r i . : I 1 i : All Aboard 'nu Prince Kupert Daily News As I See It orltmon 'he Metrrmo, ,a Saturday, May Is. 1954 Quite early In the morning j threatened. "And we'll colli.?', there was a knock, and I opened i your income tax," the door to find two five-year- j "Ml be in Mexico by then." old boys carrying home-made said. "Don't both t sendinc 'iuc fltiR.s on long poles. bT I isliort) down theie, either, "We're from the Canadian- because I won't fill it In." U.S. Mounted," they announced, j v tC-(nare PL-Lit ui Independent dmiT neweptper dTowd to the upbuilding ot Prince Rupert and Northern end CentrtU Brltisli Columbia. Ilember of Cenadtan Press Audit Bun-uu i! circulations Canadian Dilly Newspaper AHbociutlou. Published bf The JTliice Rupert Dully Nm Limited. J. F. UAOOR. President H U. PEKHY. Vice-President Subscription Rates: -t., By carrier Ter week, -i5c; per month. l 00; per year, noon, jj.s, .ilfr By mall Per mostly 75c; per year, MOO. -"t" tuurarued a second class mall by the Pust omre D-partment, Ottawa 7" tl JH'Ss)WSS "Fast work, boys," I said. "I ; clily filed my tax return yes- terday." They glowered at mo, with their flagpoles tilted nt a men- ', aclnn angle. The flass were I made from chunks of discarded j curtain. ! DlNINd ,i'Tv''tf,r '.'0'' "It's a fair pinch," I said. "I knew right along that tliosv medical expenses were nondeductible. They only came to PLEASUP! in j SPARKLING f SURROUND!- Iiulo-China Facts I'M IK FALL of the French-) ! held fortress position of! ll'Men ttien Phu brings thej 1 whole world dangerously j i closer to world war three, j ' ' The worst of all Ihc daiiRrr.s sopms to mi: that the Americans .will 'inteniiiUinializc" the wai'.j ; If lh.it happens- l seems to me i that China will .xuivly tollow j suit. j The world may well he sic ked . -first into a Kieatilir. .sinkhole war- a Dien Bieti Phil on a i larger scale and later into total iius sOvtrtivement it not puOliitid three per cent. Put so.no evil impulse made me put them down." "I got a knife," one of the ;r- or displayed by trie Liquor Conirot Bysrd or lif J1 Goveinmtnt oi British Cotumbi (Commodoreu for I4ew Construction and Repair W k f f .i , t .' . "v5",ta r'JMjiim0't sio '. . SEE ..shunting war, fought with hi' !droncn bombs mid all tile olle i ; devilish paraphernalia of niod-'ern destruction. i a GREs ER & BRIDDI lesting officers announced. "Yes, I realize you boys of j the Canudian-U S. Mounted have to be heavily armed fir thi s work," I said. They udvuncea u .step toward me, placing my eyes in ilaiuyT of being gouged by their flagpoles. "It all started bark in my childhood, officer,' l saU. "My mother never taught me the ilif fereiiec between net and taxable income. I blame her for thi." They cluttered into the Iioum-One of them swung a fdi'irl chunk of lead pipe, us thou'fh to indicate that there had been enough talk, and the lime for action had arrived. ; "One question, before you take mc away," I pleaded. "I lui nv PKKSS PHOTOGRAPHERS covering the. Geneva conference drape themselves artistically on a ladder and along fluted wall as they wait to cover the coming and going of diplomats of the world at the Geneva airport. Note the wide variety of camera v equipment in evidence. LIMITED Smart Investment it involves a considenible element ALTHOUGH of chance, the city councirs decision to spend $500 on having a qualified engineer make an airport survey here is a sound one. Apart from what it accomplishes technically, such a survey will he of value in showing Ottawa that ours is not an attitude of sitting back and complaining- as we wait. If we settled for the routine procedure of protesting and demanding, it might take years if ever to get the federal government seriously interested in our case. There is no guarantee that an engineer's report will make any headway either, hut at least there is the possibility it will raise questions that the government must answer. It might also establish the fact that our purpose is not to quarrel with the government but to discuss rationally a project which could have benefits of a wide scope. The attention of the city's airport committee whose inquiries, incidentally, have made it possible to engage a reputable engineer at a comparatively low price has been centred mainly on Dighy Island's Delusion Ray as a site for the proposed airport. Apparently this was not considered in the government's recent survey and therefore does not figure in the contention that an airport out here would cost about $5,000,000. '.. Those with some knowledge of the subject who have studied Delusion Bay say that its direction is right and its area sufficient, if it can be demonstrated next that the landfill operation involved could he done much more cheaply than building on muskeg, as contemplated in the government report, then Prince Rupert's case should be w ell on the way. - In the final analysis, the expenditure .of $500 Phone 909 215 1st A. OTTAWA DIARY By NORMAN M. MocLEOD . . . . AS Kk - w Villi v AS A PHONE CV of 14.00(1.000 people to support, Our UNO and NATO responsi HKRK AGAIN are the- pertinent j facts about the war in lmlo- i China: f The French imperial authority j is challenged by a native hide- i pendelice movement, which is i led by native Communists. These i native nationalists were in f.nt armed by the Americans, ns in , underground movement cf re- j sistanoe nuuhist the Japanese; forces. ! Wh.Y. the Japanese surrcmt-; ered. Indo-China wa? liberated under a plan, previously arn-in- ! ed. The forces of Chiang K ii- j hek quickly occupied the north- j em part of the country. Tin -y accepted, as the government, the . native administration set up by the resistance forces, under the bilities already are requiring us the Canadian-U S. Mounted is II . - nr the Nation. 'ri to keep armies In Asia and - There isn't too much happiness In Parliament these days over foreign policy developments The situation is far too bristling Willi frustrations for any MP. regardless of whether he sits on the government or opposition side of the Chamber, to be cofn-plucent. There's a growing feeling that the delegation which was des- J7 andsays Western Europe In a lime of j nominal peaae. The Cabinet is i credited with taking the view j that this Is the maximum burden that the Canadian economy can afford. Parliamentary opinion, although it isn't too .satisfied with things as they are, is inclined to v i.oiai and l.unj liisianre Miivihj fine force. But where are your horses?" "We got a covered wagon v.-' : i ; two hundred thousand h)". pulling it," one of them said. "And we're going to put you inside." "Oh no, you're not, copper," I .snarled, dodging btihlnd a elivir and loosing a shot from an imaginary pistol. "I changed my mind." They ran out the door, firing from the hip as they left, "We'll lie back with Barry and We. l. y. and surround the house," tie y lent; time leader Ho Chi Mill piitchcd with so great elation to 1 n' few short weeks 2 In the southern part of the Geneva iust a attlilU. All llil 1 A1LJT i K VltS.I not see any immediately available alternative. PF.CIALLY REDUCE .-.-----. Qur Display SrocJ i country the British commander , ago Canada's first wholly in-; used the surrendered Japanese i tU pendent delegation to any i troops to overpower the native 1 Great Powers conference ul-i resistance leaders to the Xiint j ready represents a lost cause, necessary to restore French au-! It has become apparent that ' I thority. Korea, the issue on which the I But after the original tension.;, 1 Canadian delegation was-brie!-( the native administrations wet? ed to play a leading role, is of ! recognized by all concerned. No-! little more than incidental in- ; Chief To Ask Dismissal i$ not so much a gamble as an investment which, if gotiations about, an outri",lu terest to the gathering that the Of Magistrate it oaVS Off. Will SUrelv be the best for its size that transfer of power were carried fundamental stakes at Issue are. J1 i ' f ! on for many months. , whenher or not Communist; Washers and I) Popular brcomer Prince Rupert KAILS FOK VANCOUVER anil Intermediate Torts Each Thursday at llli p.m. For KETCHIKAN VVri)NLSI)V Midnight the city has ever made. i One of the grimmest jokes of China snail win lull recognition , A w.i ..i: -4 7 ... 4,' I. 1 ;' ; lj r !. 1 --.;. . , - -w - ' . r- ' T . t , ' ' -! V ,:'f' " " f '('AO'' ., . s - L Vi.r ' ( it ' -V If 'v j .-?- ; '''3 4i r '. f vJ .l ,,;-; t..: . :' VANCOUVER (P Chief Andy 1 modern history was this: Th- as a gieni power. Paull, spokesman for the North , i American Brotherhood of In- Regular NC i Communist party of France did I Since Canada is not anxious to Support The Sea Cadets iits best to prevent the . grant ul get squeezed in the conflict of j i dlans. said Thursday he would $389. full independence to the native opinion amongst, the areM i demand the dismissal of L. G. AUTOMATIC WASHER : $429.50 iOYS in III .the .the public public eye eye during during the the week week were were povernment of Indo-China. In Powers over Communist China. ; gaul. stipendiary magistrate at i BOYS vniino-' those days the Communist parly i this turn in the strategy of the ' northern Burns Lake. B.C.. for ' irt ,nfM meetincr is lpnvinir the i t...i; ,.. r .1,,. ; fVinco those tnOSe -smart Smalt nvirr younc; yOling lads latlS l-id in in in bine blue, Oltlt, th the lllv, Koyal ilUJcU Roval Comfort and Service $28? AUTOMATIC DRYER $319.50 Ul riilllll rv an Hi1. .3iiun0- m . . . - .- n ivi.l illtlltl I 13 liu Ul single party in the coalition. It Canadian delegation conspicu- , town's lone beer parlor "for their j expected to be in a position soon I ously on the sidelines. The trust- ; own Kood." For r".ervntinn.i v.THe oi call City or ivpot Office Pi late Rupert. B C. to take over not only all France, ; ration oi our uimomai.s is u.-ing Tne ma0iistrate told a con von- 1 Canadian Sea Cadets. Several days ago they went through their paces in the annual inspection of HMCS Chatham personnel, and since then resi-fJents of Prince Runert have received a letter from l.nw Down Payment Easy Monthly Ter I f ! but all the French colonial pos- i renoeico au uie uioie ouviuus uy U(m n(lre tn(? n;lllv(,s wer(, bar. i .sessions, including Indo-China. (the fact that, marooned along , red ..bprause wn:lt-s the djffer- RUPERT RADIO & ELECT: 1 wiw mm, arr a sraau army oi .... ,..lA.,(,m i,,,,..,.,,,,. ,h.m i ?l-!nlM;Hiff 313 Third Avenue . the sponsoring Navy League of Canada eallmjr, tor, i historians are agreed .that ..... , . the actual shooting war in .support Of this yOUthilll movement. Indo-China was started by tha "H the. PaimjI CuntuMun Ron CatM movcnT'Tlt. , French general-and not by the Canadian news correspondents one at a time or aU at owe - who accomoanicd them to cover i their activities. So far about all ., chl''' p,a lernfd j the mov,e ! "overbearing racial prejudice. the newspapermen have got out : ; ' he mentality Is not man s of the journey is the ride. Cer- that "l ')tllr Canadians. Im ,!. i .iniv ....e nf ii,. m Wn r.ative independence forces. Thrp no flootit. however their i R ' ,M,r luwmrj. sharpening that as the war has pone on the ' kept busy r. ,liw inHi.nrrirli.n(p lumetnpnt ; PCIH U.S. general ii.NK.nig mai ins auuioi- ity be taken away needed a recruiting slogan," the letter remarks, ."it might well be 'Join the Sea Cadetsand See,' for truly in the past several years our' Canadian Sea Cadets have travelled extensively and seen much of the world." Thi.s opportunity foi voting Canadians to has been organized, more and I s,Pny the nill'J of Communist -Tr-ll China isn t more, as just 'another seKmeiit in movement.;011 Gc'va K(,"da Bl re- th, world Communist ts 0U" wa rom he Ca,-, '" ! It is obvious that the native . , . , ,, d an de , eiration have drawn the Cominunlst-lcd forces are get-; .. lh ,m.., "We have a different brand of Indians up there," Magistrate Saul said. "When they were given drinking privileges, it was like taking a person out of darkness and putting him into the light." tin:; supplies, ineludiiv; artillery. (.-roups are goiiiK to see to it journey to tar points- ot tne-world and smittii.au- u ma. c,.. ... ".. that lne conference makes no . .... . i ,. : l ... 41,..:.. niaieuai supJUl l is uiuy .hu..iiln n. rt(., nntvl- n rr ,.r Ih. hr.ifmnns 1 '.--.-".ri:lf "O" V- , ........ eo )UKlyt receive; a training, which-.will lie to, tjfit'ir u-M- lasting. istin ujtoinUiK(iTj.t one whidf (lJsVis UlV oss- frr amount .of assistance $ nchAji. 4iuKr i Hi, if. artiihoriMe Aiiouie hv-produet of tlio r-m'i weatm.-r and iw iwi appear ; ' ible encouragement and support. It may also he warm days of early until the spring. Daily iMe.vs Classifieds I was head over heels in debt..cW tftc 6cm frxuttd it out have been getting from the U.S. The U S A. would have no more LEGAL right to send in armies to Indo-China, than would Ked China. But a victory for the local Red forces would extend the Communist world empire just ui truly as'if all Indo-China were captured by Russian or Chinese soldiers. Geneva Conference, as well as of the French defeat In Indo-China. is the growing interest In ii new regional security alliance in Southeast Asia. But on thi.s topic, too, Canada's action so far is negative. The government hasn't stated publicly the reasons for its policy. It is believed, however, it considers new commitments in Southeast Asia would be too much for a nation .ViWA-iWA .kept in mind that, while allof us jray war -will 'never again fasten on the world, the 'presence of these hoys is added assurance that if this ever occurs,- Canada's navy will he ahle to carry on the brave and valuable part which it has had in the past. l et us help the boys who may one day be called uj)on to help us. 1954 Frigidaire Refrigerators He emphasized GOOn maybo but he I THOUGHT he'd fire mc, didn't. REFLECTS and REMINISCES Kay fifty' - jXfciasa credit said the om wav to establish aj maintain a good cred record is by purchasm? OH MY PAPPA TO ME HE LOOKS SO WONDERFUL TO ME HE LOOKS SO GOOD Poppa' is hep, he bought on A-1 Used Car ot Parker's. Momma doesn't look so bad either as she helped pa pick it out. Anyone would Jook good in one of PARKER'S A-1 SPECIALS. These and many others to choose from. only what we know can pay for on the dat it is due ... and paym promptly when the ci. comes in. Instead, he let me know in a nice sort of way what a dumbbell I was how I was spoiling my own chances for a promotion and belter pay how I was building up a reputation for carelessness and ' It was fifty years ago whan Winston Churchill, as a newspaperman, spent a while in the Jlnaa area of the Nile in Uganda, lie chanced to write, at that time: "It would be easy to let the Nile begin its long and benc-ficlent journey by leaping through a turbine. Jinga is destined to become a very important place. In the economy of central Africa." A few weeks ago, Queen Elizabeth, in Jinga, pressed a button and exactly fulfilled Churchill's prediction. IMPOSSIBLE TO ADMIRE i The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Atluntic seaway is controversial to say the lea-st! and has not yet reached an enduring fact. But there is no question about how the situation is shaping in thai, direction. This has been envisioned for a century and recommended by every president since Harding. But a city such a.s New York dislikes as much as ever the idea of Its vast seaport trade flowing in other directions. If you enjoy the repu ,rni1l '51 FORD SEDAN 2 tone AIL accessories Really a Beauty $1650 '47 CHEV. COUPE Motor overhauled; new tires A Buy For $750 tation of paying l.il a nroiriDt y,-yuu l" buy almost anything: BE SURE TO ATTEND THE MUSIC AND DRAMA FESTIVAL MAY 11 TO 14 AS LOW AS $269 " . 7 Models to Choose From TRADF-INS ACCEPTED Terms as low as want, anywneit, . time-and pay W later. PRINCE RUPERT RETAIL CKED! GRANTOR'S ASSOCIATION '50 PLYMOUTH Good Condition throughout. You Can't Go Wrong For $1225 '51 PREFECT SEDAN Like new condition. A Bargain Special $675 A P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ALFRED L. BELL, C.A. Resident Partner Prince Rupert 325 Fourth Avenue East Telephone: Red 879 Terrace Prince George Vancouver Quesnel $26.95 ,,HWrl $14.50 """""'y "The Store that Service Built" McRAE BROS. LTD. Phone 6 or 36 YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER BOB PARKER LTD. "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" l c. ' 1 J H r sm