Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday. May 15, 1954 f Bureau n L . Drama, Elocution Wind Up . . . . irnnli.n,, (Continued from f r,, 11 I Tdnn tr Successful Festival Terry Keanc and Emma Wcb- The adjudicator gave this pl.iy 1 i 'rHf . . -1 i. ( J ' P i . i i N I .jilt' i 'J lys Keauy live Help L. National Retail r"... iioni fan- ,rk inn"--- 11 - - ' (he l hi1' ,ked Pbil H. L f heFrince dan w" - the main L the J"P'S his.7 - - )ir. r II. LINZEY. ...... , , ate in a crcan nccs are you have. ,nuiries and there's find out about you. iv rcoimt in the city? "reliant will want to 1 nr nwn vnlir ihcre you're employ- vknown to you, your l-ted Bureau is an old It to Ii;03 wncn rhants. fed up with ti, pooled the lii-their non-paying mutual Diotectlon. Mutual Communicn- by the way, is sun lumped the Atlantic 1, 1835. Today, In the United States, :oou business coll Kill ated with credit ho then depend on is mitli their more 0 case histories) to 1" or "go" sign. 1 about your paying ir bad. nunes to the its affiliated mcr-often the bureau afield to get the background. This is ique coupon system. if in value from 50 help defray Initial ipons are recognized member bureaus monthly through learine house. bad debts is one of jobs, but not the int. Setting people Important. Say a p to their necks in fd credit and see no 11 it is recoinmcnd- rll at the Credit Page 1) Pat Paulsen's portrayal of Hopwood's daughter, Mary, was a good consistent performance and Bruce McCall'g interpretation of Johnny, Mary's boy friend was excellent. Mrs. Doreen McCall was director and Wilfred Toop stage manager. - i "Mirror To Elizabeth" was the second play, a drama about Queen Elizabeth I and her cour;, in the days of the threat to England of the Spanish Armada. Mr. Dobbie termed it a creditable performance of a difficult play. In both this and the first play he praised costumes and stage set. The Elizabethan play, he said, depended for its success on a definite style of acting, and particularly the dialogue tecn-nique. The pseudo 16th century dlaloeue naif nol oeen mastered by the players. Womci comprised the entire cast, with the exception of a page boy, and the adjudicator said that the director should have placed more emphasis on the differences in character of the women, to establish their Individuality for the audience. Barbara Giraud as the queen gave a compelling performance, he said. Rhoda Redell, Lorna Mclvin, Bonnie McCall and Ehtna O'Hanlon, all ladies of the court, gave well-styled performances. former fc3ithnfj $3aclt jor Uiiit Spending a two-week visit at' the home of ' their son, bank manager Ron Allen, are Mr. and Mrs. Denny Allen of Victoria. who arrived here Wednesday aboard the SS Prince RiiDert Long time Prince Rupert residents, before moving to Victoria .five - years ago, - Mr. and Mrs. ....... Allen plan to return south at the ' end of the month. , j I cu..,...g OTe, reaoers Cof h for old gold Bulger's ! Mc Moose Whist Drive, Saturday !8 p m 1114) Hear Arthur T.alnft, B C. f.l'o' pral f inrlnr u t ,-,.11,, T,.n o PKtUlCTING a quick demise for the currently popular toreador pants (because few women, including movie stars have the figure for them), Hollywood designer Renie prescribes the looser, more-flattering lines of the harem trousers. Actress Elaine Stewart, who wears Renie's- harem pants (left) In "The Adventures of Hajji Baba," disputes the designer's theory by cutting a mighty cute figure in the tight toreador style (right) u marns, Marilyn Farmer 70, i Tayte McNeicc 75, Donna Beck- : er 70, Ken McKinnon 72. KKSl LI S i Choral x-Jkliie. (Oracle land 2) Borden Street school 66; Annuncia- I tlon. 82; Conrad St. 80. : Klwii'lou ft .-e 6) Allen Cazes ! 64. David Allen 64. Donald Gratham ' 76. Paddy Greene 78. 1 Kloi'Utliin (Grade 2) Hutrh Tucker 32. Irene SnibtM 72. Adrlenne Rtid 8. Donald McNeil 66 Folk d.iiKhi( Annunciation school 88 'hi S, Tap ImiiiImk Doreen Al- 1 bert 82. Clam 4 llraina Terrace Clvl: ; Centre Drama Assoclntlon. "Pacific Coast Tragedy" production 220 (of , a possible 3001. Allan McCall, 70. Barbara Olraud 75, Pat Paulsen 85. , Aaran Haaland, 70. Bruce McCall 83 Terrace Civic Centre Drama "Mi-- i ror To Elizabeth' Production 20S. Rhoda Redell 70, Lome Melvln 65. B'-nnle McCall 70 Terry Kesne 75. Ehtna O'Hanlon 66. Emma Webber Vtt, Barbara Uiraud (the Wueen 80, Master Webber 78. i Terrace Woman Wins $500 Prize! For sending in a winning name for a Scottie dog to a Canada- J wide contest sponsored by' Swift's Canadian Comoanv. Mrs. I M. Hodges of Terrace will re- j ceive a cheque for $500. I The money represents second ; prize in the nation-wide dog food contest. ! a in fie ej CHOP SUEY . . . . . . CHOW MEIN " Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Ordcrt Phone V VANCOUVER 5 Hours $44.85 One Way Phone 795 T 215 Second si. Phone bit) Valerie Dcarden as Konir Rne took her part very well the adjudicator told her. Her gestures were graceful and she charmed the audience with her delightful personality and lovely laugh. Donna Doutzlas as thP darln gave a firm performance. Mr. Dobbie said, and Joanne Prockter as Chang handled the emotional scenes very nicely. The play received 85 mark.?, Valeree Dearden 92, Donna Douglas 78, Joanne Prockter 85. EXCELLENT DANCE Mr. Dobbie thought "A Minuet Dance" by Annunciation School excellent. Folk dancing is good for young people, he said as it tends to improve their poise. He added that the costuming was very good and the foot work precise. A second play from Booth Memorial High School entitled, "The First Dress Suit" was a poor type of play, more suited for radio than the stage Mr. Dobbie said. The better written a play is the more one can do with it. A poor play is a constant struggle, he said. The director did very well, and the actors gave good performances, especially, considering the material wun wnicn tney had to work. Many Attend Eastern Star Annual Tea, Sale . The Masonic Hall in Prince ' Rupert was the scene Thursday j ' afternoon of the annual spring tea and sale sponsored by the Order of the Eastern Star. Lovely spring flowers set the 1 decorative theme for the sue-' cessfui event at which Worthy Matron Mrs. It. Parent received the many guests. A beautiful bouauet. nf stories ' and tulips, with tall pink tapers j on a nand-c rocheted cloth centred the scrvine table whiip small sprays of bluebells graced ' tne tea tables. Mrs. T. H. Wilford wan ircncrnl convener of the affair at which Mrs. T. J. Boulter, Mrs. E. J. i Smith, Mrs. W. D. Vance and ; Mrs. J. Alexander poured tea. i Featured were sales of novel- i ties, home cooking nd candy, i Mri. R. Cameron, Mrs. A. Mit- ! chell. Mrs. J. H JpffHoo Mrs. A. J. Dominate weri in charge of the novelty booth. Selling home cooking were Mrs. E. Saunders, Mrs. J. W. Eastwood, Mrs. G. Murray and, Mrs. W. White while at the candv stall were Mrs. D. Knstmnnson and Mrs. E. M. Forbes. The tea room committee In-eluded Mrs. P. Berg, Mrs. W. Wasyk, Mrs. J. Mussalem. Mrs. E. Turner, Mrs. A. Rosenhurgh. Mrs. W. E. Halliwell, Mrs. J. Mc- : Lcod, Lcoa, Mrs. Mrs. A. a. Kr'stmanson rr'stmanson and and i Mrs , McGregor .In charge of i . i ruiumry arraiiEements were Mrs N McKav Mrs A P Craw ley. Mrs D Main and Mrs C . , tsresnin. 1 .... t w o i.; a. . iti. v, as cnsiiiKr and Mrs. M. Rhodes- was - in chnrgp nf riernrntlnns &cr, aiso laain of the court, were particularly good with nice authority and poise. Mister Webber also won plaudits for his portrayal of the page. Ernest Nordquist was director and Wilfred Toop stage manager. GOOD SHOWMANSHIP The young lap dancer, Doreen Albert, in her dance clog, showed surprising showmanship in one so young, said Mr. Dobbie. She had achieved good rhythm with a few lapses and good technique. The youngster's dance was cut off at mid-point when someone behind stage accidentally unplugged the record player, but Doreen, after a dash olf stage, returned for a pretty curtsy and dance-stepped off stage. Friday morning was devoted to choral speaking and elocution. Three Grade 1 and 2 groups In choral speaking gave delightful performances. "Little Black Sambo" by Borden St. School was nicely done, Mr. Dobbie said and their interpretation highly Imaginative. "Hi d I n g" by Annunciation School had unusual sweetness of tone, with sad tonal suggestions. Interpretation was excellent, projection good, the adjudicator said. "Choosing Shoes" by Conrad St. School had nice strong tones, the diction was precise and clear. It was beautifully projected. Elocution se.'cciii ns by four contestants in Grade 0 were presented very well, with forceful elocution. Mr. Dobbie said. The stories could have been taken a liule slower- Projection was good and dicNon for the most part excellent, There followed four elocution classes by Grade 2 pupils. Mr. Dobbie said 11, was rnce to see such young children, having ;;o much confidence and talent. Their ....... diction clca uii-wui, was vao very iti J rlenne Reid led the elocution ,ciasc with the high mark of P8 Certificates """caies were wtre piuiea picked up up at ai the awards table. The Awards Committee consists of Mrs. F. E. Anficld one' Sister Mary Lawrence. Mrs. C. Ham and Mi's. N. Youngs, Mrs. F. E. Anfiela and Mis. Joan Cross. Adjudicator's clerks wore Mrs. R. G. Large and Mrs. Earl Becker. Hfll-KNOWH PI.V A beautiful Chinese nlav st3(r- ! t(j Dy the Booth Memorial Junior urama uiud was the first item on the afternoon program. The ; -- Chang, htnasome secretary to t he mandnrin. The niandnrin -- lorolas "le marriage, as ne nas promised his daughter's hand In o von ....... llhv nlHnv m n pV, .nl v-" ...j The I ni ad aninn indicator ptnr f-,r.n,rl.t thnusht th - - direction very good and capably li uiuitu. Joyce Hilda Tattersall Wed to Louis Giordano The rainbow-like hues of her of aqua stamped taffeta with attendants' gowns formed a navy accessories, while the pretty full for the traditional groom's mother was gowned in White WOrn bv one of Prlnri. e,,.o ...i.i. ...v.,.. Fast Passenger and Freight Sailings from Prince Rupert (All times Daylight Saving) To Vancouver Friday and Sunday 8:00 p.m. To Kitimat Friday 8:00 p.m. To Kemano Sunday 8:00 p.m. To Stewart, Alice Arm Saturday 6:00 a.m. To .M.isset and North Queen Charlottes Thursday 6:00 a.m.; May 6, 20, and June 3. To South Queen Charlottes-May 13, 27 and June 10. Pagsenger Reservations Freight Bookings LES SMITH Piiiii.e Ruptit Agent jut Third Avenue Phone 568 serving B.C. since 1889 tee 013 h 3.39'75-: ' Easy Terms GORDON & ANDERSON Phone 46 TO cessories. Both wore pink and white carnations en corsaee Mr. John Thomnson was man ter of ceremonies, proposing the t.. .k k,i;.r::Z,: Ruperts loveliest misses, Joyce ; Hilda Tattersall. when she he came the bride of Louis Arthur Giordano. ti, hri,i ... , ,,, T "'"" : Miss Prince Rupert and Miss Northern B.C. n 1950 Is rim-h. oi.u i cauii:B Mrs. Alien saia or ner visit here .' congratulatory telegrams f oin Mr. and Mrs. Allen moved to j friends and re at ves In Km,ii,nHiPi.i o i -- - - - - .ihiuMu M uuci v p i lilt; JT J I JSt ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tat- j and various points in Canada. ! World War, and for years Mr tersall. 738 Taylor Street, and! Serving refreshments w e re ! Allen was emploved fit the Can-thc groori is son of Mr. and Mrs. j Miss Shirley Haugan. Miss Fran- t adian National dry-dock O. UiUIUill O Ul f ICC KIIIV'IT discuss their prob- i formerly of Kelowna. 'j i ilHIC HKUllllK. U11U Diiu ir- i" n L . . m"n: " no'- ' Ultor.' consent, the .h.h- ffl o' the annunciation Wednesday off the creditors on ; 'Z I U....H .1 ( ... , uuin, muring nve Maria.' at you sav .' You i ni; , .... ; .... wmii in mill i iniif ;:v nr' lurmng? How ) father, the rnmnnt hri,u ! ywho delivers your ; hoantirni m . i lies doing it . ' on et. with strapless bodice of lace xh and telephone ; i and skirt pf deep lace points over ! "A t In fact, credit .no,. A ,are m.kH with stand-up i ndian community I, ii.,r j in ,, - ' ui7)jpl!iy "Romance of the Willow I Pattern," Is a well known and Lic.n iJidlrs Anxlllnrv Vic-: highly imaginative piny, verv tor a Dr.n"e. Mnv 21. I.rirlrn A. id-1 npt material for a Junior Drama Mnrium. Music by Jnke's Rhvth n club, Mr. Dobbie said. Kins. Rnf-eshmcnts sold. M- Koong See, daughter of a mission $1.00. (Ki 1 mndar n wis a beautiful, mvth- m rnjMi i?,.io,, : leal Chinese mrlrien in love Willi 2 lor every man J,xd the gown H Uce mid. Paying hnblU -h iiici (. irn are Interest. ;by and rhlnMtn. n. 'learned that on ,.,usfj,a f.Ii ahethnn cr, ...h examination of she carrlcd a of j ' Pay their bills rm 1 irceni make pay-1 ... j . dr- Attendants were M.! Beth Asiona, miss Madeline Youne- '.?' -...-'tl ' - . f' if ... - . . . .,1 K Jl . k ' "1 -., i ' 1' t " . . Hi 'V 3 If J m ., , r J' J 4 - . ,-!.' er-l . ';: ' , , - ELLIS man and young Carol Hewer, niece of the groom. A nialri nf hnnnr Ki. Act..ln v. ,.'.. ,, ,a worc a charming ballerina length COWn of turntinlsp ... nnt nvpr In. ' - - - lu,,,,, oi.iatiu:.-v) uuvin c and graceful net stole. Miss Yrjunemnn was brlrie:mniri In a pink gown, styled similarly to ,hat of the mttltl of nonor- and Carol Carol was was flower flower Girl girl In In a a nrettv pretty !!.. fwk fwk of of n pink ' Ilk nv nylon , nn nc net . u' with .... Ih krt lace. i 1 ' AJ1 AJ1 .11 ... three three wore wore i ha halos , os of of net. net and and : flowers en tone. Tjic two senior nttendnnts enrrled RDrnvs of pink roses while the flower girl carried a colonial bounuet of pink carnations centred with a rose of r w A K with Food . K , . ,.,., ,ju, , 6"turtBV. Bannn Chooolite iiL- .ith Drv.onn rKrtir,i i. i ,ui.c iv - i Ing, 55c. Have you tried oiir Wholewhcnt. ralsiit nut m-i"(n-j rv. , . r - ,... lkiii i loige- 1,0-op unricnca u- . . un... 1 .. .. 1. ,11 i-Mii v,,ur ui"st uiiv, nsK Itir 11 by name at your grocers. (113) Srlt arr i-Ke like i-crrv Forrv everv every Pun- nun- day. Weather permitting. Phone .... n-.j nen n'.u ao-. 111! 'I'l VIIIS- It Nil. VlilKUM Sealed tenders will be received by te District Forester. Prince Rupert. I c... not Inter than noon on the 7th day of June. 1H54. fnr the pur-rhane of Licence X61H98. to cut 7fl,000 cubic feet of Spruce, Hem-loelc. Cedar. Rfll.snm. and otne: spe-lles snwlui's on the area situated Wiinv-nlim I'l'rt. TTt11 (.11 vc.-3rs will be allowed lor removal of timber. Pi.rtliri; particulars of the Deputy Minister of Forests, Victoria. B C or the District Forester Prince Rupert. B C. Ranger E. Hlady. Prince Rupert. B.C. (ltc) Broadway Cafe .9 BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING 1 t)K TAKE OUT OltDKKS Phone 200 I KETCHIKAh deeper pink. Best man was Mr. Ravniond LIS 1V1IIIIII V. IV! NK M ' ( r P lilt- tersall, Miss Nellie Bill and Miss Hazel Tweed. Piano music was provijfd by Mrs. J. Thompson and solus were sung py Mrs. M. Karasosky and Mr. Peter Richards. Durinir the evenii-L' the hririr I Dresented her braimirt tn Iww ' - i grandmother.- Mrs. . V,.Tattcr- roll The young c0,lple are ntaking ! lh(,lr hne Bt 774"A sixUl Avrnue West - : Board Accepts r I -r- I Ka Rahi h mar ender for Painting Tnrir nf tisn .nhmiitnH h Ronnie Rahmer, to paint the two swlmminj pools, the bathhouses ... , ... ... ana Dcncnts ai Mruiynioni pniK , Wi)S accepted this week by the ti.,..i. . u i it .. .. ai iva umi u. iiupc was CAirucu - umt tno woik oe completed Dy .. ri. ni.n,m ir,i,i n. j Wt.irr! (lint Ihf nuinl hnH alrrncl , been purchased. . . . ..... ., "c oouru lias asKeu in 1 ,. city engineering department to .,. , ., irniove me loys iuiiium i,ne north boundary of Gyro Pur. The logs were put there during the wintertime to keep cars from driving onto the Softball outfield. The move followed a re quest by Prince Rupert Little League association for usj of the p;l,.k Momlays Tuesdays and j niirsdnys. Chnirman Pat ror- man sui gestcd " ' the logs be taken ' B.V: 1"L ' in,,,,!,,,, nvor them ' t.ollowlnB UlP ilMwime by ( ,,,,,, ,, i':tl i-'ornian Hint one (lf ,ho nrts (or ,Ue u.nniH )lnt . ones net warrant ai.scarciin?. I fom,nlS!4lmer B()b Ehy suggested Ihitt an inventory ol park pro-: y be drrlwn up We nm.,d k wi,,lt rna j ntlI. nniinitiipiit, ik In' l-.hv i said. ! Mr. Fonnan stated that both' nel npprl nn'jir -cnliliv i'ml tll-il 1 a new ratchet was needed at the tennis com U. Commissioner Murrfiy asked why the nets were not up, since the board hud approved a ino-: ion to "tiMinse a new net at the last meeting. Commissioner Haliittno rrDorted timt prices on nylon nets had bevn written for, and ,HU t USl would be "heavy AeeordlnE to a report submit ted to the board, th.t rock wall it, Mct'lymont Park hps cost $2,738.32, and has been reported ! as being 40 per cent completed by the city eni;incer. Commissioner McRne estimated that this amount was annroxlmatolv 54 per cent of the $5,100 allotted for i he wnrk Pommlssioner Mui rnv I estimated that another $2,500 i would have to be added to the estimates for work at the park. Chairman Tat Forman assured the board that the work still to be done would be more quickly now. Oiordano Olordiuio, croom. AND - J bf sent one ,.....! or two I ', two and a half , ''t to be forced to tat about the re-'half of one per ' e learned, are the T!r Pay at all." ol a bad record. ! l"'".. Ff'Tn I l v ! U It 1 I ii " 'Inn, , !,,.. ,n n , iiiiu. , 1 "iT c h.M.i ai ,s ' 'iH HKl. I'lllisinulr St .! 1(H) pm. ' ,T, UT R A.. r1 neiiM 8 ' Yi.unir st. , t- fftl Aritrobiis j -lllreen IIA ' 'KIMiinMN "ni'ie f:at WriKlit. ).n. ; MM; j M I'M nn" " ' Alfliiii. w,.t L U. SIH r ' IUriTii 013) III,,, ' 1 't ntra "1 Mr.-, r Wl t-M pi,,' JU'Ji : J l ll l II . . ' M H-o. .-Bride HtrTt ( oisen (Black oio) f 1 1 hi:! ''" '. . " U-inii,,,,, 'IIU. ii I ( "Mi, ,, f t ..... S'TVI..,. .,,, I and usher Mr. Joe rwitH Keul hnii -. r I Un .....i wvNina 1,1 mi 1 The hridnl nnrtv and bimllv ; were entertained at a wedding sunp"r at he home of the, groom s hrolher-ln-law and sis-1 iter Mr. and Mrs. A. Rossi, 714 ,, i ? rcc,"li', 'a held at the . . - m. The bride s table held a pretty three-tlrr cake, topped with a ALL ALASKA MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY PHONE 266 Coll ot our Uptown Office ...... ......t i,..vo, u, V....- ,.,.,,, V-,,,,,- r - Vvv nl,'d bv Ml'8- Andrew Thompson. i.Flnnktnu the rake were sprays I 1 VIS K . of smlnir flowers 'I i -. r v s Vj, .1 v : For the event, the brldeV mother chose an afternoon dress Sl'KDUN tJl'IFT EAST OR INSTEAD, Ens. f -I!ev. O. Golcling-BIrd explained why Ihe church bells in this Surrey district stouued suddenly in mld-pral: " One of the boll-1 ringers had rheumatism." ASPIRATION S" FIRESTONE CHAMPIONS ft m m f r S - g PHONE 400 x,6, $4.95 P Plus your old tire Z " Wr V SUPER SERVICE to be held this SUNDAY EVENING, MAY 16 nl the porr Edward Community Hall gartered bus will be leaving Prince Rupert n'EXt'P Bt 9 10 fl'" lhe Lutheran Church. MEETING MAY 30 SALVATION ARMY At the Corner of Zuil ami 2nd. Where the Service Is 2ml to None