OTTAWA DIARY By N- t J i. - s Plinth iiiyza Daily fleWS i L 'Monday, November 30, 1933 '-n Independent dsll? newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and Central British Columbia, i Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Dailv News Limited. J. P. MAQOR, President H. G PERRY, Vice-President 'Experts whom the Fe d e r a l , waged, approximately U-o-thirds Government has retained in an of the province's natural as re-effnrf tn secure an imoartial ' sources are helmr a ""tmentai n, , A 'St bfiunrt opinion upon the gas pipeline I Hon of the power which thpy 1 rei ommetidat!;r, controversy which threatens to I have available would be suffl-' ,1 1. 1 ' 1 1 y . 1 become the stormiest issue of the clent for them to carry out the present session are said authori- 1 oil exploration and development tutively to have reported in favor , towards which they now are de-of the all-Canadian route and j voting their present natural gas ft e "a Al I Aboard Bv G. E. MORTIMORE AVAW.'iWJVAvMWAV Tvo women went visiting a new acquaintance. "Let's sit down," their hostess said, and the visitors prepared to sink into eomfortable chairs. But a look of mingled dismay and reproach on the lady's fate kept them .standing. Then the truth dawned. The lady of the house didn't want them to sit in the .comfortable chairs. She was herding them politely toward the kitchen. Those comfortable chairs were beautifully upholstered, and free from any stain. The w no.e room, lauaninsdv o'led against tne export 01 ananian nnfls. The balance is being Natural as to United States i wasted until It can be DiDed tn markets, some commercial market. The present prospect Is that that market will be Eastern Canada. The government has enlisted the advice of its own Their opinion is of importance mainly because it indicates the proposition around which the pipelines battle of the present session will be waged- The advocates of gas export are going to have to hatllo against government policy, rather than have it on their side. Unquestionably, If the experts had decided ths oilier way, the champions of the all-C'unadiun route wouldn't have taken their 1 teal NAVY RUM i n 3, verdict lying down. They would have put on .ne same sort of a crusade that the advocates of export now will wage. The experts who have been looVIng into the Albertan natural gas problem are mostly highly qualified personnel in the Federal Department of Mines. They are said to have reported to the ! government that Alberta gas can be sold as cheaply In the Ontario fund Montreal markets as United ; States natural gas lmiorted from FINANCE MINISTER ABBOTT reviews' the Bank Act which is up for its regular 10-year revision in the first session of the 22nd Parliament which opened early this month. Mr. Abbott recently wanted to quit the finance portfolio but was persuaded to remain until the bank amendments are approved. French Premier Rises from Obscurity To Top World Position in Five Months I Tennessee. In fact, the experfc j say that the Albertan gas will be i slightly cheaper to the consumer. ) -The reason for the higher price 1 of the United States product is the "sitting room" or the "living room, ' was as mean & a whistle. But the chairs were never meant to be sat in. and the room was never meant to be lived in. The room was a kind of domestic museum, kept to impress people with the wealth, good taste and housekeeping skill of tne lady who controlled it. So into the kitchen the visitors went, and perched on hard wooden seats. Of course the kitchen was spotless, too. Floor, stove and sink were pol-i.-lud to a high gloss. Every saucepan, every knife, foric and spoon was put away wh-'ie it belonged. The visitors felt themselves to be the only objects out of place in that exemplary house. Sooner or. later the hostess would get a broom and sweep them into the garbage can, or absent mindedly rub them tlown. wit.i furniture polish. That was hot a lone specimen. There are many more like it. Sometimes you can identify such a house by the shoes at the doorstep. The lady cf the place, like the priestess of an Oriental temple, makes people remove their shoes before they enter to worship at her domestic shrine. One day we will hear of a lady who has carried housekeeping zeal to its logical end. and moved the family out of the hcuse into a kennel In the yard, keeping the house itself as a showplace. Every now and then the lady will enter the house wearing an antiseptic By HARVEY HUDSON Fa-mers are ansry because agrl- to be the fa(,t that tne plpe. cultural prices have been going llne delivering it traverses some down. City dwellers are unhappy, alr!y denso!y populated areas because there has been no cor-;whpre substantial payment has responding drop at the retail to matlc t0 )and proprietors level. He lost the goodwill of the, for the ,)f crossing their This idveniwrnent it not published or displayed by 1 h Licjuor ( onirul llrj or by ihe tuivcrnment of llriiish Columbia. property. The all-Canadian route, by contrast, will go for a word leaked out that he was to raise retirement Subscription Rates: By carrier Per weejt, 25c; per month. 1 00; per year, 1COO. gjjkSn - tisjc By mall Per month. 75e; pvr year, $8 00. Hutborlzed as second class mall by the Post Office Department. Ottawa Voters Take Action P THE CivieAffairs Association at its mcetintr .": tonight succeeds in finding; and endoi'sinjr a slate Ttf candidates! the civic elections who are qualified to give jUteejty good government, it will be a ;ioteworthy t$y'ihjfe of what an aroused electorate ;$n do in its own behalf. Naturally the association's efforts will lie of -;itle avail unless its candidates are elected. But the Evidence will be there that voters of this city intend j;o do their utmost to ensure that their affairs are '.handled in a responsible manner. An attitude of Avatchfulness is being established which, with the passage of time, is certain to make itself felt in breedings of the council chamber. 'X! While the present council has received some strong criticism, it does not follow that this applies "individually to every member. In fact, it has been Incorrectly remarked that this council has the mak-J'ings of a very good one. It contains the elements of ' Vide representation and includes members who have sober and cooperative view of the problems at : hand. '' ' Unfortunately much of this ability has gone to 'Waste, and the city has buffered sorely from hotheaded and repetitive debates which lead nowhere. On Dec. 10 voters will be offered a chance to ,'repair this condition. It is thus reassuring to note ttbat," with the help of an organization like the CAA, .'.they will go to the polls with some agreement on what is to be done. Good attendance at the meeting tonight will mean additional assurance that the agreement will be translated into action. Introducing Santa Claus I OOKING at Christmas with the charitable L thought that they can make it a happier occasion for some children, members of the Kinsmen Club are once more getting ready for their Party Pack campaign. ' As they offer their packs for sale, it is wort,h remembering that through their efforts Santa Claus will become a very real person for some families who otherwise might not make his acquaintance. It is to be noted that this year the Kinsmen Kiddies' Christmas Party has been discontinued in favor of giving pleasure to youngsters on a' more selective basis. The change seems like a wise one. A few extra little favors will 'not be missed by most children, but a special surprise where it is most deserved will certainly be appreciated. The party at Miller Bay hospital will go on 3 before, much to the joy of the children there. So buy a Party Pack and make some little heart beat more quickly this Christmas. planning ages. PARIS )AP) When Joseph! Laniel arrives In Bermuda this week for the three-power con- j ference he will have made a five-, month jump from obscurity to a i seat alongside the mighty. Laniel has been a member of four cabinets since 1932, but was almost ui known la.s. wrr.'i he bcaue jl.emier. And his days as premier are numbered. The French Parliament soon will elect a new president and Laniel will resign. He already is considered a lame duck premier in France, in no position to make long commitments. Laniel, now 64, is one of the richest deputies in the National LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN! AND ACCESSORIES substantial part of its route across the barren Crown lands of Lake Superior' and Northern Ontario. It will solve. In. consequence, some very substantial right-of-way payments. Although a battle-to-the-death a'ppcars in prospect over the Issue of an all-Canadian pipeline. Alberta government influences Engineers Seek $T 3 5-Day Raise MONTREAL (CP) The 100,000-mrmber International Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen COMPLETE SETS from and Engineers Und.) has an- ; are known to be pressing for an r.ounced It will demand a $1.35-; earliest possible settling of the a-day wage Increase, a five-dny ; matter. The Alberta authorities 1.95 29 Assembly. His fortune is based on week and other benefits In its ; point out that, during the period UP that the argument Is being LAY AWAY NOW WHILE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE mask to flush out dust and' iu flus""- aimwa jy ins new labor contract with caii- germs that have found jnti-' .-greatgrandfather In 180'!. ada's railway companies v easy lodging inside. , j HEART EATER The. present contract expires People will be allowed to peer j " He is "known as a hearty eater,! Felj- 18- 1954-at the rooms through the win- 1 with a special liking for seafood, j Other principal domands arc dows, providing they are care-. 'His 2(10 pounds are well propor-! time-and-a-half for work on OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER ,57-2rd Ave. Phone 212 RUPERT RADIO AND UC ul not to leav any noseprints tioned over a five-foot-10 frame. statutory holidays and revision A massive head set close to broadi of the present vacation-witn-shoulders gives him the appear- pay agreement. 313 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert aiu:e ui an uver-age wrestler. Lanie is rated a good listener in conferences. He Is a poor", "That's where we used to live," thefchildren will explain. But if the 'housewife begins polishing the kennel in the yard as w-ell, the family had better move out of it into tent, ardi4' for the best. orator, i In five" months as premier Lan-1 lei ha.? collected nlentv of tnmns.i APPEAL u 3 AIL ELIGIBLE VOTERS IN THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT ' ARE URGED TO ATTEND A CIVIC AFFAIRS ASSOCIATION To Pick Out Thot )f GRUEN f -ELGIN f BULOVA for Christmas. 0cci enc USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY PLAN ''iVfciBirW'i4w i t Bit . r TO BE HELD IN THE ' A Nova Scotia child is reported ed and to be viewed with pride to have fainted in school becausj is back again. of malnutrition. It's seldom any- thing like that happens in Can-. DASHING IT OFF ada, let alcne away down east. 'Alas. "The Man Who Wouldn't Canadian Legion Auditorium nevermeiess, u s sorrowiully true Talk" FLOOR SANDING mat wnen food prices run up, more than space-filling is needed in the way of real A hoax, a flop and such Now someone can dash off a book : Or Rent a Sander "The Man Who Talked too MONDAY MOV. much.'" Ex. WESTWARD HO! After the lapse of 70 years, the site of old "Cripple Camp" has been found, and will be restored to use, this time as a park-play You can't keep trouble from coming, but. you needn't give it a chair to sit on. GREER & BRIDDEN LIMITED 215 First Ave. W. Phone 909 AT 7:30 p.m. Business: ground In co-operation with the j BELIEVED SEEN town cf Gravelbourg In Saskat- After the Queen had attended chewan It was in the year 1874 the Ascot race meeting recently, the original detachment of the the president of the British Met North West Mounted Police start-' thnriLst. cnnfprpn n.u ot. ed their famous march westward. ' tacks on Her Majesty. The Dally To discuss the four civic referendum to come before the voters on December 10th. To hear candidates for any civic office who may wish to speak on their own behalf. To select suitoble candidates for civic offices for endorsation by the membership of the Civic Affairs Association. rT u,c B'"1 P'ams, mey Mirror and Dail Sketch have found a variety of trouble. mm to her deferfee. "There are At what they chose to call, shady characters everywhere ( Cripple Camp" electric storms even in church congregations," swept the stricken prairies. So 'observed the Mirror did fires. Watering places , had ' become useless, because of utiliz-! HOWLERS ation by buffalo. The mounties! a hospital is where you go struggled on, finally gaining the j to be born. The highest of the banks of the Bow and locating. Alps is Blanc Mange. A man The going had been tough, and I is known by the company he now "Cripple Camp," re-discover-1 keeps avoiding 1 Any persons seeking civic office at the' December Tenth civic election are cordially invited to attend this meeting, and tospeaK for a limited time on his or her own behalf. Ah n n Imported from United States 'Ihe American Girl" in Leathers . . . Suedes . . . Patent Leather Black . . . Red . . . Brown . . . Green Cuban ... Hi Heels . . . Pumps . . . Sandals FASHION FOOTWEAR For Extra Volue For Christmas Giving FAMOUS WATCHES Bulova, Hamilton, Elgin, Cyma, Mercury and many others. ViandVsoff See our many other Gift Items ONE-THIRD Off CITY BUSINESS IS BIG BUSINESS - IT'S YOUR BU COME and BRING YOUR FRIENDS SANSON'S Your Friendly Jeweller