PROVINCIAL LiBRARy tTT"1.?...( FF.O'IUOIAL LIE.-?AaV, ROYAL CANADIAN V.J .SEA CADETS victc.-?:.-, B. c. PARADE TONIGHT NAVY DRILL HALL NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Recruits must be 14 year old. Published ot Canada' Most Strategic Pocific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwesf" VOL. XLIII, No. 97 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1954 PRICE FIVE CENTS "Buildini? Citizenship" , , r r - ' . 'I ions: Plaster fm 1 16.9 Iwt ,! u 17.7 feet 2 feet 9 0 n! 6.Moet , m (in1 t t ir f - "i" 1 vi"--r rni w - ' ' ' . . 1 s . c v . I ' : p -I'M A' - Alibi mi --4T ' I .... Defenders Prepare For Death Struggle HANOI, Indo-China (AP) Dien Bien Phu reeled under violent Vietminh bombardment today but the French said the rebels still held off their long-expected third mass assault to engulf the battered, northwest Indo-China fortress. j U.S. Help Depends On Alliance PARIS (AP) France canvassed her major allies for fresh aid to stave off defeat at Dien Eien Phu today. The best It could do was a reported possibility that the United States mipht consider sending forces to Indo-China If the proposed southeast Asia alliance Is formed. The tightly - packed French - ? Union defenders, driven into a i cluster of fortifications less than j if Father Seeks Missing Son a mile and a quarter across, were in an "extremely serious but not desperate" position, the French reported Sunday night. Today they said the situation is Oil) JIIN WRIGHT manes Irl?ncls with 30-ypnr-old whistling swans and s Mmr Bird Sanctuary at Klngsville. Out. Established by the late Jack Miner nationally known sanctuary en ters its 50th year this spring. It was one of the sanctuaries in North America. ' V 9 , S . j v Cxi! u., Jj t'$ First Budget Forecasts Informants in radio contact with isolated encircled plain said the morale of the garrison troops was "sky high" as they braced themselves for the bloody hand-to-hand ' fighting they hoped desperately would hold back another all-out enemy attempt to sway the Geneva conference on Asian problems. The rebels levelled their heaviest mortar and artillery fire on the northwestern corner of the ditures of Nearly $1,000,000 LONDON UK Admiral Arthur Radford, chairman of the i;.S. joint chiefs f staff, flew unexpectedly to London today for talks with" Prime Minister Churchill and Britain's mill tary high command on the Indo-Chinese situation. The London talks came on the heels of a reported French plea to Britain and the United States for urgent military help in Indo-China. EL d,jv , vclupmcnU yet to be under-; Maintenance and operation Is -Can a das taken." i expected to account for $173.- iie-makinB ex-1 The district of Kitimat site I 620.89, and $125,726.20 has been use to a million of the Aluminum Company of j estimated for school costs. shrunken Dien Bien Phu redoubt. This was. an attempt to rip bigger holes in the crumbling defences in the northwest, THAT'S LIFE Emmett Kelly, the famed clown who never found life Very funny, seems to be allowing tiny Roy Fredonia a peek lnto human folly. Maybe it's nothing that deep, but the eight-moirth-old youngster the son of circus acrobats pays polite attention, anyway. Roy's mother and father joined the Ringling Brothers & Barnum and Bailey Circus after emigrating from Germany. Roy was born in Toledo, Ohio. as indicated m Canada s new smelter was In- j Tax revenue is based on 57 7 Kitimat's first . corporaU-d a year ago and a ! miHs on full assessed value of budget. ! municipal council elected. j land-$528.96-ana 75 per cent il council by First year operation was based ! 0f assessed improvements $9 -! Cyril Hen- i on loans from the provincial gov- i 967,781,25, most of which Is car- opening a floodgate for the niasBes or viciminn mianiry waiting to sweep down from the An authoritative French source in Geneva for the Asian conference said President Elsenhower's government has turned surrounding hill. 71ie estimates oear little or (Prince Runert's lf53 hiirlirpt )! S8M.162.09 of i assigned for said the EDWARD HUDDLESTON The French command down a French request that U.S. air force planes and pilots be rebeU maintained their "pres-1 The 20-year-old youth shown cur' nn thnir npw defence line I v.. ku-. . rr no relationship to last year's ex- ! totalled expenditures of $1,062,-pendjtures," Mr. Henderson toldjooo of which $453,59435 recov-council. lered from general taxation at a He said the budget had been i rate of 70 mills.) ' West Pessimistic Despite Favorable Start at Geneva sent into action at once against w ----- - - . aiAJVC liaO V. A IllXOOlltg HVSHl. in that sector, establishing about 1 nis Vancouver rooming house the Vletmmh rebels. 300 feet due south of the rebel , side of the 'rn told coun-.itj will receive itnd Uie bal-. metal grants, 'Mures, watcr-sources. told council ' ':;'TGE?A,'S'witzerlancr (AP)-rPessiraistir western foreign ministers faced the communists today for prepared to meet the need for rapid development, . bearing In mind "action, flexibility, and economy. "There is today a major and urotcnt task ahead of the munl- trenches. But, the French sain, tne attackers had "nof been abie to Infiltrate the line Sunday night and were still 600 yards from Brie. -Gen. Christian de Canucks Learn Battle Tactics SOLTAU, Germany In- funT'Vmon ami lnitlrmin rf th their first big power conference with Red China. Most of them were reported expecting little progress Castries command headquarters. wparing these cipality In starting up In build Ii " ' ' , up privaiiiiiR ln provldinR services and I 1st. Canadian infantry Brigade j toward settlements either for Korea or Indo-China. A Vietminh broadcast heard in Hanoi said the opposing forces will be "face to face very since December 20, 1953, according o information received -from his lather, Edward Htd-dlcston of Lantzville, Vancouver Island. Mr. Huddleston says that his five-foot eight-inch son has dark brown hair and weighs about 133 pounds The youth may be suffering from loss of memory and perhaps working in this district under another name. Th father asks that anyone with knowledge of the youth's whereabouts get in touch with the RCMP, the Missing Persons' Bureau, Vancouver or E. Huddleston, in Lantzville, phone Nanaimo 772-R3. are ltmlnir hal t.le cn.nne. at.iont After a 20-mmuti? session, the ; soon " in a aeam struggle. a rnai-1 operatioas, in changing . . . from i a construction camp to an urban u local exper- community." k on Expencll- j Major capital expenditures ln-is are largely elude purchase of new equip- in this former Wehrmacht train after which the three will rotate the chairmanship. Edn described the agreement conference adjourned and Foreign Secretary Eden of Britain announcea: "All the procedure ing area in the British zone of Germany. We meet tomorrow to ! on procedure at this afternoon's ht extent and ; mcnt and construction of streets is agreed Chief Asks Co-Operation On Burning sand other de- and utilities. HOT CO-EXISTENCE brief conference meeting as "very good." "You can all smile 'and be happy," he told correspondents. A Canadian delegate said that the swift agreement on chairmanship is an indication that delegates are eager to get down to business as quickly as start." ; Before the historic meetings began in the old Lencuc of Nu-, Hons building, Eden and Foreign , Minister Molotov had come to a surprise agreement on one phase j of the delicate question of the status of Red China at the con- j ference table. j Russia has Insisted t he Pel- W SAYS MALENKOV Fire Chief Earl Becker Issued A troop of four Centurion tanks from D squadron. Lord Stath-cona's Horse, a company of Infantrymen from the 2nd battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment, this week held the first of a series of field exercises to be undertaken by the brigade during the next month. Thirty-Three Die in Plunge LIMA, Peru Thirty-three persons were killed and nine his annual plea for residents who wish to burn rubbish outdoors to phone the fire-department and ask permission. " The chairmanship arrange- ping regime bo treated as an nwnt was approved at a meet-rquul of the Big Four but the jns among the countries which New Zealand Relaxes Curbs For Imports AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP) The New Zealand government today announced a slight relaxation of control on imports from Canada and the United States and importers saw the move as a hope The request came in the wake ot two more grass fires Saturday afternoon "which sent the fire denartment hurrying out In 'Outers premier Oeorgl Mulcnkov made an surprise speech In the Supreme Soviet today Russia believed in the co-existence of commun-Jwn as '' as increased trade between the two 'otto' Council o( Nationalities, he declared there ruin lessening In world tension as a result of Face-loving peoples. '! attacked the Euroin an Defence Community, w aimed at a revival of German militarism. uWd the adoption of Russia's proposal for Ttive security. United States has adamantly ; part jn the Korea war opposed giving communist China j against the communists. Canada that status. , was represented by External Af- The agreement worked out by I fairs Minister Pearson and Eden and Molotov wa.s to desig- Chester Uonning. Canadian mln- I badly injured when a truck nate Prince Wan of Thailand to take the chair at the opening session. Molotov will preside currying 47 persons plunged over a 100-foot cliff into the swollen Santa ritfer. The driver leaped to safety a moment before the truck begun its fatal plunge. ful sign' for eventual resumption of full-scale trade with the two countries. Tuesday, Eden on Wednesday, answer to alarms. First was "at 1 p.m. Saturday afternoon when firemen were called to the 500 block of West Ninth avenue to a spot where it Is believed that youngsters had had a small camp fire burning. The fire had been left and it had spread to dry grass. The second call, which came just as the fire truck was returning to the firehall, came from the home of, T. W. Brown, 407 West Fifth avenue, where a ister to ."orway and Iceland. The decision to rotate the chairmanship among three countries neatly skirts possible conflicts. If the chair had been shared by the big four, communist, China would have been offended. If China had been Included, making a big five,- the United States would have ob fs Castlegar Project Lumber Production WHAT NEXT! First it was automobile windshields; how It s spectacles that are being peppered with mysterious pock mmks. The rash of "glasspox" alleged to have left pock marks on hundreds of windshields arrow Canada spread to Wll-lhun Vanriewater's glu.sses.. The North Vancouver electric company foreman claims the incident occurred while talking to fellow workers. Several theories for the phenomenon have been advanced, but the mystery remains unsolved. Police Chief Defends System Of Promotions n manbMi"Uiiil pllB tiu;uitl,y. locaUon. and qual-sii,i, !" ,lle ity of the timber and a large jected. As things slind, Britain and Russia both are represented, while Prince Wan is considered to be acceptable ' to the Ameri rubbish fire had also got out of hand. Chief Becker said that if people wishing to burn rubbish would ft !- 1 j "ipuny, Went- silc w''s located ttt the foot prcMdent an1 of the Lower Arrow Lakes near ask permission, firemen would be ' " "''re today. ! Castli.gar. Commerce and Industries minister J. M. Watts announced that funds allocated for dollar imports have been increased by 20 per cent for the current year to approximately 20,000.000 for use In either the United States or Canada. This means Canadian salmon will re-enter the New Zealand market in competition with Russian and Japanese supplies. The allocations included approximately $600,000 for canned fish and it Is expected to be used almost entirely for Canadian salmon, a favorite on the New Zealand market before the second world war. Substantial supplies of salmon have been entering the market recently from Russia and Japan. nth,. forewarned. Saturday's grass fires brought to six the number " '""I'lns 1 Small iluieiienitenl. suwnilll nn. "4 hi! attended by the fire department. eraUons with their timber hold- company an io the: in the last week. r Brown vi,i Iuks and licences were mirchased ''" show- complex I all1 ,low Provide long term em-t0 Uie Anow i P'oymcnt security and stability VANCOUVER (CP) Police '? bie Chief Waller Mulligan of Van- for the area. i found. CPA, Union Ships On Daylight Time desnite ' couvrr has defended his promo- Wittily Lumber production. diven 18 J Q"tiiilecl st nri 2 i artl 'rk out Canadian Pacific Airlines and Union Steamships Ltd., are both operating on Daylight Saving develo Pment. poor condition of the lumber , tion program for the city's 637-market, member force against union was doubled since Celgar! applied for a forest management charges that his policies haye licence caused the lowest morale In o1,i ,.. ',, u arbitration oourd hearing on a a,e cn map. Time or city time, it was an nounced today. The CPA flights, which are ca ns. Quake Jolts Wide Area In California WATSONV1LLE, Calif. W) Central California's strongest earthquake in nearly two years jlted a 150-mlle stretch along the coast Sunday, frightening thousands, causing widespread minor damage to buildings and temporarily blocking a highway cast of here. A panicked crowd of some 500 rushed for the doorways of a dog show at the fair grounds five miles north of here, bruising an unidentified 16-year-old girl. She was the only injury reported. The shocks, recorded by the University of California wtsmo-graph for 20 rninutes starting at 1:33:45:5 p.m. PDT were felt through the San Francisco bay area 90 miles to the north. Case irdoy been studied. conlr;'rI- I i . !;'. v .. , k 4 ' ' " ' 4 ' ' ' C P 1 - V - -T . The union Is asking pay in Ut.sK. tharged creases, equal pay for police- women, city paid coverage under j a mediral plan and more holi- WEATHER reni; 11111 ai the -mem was re. Sat Pair Rescued When Tuna Boat Explodes, Burns VANCOUVER A fisherman and his 18-year-ld daughter were rescued from their flaming tuna boat Sunday after a battery explosion set it afire off the Fraser river mouth. Taken off a literati alongside the Moiown No. 2 were W. C. Rideout and his daughter Pat, of Vancouver. They were rescued by the two- , man crew of Jhe fishboat Vicky May. - Ul'dav nt iu. now scheduled for seven days a week leave at 10:45 a.m. city time and arrive in Vancouver at 3:50 p.m. DST. The return flight leaves Vancouver at 8:30 DST and arrives back at Seal Cove at 1:45 city time. The two regulaUnion Steamship vessels, Cambsun and Co-quitlam which arrive Thursdays and Saturdays, sail from here at R p.m. city time on both days. However, the Chilootin which will arrive here May 31 on Its first Alaska cruise will operate on standard time. 2 ln Police Dipv"ir before ut the aee,,, tintk ehar I'orecast aays. North coast region Clear When union chief Fred along the mainland and a few Dougherty charged that men clouds elsewhere today and Tues- I with seniority often found them-day. Little change in tempera-! selves taking orders from junior ture. Wind northerly 15 except (men, Mulligan said promotions northeast 2d gusty in some main- j me based on reports sifted land inlets. Low tonight and ! through by himself, the assistant high Tuesday at Port Hardy, 32 1 chief, four branch superintend-and 48: Sandsplt, 34 and 46;'ents, and brought to the corn-Prince Rupert, 30 and 46 , mission for approval TELEVISION star j. FRED Ml'GGS samples some of his birthday cake after decorating himself with it while appearing before the TV cameras. Mr. Muggs was celebrating (and how!) his second birthday