Thursday, January la, 195'i Father Donates Playing Field As Memorial 'tWer Special' Takes Rupert Club Members to Smithers 'Spiel It looked almost Ilk the CNR bfrs of the Prime Rupert Curlingf They will compete In the 27th ..,i,. iwial"iCIub boarded the train for; annual bonspiel of Smithers Mrs. Mart Kermey Puts on E'ue Connet !ngs !ts Praises! '1 . Ill 'Alice McMeekin Chanty Hockey Games Again Tops Ladies Figure Skaters to Entertain In F.Ye-Pin League Spectators Between Matches - lTZ More than 75 hockey player, and enihu, ,.,.,.,1 in the Klks Club last nitfht to wloet teams j 737. , . , for she had T1 rtt t ! Bowling Annettes, vmduy s chanty came at the Rotary Club rink Mme oi 237. 245 nd 255 to help Tia TTniwrlTv fit Priritih Cf: - lan night when some 20 mem- Smithers. Curling Club which started I last I ! ; umbla wm haw , new p:aying for local rinks, . might, with craws fieW tJiL, year M a memor,;aI t0 land continues through Monday. one of Rs graduater l This year there are fiye events, K wW be the WUIiam Euf,,n2 with curlers from Hazelton. Tei-.MacIrlnes Memori;U r,(.ld an(. Lake and . ' race, Burns otherfimf. ,u rivlonn,(.n, n:iv. i i . y ' .. v h i . , l. - s y ! a. t . VAffi mm ft"yt. . . t W r - northern towns participating gWen to thf, VrAvPry hy Up for competiuori are: the'w H MarInnes of e7-,7 cypres, , Heggie Trophy; B V. Collieries . father f u le whrjm (h on Second Avenue. ,Mm "" lhre P"",u Irom Hum YANKEES TOP TEAM AGAIN OLENDALE, Cal. AP "That's Just terrific. I feel rather great to hear the team received the honor." So said manager Casey Stengel when told his world ehampiim New York Yankee baseball team was voted the "team of thj year" for ir52 in the Associated Press annual poll. That made it three- straight year the honor went to the Yankees and Stengel thinks his 1S53 outfit might make the grade again. V Gyro Club players and supporter at on toe ear.t side of Ingers Set Agree Pierre had high r.lngle In "A" .f 'Clfl NfW ,Hnieia; Buitiey noi'.-i iropny, ; I Wall tld will be named. imperial Oil trophy and the Electric trophy. I William Eugene Maclnnes 7-as j Travelling by train from hvrej awarded his BA in U. : dotiWe 1 'were; Bert Rowebotham's rink, degree of Arts and Mining En-composed of Al Manson, Art ! gineering. He died in the sum-KrLstman-son and Bill Mto; l a Qf vm wni)e attempting to; ; ecord With the huge clubroom and the Flics ,url?1 ,)ad h h of , M the west to hear Bill Sto.w on of 2,948 ahd Annettes, high three outline the program. j in B Division. Marg Arney Because of the response fori with 2H2 was high single and players, it was deckled to play Kdna Bond had high, three of twj jsws with th f!r pi''!' m 1.;..! lit VwjI Mrs. Mart -.r ni'iUiffir fnme. Hi i K IliAvr-f Mur- Game Win lri i cross the Htimatha River, in !he j iFhv. Kmil Blain and Bill Meieh- W. i-ii ttr"i to .unit (Wire! T-.M'.wn I afifiilmll ltwi- Sin- lfin r.ene Hnllistnn and Billl1"""1' Mount, lli scheduled for 2:30 p.m. The Tollers had high single All nroceeds from the iramn'same and also high three, with Jackie Robinson Signs Again .np to survey r.;ir-ir"5; propertiei. Anderson, Jack Paul ana Angus . . t. r I X yoi.rC CP.-The resurg-York Rangers have wt ,, record fur NHL wln-sit,.4k tiu season two will go toward the Kinsmen m n ' 789 respectively. Club DC. Polio Fund. j u',,:, . ' , . McDonald; skip Jim Stewart with on Don. Cliff Ham and Bud Bedford. XT D.,l,rl.v,n hA. rinlf (L'lin But May be Last Year For Him Remember Where "i ntvisinn ounriNe ljiou r Between games two figure- pr,.,,,, n inverleafs 4. Man. - P "i - NEW YORK I API This may Robinson was the highest paid .,vn ":,,, ;h. prir... Tt.i governors of the National Hockey League 12 years ago today established automatic fin-s In, mi the I, it luif.'t'li-. Vim II love li.t.i xk I'.i i k Iismi yeiir-r.mmi liiltnli'.e:-.! vulnf, ton. Il prewnt ill p,l. -ii-v ll"' 'U:iHt u.iinil-t, eii h quarN-r is nt'hvi'lijHliy Wr-a'fei in pure ftfuniitim f'.ti with jntKT parcluiierit limi.2. And you'll rcnliv wve money wh-n VOU WJ- llVirxK. i'.l.l K lillNSI'.T. l.njoy Uki i K Bu t: linvxt.r run. wuii'iuesiKi "miil v. ( .i-l gi.latil-yetlnw Ui.ixl.i. l!u t litfsbi. j m be the last year for Jackie Rob- ptaysr on the ciub and that the Rupert curling CUD earlier thte inson, nignesi saianeo jjiayci m taries oi ux wiuuk-u jui P,n-rs took the mighty "K"n expert-Mar ueane mM 0 tK,rdon & Anderson 3. H"l 'wings 3-2 last night Ruly Kkelton-will perform i.u( ky strike, 1 ; Annettes 3. Stars '; mi their win Sunday ,or the spectator 1; BaVoys 2, Doms Department v. r Huston. They hndntj Gyro Club members will wear 2; New Laurel 2, Lyons 2. H wire in a row before ( maroon sweater and the Elks; "B" Illusion- Big Sisters 4, ..,., 1111 be in white. Prinre Rupert Plumbing 0; Co- week. Earl Gordon and Dr. R.;0f $25 each (or plavers tstkiig Wilson will join skip Roy Collin-1 part ln f ignU they did not or. son on their arrivaL 'iginate. The rule was intended Collinson left las". Sunday on to discourage free-for-ail brawls a business trip to Prince George which had marred play in New und expected to leach Smithers York, Chicago and Montii?al dur-last night ling the 1940-41 season. w. .mesrti. nights other 1 Anyone with hockey equip- op 4. McKay 0; Commercials 4, Brooklyn history and the Dodf;- under $100,000. trs' greatest drawing card. i Kubinsun, wh is Kendins "Although he said, "I hop; to a busy winter operating his have another year after this; own department store In New ne." the brilliant second base- j York's Harlem district, head-nan indicated he mlht call it ! in a housing project and luita after lln 1S'3 sts'icn. : cr-rinj as a radw exeeutive, ,t Toronto Maple Leaf' merit n it In ue who wUhe to Bkeena Orotery 0; Seventh Aw-Mit t lurai o Black Hawks, lend it to the players was akel nue Market 4. Rupert Radio 0; to et in contact wan Biii Sim..', Telle n J, 75 Taxi 1: BuIrts 3, --'j Try Daily Mews Went Ads Four" other players, skip Bill , ... t York's high-scoring line J or Oarnet Hull. vw i h mart (Mis umLeriient dur- said lie has no desljns to stay i MiKenzle with Church Os'.ertag, Hec McDonald and Dom Domin- in baseball once he is through i ng a. press conference staged by j th. ivwiri in announce the as a player. i hiiain. Paul oniy ano , Head r,tfTet wUi bf rjb Schu-llerftesheimer accounted iman who lflirMd hi, hockey at n. R.noer.i' first two tal- v,.... tt-...w MCs' are still having a hard time iu the mixed ten-pin bowl- r ato left by car Tuesday. , it,inth.": "I Viave n final " he said signing oi urji.. .... j - -- - -- - . Ann?h.r Prin(. , curler, i league and so far haven't in!. Pet.; 3b.mdo. former ,., . , .,,, 'nK UUUU-imiLaJ Robinson. Peewee Keese ona wain w ' , V .! got Into the win column. ! Harlem. That win laxe a iox oi,J-tn ntmin . In this wevk's matches, they the 'spiel wilh three men select "I'm certain I have one more 'money I'm trying to do this A'Hi-. drv.-e hame the third j, JjMWW maple Leafs. !!, -i'-1 rotil. 1111 be msi.'fd by L. MrMuUen " and K. 2..;wvK.l. dropper! four points to the said . through my store. tne s,re tKl ymrnmn Chumps while tV.nor.took three Luxuritm "&jr$," Dcp Nyln File . . . wJtmi-f, tmicr . -. slip oa wwirlj ed from other centres, which brings to seven the number competing under the Prince Rupert Curling club banner. atu-r DUiiir.a mi kjhsiuic es'.i- ! secure. While the Oyms Lave differetr ' point from Art Murray's to hold goalie for each game, the Kiks firrt place In the six-team loop for an lockey Scores contract calling mated $38,000. "I aw to have i Robinson, who U be 34 on Jan. hope wiil r?ly on Miner B!mund.n rry Watson o. the Chumps 31. will be playing his seventh ill. - Canary 1. fdmonton' another year.' Vic Carohe I a spare goa'ie for' had high single game of 212, hnrl HUT L consecutlve season with Brook .una 2, Seattle 3. ) but Dcinors Bill Anderson also Dodger vice-president E. J. Buzzle Bavasi declined to dis- IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE lyn this year. He joined the club t-lll.-Pentlcton 0. K.eiowni aim uu s the Gyro Club. Each game will consist of . -. 15-mlnute perlci. rnnn 1. Kamloops 8. close the figures but admitted in 1947. got into the 200 bracket with 204 Art ObKin. with games of 178. 1M and 189 for a 559 total Here are the teams: i 4 J 3YROS (flrt team: Goal - Miner, defence. Miite CALLS Young. Don Stewart, B t Youns. Bill lsm; first string, Jn May. Peter Mora, Kunrn Chrbten; vcond string. Frank D.ifoe. Chanple Smith. George Seherk. third string. Mitch Tanaka, Kran-rta Matsuba, Jerry Ford ELKS (first team: Goal Miner Slmundsen, defence, Geo PPULAR If quail was high man. j High lady was Bev Mat son Of Northern Distributor who hsdi gani 'S of 14fl. 173 and 173 !or' 4'2 Jean Sharj)e was high single j with 181. j Delnor had high single game; of Hbl and aLto high three with i .2.311. ! j Results: Chumps 4, MC.'l 8; j ! ix-inor 3, Art Murray s 1; North-! em DU'.r.buters 3. Spares 1. j Standings; Delnor 11; Spare 18: Chumps 8. Northern DtsXrib-; uter 7. Art Murray 2; M C.' 0. Is? a Bobwmits 1m cjuail rirve ClouHer, Dave Abel, Louis Knu.-son; first string. Frenchy Vlger, Don Haw ryluk. Gordon Cameron; ecnd string, J je Griesiel, Ge, KAt.OI-Kl Mucirc-ME ,nf VVMrnl TMCV WAVE BE EM I 'tFFR TMC N5ATR IS U5- Watertight "Velarv s Ml iitd" NtIoo in S tbotcc of five glim- uuroui colours WUKfOkOM ( $11.95 x, . : V : f ' ."...": -k f - ' . ., I-'1 . . ' j .- " . . " ' " i r i Tr ii f B B y A 'WHOtL-Ktf " WHlTtE. rr i Bradley. Tom MnsU'y; thirl trlng. Don Ken Malm- . gren, Jim Plnnlger. j GYROS i vcond teanw: Goal; Ken Burnett; defence, Bl.l Stone. Dave Radford, John Mac- Donald; first string. H'rb Yminu. i Harold Whalen. Fhortv Johnw; j f R-WMITE" ri c it 1 f. 'oev; ' I Rrc GAWBCL iL tS-iUF A , C.HAAA. ' OlAAA CAllt nv iwmim h romp sfArrrn sennd string. Emll Blain, Frank I Hl.-k. Ed Monkman; thtrat string, Vic Duplisse. tiordon Cap- j lette. Howard Taylor. 1 m Gambfu QUAil WEEK-END SPECIALS at THE UNIVERSAL rf? Snuggledown Nightgowns Sizes Small, Medium and Lorge in Blue, y!jr Pink nnd Moize. xlA'. For thot extra comfort during this cold Np T i weather be sure and see these nightgowns, W hV Re9U'0r $4"95 SPECIAL V- W Snuggies ,IJ z.loT... 79c Rayon Briefs . Small, Medium and Large. White, Pink, TOf I .UU blue and maize - Slips , $1.99 . All white. Sizes 32 to 42. Camisole top SPECIAL Sizes 8'... to H. Newest spring shades p9IT for $3.50 Clearance of Wool 4-ply wool. All colors , 3 bolls for $100 EtKS i second tcam: Oonl Nfln.'r Simundscn; riefence, Har vey S.Odork. Bill Mason , Ken Hill; flrrt string. Ken Balkwiil, Vie Irvrng, Arnold Jonasen; mc- ,rf liA C MTAKNS' QUAIL'S T Cr-MMON CALL rS T APAPID CMt.RR-B-B. .'f 't ' . - 1 J . i . M l' . .V. 1 i 1 1 7 ond string. G. B 'Toei Blake. George Simpwn, Din MeAara. third trln. Cliff Waawn, E.irl MrFee. Dave Burgess. uEr OUAIL HAVE A VARIETY AU., TM6 MOST COMMON S iA-rA "Ouit, ooit, am ' IS WOUfHAlM 00 AH. CALU. FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1953 As Always -). PLACE ORDERS NOW Culture Contest Underway to Promote Football LONDON (CP) The Football Association "culture contest," Included In the boy's plans for t0th anniversary celebrations ON SALE ATl I this year, hss attracted entries ! from more than 1.000 painters. i Vogue Shoes Limited v sea Buy jtc: sculptors and other artists. Prizes are worth about $8,500. Officially the contest Is known as the football and fine arts competition. Competitors must follow a strict football theme In their art entries a game of association football or somethlns directly connected with It. THE UNIVERSAL Box 638 506 3rd W. Green 595 Dibb Printing Co. :i r of Fine Quality Furs Bill Scubys Jainiwv Clearance MUSKRAT SIDE A Ms MUSKRAT BACK PERSIAN LAMB A m HUDSON SEAL (Dyed Muskrat) In (Dyed) (Dyed! (Dyed) Luxuriously styled CANADIAN SQUIRREL (Dyed) Luxurious fur, styled with a luxurious air. Soft and light weight. $375.00 Three-Quarter and Full Length. Siies 12 to 20 Three-Quarter and Full Length Sizes 12 to 20 A Gleaming jet black. Cocktail Sleeve and Cuffs ' $425.00 ill $350.00 $295.00 $425.00 a.m. Your Opportunity to Save 50 on That Fur Coat. Starting Friday 9