NEWPORT, We of Wight CP) CHESTER Fn-i , -An An Incentive Incentive scheme scheme to to In in. I the alliir,t'r aiiigatw,ani: " Kr -k Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, May 28, 1S53 Error Cost Dark Game to Dodgers C N Prof t Increased in April crocodiles i t)J e 14 !, create output at a Newport factory provided a holiday In Paris for the four hardest-working employees. MONTREAL. Operating rev-c lies for the Cunadian National System, a 1 inclusive, for the month of April, 1 53 , ing expenses were $!;. 136,000. The net operating revenue was $4,650,000. In April. 1952, revenues were $53 723.000; expenses, $51,602,000, and the net operat-' Canada Needs Stronger Laws to Curb Gangsters .-mounted t0 $5!).78G.OOO. Opera I-ling revenue, $2,121,000. CALL 99 , National Philadelphia 14-6, Pittsburgh -8. St. Louis 6, Cincinnati 3. Chicago 4. Milwaukee 9. American Washington 1. New York 3. Boston 3. Philadelphia 4. Cleveland 1. Str Louis 5. Detroit 2, Chicago 2. Western International Spokane 2. Edmonton 3. Lewlston 7-3. Calgary 1-4. Wenatchee 1. Victoria 2. Salem 4. TrM'ity 20. Yakima 1, Vancouver 4. Pacific Coast Portland 1, San Diego 2. Oakland 2, San Francisco 7. NKW YORK (CP Alvin Dark's nor on a routine grounder with two out in the ninth inning gave Roy Campanella a chance to bat and the Brooklyn Dodgers' catcher clouted a three-run homer to give the Brooks a "girt" 5-3 victory over New York Giants Wednesday night. It was Campanula's second homer of the game and that blow turned what looked like a sire win for pitcher Jim Hearn into a heartbreaking defeat. The Giants' hurler had pitched himself out of several jams in the late innings. FOR YOUR TRIP possible -in Can- The RCMP are concerned about the growth of gangsterism organized crime- to the ad;!. The national police force cites AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS On 'Saturday, May 30, al 2:30 p.m. At the Auc!ion Rooms, Corner Fourth Avcnuo Easf and McBridc Street two factors for this anxiety: Coronation JJtt(f Navy Drill Hall Tuesdoy, June 2nd ture must breed in thickly populated areas. And, "in gangster parlance, 'the heat is on' across the border. To many of the harassed criminals In the U.S., our country, with its wealth and growth, must seem to offer new and safer fields for their rapacity." "Much effort," the RCMP adds drily, "may be needed to convince them otherwise." New and stronger laws mav he required to curb crime in the face of the two developments. "It may be." says the RCMP, i WEEK END VALUES A United States anti-crime drive which may chase some big-time criminals across the border. Expansion or Canada's population, providing richer pickings for hoodlums. The RCMP view is set out in a revised edition of its publication "Law and Order in Canadian Democracy," a 273-pa?e book on crime and police work. Originally published in 1949, it now has been brought up to date. Dealing with the sharpened crime problem caused by growth of population, the book says organized crime by its very na- Consisting of: Chesterfield Suite 2 Radios 2 Club Chairs Westinghouse Electric Ranqe Walnut Bedroom Suite, Extra Bed 2 Wardrobes Electric Washer Dishes Chesterfield Table ' Umbrella Stand CMna Cabinet 2 End Tables Library Table Mariner's Sextant Kitchen Cupboard 2 Carpets, I undcrfclt Elecfrolux 1 Pets and Pans THE UNIVERSAL FRASER & PAYNE "that additional safeguards will ! be needed against that unend- ! ing search by criminals for the corrupt 'protection' without! which they cannot operate for i long as organizations." j But the effectiveness of any such measures, the book warns, will depend in the final analysis chiefly if not wholly on the miblic. The law cannot be ha need any faster, or enforced I ny better, than the general ! DRAPERY SPECIAL 20 pattern, discontinued numbers, all peiiei-t iiirrchanit' Mostly tropical foliage designs, not two pnr(.,s alk(,' " List your goods for this sale Phone: Red 727, Block 846, B.C. Messenger 678 GEORGE J. DAVES The Auctioneer values run as nign as J4.D5. All 411" wide. .P. SI'K( l.L, Yard $2-95 LOOK YOUR BEST at the CORONATION BALL at the Navy Drill Hall Get your Regal Hair-do at HELEN'S BEAUTY SALON FADED BLUE In Misses' Sizes We invite you to see our complete line of Faded Blue Garments in Misses' sizes. community changes In its opinions and beliefs. Canadians are Inclined to bo a little smug about the relatively miall amount of gangster activity in this country, the RCMP observes. But any satisfaction should be tempered by the fact that this is only a matter of E! MARQUISETTE PANELS A new shipment of these special panels In stock. Slim ivon marouisette. Doulile-scwn side hems with deep 6" uotlom h Li riiusneu reauy 10 nang. Outstanding Value at, EACH $1.85 degree. I While the Canadian history of j gangsterism is largely that of-i local organizations, the book I ' says, every large city in the country has a serious problem in combatting organized crime. ' It is still "a very active" prob- r lem in most cities. BEDROOM DRAPERY CHINTZ dki:ssks SLACKS PKDAL I'l SIII KS JACKETS SHIRTS lilt ASNII KKS SKI UTS CAPS mas For a Guaranteed fust colors, 10 patterns, 3(T' wide. Will and wear well, SPKl'IAI., Yard 89' ( friendly 1951 Plymouth 4-door sedan, Radio and heater $1925 1951 Ford 4-door scdon. Heater $1925 1951 Flymouth 4-door sedan. Heater $1895 1950 Chevrolet 2-door seda.i, Radio and heater $1725 1947 Ford 4-door sedan, heater ....... $1050 1947 Chevrolet 4-door sedan, heater.. . $1QQQ USED TRUCKS 1952 Fargo -ton Express $1800 CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Baby Chenille in putcl shades. Beautiful i IIIMIJ I EXTRA SI'MIAU Earn OH I 7j A J CURTAIN FABRICS For the livlngrixim and bedroom. Flock murquisctU; In past shades. Sunniwcb In Ice Blue, Champagne, Oyster, NAVY RUM SHARKSKIN DRESSES A shipment of these fast selling dresses has just arrived. New striped pattern . . . Good selection of colors and styles to choose from. Sizes 12 to 20, 18'2 ro 24 $9.95 White, Turquoise. All 48" wide. SI', Yard 98c Veteran Rupert Fisherman Laid to Rest Funeral services were, held Monday for Biorguld T. Rvsstad, who died in Prince Rupert General Hosnital last Friday. Rev. Olsen officiated. Mr. Rvsstad was born in 1877 in Hylestad, Norway. After having done much travelling,, he came to Canada In the early Dart of 1900. Later, he returned to Norway, where he married. In 1926, he brought his family back to Canada and settled In Prince Rupert, where he was a fisherman for many years. He leaves his daughter, Mrs H. G. Roesch of Comox, and three sons, Torgier. Vancouver, Olav and Knut. both of Prinze Rupert. A brother lives in Nor- 'A staunch old friend" 1943 FARGO ' ,-TON PANEL ( J As Is Special $500 ( RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Phone Phone 866 866 TULIP TAFFETA Nile Green shade only. 400 yarda to clear. t-5V?N Regular 95c yard value. WEEKEND SPECIAL 2 yds. $1-00 ( V This navftrtiscmuut Is not published r dlsplayerl by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government oi British Columbia. - - i y. AUTO RUGS Leopard pattern, extra gitod heavy quality. Size 54" x 72." SPECIAL, Each $4.50 j way. ttv 2& ii ft OA M a U&M ttn vl il U I IF 1 I I "VELVATEX" DIAPER CLOTH Pallbearers at the funeral, held from Grenville Chapel, were: Gunnar Hegland, Harold Child, J. D. Kerrighan, Alfred Eenson, Earl Slatta and George Viereck. Substandard quality Vclvatex, soft as down, specially ovti for baby diapers. Nine yartls makes one dozen full size diapers. SPECIAL, Yard 39 MISSES' COATS We invite you to see our smart line of Shorties and Full-length Coats made by Canada's foremost manufacturers. Choose from wool fleeces, wool and mohair, pure wool tweeds, wool worsteds, etc. Priced from $19.95 NYLON HOSE Cancer Group Raises $600 51 gauge, 15 denier, popular summer shades. Fam4 Invitation Brand. Sizes 8 1 3 to lO' j First quality. SPECIAL, Pair $1.19 EMITHERS. Close to SOW) CRISKAY SPECIAL Plain and figured, 12 shades. Some prinlcd. All this siasons stock. 30" wide. SPECIAL, Yard hns been raised by Smlthers District Cancer Society in the recent fund drive for the fight opainst cancer. Last-minute donations are expected to raise the amount ovr the SfiOO mark, said Hrs. N. C. Jackson, cancer drive chairman. The drive started in April and ended May 25. 98 Telkwa's committee under the H HlPI la lli. fi.,t lim, i, a Irut, "locloiy frK" ri--.--. li 1 ' C - ' ''" ""' too bt . Your 1 &kFWl&!t', J I '1f S9 u Vl, fueilon. Djl b-.5i II lo I, It btfoiv your ey. ' J ijSAfHl LhSwW j IrM j J vou Ino il i lor il comoi lo Ins ArvUt tfcajjisj'i if7Yc(S-mA I IrS '''"J lotloy io!d canon t,mpi.le y ond fejJ'AWLijCSl )Eli5'"5li, ' fVSt F. M. i Men's Departmen chairmanship of Mrs. Dockerill raised $177.75. GIRLS' DRESSES Imported from tho U.S.A. In Criskay ,Cotton Broadcloth, Everglaze, etc. All sanforized and very smartly styled. 1 to 3 years, from $1,98 A to 6X years, from $2.39 8 to 12 years, from $2.98 MEN'S SHIRTS SK)it or Work. The famous Buckeye Satin UrM ' - Pft-rtarjtrf. Me txclkl IN .toll wK,l you wakh, trt-!Wik T 'ISM ' 1 ',!' .dJ.lK.p.n.i,ed acd ar.d b.n3,! you ha, a MMtmfy I "Jl Po.-cKa.,d bm,., capabl l ifei. Ik. ib i.ijfSSSStf j ' . vndr Ofiy t-jnd.l.oni i J KJtSsSt " N, wtlviit Pwnoio tponon wkick will mt "$ aX595r'1! JO I f' -P " d-y out mot. tKn poi-.itle. And b-.ou-,. Vr 4 4rfS52 1 , '. . - I" .-, M Mom si lH Iim ol put'.fco,'.., il ornin an jt rtCrg-jjyy aKK l V' W1 y bone.y a f,fion. Dn,:ha5-d. p 'ft ' Jl 'i'V ii vfy'VJt! MlXr'S f i . . . St yout noby fittjon, Cco'm J 1 J Sanforized and color fast. Sizes M'j to 17 i SPECIAL, Each $3.9 B.P.O. ELKS " MEETING TONIGHT 8 p.m. IMPORTANT Please Attend BUCKEYE Herringbone Drill, Sport or Work. Colorfa-sl- rt Qk SPECIAL, Each J'' Sanforized. BOYS' PLAID SPORT SHIRTS Men's Faded Blue Denim JACKETS Zipper style, knitted cuffs and waistband. Heavy 10-oz. shrunk denim. Sizes 36 to u jr fr 42 0-" SLACKS Pleated style, zipper closingdrop loops. Heavy Short sleeves, assorted plaids, fast colors. Cil Sanforized. Sizes 8 to 14. EACH .' RaUC' rftwi nnhnrdine Shirts Wf MWfcl.WII -fl Long sleeves, assorted colors. Sports or dress style. Washable. Sizes 8 to 14. EACH 10-oz. shrunk pocket material .... denim. Sizes 28 to 40 $5-50 Don't Be Disappointed On June 2nd Put your name . on the guest list for the ( Coronation Ball Coll at . . . HMCS CHATHAM TODAY Space by Superior Auto FRASER & PAYNE THE UNIVERSAL Third Avenue at Sixth Street