rrint.e kuuf' U'-"'y 'XJtwi Thursday. M..J 2e. i!63 North Koreans Want to Give Cigarettes to ROK Repatriates TOKYO iReuters More '.nan J.iiOO North Korean prisoners have asked permis.ion to end gift cigarettes to South Korean sick and wounded repatriated recently by the Communists. The United Nations prisoner-of-war command said the prisoners seek to make the gift out of their daily ration as a "mark of thankj" for the humane treatment they are receiving. Large Crowd Attends Bazaar Held Here by Women of the Moose LA IRAVIAIA TO BE PLAYED AT CLUB MEET Beginning Friday, the Music Appreciation Club at the Civic Centre will feature complete operas instead of their regular winter program. lMtH4 WO mi I Many took advantage of fine i weather to attend the recent A f nazaar neia oy me women oi tne Everyone is invited to go and , ; enjoy the opera on records. La ; : Traviata is the fir.-t of the sum- ; V CORONATIOI ! Senior Regent Mrs. F. De Biass received the guests. General ! convener was Mrs. L. Holder. i The following were in charge ! of the various stalls and concessions: j Sewing Mrs Fred Barber, as-i sisted by Mrs J. Thompson, Mrs liiffi season offerings. i The opera " La Traviata" takes i M:s. D. Morrison and Mrs. R. Armstrong. In the kitchen were Mrs. L. Paabe. Mrs. B Gilmour, Mrs. J H Jefferies, Mrs. T. Chri.stoff, Mrs. G Shenton. Mrs. A. F. Mar-Mrs. B Bellamy, Mrs. G. M.-Kay and Mrs. D McKay. In charge of the fish pond and the publicity committee were Mrs. A. E Norton and Mrs. Raabe. with fortune telling by Mrs. E. Keehn. Door prizes were won by Mrs. Bacon. Mrs. O. Stegavg, Mrs. J. Morrison, Mrs. Glenn, Mrs. Sam Haugan and Mrs. Helen Anton-iuck. CVshier was Mrs. Haugan. SANDAL With Matching Handbag -; : r.- 4 i I Nv '-41.,. 4 i -J ; L. Hustings and Mrs. J. T. Kas-pei. Delicatessen Mrs. F. Good, assisted by Mrs. J:m Bacon anci Mrs. George Robinson. Home cooking Mrs. Fred Grimbie and Mrs. L. Orimble. Candy stall Mrs. H Paulson, assisted by Mrs. J. Flewin ami Mrs M. Heise. Novelties Mrs. H. S. Harrison and Mrs. T. Glenn. Pourers were Mrs. O. Tweed. Mrs W. Bussy. Mrs. C. Mclntyre and Mrs. P. Bond; in charge of doilies were Mrs. J. Morrison. Mrs. C. Erickson, Mrs. A. Ritchie and Mrs. S. Simpson Serving were Mrs. A. Eveleigh, Mrs. E. Lugren. Mrs. C. Larsen, Only J ft r t ",!f 1 15Hrs. 40Min. FfO Ttrrac HONOLULU $?03.50 CELEBRATING HER OWN BIRTHDAY, as well as the official observance of the Queen's birthday, Mrs. Brandt Johnston, 62, of Toronto, wa'ked C2 miles from Beamsville, Out., to Toronto in 18 hours. She took an estimated 165.000 steps. Last year on her 61st birthday she walked 61 miles. Every 10 miles or so she took off hei running shoes and let the soles of her feet feel the earth She broke into a run every few miles. Next morning, up bright and early she "did a great big washing." Her son, 24, helps her change sox. Handbag -$12.95 Shoes - $13.95 A beautifully matched set in genuine Cobra . . . Multicolor Red, White and Blue. r I II 11 . CaMtuliaM (Pacific Smithers Couple Heading South place in Paris and surrounding country during the 19th century. Act I A lively party in the house of Violetta who has abandoned herself to a life of pleasure. Young Aifreda Germont is presented to her and he at once succumbs to the charm of the frail but beautiful creature. His sincerity opens a new feeling and pure love in her heart, she realizes for the first time the shallowness of her life and the moral disgrace of her position. Coughing spells indicate that she is the victim of consumption. Act II In a country house three months later Aifreda and ' Violetta are happy together. Alfredo discovers that Violetta is secretly selling her possessions to maintain their establishment. Determined to, end this situation he leaves for Paris. In his absence, his father arrives and find?- Violetta alone. He tells her that his son's union with her not only is injurious to him in the eyes of the world but will prevent Alfrecla's sister from marrying a wealthy noble, who has made known his intention of renouncing her if Aifreda does not give up Viletta. Deeply touched, Violetta resolves to sacrifice her own happiness and leaves the house af'er writing a farewell note to Alfredo. He returns to the house to receive it and to listen to an appeal from his father, then follows Violetta to Paris. Change of Scene Salon in the hotel of Flora, one of Violetta's friends. There Aifredo again meets Violetta who is now under the protection of the Baron Douphal. Unaware of her sacrifice, he flung the money he won gambling at her feet. His father enters and reproaches him for the insult. Act III Violetta's chamber. She has returned home to die of Women's Canadian Club to Present Bursary at Graduation Exercises Cttntuft your Travel ARt I C4Ad,n 9tiHe Airlinci, Pruuu 79 SMITHERS. An extender holiday trip to Mexico is plan - ; ned by Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Jack- j fon who left Smithers this week ; by train for Prince Rupert. They will travel by boat to Vanco'i-1 er, where they will entrain for Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs Jackson intend Mrs. Shelford Darton wa.s elected president last night of the Women s Canadian Club here at its annual meeting. Other officers are Mrs W. D. Smith, vice-president; Mrs. J. J. Thompson. Mrs. Hubert Ward , and Mrs. Thomas Christie. i A bursary of $100 will be ; awarded by the cluo at graduation exercises tomorrow night, it was decided, and given to "th? most outstanding student in ; L lM,,,-VfI:l Donaldson, secretary; Mrs. John ' tn mntnr from that, cilv in Mpv- FAMILY SHOE STORE Wakley, assistant secretary; Mrs. 1 1 nglish Arts wno is denniteiy ic0 Tney will relurn t0 smith-Allan Rutherford, treasurer: j intending to enter university tTS by train via Salt Lake cit . Mrs. Harold Thorns, assistant ; and who is most deserving of Ulah treasurer. i this help." LIMITED CHARLIE ROBERTS Box 638 Phone 3; Members or the executive are ! n aiscussiun was neiu on j . Mrs. W. H. Graham, Mrs. Andy : forming a joint men's and worn- i '.,,,..,. 11 U (I oil ens Canadian Club. Decision The tomplrte iTarel Service Slurb j 0T Sent. 27 '27 3C Canada' i's 11th annual Ni- 1 Immuni imunization Week will 1 1 ed this year from Sep- Joyce Pottle Honored At Shower tional will be left to the first meeting ! of the new executive. j I Annual reports were given dealing With the operation of the club during the past year.; Mrs F. E. Anfield, retiring pres- ident, said she was very pleased with the past year's activities. ! The outgoing executive pre-1 be observe under tember 27 to October 3. Health the leadership of th GRUNT . GROAN League of Canada. This is a nationwide educational campaign to bring to th attention of all parents the protection against diphtheria lockjaw, whooping cough and smallpox which is available to thwr children wherever the live. rented to the incoming officers a "guest book" to keep a record of all guest speakers who w.ll visit the club. This was the final general meeting before activity resumes in September. consumption which has progres- , A brWal shower for Mlss jovce sed until there is no hope for ' , . . , PoUle' whose 10 Ja':K her. Too late, Alfredo learns the I" truth. PauL Jr.. takes place next week. With his father he hurries to ""as held at the home of Mrs. the dying woman seeking to : DUS Kerr, 229 Eighth Avenue comfort her and ask her hand Past. in marriage. This brings to her Highlight of the evening was a final gleam of happiness, but the presentation of gifts, car-she is too weak to more than bid j ried in a decorated ba.sinnet a tender adieu to her lover. complete with "baby" by you no; ! Bruce Kerr. Wide skirts of the don baby concealed the many gifts. Miss Jean Sharpe and Miss Roberta Paul assisted the guest of honor in opening the wrapped gifts. . Later, refreshments, including Brownie Pack Seeks Uniforms WRESTLING EXHIBITION FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAY 29 and 30 8:30 p.m. 4-Top Flight Entertainers Tickets: Ringside Reserved $2.00. Reserved $1.50 Adult Rush $1 .00 Student Rush 50 Tickets at: 99 Taxi, Grotto Cigar Store, Civic Centre. GIANT POLITICAL RALLY Gyro Park, Sunday, May 31st 3 p.m. Hear HON. R. W. BONNER, Arty.-Gcn. Cond. BILL MURRAY Entertainment by Westernaires A call went out today for a j a bridal cake' were s'rved-dozen Brownie uniforms . for j Mrs. Lloyd Rice and Mrs. Ted members of the Third Prince Parkhouse assisted the hostess. Rupert Pack so the little girls ; Others present were: Mrs. Alice Pottle, Mrs. Jack Paul, Mrs. Bill Pottle, Mrs. Oscar may take part in uniform in the Coronation Day parade. Mothers of the children had I iisKe, ivirs. r rea Berry, mr.' Civic Centre r C . r. """"" '""i Misses Kay and Dorreen Paul the children, but through an er- j S(,nding gifts but unable to at. 1 j"'7, , , ilf,1l WPre Mrs Arthur Ogilvie Social Credit Ativt. End Mrs. Levi Fitzgerald. .;-.'.V'; Is not enough time now to ob- i Jain tnjrrproiet;clot)v i 1 JAboit. kt Aoi-n ,ftf the girls peed linifornvi'! smd Mm. Lucy Mazzone, who, with Rita Mclean, trains the 28 members of the pack. Anyone having a uniform is asked to contact sisters at Annunciation School. Fifteen members of the pack are being tested tomorrow and. leaders say, they expect them all to pass with flying colors. . 'h jptr r---r,r- H -rJ v 10 lr $1.00-10 Im SOc la hondy DISMNStl with CMiportment far uti blodef, R0ulr aali(, S blodti 25( as it htt