Prince Rupert Da My News Monday, April 26. 1954 IVUMlUll V VUIAU ; monarch of Chi. "4 LONDON Real Russian U 2738 BC. ' "toii vodka Is back on British bars i tor the first time since the 1917 1 revolution. Five hundred cases; I g "opular - n lyiiiinmi f itn'H """ ""j of it arrived Friday aboard a I i , n"1 BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE Cntrlof froleVifr Trnivrt.iara nau II rrlnfn fj. the demand is terrific and are II R, uPen pleading for licences to bring in II 'W more. V VAMrAln.J By EASLEY BLACKWOOD liridgc I 'layer Forgets Element of Time, Loses l hursdav Canada-Wide Defence Test Set For June VANCOUVER P The cities of Toronto, Windsor, Montreal, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Vancouver and Halifax will be Canadian focal points of a continent-wide civil defence test next June. Air Vicc-Mar.shal F. V. Heake.5, Vancouver's civil defence, coordinator, released the names of the seven cities following a statement by MaJ.-Ocn. F. E. Worthington, Canada's civil defence chief. Gen. Worthington, speaking to a meeting of city council here and Fraser valley civic defence officials, said the scheme, dubbed "Exercise Alert." would take In a "loser" w hen you win Mr. Abel found this to be 2? 1 his athcrirMimnt w not pulilih. it or tlitrtlat .-.! by (In- I iiior ( ouirol Hoard or l i he GoMfd'nenl of Uriml) Culurobia MONDAY to WESNESDAY tomtortandfcni,! ,pniiBuWrt.B,c. JACK P.UANC (documentary!) CAPIT011 ""noun Players Tlnaire 2 FEATURES SECOND CHANCE ROBERT MITCHUM - LINDA DARNELL Also "BELOW THE SAHARA AX ARMY SNOWMOBILE makes a swift exit from an RCAF flying Wear in a test drop 1,500 feet over the Canadian Joint Air Training Centre at Rivers. Man. ; Seconds after the vehicle was pulled out of the plane by the extraction parachute (extreme let) three eiutit parachutes blossomed from the bundle in front of the vehicle. They lowered the 12-passenger machine minus passengers then were automatically disconnected leaving tie snowmobile ready to be driven away. Guide lines at side and top are automatically imprinted by aerial camera which took this shot. They facilitate lining up pictures taken in rapid succession. Flood of Anonymous Letters Accuse RCAF Of Negligence in Moose Jaw Plane Crash Show Times: "CHXNCE" 7 - 9:10 p.m. "SAHARA" 8:20 p.m. MONDAY to WEDNESDAY tions. these factors emerge: . 1 Rules forbid practice lnter-1. The Harvard was not "buz?.-1 ceptlons on civilian aircraft un-ing" or trying to intercept the ; der any circumstances. North dealer Neither side vulnerable North (Mr. Kale) . S A K 8 3 H J 7 D A K 4 3 C J 6 3 West l.;tl (Mr. Aliel) (Mr-. Keen) S Q J y S- 8 H 10 6 4 3 H K Q 9 8 5 D Q'J 9 D 10 7 5 2 t -10 9 2 C K Q 7 SiMith ( Mr. -i,iilimN ) 6 10 7 6 4 1 H A 2 D--8 U C A 8 5 4 The blddim;: Nurth East Smith West ID 1 (i PH. Cue "'' Dbl. Puss 2 S 3 b 1 3 All Pass a rutf, she laid down the king of clubs. Mr. Champion ducked f.nd that was all for the defense. "TIME" FORGOTTEN A low club conti.iualion would be ducked around to the jack. The king of clubs would be smothered by the ace, setting up dummy's jack. Desperately Mrs. Keen shifted to a heart. Mr. Champion ruffed in his hand and d. scalded a club from the board. He cashed the ace of clubs and spread the hand for four-odd- Mr. Abel could hafe taken his partner off the spot. If he had over-ruffed Mr. Champion or the fourth lead of diamonds and returned the ten of clubs, the end-play would have b -en ruined. The defenders would have been bound to win two clubs, a heart and a trump. Mr. Abel forgot that TIME Is truly the fourth dimension ol bridge. He forgot there are not jus- three elements in trick-taking. There are four. High cards, long suit cards, ruffing pnd time. And the greatest of these is time. Yards And Yords of YARD GOODS : At Woliace's Of Course Wallace's large material section knows no sea-on. Eviiry flay do.- i s of women pn'fer Wallace's for yard goods. CIU1ISN A COLUMBIA ncTUOt 11 UiL lim TW"IUI' A sure winner can be V.ith it at the wrong time, true in today's deal. ' Mr. Champion didn't think he . wa$ strong cnoii"h to make a Iree bid on his ragged spade suit at the first round. However, he took strong action when his , partner showed well above a ' i minimum opening by doubling j for a takeout. ; 'In fact, his last bid, four i spsides, was a bit forced and the i oontract should have been de- , frated. It may be said, however.! the ifood pli" he save the hand jin'lfied the optimistic bidding. CHAMPION SEES CHANCE , ,' Mr. Abe led the trey of hearts and the queen fell to the ace. Mr. Champion took just one ' round of trumps, then started eliminating diamond.. He cashed the ace and king, led a third diamond and luffed it. ! Now he ca -hed his other high , spade and noted he had a loser ' in the suit when Mrs. Keen discarded a heart. He led dummy's bst diamond and ruffed it. Mr. Abel, whose queen of spades was , hi'Jh anyway, decided not to 'over-ruff and discarded a heart. This gave Mr. Champion the break he had been hoping for. He led a heart to the jack and 1 Mrs. Keen won with the king. Realising n heart return would ! give Mr. Champion a sluff and HANDY BOXtfs Public letter boxes were estab- 4 lished in 1851 in Britain by An ' thony Trollope. OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie 303 Third Ave. W. Phone Green 960 1 y$mm m "Headquarters For j WALLACE'S T 111 " ' - - A- Mi DHtlt jim Cc(l Kt'lwir Conn Ruuell M THE BrU SISTERS Sw, Mkmu OTTAWA (P The RCAF has received a numoer of letters, nearly all unsigned, accusing it of everything from gross negligence to a happy-go-lucky disregard for human life. These letters have arrived at RCAF stations since the recent collision of an air force Harvard training plane and a Trans-Can-ida Air Lines North Star over Moose Jaw, Sask., which killed i'l persons. No official here wiii discuss what the transport department and RCAF inquiries into th? crash will show, at least unul the government has announced the findings. But, by putting together the bits and pieces which have already been made public and itudylng Canada's fiying regula - : fj, tast Complete Show 8:30 pin TOTE A. A t.iMOJ'S PLAYERS TIIUTI: M JOHN IRELAND LON McALISTER in 'Combat Squad" THURSDAY 11 AFTERNOON 2-5 FRIDAY SATURDAY POTPOURRI" 40 United States and eight Canadian cities: Air Vice-Marshal Heakes said he did not know the name of the eighth city General Worthington relerred to. .. Gen., Worthinaton was due to leave for Edmonton'ov rail Saturday -for a brief stay before going on to Ottawa and then to: Paris for a North Atlantic Treaty Organization meeting. i 20,000 Nabbed In Round-Up Of Mau Mau's NAIROBI, Kenya (Reuters) More than 20.000 Africans in Nairobi were rounded up as troops and police staged an all-out week-end campaign to rid the capital of Mau Mau terrorists and sympathizers. The first sweep through Nairobi's 13 African locations resulted in 100 subject tribesmen being taken to special screening camps, Before "operation anvil" ends, the 8,000 British and native 'roops, police and home guards taking part expect to isolate some 5.000 members of the terror cult, its sympathizers, or "criminal elements." Kikuyu men. women and children were Included in the 20.000 rounded up since the operation began Friday night. But only men are being held for screening. The women and children were to be fed and sent back to tribil .reserves. The operation will bring In Kikuyu, Embu and Meru tribesmen from among the 75.000 natives in Nairobi's population of 100,000. Shakespeare lfnfresr I STRATFORD-ON-AVON, Eng. iReutersi Shakespeare's home ; town was host Friday to representatives of 58 nations in a j ciant festival to celebrate the UiOO'h anniversary of the poet's ! birth. Britons were in the minority in tills flac-and-flower bedeck-' ed west-country town. While j Britons worked, ambassadors, high commissioners, diplomats j and hitch-hiking tourists joined in the-celebrations j "Even Russian ambassador Jacob Malik, a lover of the poet's works, left his London desk to pay tribute to the piny- j i wright and poet. ; Cars and bicycles were parked i i in the town's winding streets, j Knapsacks were dumped in rail-j way stations and hostels while ! their owners watched the tra-1 rlitional "crade to the grave"! procession from Shakespeare's' birthplace in Henley Street.- In London, actress Dame Sybil Thorndike unveiled a memorial ' ; window to Shakespeare in Bouth-wark cathedral, where th bard used to worship. j j l, .. i -: si I CIVIC CENTRE Butterick Patterns" JjllWIIUICU DEPT. STORE At Festival" . a.:..:.. i -7 ill i , .r .M . , tt and EVENING 7-10 WANT TO. GO PAtTFR TRIPPINC 51 STl'Dt'BAKKB PK'HT Rox on back: like now w (titiou , $128! Klltl) I'ANH- Very low mileage. A bm At $149! .1 lfc" JBW If you v all K(ifi-( I I Kl) about an Kastcr Trip and nM ml EflG-t'UPTIOXAI.I.Y KiM.d user! car In make it In, Wt M FCiCiS-ACTI.Y what you art- Innkire lor at Ihc price jog ni Flyini regulations for all aircraft both military and civilian, are laid down by the federal transport department. No plane flying in clear weather has any Inherent right-of-way over another plane such as a train has rlijht-of-way at level crossings or a motorist has right-of-way on a through high- j way. Thus the North Star did not have automatic right-of-way over the Harvard, or vice versa. But there Is a general rule of the air road that the plane which has the other plane on its j starboard right gives way. . In the case of the Moose Jaw crush, the Harvard, flying rough- i ly north, had the North Star, : flying west, on its'rlght. In this case, the Harvard should have i given way. However, both pilots In such an instance tire required to keep a lookout to make sure their aircraft are not endangered. It is unii'.-.-iy thnt the North Star and Harvaru pilots suddenly b-(".!iru? Involved in a mental tu'.'-'it-wiu over which should give way. The Harvard had t: off in clear weather on a navigation1 training flight. It would appear probable that the pilot was busy teltlng set on his proper course, looking at his instruments or a , map. ! Jt would be his duty, however ; to maintain a constant lookou' for other aircraft, as It ts every i pilot's duty. i It. appears likely It would huve been easier for the Harvard to see the North Star than vicf versa. But at the same time, the Harvard could be seen by tlx North Star. The Harvard would have been only a few degree), btlow level vlslun of the North Star but probably against a background of earth rather thar sky. CliincAe raisin CHOP SUEY. . . . . . CHOW ME IN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 - Mc Bride Street to pay, ami we aren't Ki(;S-AOi;l:KATIC! So STOr l. TODAY! North Star. An interception would have been impossible simply because of the relative speeds of the two aircraft, plus the fact the Harvard was climbing after a takeoff only six minutes previously 2. A study oi probabilities for the cause of the collision indicates that the only plausible supposition is that the Harvard and North Star pilots did not see each other until the last split, second, if even then. HUMAN EKKOR That is not to say that either i or both of the pilots are blame- less. There must have been hu-I man error somewhere or the ac- 1 cldent would not have occurred. r if B .v - 1 vj '!(..' ': J m 0 - " ' I I City of 40,000 Flooded Towns iamsburg, Farran's Point, Wale.;, Dickinson's Landing, Loullinei-tie and Miiles Roches. Another community, MorrLsburg, will bn partially submerged. All are within a 30-mile stretch on the Ontario shore of the river. No i oiuiniiiiilics on the ,- Kit: will be arfei-ted. . Details (if the major project, which will begin thLs year, were disclosed by Lloyd Davis, reeve ut Iroquois. It is expected the city program will take five vears. Dr. Wells Coates,' a British town planning consultant, h;;s been retained to plan the new community. The Ontario Hydro and New York State Power Authority wi'l pay the cost of moving the town and will also help plan the new site. 215 1st Ave. W. KIDDIE ARCH-PAL RUMMER for ploy and everyday CUSHION HEEL ARCH SUPPORT CUSHION INSOLE Sim? heel fit, lots of toe room. ill colors of: -1 Ml 51 FOICO SKDAN Radio, Heutf-r, Over-drive. $1675 fl? I'OKIi ( I STOM I (IKKOK Beautilill Banff blue. A-l condit.liui. on, y $1985 t VS AT RIKTIIUAY PAIITY Mrs E. A. Pearson (left) Joins in the fun at the birthday party of her friend, Mrs. W. S. Dingman of Toronto who blows out the candles on the cake at her 8th birthday party. Mrs. Pearson. is the mother of L. B. Pearson, minister for external affairs. Your Ford-Monorch Dealer BOB PARKER LIMITED Ruby, Plaid. Blue, Green, Brown, Red, Jade. Sizes 4 to 2. Priced from $2.69 to $2.95 FASHION FOOTWEAR "The Home of Friendly Service i New Ontario To Replace 8 IKOQUOIS, On' ? A new eastern Ontario l-Uv for 40.000 peof!. planned f"om 'he 'roun.1 1 j up, will rise cn the shore line of1 j 'he Si. Lawrence I'iVer alter1 - flooding Tor the Ontario Hydro's i St. I,:wi(-(K-e power project i,; j j .-.( inn'clctl. i The new city of Irormois, ndw j Just a town ci l.luj, will replace j j ei::h communities to be wiped ! ! juI by h'j flooding and will be j j ni vd 1 Vz miles cast of its pres- j cut location between Brockville i and Cornwall. The flooding will result from a big Ontario Hydro control dam I to be located at Iroquois, which i will' widen the river waters over1 the present'-day communities. Communities affected will be Iroquois, Ault-sville. East Will-I JjSTGOG i ii RIDE TO VIOUll (her. quickly. The money 'I Rid in comfort, gel th. fir yeorWm C.C.M. lor av. can pay your then on travelling is olmol lr ond tronsperlo alwayi available. ill iipCS , 'VIMW "W w- - -r'r V " , f' "y When your doctor recommends low Jv 5 butter-(t formula for your bby, uie i '; ... tf t fcp Delta Concentrated Partly " c-io Skimmed Milk. GORDON'S HARDWARE For New Construction and Repair Work SEE GREER & BRIDDEN Phone McRAE BROS. LIMITED LIMITED Phone 909 "The Store that Service Built" - - i Hi i