- - - 1 , . Thursday, May 2a, l'J53 TO: Buy -Sell -Rent t i lj: fill Todays Stocks 1'MKJ S. D. J..hli((.u f.e. Ltd.) Use The --ti' j iraae or niiu BLACKWOOD on WANT AD 748. She will be glad to help you place your od FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY Bride. icie I " """?' FOR SALE Oil stove, drum and tubing, $100.00. Phone Black 446. (125) a By EASLEY BLACKWOOD mm Dale Makes Deceptive lad That Puts Him in Hot Water Although Mr. Dale made a very successful de- van'coi'veu 7ia Waypoints SUNDAY ' 3S Camosun, 8 p.m. FRIDAY ' ! S3 Chilcotin, 8 p.m.- ! ALICE ARM and STEWART Friday, Camosun, Midnight FOR NORTH QUEEN , CHAKI.OTTE ISLANDS May 6 and 20 " SS Chilcotin, Midn!ght FOR SOt'TH Qtl.I. CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SS Chilcotin, Midnight May 13 ar.d 27 FRANK i. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 FOR SALE Baby carriage, good condition. Call eves. 810 10th East. (125pt FOR SALE 16 ft. cabin trailer, $950. May be seen at 200 11th St. (129 FOR SALE Phillip's lb-tube c o m b I n a tion radio-phonograph, like new, for almost halt price. Phone Red 510 and a.sk for Wilbur. (128) VAVCOl'VER American Standard 17 ' Bralorne 4.25 ' B R X .02' 4 Cariboo Quartz 1.05 ! Congress 07 Cronin Babine 10"2 Giant Mascot 43 Indian 05 U Pioneer 1.90 Premier Border 09 Privateer 03 n Reeves McDonald 2.00 Sheep Creek 65 Silbak Premier 12V2 Vanandu 02V, Spud Valley 03 Vj Silver Standard 90 Western Uranium 2.10 Sil-Van . .43 Dorrecn 28 Estella .47 Oils Anglo Canadian .:. 655 A P Con 33 Calmont ... 1.36 C & E 11.25 Central Leduc 3.15 Home Oil , : 8 25 Mercury 16 Okalta 260 Pacific Pete 11.25 Royal Canadian 12ri Royaiito 14.00 I PREVIOUS vSuMect to Cbanc RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 KAw.yele THURSDAY PM. SO0 At Home Wiih the Lennicfc 5:25 Int. Commentary 5 ;30 UN Today 8:46 CBC Newa. Weather Report 6:65 Have You Heard? 6:00 P R. Liberal Te"c , 6:10 8upper Serenade '2. A 6:15 Hocial Creo.li 6:20 Hupper Serenade 6:25 B.C. Liberal Talk 6:30 Wayne nod Hhuster 7:00 JBC News 7:15 t;bO Mew Houitdup 7:30 Eventide 8:00 The Ways of Mankind" j 8:30 Canada nt Work I 8:45 PR. CCP Talk 1 9:00 Thursuu i-..., . louse j :30 CBC Vancouver Concert Oreh. 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Election Talk: Social Credit 10:30-Parade of Choirs: P R. Rotary , Cluh 11 :00 Weather Pnort 11:02 Fish Arrival ' t ftMTI ! 11:04 music iiu alldnlght 12:00 Sign-off JLtJl 7:15 B.C. Lioeral Talk 7:211 Rec. Int. r'KIDAV. A.M. 7 00-BC. Fishermen's Broadcast 7:15 M lslcal Clock 7:30 CBC News; Weather Report 7 :3ft-MnslCHl Clock 8:00 CBC News :10 Here's Bill flood REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Two fine view, cleared building lots on Graham Ave., Section Two. Price $750.00. . R. E. MORTIMER 353 3rd Ave. Phone 88 (129) FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon on Thursday, June 11th, 1953. for the purchase of Lot 7, Block 6. Section 1, Map 923, Prince Rupert Townsite, together with "improvements situated thereon. Terms strictly cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. O F. Forbes, Official Administrator, Administrator of the Estate of Edward John Marsh, deceased, . Room 13. Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C (1281 FOR SALE Five-room dwelling on Seventh Avenue East, two blocks from McBride. Newly decorated, cabinet cupboard kitchen, Duroid roof, part basement, cement posts, garden, kitchen range, chesterfield set, beds. etc. Full price $4.200 00. Terms. R. E. MORTIMER 353 3rd Ave. Phone 88 . (128) LEGAL NOTICE VIiRI.K WATI'RS I'KOTKCTIOV ACT RSC. CHAPTER 140 ALUMINUM COMPANY OP CANADA. LIMITED, hereby gives notice that they have, under Section 7 of the anld Act. deposited with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa and in the Prince Rupert Land Reg- JX". the''e end plans of a new Bridge to be built across the Kitimat River between DL 6046 and D.L. 0061. Prince Rupert Land District, British Columbia. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the w Jbi 4 Phone MISS DEADLINE Classified Kates time 4:30 p.m. day pre- llUS to publication. atied, 3 cents per word per .rtiin; ininiinuin charge 60 n Notices, 5(1 cenU; Cards Thanks, Death Notices, nier: ;,l Notices, Marriage ana incut Announcements, HO. ial il:;play double price. Nil Refunds . " not accept responsl-v cl:i.-:sif'ed ads inserted tiy or. under wrong llraliun unless notification t nur.f is received within , u:. tjt insei Ujii. ANNOt.'NCLMfcNTS missionary ten up! sale, Anglican ,,!r:.l, May 30. h.-r;-n Church tea May 31). in, j tea. .Inn 4. ATTENTION VOTERS L IDE PAL VOTE ic, n vote for PIE ENTERPRISE. VOTE BROWN LIBERAL on June 9 iluil Church W.A. Spring . June 11. dholA' Wonum' League .nation ten, June 1 1, at the .' of Mr.;. M. P. McCaffery, 4!!) Av,-. We.it. jy'.M-ian Ladies' Aid tea Manse. June 18. personal 0U CAN WIN i i ny. iTujr j, , egi'.lation, Business-I c Administration of our affairs ; . . and. much more. VOTE LIBERAL June 9 VOTE BRUCE . BROWN : a rem on your govern-nt. Join Social Credit to-. 1 12a) 1NCIAL affairs are vour fairs. Jnin SH-ial Credit to- !' . (125) RISIMSS FIKSONAI-S iiii Y enervbitdv uses fi. (c) iAZINES, novelties, Eddie's w.i Stand. (c) STis t r Canadian Llauld IrCo. Ltd., for oxygen, acety- Hid all weldlnif supplies. "nsays Cartas i Storaee :'l. V'.ume. fin (ci MlVH F1NKWI' rf.KANF.R- K.'iiUJX. Pmme Blue u 'or :-ar'.s Hales - Service. (C) 'i i'C'iiHCiAN n. Guyatt. iiise wiring and electrical H!) 0th Ave. West. Id'd 1C5. (138) r"lNAI, Machinery Co. Llm-"o. I'l .ti ibutors fot : Mining, '"'"I'l, Logging and Con-"'iiirs' E(uipmpnt. Inquir-'. Illvil('d. Oranvllie Island, mec-uvt r 1, B.C. at) J'I) Electrical Works Mo-ks wnight, sold, rewound and 'Paired. UN your cla.wified ad ln this 'w'r at the economical six rate, is morris lor 'I con- "aivp riimo mof 1 m rtl f(ir si'x consecutive' days " to. flna vememoer you I J Plione your nds just call 1ttJJul!y News ( tf-nc) .i!"7.Ry('k walls, rockeries. uower boxes, lawns and Vri " tJK0 estimates. Phone (130pl rtlNo, automatic oil heat" wet inetnl work. Phone deal, it must be admitted, how it would work out. South dealer East-West vulrciable j Norlll I (Mr. Keen) HA Q 5 . H J 8 3 I D K 8 6 5 4 I C 8 2 e Knat (Mr. Dale) (Mr. Meek) B 10 4 3 6 K 0 7 2 H 10 0 2 H K DA Q 7 3 rJ HI 2 C. -A 7 4 C HI H fl 5 3 South (Mr. Aliel) ' S - J II fl I HA Q 0 7 5 4 I r a C K Q 3 J The bidding: 1 South Wet North East I 1 H Pass 2 H Pass j 3 H Pas 4 H All pass j - I mm r- 654: f . . j . 1 Wave tka iWy wkm th Afcm calk I TkM advwHttincM b no ubltKd 4liplayJ mm UqMi Coatial iMnl m Wv (iminmm l tnnt Cdwubl Mt - DELUXE PRESS "Gestetner" . Duplicating ' Circular Letters - Moni nly Bulletins any sind of Business forms. Direct matl advertising, etc. 30 - 40 lew than regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Giv us your mailing list We do the rest. Train Schedule STANDARD TIME For the East Daily except Sunday...8 p.nj. Fn.m the East' l...V ' ' Daily except Monday 8:90 p ro IF YOU WANT A. CINDER DRIVEWAY, ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK, Rent of Trucks and Equipment Ph. Blue 939, M. J.'SAUNDERS a, meSe CHOP SUEY . . . " ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phois. 133 11 WE SPEND ALL THAT WDMV W lL HAVE TO SO TO riV DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe Steamer Prince Rupert SAILS FOR VANCOUVER nd Intermediate I-orU Each Thursdev at 11:15 p.m. . For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service For reservations' write 01 call rn? or l.?pt Office m Pixt Uupett. B.C. JOHN H. " BULGER vJplomvlvhf Ihird Avenue" John Bulger Ltd. John F L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOit Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5:00-. 21 2"5 Besner, BlocSc. . H. G. HELGERSON j LIMITED ; ' I REAL ESTAT E & INSURANCE , Phone 96, Evenings Black 899 scott McLaren ; CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ' James Block C08-3riLAve. W. Prince Rupert, B.Cj Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 eeptive opening lead in this at the time, hehad no idea I don'twant to go on record saying the lead he chose is al ways desirable. On the other hand, the defender who always leads fourth highest from hi:; longest suit and who always leads tin; king from arc inns and the highest card from a worthless three card holding, is going to have a lot of contracts made against him which he could have defeated. Deception is a part of every successful defender's game. But he is careful to use it only wlv-n the chance of deceiving his partner Is practically nil. In today's hand Mr. Dale felt .that the lead of any plain suit was likely to present declarer with a trick. He therefore decided to open a trump. The usual lead from his trump holding would be the 10. However, for whatever value it might be in giving Mr. Abel a wrong id of the trump distribution, h3 selected the nine spot. The result wis devastating. As you see, if Mr. Abel had been nermitted to make the first trump lead himself, he could hardly have gone wrong. Undoubtedly his first trump lead would have been the trey from the board. Mr. Meek's play of the king would have clarified the situation- Immediately and no trump trick would have been lost. As It was, the lead of the nin'i of hearts set Mr. Abel to thinking. Obviously (to him) Mr. Dale did not have the 10-else he would have led it. Almost certainly he didn't have the king either. Mr. Abel placed the king and 10 on his right. Now, suppose Mr. Meek also had the deuce. In that case, if a small heart were played from the board, Mr. I Meek would nlav the deuce and the nine would force the queen. ! Mr. Meek would then have left the king-10 lor a sure heart winner. To guard against that, Mr. Abel made the "safety" play of the jack from dummy. The king forced the ace and now Mr. Dale's guarded 10 spot represented the eventual' setting trick. In their early history, fairs1 were closely connected with the development of commerce and industry. (.lOlU.L DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 127 BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FCR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe Holiday Luggage ... all the latest styles and designs to suit you. Sonic to suit you. Prices to suit you , at The Sports Shop THE CHILDREN BOTH NEED SHOES AND UNDERWEAW, AND ALEXANDER &IMPLY r HA5 TO HAVE A NEW r J SjiT tAi V v ' VL v -r- ".V'To lie, or not to ht," I .A rh immortal bard implied Could find a quick solution 1 In th daitificd! EFSINKSS PfckSONAM BF.F.R bottles picked up. Phone Black 627. ' 148p) GF.T quick relief, lasting corn-ford. WILDER'S STOMACH POWDER. Every druggist In Canada sells WILDER'S in the blue checkered can. III 1.1 WANTED MALE Klectncal Inspector Grade 1 H.O. Civil Service-Department of Public Works Kitimat - Terrace, B.C. Salary: $327-$387 monthly, plus $15 per month Special Living Allowance. Must be British subject, under 45, except in the case ol ex-service men. Information and Application Forms obtainable from the Chairman Civil Service Commission, Weller Building, Victoria, IMMEDIATELY. (ltd HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Clerk for retail shoe) stoi .. Apply in person to 1 Family Shoe Store Ltd. (126t. SALESOlRti wanted by F. W. Woolworth Co. Ltd. U27 STENOORAPHER-CLERKrwTth or without experience. Apply to Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd.. Room 15, Besner Block. (128) WAITRESS WANTED Apply "in person at the Civic Centre. (124) WANTED Girl or lady to look alter cnudren. Live in or - eek-ends only. Phone 453. (125) housekeeniiio' In new home on A'.lin Ave. Phone Gren 2139 after 5 p.m. lor further ne-ticulars. (129) SITl ATION WANTF.I) OFFICE cleaning or dishwashing in cafe, evenings after 5 p.m. Box C83, Daily News. Utri) AtTOl'NTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Income Tax saeelnllxt. S. C. Furk, Stone nuildia. Red 593. (20m) HATTKKV SKKV1CK RtjrERT Bat tt ry Shop, 4 East 3rd Aw. l'lione B';i 126. Re-paiis, reeriarclrr' hp.'' rbulld-ln. V'irk PimnrlAi te) BOATS FfHt SAI.F. FOR SALE Sailboat. Would make seaworthy outboard ' boat. Phone Black' 148 or Box 999. ( 126p ' FOR SALE Large power boat, two cabins, boathouse. Within hulf-hour drive from town. Price very reasonable. Excellent for fishing and hunting. Phone Red 418 for particulars. (134) FOI? SALE 32-ft. gillnetter "Marie H." Phone Red 825. 12fn CARS FOR SALE RE-CHltOME bumpers, grills, etc- with "Bumper Re-Nu"! Not 11 paint or polish! .lust like chrome! Last vears! Send SI 93 or COD. Fernlor, 772 ' King West, Hamilton, Ont. (Dealers wanted.) (124) FOr"sALE'42 "45" Harley-Dnvidson, new battery, tires, engine overhauled, in excellent condition throughout. Phone 794 before 6 p.m., Green 781 after. (125p) FOR SALE '41 Bulck, new motor job, new paint job. 613 3rd Ave. West or Bus Depot. (128) FOR Sni 1$ FOR SALE Oil heater, portable radio, end tables, gramophone, lamps, dresser, bed and new mattress, table and chairs, dishes pots and pans, Vi-horse motor, clothes cupboards, china cabinet, hotplate, other household articles. 613 3rd Ave. West. (128) FOR SALE FOOTHILLS (sootless) coal. Phone 651. Phiipott, Evltt & Co. Ltd c TORONTO . Athona .14 Aumaque .15 Bcattie Duquesne ... .301 4 Bevcourt .50 Buffalo Canadian ... .21 C M & S 25 25 Conwest 4.40 Donalda 72 Eldona .35 East Sullivan 4.60 Giant Yellowknife 1000 God's Lake .86 Hardrock .15'', Harrieana .14i4 Heva Gold .06 Duvex .39 Joliet Quebec .27 Little Long Lac .65 Lynx .15 Madsen Red Lake 1.50 McKenzie Red Lake 34 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 2.43 Moneta 43 Negus . .16 Noranda 68 00 Louvicourt 11 Pickle Crow 142 Petrol Oil & Gas ' .53 New Senator 20 Sherritt Gordon 4 80 Steep Rock 6 90 Silver Miller 72 Sweet Grass 51 Golden Manltou 2.35 1 Landover Oils .21 Rix Athabasca 2.26 Nesbitt Labine 3.60 Paving Program Outlined Depending on whether the city's board of works can obtain any gravel this year, the follow ing paving program has been approved by city council: On Fifth Avenue West from McBride Street to Agnew. On Fulton Street from Fifth Avenue to Eighth Avenue. On Eighth Avenue East from McBride to Hays Cove Circle. This represents about 5.500 lineal feet of paving, about SO per cent of last year's progcam. There is enough gravel on hand fop.-a start,: said Aid. ,Krueger', board of works chairman, but possibly not enough to complete the project. Meanwhile, council decided it would not purchase the gravel crushing plant from Wood & McClay on Highway 16 as the plant is in poor condition. No other source of gravel has yet bee.n found. BLONDIE FOR SALE 3 II P. oatboard. 407 7lh West. (125p) FOR SALE White enamel wood and coal kitchen range. Phone Blue 988. tl24p) FOR SALE Large Kelvlnator fridge, practically new oil range and other household articles. All in excellent con dition. Reasonable. Phone Green 926. No. 4 Mussallem Block. 128p) FOR SALE Wick burner oil .stove, good condition. Phone Red 360. ( 12&p) The latest style in SPECTATORS has just arrived . . . FOAM FLEX CASUALS by Prospect Shoes Medium Wedge, Sling Back Heel, Open Toe. In a combination of Black and White or Tan and White. I only t $6.95 VOGUE SHOES Limited Phone Green 595 Box 638 (ltd FOIt RENT FOR REN 1' -Bright single room, close in. Phone Black 977. Call at 101 7th East. U25i FOR RENT Sleeping room. 1141 Beach Place or Blue 433. (125) dINGER iCEWINO CENTRE rent Kirt;ible a.a;hln?s. Phone 804. . ic) FOR RENT Large room for eentleman, near hospital. Red 248. (123p) ROOM and board desired by young man. Central location. Box 682. Dally News. (124p) WANTED TO RENT WANTED Urgently require three-bedroom house. Phone Blue 602. (tfnc) WANTED TO RENT Suite or rnbln ffJr couplo. Phone Black 828. (129p) WANTED W A N T E D TOP "MARKET ! l iviv.r.o riif 101 oiaH imu sk'el, brass, copper, lead, etc t Honest f-rading. Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron Metal Ltd., 250 Prior St., Van-, coMver, B.C. Phona PAcJflc 'U..Civ WANTED TO BUY - Brownie iform, size 8. Also chest of drawers. tJiae.K lira. m-mi 1 WANTED r....r.iC TO T5iTV BUY One- or , two-room cabin and lot. casn. ; Box 681, Doily News. (iZ4pi Cc.SH FOR Scrap: copper, brass, batteries, iidiato.-iv. Phone 543 Call 630 f,th Ae. West -(c) WANTED Good home for year-and-half-old Labrador dog. Phone Black 912. P.O. Box 6'.!'.!. (125) ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALh', Big 6, furnished or unfurnished. Newly decorated in and out. Cash or easy terms. Phone Black 731, (125) FOR SALE Six-room house, 2 bathrooms, furnished. Hot air furnace. Phone Green 933. (126p) FOR SALE Neat one-bedroom home near McBime. immediate occupancy. Completely furnished with all kitchen and household furnishings, including range, new frig, washing machine, sewing machine, dining room set, bedroom and chesterfield suite, etc. Full price $4 000.00. Terms. R. E. MORTIMER 353 Third Ave. Phone 88 and Blue 326 V (128) FOR SALE Modern four-room house, partly furnished (new furniture). Full cement basement with furnace. 792 Alfred St. or Dhone Red 129. (125) i: t - it; Is. V ! tHWpi,l '-.M.owiitb com the ,ite of the first publication of this I""'' - aluminum company of CANADA. LIMITED, will, under Sec tion 7 of the said Act. apply to the Minister of Public Works at his of iflt ln thp c'tT of Ottawa for ap- proVttl of rald xiw aml plans for leave to construct the sntd work DATED at Vancouver. B.C., this 12th dav of May, 1053. Signed : ALUMINUM COMPANY OP CANADA. LIMITED (MI4,21.2.J4) I.ANII Itl'.CISTIIV ACT rte: Certlflrate of Title No. fKM-I to lot Twenty-two (221. Work Ninety-seven 1 07 1 . Section Two (2). Tnwusltc of New Hazelton. Map 0HB. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of losa of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of John Roderick Pniser has been filed In this office, notice la hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first xRtU)g hereof, Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objec tion De mnde to me ln writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Riert, B.C., this 20th day of May, m:3, a.d. ANDREW THOMPSON Deputy Registrar of Titles (H3p) TAXIS anil ThANSrhKS CITY TRANSFER Long Distance CRATING and PACKINO Furniture Movers FURNITURE STORAGE Household Effects Moved to or from any point in B.C. Phone 950 Firat Ave. aaC McBride PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws Sharpened ,J I 215 1st Ave. VI. Ptjorte4S09 I NEED A WHOLE I NEED )( WARDCJOBE:--SHOES, SOME HOSSDKESSES V,., 1 I AMD WATS SMKTS j - k :' .r..'" By CHIC YOUNG WELL, ANV WAV-- ) ' WE LL ALL B "3 . fCk The twiP Y'tv,X i: I i U El y 1iIwwd uuffiinnii ms5; fakgfay Bsi May Mi St Wiih Pail '' JMMM.MMl1MMtiMuiiBJB -tmmt -wsmrmmmm iwn mtwmmiata-aamammmmLttvmmmmm