Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, April 3, 1952 Softness With Children Poor WINNIPEG (P The old sav ' h ' r f ' ' ' ' 1 " H - l ; . UBS!: intc "Spare the rod and spoil the j ; Expert cjCiLei child" is still highly regawa ny Professor Neville Scarf e, new JlieiH $raitlctl mm i . .rt i , del0 can found in blankets. Colors are bright and the red, ' greens and yellows are heightened by strips of navy blue. The latter originally were different! colors. First they were braided and then dyed. , Mrs. Hahn has become so ex- i port that she can make a hooked ; rug in a week. Patterns of this kind arc varied. Blocks and floral patterns are among her favorites. ' Another mat in Mrs. Hahn's collection was made from a burlap bag. The finished product has a soft appearance with muted colors. The burlap is dyed for most of the colors with a bit ! or wool worked in to brighten i the design. . , 1 on"1 Jit'""" Wik Vccp IT N-heo V" cK-an of education at the uni-versity of Manitoba. "Softness for children is as bad a lcohol for grownups." the dea:i says. "It gives a false sense of confidence. Firmness Is lading; today, not kindness." Dean Scarfs, a recent arrival , from Britain and father of three school-agie children., says there, is a leridency in Canada 1o omit any form of drill in physical uraining. He finds tt strange because drill makes. alV't bodies , .. lV. ,,,(Ttt I"" v.ccr'i"S 0 ST. JACOB'S, Ont. r Mats are Mrs. Russell Hahn's stock-in-trade. Her home is filled wi h them, some as large as six by nine feet and weighing sixty pounds. Although Mrs. Hahn has been hooking mats for the last 10 years she said she prefers to make tire braided kind. Material used in this.-type is pure wool or almost pure wool such as can be sure pun and it can We fun. "It's needed by children who TEST tuHI 7 OA 1 V-A"" i cannot play games because Uiey GENERAL ELECTRIC mm iv nAYS -TurO veteran priiitrs wnu wii;u uii uic uiu vy d.iuiiisi.uu jjicoo uu wiiim arent agile enough, Proiesor Scarfe says. "Yet you stress grammar and spelling." Telling a child thin tee Is unsafe is not enough either. "I U'll wiy children it's toin to be painful if they go on the its . . . better a slap than death. ' Perhaps we tiy to protect our children too ' much," he says. "We lull them Into false confidence until they don't know what is dangerous. Don't talk as thvy do on the radio. Speak to them in an adult voice when you speak of danger." The dean says he used to pick up student hitch-hikers, "tout not now. Let them walk ... do them good. These high school boys are just lazy." W nrintinc business and Harry V. Wilson is letired superintendent of the Calgary I P . J .... II.,. 'lumnqiu.. nffi,.o voi Uvata in a font 30 ith Pump t 1 (SJ mfrol 4 II iff Con "Thi'y opcraiea me pit wn-n " vuij u....,c i.u ... v...v Washington press now is se. up in me roiuntia oi -ne ousiness omce oi ine The X! ( Ur FMUTUJ The war hi Korea, bcriiiiihik "BUY QUALITY . . . NOT PRICE' EVIDOIMES ne 25, 1050. in Regime J,i Formation of the North At Prince George to Get Home Finance M 1 1, ML lantic Treaty organization. wjf. marking the first time the U S. siniek a neaeetime military al J Crises 1 Harry FAMED EXPLORER David Thompson in 1807 was N APi Northern B. C. Po wer Co. L tel. Besner Block I'honc -2Ifl Prince Rupert. B.C. Stewart, B C. fr-mi ywrs as Pie-Diitecl Slates have : 1 the first white man to explore ; PRINCE GEORGE A. R. Bilk, loan official of the Mutual Life: Assurance Co., told the eity council and Prince George Board of Trade that his company is prepared to finance an unlimited number of houses here. the Columbia River from its yource to its mouth on the Pacific. For quick results try a Doily News Classified! of onscs. : tches lnmi April n he slopped up proideiH-y on the . liance with European nations., ! Establishment of the Eupro-pean Recovery Program billions of dollars to put postwar Europe back on Its feet. rromulnation of the' Truman doctrine of military and economic aid to countries fighting communism. Launching the program oi technical aid to backward countries. - The Berlin blockade of 1948-49, 't up by the Russians and broken after 327 days by the airlift. Ratification this year of the peace treaty with Japan and of related Pacific pacts. Kim D. Roosevelt; i -hcn nis pian n beint; discasseti Id. "We will accept all reasonable I applications," Mr. Blrk said. j Down payments may range from 20 to 35 percent of the value of the homes. j Interest rates and payments j will be similar to those under j the National Housing Act. . . j Mrs. H. S. Jefferson and i 9 Women know... imi tills line were ' crises like: 4nf oi tlie United i id of I lie Second lnw essential i quality in toilet tissue in, weeks alter no I'll rex for nl diseriniinatinfi vnnien elionse that sjM'-ial kiml f softness , i; the a'l'tmlc ae ol two J.-ipmi-;945 and the later ork on the daughter, Edith, arrived in the ; city on last night's train from j Saskatoon for a visit with Mrs. j Jefferson's brother. J. H. Mair. 1 and niece, Mrs. Elmer Clausen. They will be here for ten days. It is the first time in 20 years that Mr. Mair and his sister have met. The crises on the home front included: The "Great Dobate" Of 1951, touched off by Truman's decision to send six divisions to Gen. Dwitfh, Eisenhower s NATO command, over how much military authority the president has. .b. comnuniin and .d ,ar nh Rus- I v. jr. .mX ZC . X braK - il ) I ' i f f? r7 f i nllRBEK t VELVET-TOUGH RICH AS ,le oi V"' j.Ukean.-- . : 18 wear ana - - & sVin ufi i anv n new l - It dirt. , and water. !TVah just w gaper . HTlf Ul. ..r rooms q" re rl 1.. 1 J1V11T I il Illllf ,.hooae it"1" no rry ..rt Tin 1 " C0NVNCt Kem-T-rcoatet Super on LOOCIDTJG FK A "STASTY Try LIBBY'S the Spaghetti with the cheddar cheese sauce -nrW easily, i- ,ftaler wood or prtf? -nulM and "A onccoatcoversni W1C .Super K.m-l"1 lnw liuttu'k. ..... . ,nl. Now greasy 7.. :,u umif mcwr il : lhumb...nd'," it njht of! Libhy's Spaghetti is different from any other spaghetti you've ever tasted. A specially aged and mellow (Jieililar cheese, cured exclusively for Libby's, gives Libby's Spaghetti tang and flavour no other spaghetti has,. Try it! It's economical! It's quick to prepare and children love its wholesome cheese flavour. Ask for Libby's Spaghetti. l I HIIA SPAGHETTI WITH TOMATO SAUCE AND CHfFSf HOW On "d with . lr, then KENI:CL0 For kitchen and bathroom walU mid woodwork. l.onk mid wnahei like the baked enamel n your new refrigerator, $3. OS quart. USE ALL 3 Or ; I Ptlu i rr llovouc tnllonB. Your JHESE GREAT HOMI DECORATING AIDS "o i.U. J Th Morlln-Snur Company IU. of Canada, Lid. Company Th. Sh.rwln-Wlllldn.. Tk.'C"B"'" ',"n, Cmpny lid. ,Mlwt Broth.,, lid. 6IJTB lUTOR$ AND DEALERS FROM COAST TO COAST