iinrs Rupert Duil 1 4e w s Tlumday..May 28, 1953 71 5. Denning New, Head Parent-Teacher Counci YWxl I OOOOoHc HI c e c Tbl S U' linliiK was elected of the Prince Rupert cidicr Council at the mcotiii!? in the Civic She succeeds Mrs. P. Mark. Other of Hem elected were: Vice-president, Mrs. A. E. Carlson; secretary, Mrs. P. Mark; treasurer, Mrs. H. Llndseth. Following elections, installation ceremonies were carried out by J. 8. Wilson, who acted as chairman for the election proceedings. Before she left the chair, out- larship proved legion Meet I going president Mrs. Mark extended, thanks to the mpmhpr . fl..,e ....... .AnA - ... ... mi o i -j oi me council ror their excellent d!;in Lei-ion B.C. Schol- ( co-operation and hard work dur- Und av me HiuiiHuy , ing me past year. niri-tmi! or urancn z ,1 in tlie Legion audi- ,,,,,11 srants from nt fund were also ap- ,v the membership, .numbers approved for to the branch were R. F. FarruRia, V. O. Mor-: Stephens, M. S. Cap-! J D Little. Two mem-S Crawford and T. R. cwere initiated, rs were Informed by 8c FRESH MILK, quart carton .. . BUTTER First Grade, Lb Chairman of the Council's Bursary Committee, Mrs. A. E. Carlson, reported that the two winners of the bursary made available by the city's four Parent-Teacher Associations for two students hoping to enter teacher training, had now been chosen. Presentation of awards will be made at the high school's graduation ceremonies tomorrow night by Mrs. Mark The City Council will be written to request that attention be given . to a badly dilapidated sidewalk connecting Eighth Avenue, with Eleventh Avenue near Seal Cove school, which Is widely used by school children. Those present at the meeting Included Mrs. P. .Mark, Mrs. J. Rldsdale, T. O. Bateman, W. D. Griffiths, Mrs. H. Llndseth, Mrs. R. L. Tough, J. S. Wilson, Mrs. R. Gilmour, Mrs. A. Logan, Mrs. J. F. Denning, Mrs: N. Halliday, Mrs. A. E. Carlson, Mrs. W. Murdoch, and Mrs. N. Hebb. 59c You just can't beat Sl'PER-VALC FOWL. All our chicken products are fresh killed the day they are ordered. You'll find these products on sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Super-Valu. GRADE A FOWL Lb. 52c SWIFT'S BONELESS VEAL ROLLS Lb. 65c BONELESS ROUND ROASTS Lb. 73c GROUND ROUND STEAK Lb. 73c BURNS DOMINION BACON, End Cuts Lb. 55c BURNS DOMINION BACON, Centre Cuts, Lb. 59c You always get more for your meat dollar at SL'PER-VALU. Why? Well, folks, you'll always find SUPER-VALU meats are trimmed waste free. COTTAGE CHEESE, 16-oz, cln. . 25c ICE CREAM, quart carton ..... 49c WHIPPING CREAM, tt-pf. cln. 38c TEA BAGS ' s committee that the ,;ot in the cemetery in good condition for latum Day ceremony to ;n June. i from the Coronation s were ncard and a work party was form-ncral decoration of the nd float. rs were asked to con- 27, the Legion can-itfe-ers if they desired r the grand Coronation held June 2. 25c Upton's Purple Label. The Best. 30's in carton New Luggage is Light Bright and Spacious . II.ENOKE LLSTLIt , brown edged with white or off-driving or Bulling, Am-1 white piping. They make travel-n the move for the next lng companions you'll be proud n'hs. i ol . lookin? luRtsage is 1m-! One new group of luggage is o most of us. In travel- s modern it looks as If it were .d. one Canadian recog- treated especially for soaring (tier by the cut of his i Jet-propelled into space. It is nd the look of hla lug- j niade of fiberglass, and the tiavrling at home, we bundle is smoothly molded as xik over our neighbor's Par' f the case. The hardware V elues as to his taste 1 recessed and the corners are icter molded for a sleek, streamlined tlon'l select our lusgage I e't'ct' . . . the ' 11 comes m Intense mottled of ir eyes others iter of practicality we ,cm- dar,k ,brwn blue' is 14 femcly lightweight ulit and roomy. Just to selves ' and so Eturcy tne manufacturer we prefer carry- maintains H-could toe that dropped make good look-! 1 window wither -wies to our costumes. outt ofttve-Btony ou' 11 the stores are carry-: eI, . , BUNCH CARROTS 2 lor 23c RHUBARB 3 lbs 25c WATERMELON ......... 2 lbs 25c SPANISH ONIONS 2 lbs 25c LETTUCE, large head ..15c SUNKIST ORANGES lF(i Heinz TINS M i -' - - - mi r-ir-ii-ii Brand Is easier to handle two small suitcases than one large one. OS 3 dozen 344's TIN cr variety of handsome 1 han ever before. It Is in weight and more j han it. ever has been. : 'io fabrics are largely ie tor the new lightness itnes. These fabrics Voncouver Woman in l 1 . S i .: 1 ' 1 I II . . 1 . rr- 1 34c OVEN0 Cleans Ovens III be wiped with a damp a. e i n v t I'" fresh again after 'My journey. SPAGHETTI Libby's 2 uns 33c I "e hiuhly seuff resistant in handsome plaids or TT . SPECIALS GOOD TILL WEDNESDAY. JUNE 3rd ractivc and practical 10c RECKITT'S BLUE Pkt navy, maroon and 2 tins 35c PEACHES 89 c STUFFED OLIVES Nabob. I6-02 Choice,' Cullman's, 15-oi. TW llest Hranrt frm the Okanaean Valley ' lor tlie three B's. on 2ic SHOESTRING POTATOES Tin CATCHUP Hunt's, Bottls 'I rrlrtiiv. 7 p.m., ' vs. (' Y O. 'H Wednesday, 1 s. (' Y.O. 16c LARD I.b. . p.m.. (124) 25c JEWEL Eb Tc DOG FOOD Sur-Gain, Tin MEAT BALLS fic Altlen's, )(i-o. tin OOv COCONUT 4 Qc Marlins, " i-lh XiV' GRFEN BEANS 4 Culiimbia, 15-tn. Tin At GLO-COAT CQp Pints Tin tl " Tomato Juice Libby's, 20-or. Tin NABOB DELUX TEA BAGS 30's Pkt. 37C 60's Pkt. 70c 125's . -Pkt. $1.20 ONE OF THE BETTER TEAS ON TODAY'S MARKET 24c SOYA SAUCE Bottle Wins $500 Cash ' Winners. In the fcrxt of nine -Mkly nine Biinnet MnrKiirlne "Happy Holiday" Contents wore minoiHired tftday with the top pnw f .r00 rush being awardi-rt U Mm B Wine. VlWt East Cieoriila. Vancouver. B C. Other prlws nu.1 winners In thlB flrt contest whleh emled May 16th arc: imi (uli to Mr. E Olimae. Lambeth. On ; ."41 u-lt to Mrs. Ruth Poster, Nanalmo. B C. Niirlhern l:iei trle eSporlHlniiM" INtrtahle Itailluw to Mra. H. Paul. Untlnn. Out ; Mrs. Roy A Dixon. Peterborounh. Onl.; Mrs. A. Buyers, Red ler, AlbertJi: Mrs. H S. Hayes. Oampnell River. B C: Mrs. D. Allen. JCtoblenltiv Ont Millrl romet" Venipailo to Mrs Arthur M. Purrty. Oxford. Nova Scotia; Mrs. A. E. Lunao. Toronto. Ontario: Mra. W D. Kennedy. York Mills. Ontario: Mrs. A. Dobroskay. Saskatoon. Bask: Mrs. Dorothy MacAuley. Oalt. Ont; Mrs r. S Wllllama. Saint John. KB; Mrs. Melvln Medlllls. Smith Falls. Ontario: Mrs. Percy B. Brown. Edmonton. Alta.; Mrs. A P. Hklnner. Toronto. Ontario; Mrs. Dennis Davles. Whltliv. Ont, Hill t a riniMila-tlon I'rle to Mrs. R. C. leLen. North Vancouver. B C : Mrs. Ola Meunler. Ottawa. Ontartoi Mrs. John A. Prlngle. Sarnla. Ontario; Miss Nellie McDonald. Vancouver. BC: Mrs. O Munden. Port Qredit. Ontario. All prl? winners have been notified by mall. roNTKeT niSTiM i: Bin Bonnets It 0.000 "Happy Holiday" Contest, will continue to give away similar valuable cash ind merchandise awards every week until July 11th. Entering the contest Is easy. All you do: state why you like Blue. Bonnet Marnrlne best In TS words or less. Send vour entry with 3 end-flaps learh wlth OooU Housekeeping Seal from Blue "Bonnet Margarine packages to Bine Bonnet one. PO Box 2l?0. Toronto. Ontario, rimnember to enrlose your own name and address and that of your grocer. Ask for Blue Bonnet Margarine and start entering today. BBW1. 25c STRAWBERRIE Choice, Brimfull, 38c CANADA DRY Quart (plus deposit) 15-oz. 17c NORTH STAR GINGER ALE Quart (plus deposit) 63c DUZ GIANT, Pkt. RHUMBA COFFEE Eh 91c I" Arnold Webster oiui iiils over CFPR at 8:45 (ltd 'u.tlier notice in this ' re-net to Inform cus-i" Modern Rrnutv Shoo '') due to illness. M Proprietor. (125) 3' PKlAL PUSHERS ' om little girls wn-ups. NUw In slock ''l''s lJcpur jnent Store. (124) in ("lurch Ladies' Aid S:lle of home cooking ;'rk, Saturday, May (125i l'"men of the Moose and Ms are invited to see 'n moving pictures, "mPe. 8 o'clock tonight. (It) '" r'5-' p Bakery Rova! n Cuke at a new low ir Ibis week-end only nt 'nrget Co-op en-wte bread unsliced, JPP; sliced, red MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE Lb 99c 65c JAM Colombia, Apple Strawberry, 4-lb. tin NABOB PUNCH Bottle 39c NABOB TEA I'ounrt 89c Jelly Powders M 3 pkts 25c 2?TH OF THE to enter -PAR 1 3,1, 2 and 3 be sure to get KINSMEN - CORONATION CON fi 3 nn L3 UU 1 You'll find both Kinsmen TccnuVs end Entry Forms at SUPER-VALU If you arc not a SUPER-VALU customer, you'll find peanuts and entry forms in neatly every business house in town! It doesn't matter where you buy the peanuts ... BUT ENTER THE CONTEST NOW !