Prince kuutrt DgiIv f Jewb Thursday, May 28, 1953 Czechs Want Restrictions Lifted Now That Oatis Free ,uu HCKETS 'r the i'-- :-'.' :-MlhJ;-bi.- - : :s-r .... Name of Red Labor Minister Vanishes From Press, Radio I . f V Coronation Ball G" THEM NOW At IIMt s .AT 'ebyFuwIie official Czech news outlets, then checked them with the U.S. Embassy In an effort to gain more Information. Such practice Is routine in Western countries he said, but under Czech law "can be construed ... to be espionage." HONO KONG i APi The name ol Ri'rt China's lalxjr minister, Li San, lias vanished from the Communist press and radio, slirrhiK speculation that the WASHINGTON t Commun- 1st Czechoslovakia, in freeing t AP correspondent ; William N. Oatis. acted six weeks after President Eisenhower offered to consider easing trade and travel .restrictions aimed at the Czechs. ' The White House has released j copies of messages exchanged between Elsenhower and new Czech President Antonin ZaMi-tocky. Eisenhower' message, dated Marcli 30, told Zapotocky that if he would release Oatis, the U.S. 5 first top level head has rolled in Peiping. The tense, fanatic, pro-Russian Red wasn't even mentioned in reports from the all-China Con-ores.- ol Trade Unions, a huge Red China meeting May 2-11 that ordinarily would have been under his thumb. Disapearance by omission Is not hint? new in Communist countries. Often deaths natural or otherwise are not announced. The name of an official simply vanishes from that country's news. Although there has been murh party purging at lower levels in Rid China, no member of the 'would be willing to negotiate lifting of sanctions imposed ! against Czechoslovakia when the vt ft' i - v ... . fciir . V:' V-V jj -XI , j top hierarchy has been thrown out. A Nationalist China news agen- IT'S MhAI 'II.MK and the 10 little bundles of gilden fluff help themselves. Hlondie. registered rocket spaniel, takes her laree brood in stride, despite the fact the number Is alxive par from her pieviou:' litters. Owners are Mr. and Mrs. It. Valley of Wiimfpe:; hnnul Hlondie's previous litters were five or six pups,. ' . i newspaper man was jailed 25 ; months ago. j Zapoticky's reply, dated May 1 15, informed Eisenhower that , Onus was being puuloned on that I day and would not have to com-i plete the rest of his 10-year sentence on conviction of "spying." The Czech government through ! its controlled radio Wednesday I called for the U.S. to terminate its economic restrictions against the country now that Oatis is free. In Ills public announcement of Oatic.' freeing May 15, Zapotocky hud .said he acted on a direct upiM'ikl for im-rcy from Mrs. Oafis. Oatis, two days after his re-jturn to the U.S.. denied ever i spying for the American cmbas-isy while a newspaperman In : Czeeholslovakla. !' He said "the cause of my trouble" was that he got news tips from sources otiier than Kitwanga Ball Club Captures In Annual Sports Tournament Trophy at Skeena then was relieved y Jeff Harris, with Wijlie Morrison catching. In the socce'r events, Kit- ;cy carried a report Marcn a, !l!)f3, that I.i had gone to Mos- cow wit h Shao-chi, another ! Red China kingpin. There was ; no report that they returned, al-i though spoke at the labor congress in May. Li, a member of the government administrative council, is an old-line Red. He studied with the Russian Communist party 15 years and married a Russian. In 1940 he returned to China when the Communist revolution was booming. 1 PfiYALClTyA CARDED FOODS Ji ' downed Hazelton in a" lively seven Mining affair which- kept the rooters cheering throughout. Young Allan Johnson, pitching, and James Morgan were battery for the winners, while Billy Robinson took the mound HEAR AID. KAY SMITH over CFPR 6:00 p.m. THURSDAY May 28th Advertising in the Daily News Brings Results '.,..Th,l to The T):u!v News - SKEKNA CROSSING. Kitwanga basball club won the annual .sports day tournament here, defeating Kispiox in the I finals,- 9-4. Two other teams participating wire from Morieetown and Hazelttm. j Winners were presented wi'.;i : large silver cup donated oy i Chiel iWees-tis) Moses Jones ! of Kkeena Crossing. I Kispiox. downed Morieetown ;n the first game of the tourney I 1-0 after a close pitching duel. i Jn the second game, Kitwanga lor Hazelton with Simon Muldoe j receiving.. In the final game, Oscar Ilen- son for Kitwanga .struck out 14 'biitters before he was relieved I in the eighth inning by old-time foulhpaw huiler Freddy Benson. Morgan was catching. For the losers, Johnny F.vans pitched the first seven innings, VOTE LIBERAL VOTE BROWN mm wanea also were victors, down-im; Kitwncoil 3-0 with Oeorge Williams making all the goals. Joe Daniels and Oscar Bensen played spectacular fullback position, while Roy Harris made some outstanding .clearing shuts at halfi'cnlre. Henry Wilson was referee. In the first mutch Kispiox edged Skeena Crossing 3-2 in u In i lie game from start to finish. Kispiox netted three goals at the outset, then the Crossing boys laid in two fast scores but fell behind in staying power and could not make up the deficit. (skeena Crossing's second team lost to Hazellon 3-0 in the second match. Following the sports, the baseball trophy was presented to Kitwanga by Chief (Weget) Bert Russell. Ed Smith, president of the Kitwanga Boys' Club, spoke in appreciation of the presentation and the- hospitality of Bkeena Crossing residents. IO mmsm GREER 6c BRIDDEN LTD. f i Army Discloses Some Details Of Spot-Guided Nike Missile WASHINGTON CP) Details i Twelve launchers will be used of the army's program to spot in above-ground Installations to ;,tiidcd missile jinii-aircraCt 'ire the 1,000-mile-an-hour mis-units Hround major VS. citieuisiles which, the army, claims, have come to light, including j have uncanny accuracy against the fact that some batteries will i even other guided missiles or be located underground. J supersonic aircraft. For above- Information which became 1 ground bases, the army will need available for the first time !'8 acres to deploy the weapons ;howed the army will require , In proper firing positions, an average of 96 acres for a i Nine launchers will be in un-battalion using the nike missile derground installations. Th" to protect industrial, port and : acreaee .sm-eifled In these in- See us to discuss that new construction r r- rr. me. . . government centres against any . stallations is 24, but this is as i. - You'll enjoy using Milady Paper swift, high flying enemy bomb sumed to refer only to the sur USED CARS i a 1 umntl Mtufl iimohmA I ers. Here are some of the other ' hitherto secret details: - li .S I j, " , .-i v" ,' ...- V'. h Napkins. They re so luxurious in quality, so handsome in appearance, so easy on the laundry yet. so surprisingly low in price. Get an economical V, i . - ilc ixMKtr ' a.' sue MONTREAL, May 28lh Not evrn that flaltrr-' ini; lii'W Jijlick colour can make you look your lif.-t if a pumlul coin lias you tense and frowning. So lake my a'lvii'e try new W.l'E-J.W Ciuu I'lasti is Willi Piienyliuiil. That'f the new nii ilii-ii-tioii Ihat gi'ls under your com and liel push it out from uiidt-rntuth , . . the first really new medication for coins and calluses in over seveiily year.-;! In actual tests, it went to woik faster, worked WHITE, HANDSOMELY, EMBOSSED package of Milady Paper Napkins from your grocer today. face area, not implying that the actual bombproof dugouts would involve that acreage. Above-ground launchers will be placed in revetments earthworks to, help, protect them against straffing attacks. Specifications require that sites be adaptable to radar us for detection and tracking of nemy bombers, be clear of obstructions for the take-off of the missiles and, if possible, have natural features to aid in camouflage. The sites also will Include underground storage facilities, magazines and housing for troops. The nike, in production in i '&''' ,""" "melv than any other leading remedy. Truly, once you've used new lilue-Jays, you'll never fn back to old-siyle remedies. Vour lavoume drug couuieis have uew lilue-Jaya with l'lienvliuiu. (Jet some today. B.C Drivers Get Bonus For No Claims VANCOUVER (CP) Provision of a 20 per cent no-claims discount on collision insurance is the unexpected good news for acrident-frec B.C. motorists, announced by the B.C. Underwriters' Association. '49 Anglio Cooch $495 '39 Austin Coach $260 '49 Austin A-40 Sedan . $750 '49 Studcbokcr Overdrive $1395 '50 Austin A-40 Sedan $1000 '39 Hudson Sedan $350 '51 Austin A-40 Sedan $1100 '51 International Truck $1450 SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. If hen The Younn Man In The High-Chair (reta hungry, don't keep MAN SIZED PA nun waiinm! ) on inn whip up a serving of IltKNCll S INSTANT POTATO in just one vuuule ... no nee d to cook his poiaioes away ahead of the rest of his food.. And, ni-inimu! babies loee these I'leamy-siiiooth nia.-hcl potatoes. Yea, French's ln-(taiit Potato is delicious nutritious economical (no waste!) . . . and so m.y to prepare. There's no washing no peeling no cooking no mashing. oiii' Norm Carolina, gets its name Irom the word in Greek myth 1- mm nut. mntJliTH piodixt of PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED VsSr ology, pronounced nye-kee, Just, lollow the dircf nous on the package. French's "The bonus is retroactive to April 1, 1j53, aril will mean UyV thousands o! policy holders will receive rof inda on .pre-' mliirns paid '"board compani.'s during the two months. :mi joiato in i convenient for vour toddler, daily Rerving of meaning the winged goddess, of vlc.tfit.y.; r '...j..; -, .v w. : .'" VANCOUVER, C masted potatoes. Kc-p a package always handy u the uiielf always COLOURFUL rt-nuy 10 Hint o Vim 7.i'ce Vmir Coflre? Strong me Don't Mia hi Such grand values at 111 IS", 1(1(1 f,jr. rN-VAI1K,'Allt! dium? , , . Imt detinitelv (linxit v'i li go toM-e it. It's i- This applies throughout Canada, not just B.C. The no-claims bonus became effective for public liability und property damage insurance written after March 31 for cars driven for pleasure only, with no driver in the household under 25 ynd with a 'three-year accident-free record. And that's just w h a t A' K W 1 N S T A N T C II A S i; Ik S A N HO )! N i.s! Nc maiter it, it has ri'd- ill loo ffuo; rigid now at vour favourite how you make To introduce you to crkp, mnliy-rich Post's Hian Flakes! You'll relish every nioulhful d 'M tliesc I-l SI II.R, lilGC'.LR Hakes. DO TIMS: Today buy the special package of l''sts llr',n Makes at the regular priec. Inside arc mee coupnns worth JO each on your purchase ot ( Pom's Sugar Crisp, Instant Maxwell I louse ( ol- j fee, Swans Down Cake Mixes. Hurry IM'?- ; Otl'er is pood only while supply tf v"'"' 1 "sU Brun Makes packages lasts! ' grocer's. So hurry down wiih the rest of the (oiks and make ihe most of your grocer's treastne-laden kIiiIvis, Stock up with enough of (lie famous 57 varieties to enjoy a long adventure in good eaiing. Get a good mipply of Heinz Tomato Juice and Hemz Condensed Soups. And your family's favourite Heinz Ovcn-Hakid Beans and ' Heinz (Vioked Spaghetti and Macaroni. Hy all means, slock up on Hemz Tomato Ketchup, Chili Sauce ami Pickles, And for baby, you'll wnnt a good mipply of Heinz 1're-Cooked Cereals, Strained itaby l'ooita or Junior Foods. roe'ee flavour. You see, New Instant Chase & Sanborn w 100 rial cofli e. It's made by a brand new "Natural llavoili" process tiial keeps the flavour and aiorna of freshly ground eoffi e. Tasling IS believing and 1 KUgliest that you do )isi dial. You'll t,ir tins w if Chase A- Sanhoin "in-lant". And you'll love its 'instant" convenience. New Instant Chase & Sauboin ('ee dissolves like magic! in hot or cold water. Ami ii'fl so economic al. Saves me up to 40c compared W1i, regular tutice I FOR COOKIMO Posf$ BRAN FLAKES mm mm m - m b w w mr m m mm mi w r m m tm mm i i Want 4 Free Vacation? Enter Thit 1 10,000 Happy Holiday Cnnteit OFFER SAVINGS Ofi ami win rath jimcs up to f.vW, plus WiHld-Iamous M'liitrie "t'oln" Airopnrhn ami Northern hlictrtr "Siutrtuman" AC-lH! I'nrtabte Itmlum l;vr;Rr VVt.t.K. Yes, you can enter Dine lionnet, Hue's All- Calllidlall (Vnitcst. this ueet cicprv weel ns oflen ; Pacific Vacuum packer 9.),: you hke until the end of Hie contest on July llih. .". -P , Why not gel started today! You'll find entry forms and simple rules at your grocer'n and in packages of Hlue Honnet Margarine. Plan to have a wonderful holnlav! bint't miss tins lilllce Aii-Caliadiau ColllesL , with 23 prizes award-d lo 23 different winners every week! Oft; Spring Spealii Of Outdoor Lining ... in' Ihe park, on pirni's, . lJ 1 If ar niuuiav re-nns ami all that outilivir living tpeaks of valiiahles left ungnarde d around the house and that situation whispers of burglars and rhou' a reminder to rent a .Sccec Or posit Bui at, Hie HANK OF MONTREAL! All of which leaven me a bit out of breath but wiih (lie satisfaction of hav- " irg cc livered some good advice! I speak from ex- piiien. e, too ha ing hail my own hume broken into, one tnilrippv sputigt ime. Tiiat'a when I resolved Products of General Food, 1 f 1 Hn .hA Mm -JPi vrM Pacific Milk ddi cxtrt flavor and nouriihmcnt to 4 recipes. I BUY BX. PRODUCTS neer to have my precious possession At the merry of burglars again! 's! And rallier than face the riks of carrying valuables with me on mv travels, 1 put them in a ItofM Safety Ifc-ponil Mux . . . and left, , mv worries in then' Willi them! So why not take a tip that can save you much giiei? Kent yourself ItofM Safety lJeposit box at your neighborhood bunch tomorrow. Cost) leu than two tenia a day I Look for the Special Post's Bran Flakes Package ot your Grocer 1-121 v.'