dream. The B.C. Co-Op Wholesale were the first to take on the West Bend distributorship and last year, 1953, had record sales. A Repair and Parts Department has now been set up In Vancouver. SEE THE NEW MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY . AT Prince Rupert FISHERMEN'S CO-OP Cow Bay (32) OOLICHAN GREASE For Sale , SEE B. C. CLOTHIERS Third Ave. W. Between Belmont, and RAyal Hotels es.-a "TOAIOeMW I MEET H0ULPN T BELIEVE HE S0UNPS LIICE THE ACTUALLY LIVE MY HARP-WORKING TVPE THE HEART OF JULIET JONES ee eiTes..."HONesT, ;7yi a T I T TO Pi put FAMILY V3J THAT PEOPLE Wilt 1 .UT lift tun., ei vn i ur i THE TiME t 1 ' on skates AMD WOBBLE OUT OM THE. LAKE ,tf222S HOPE HE LIICES.UE...AN0 VCE VERSA' THIS WAY. WE RE SUNKINO IN A r-'gABV'S SOeORITY HOUSE, AND ROYALTY ) HAVINS A NEVER HA0 IT ANY &ETTEI? J W0NPERFUL I I I . :.ti ' 1 r.u.i ,. - i n-i ffl . l."i '5sw MArn u . . j VTA TWE.' THATS FINE BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 . Broadway Cafe " Bhawbrtdge tH) C32C) pert, B.C,