T jf. Prince Ruperl Daily News Monday, November 30, 1953 New Movie 'Premiered' on TV Set By HOB THOMAS I local theatre owner provides the ting ' a "small "HU. 20,000 Idled by Engravers' Strike not film to be shown on pay-as-you NEW YORK AP) A union struck afternoon papers coula lunaoie marnn '"t i- ed at 2.500.000 stepped up from about 360.000. Vi profit.- iernbcrsriip meeting was called.be published today. ti,o u..roM Trii,,,no the on v ine iuonaay mornina tuiiious i PALM SPRINGS, Calif. (API : The wedding of television and i motion picture Industries has i taken place in this desert re-1 sort town. It remains to be seen ; whether the marriage will take. principal newspaper not affect- of the Times. Daily News and ed by the strike, published a Daily Mirror did not appear. STOP lor today in the photo enuiav-ers' strike which has closed down six major New York City newspapers, and a union spokesman said none of the three BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD vt ream lined einht-Daee edition ine sirucn aiiernocm papels mr The and tnH-Tv with n nress run estimat- the World-Telegram bee TV. 'ine movie plays in his theatre snd on TV the same night. He collects for both- "Theatres have always been the backbone of our Industry," assured Paramount president Barney Balaban at a press conference Saturday. But he added that 7 of the U.S. public do noi now see the average U.S. film, and the movie industry is net- and J o u r n a 1-American Sun SUFFER!; Fnr Saturday night a new movie, Forever Female, was premiered at the Plaza theatre. - It was also shown on a special TV channel at a cost of $1 25 a living room. tl r,. .- nolit,inn"T"J Dale Subs For Champion Proves Hoinsite Wrons If you know Mr. Heinsite (and if you play much bridge I don't see how you can miss him) you "will know that he has the irritating habit of looking into the defenders' hand when he is the dummy. Thus he has information which hi partner, the declarer. lmwt til JT. 1 Some . 70 unrxcrlhrr to th. l telemeter service plunked that much'channe into a coin box on i their TV sets to see the movie. Film executives galore were present to proclaim the event. Sam Goldwyn termed it "a historic occasion." It marked th! lh method, h, OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10, Stone Building Phone Blue 593 sol' Mow, Post. Television and radio statioi"..-increased the length and frequency of their news broadcasts. Herald Tribune engraving is done by an outside commercial fi;m. and the newspaper is nol involved in the dispute between the publishers and Local I of the AFL International Photo Engravers Union The six newspapers, were forced to close down because members of other unions, including mechanical and other craft and editorial and business department workers, have re-spitted the photo engrave! o' picket lines. The photo engravers, who struck early Saturday in a dispute over their demands for a doe; how not have, and he is able to figure out in advance . first time that tn a new movie ., , , , , , , , , i , ... , ; has been seen on TV: and 2) the hand should be played. Or how he thinks KI1)oney nas been collected to T 1 see such entertainment on home should be played. i Hats For The Festive Season 5 WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE ... sets. I i i nnueh to redouole but he r?- Does this mean you will soon fused to let Mr. Dale's double i be seeing new movies on your I'Verfere with the normal enure? j TV set for a fee? Probably not. of his side's blddlns. He h"i a The big problem is to get ap--ise to two spades so he uncle proval of the federal commun-lt iciitlons commission. 8o far the AMinst the fiml contrac t i f FCC has ruled the air is free four spades Mr. D'lle cashed and no one can be -charged for the kinsr and ace of hrnrU He broadcasts. TV is brought to then led a third hich heirt Palm Springs via wire. If the hand is not plaved ae.-rordin? to his pattern, he is not satisfied and everybody 'mows it. This applies even though the alternative line of play used by declarer brings in exactly as many tricks. In today's deal. Mr. Heinsite nnde the correct call on his c uds on the first round of bidding. He did not have quite wage increase and other bene-1 fits, make metal plates for the. reproduction of pictures and illustrations on newsprint. L asm . ' The combined circulation of nd Mr. Abel ruffed. Mr. Abel' Another hurdle appears: Wh-.t i'' i that he could make the bid happens to movie theatres? the strikebound newspapers is , more than 5.000.000. The strike! of 400 photo engravers idled ; about 20,000 other newspaper: employees. I if he could avoid two di:rmnd . ...... . " '' svsir.w tv)lTru lMr Plnylns carefully, he led , to the ace of clubs .returned a' Telemeter, . which is half- !,luh and ruf.'c-l It low IT. 11 owned by Paramount, offers lis M I V- I USEftt HINT No. 15 j i J 2 Conned ntgsloblti few i VITAL ELEMENT ! The yield of tobacco lpnf '!- j 'he rix of spades to duni ny's solution. In Palm Springs, thei : eiTi ruffed anoth'-r c hi1) i ' vgeloblt. putt wol, 1 imnr nnA mil l i"nds largely on the amount of trith the eight of spades nitrogen in the soil. Planes Hit Vietminh South dealer Neither side vulnerable North Mr. ' lleln.ilr) S A J 4 H 8 7 5 D 6 4 O A 0 V f -t r ant (Mr. Dulr) (Mrn. Keen) S-7 810 H A K Q 10 H 8 4 3 D K 10 3 D J 7 0 3 C K J S C Q 10 7 4 a houth (Mr. AIm-I) S K D I I ( i i h j a D A Q 8 C8 The bidding: . SrHh '"Mtt North Ent 1 S Dble i a Pos 4 S All Pass Here Mr. Dale's kin drunpel. r ummy was en eied aitli1 bv leading the nine of spades to the jack. The four of diamonds was returned and Mr. Abel planned to play his clcht snot. ) RoyalOtyV HANOI, Indo-China AP" French fighter and bomber hus end-playing Mr. Dale. But Mrs- Keen put up the lack. Mr. 1 ) iiCEECuB (i : . -i :Abel played the queen and Mr. iDale won with the king, j So Mr. Dale was end-plnyed if-nyway He was out of black j ards. If he led back a heyrt, ' Mr. Abel could ruff In dummy ! vhile discarding the eight of oi.imonds from his hand. TVs- perately. he led the trey of Hi - LAYAWAY PLAN? j planes Saturday attacked Com-m'mlst-led Vietminh offensive preparations north and northwest of Hanoi for the 18th straight day. : The air squadrons blasted at the Vietminh highway over ! which supplle are brought from Communist China, and at troop 'concentrations outside the rim of the Red river delta. RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles CFPR ELLIS AIR LINES GROUP FARES We should say not! "Everybody knows that Milk must be fresh. That is why our milk, shipped straight from the farms of the Bulkley Valley Milk Producers' Association, is delivered to you bright and early on the day following its arrival In the city. munds hoping Mr. Abel would . not put up dummy's nine and , thnt Mrs. Keen held the eiTht But this lead, too, gave Mr. Abl the rest of the tricks. "You should have ruffed nut my last club," said Mr Heinsite. 'Suppose Dale had held an-; Uher club. It would have been SPECIAL ON Steel Oil Tanks Any organized group consisting of eight or more persons is eligible for our special reduced fores. S SS.Ot S 75.00 $ 90.00 110 pal. Tajik... 27S (ik'truK-.. 37S M. Tirtk .. (Subject to Change) MOKTJAT PM. :0'l lipifcer Serenade 6 4S St. Andrew's Day Program 7:00 CBO News 7.15 CBC News Roundup 7S0 BC.Proflle 8:00 Presenting ... 8:15 CBC Symn'hony Orch. a OO Nstionsl FSirm Radio Forum 8:30 Cafe Continental 10.00 CBC News 10:10 BC News 10:15 Provincial Affairs I 10:30 Bob McMullln Show I 11:mi Weather: Miltleal MaHlrriece 11:311 Music Till Midnight, 12:00 Blgn-oB TUEiiDAT 'am. ! 7:00 B C Fishermen's Fruadcw S50 Oal. Tank J110.00 8 Pror, ,Tw Etr All tank made of t2-cauge uteel Industrial Welding a sare out-cara. . "Wrong again, Heinsite." put In Mr. Dale. "If he trumps your fourth club, he would have to use dummy's last trump as on ntry. Then he'd have no end-olay at all. When I was in with 'he (iiarr.ind I could just lead a "ood heart." REDUCTION FOR GROUPS OF 8 OR MORE. REDUCTION FOR 100 15 flrren KK4, ZZA. first Avtnue v ? r v ' 'i . r :5 .Vgrttf V -k f:. It m.h,. H i Z, -a , , ...! ,ar. 1 " V"1';'-' V "..in- 'IV vl7 1-, It i' J It 4. hk. b ,-" 1 YJMi ! ,&l rS ' ' 'fr ir j r s xiJ i-v.-" 1 V- ; -"lit ' -. , . i'-. GROUPS OF 16 OR MORE. And Santa will point out to you . . . that on Christmas Day and on every other day . . . Milk is the best food value for your money. Phone 18 FOR HOME DELIVERY NORTHLAND DAIRY LIMITED NORTHERN TRODliCE FOR NORTHERN CONSUMERS SPORTS EAMS . , . CLUfS f U , 1 1 J 7:1" Mu-h al ( Iim a i-h-crc Nrw-i: Wca'her Beiv 7:31 Muli-iil rim-lc 8:0O CBC News; Weather 810 Here's BUI Oooo 8:I.V MiHntltr hetotlulis :Ml Reroril Allium o-no BBC News and Commentary 9:l.-Mnlnl Miir.h-I'ast Q :tn Vfnrnlncv Coneert . . Today to Wednesday POWDER RIVER with ' RORY CALHOUN - CORINNE CALVET .... . Jl ..-.. v ;? Meet -your friends in, Aloska of low , .. '..'(' A ir, Imk term IciA. ': ( ELLIS AIR LINfi 1 10:00 Morn Inn Visit 4JUm'Qnnijni , ffntcrtaluii'' . CAPITOL ' " ; Also Khnuft at 7 - 9 n. m. can or our urrice or rnnB r A FAMOI S PLATERS THEATRE MaIBiBall2 iii:j nrttftwra hiih i iiiimih-10:45 The Jimmy Shields Uhow 11:00 Your Good Neighbor 11:15 Kindergarten of the Air Message Period 1 1 :45 hcttllfjilialatl AleliHllen PM l'!:IMI R4irn tears T'mi hmMi 13:25 Interlude U:5 CBC 8howca.se 12:30 B C Farm Broadcast 12:55 Rec. Int. USE- GEO. COOK Jewell ON 0 er's THE SCREEN! Tht most delightful musical treat in the 50 year history of motion pictures. r f a -i'i Atir.W; J ';: 'V ' " 1 li I j f r Christmas Layaway Plan 1 :00 Af terntjon Concert 1 :45 Today's CHlCBt 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 1 rails-Canada Mattnoe :l."i Kerd for Vmi 8:45 Yesterday s Favorites 4:15 The Barney Pott Show 4:30 The Oriole's Nest 4:45 Sleepyttme Storyteller .Villi MlHll (lliilullHIS n-uIIm 5:15 International Commentary 6:20 CBC News; Weather Report 5 30 -At Homo With the Lennlcks 6:55 Have You Heard? deposit will hold A smal TERRACE any article until Christmas PRINCE RUPERT 5? Evenings 7:-9:p.m ' rUANS ai irm starring ROBERT MORLEY MAURICE ..ikin Sit MAICOM SAUGfNT ' UCSTK tobacco I M mildet ftj$aJ-Z'Ua ,-y k frk. Wt 1 Canada's MjUest C3arcttc TUE I nunnu. CVMPHONY UK e m v v w m - COMPANY TOTEAA A FAMOUS FLAYERS THEATRE D'OYLY CARTE OPERA WITH TM OlOtlOUS VOICf S Of TM v ."yrr,. "1 .Jf v'-i'-- I--fk-..'"'ii5, "WOT