-V . wmMhi rw,. . - - - - - ,n j . I tic ri inCc lupci if IVUIiy 1ncV"j Friday, April 2, iyj4 Stamps Trim Cougars T o Tab A " , -JSC,'. JKsV' t;.!(j,.iJS-wJ, '-J i3 d. rnnr ' r r oLUnL , j '. 0 3 10 i! 12 13 14 15 l! Meet tdmonton-baskat oon Wir' 3 Lindsay Ousts Leafs With Overtime Goal By JOE FAIXS i;alary csiampeciers navr c-, i;n - ""i n iu uounce tlie complLshed In the Western Hoc-1 rubber off Claude Evans' u, key League pliiyof fs what they Into the cage. iauen 10 cio in me regular ints gave the winners a a-n lead which was narrowed by on. goal jj seconds inter when Bcttio attained some measure oi atoneenmt by setting up Hcben-ton's drive into an open cornet. I Mi hut lost a great battle against Detroit Red WinrjSi son. The Cowboys romped to a 7-4 win over Victoria Cougars iu Calgary Thursday night to take their best - of - seven quarterfinal series from the Islanders 4-1. Over the ffsuiar season, Cougars were the only club In as the Winjjs knocked Toronto Maple Leafs out of the Stanley Cup playoffs 4-3. Detroit won the "sudden " - r death" thriller which ended irhfikorf n e tm i n rt e r couldn't -1.1 1 1 "w in the iieven-team loop to best the Calgarians on an inter-club basis. The Cougars won lour and tied one In oeven i'.art , iW C: '' u- ' Nn ,v . c JW Y - 4 r- , A-f v s r . 1 I'' "x - .. '- ----., .... . . I To Vaiic(iUVPr Sunday T" Kilim:i . "i" Ki'itiami . ugain.st Stamps. (Stamps now meet the winner of the Saskatoon-Edmonton series, currently led by the flyers 3-2. A victory on home ice tonight would put Edmonton in a best-of-seven semi-final with ' . , I stand the pressure. But Lumley disproved such talk by responding with one brilliant performance after another, capping it with his magnificent performance in the final game. The veteran goalie had been beaten in Tuesday's fourth game at Toronto by a fluke eon I. Thit could have discouraged him, but it didn't. He gave up three goals in the first period Thursday night, two by Gord Howe and one by Olcn Skov, and Toronto was on the short end of a 3-1 score. I Howe's first goal set a Stan- ! ley Cup playoff record as lie early this morning to win (he semi-final series four games to one. but Luinley'u magnificent work in stoal almost forced a sixth fjame. As it was, however, Detroit took the series when captain Ted Lindsay fired the game-tinning goal at 1:01 of a second "sudden death" overtime session. It gave the Wings the 4-3 victory and shot them into the final round against the defending champion Montreal Cana-diens. The opening game of the finals will be held in Olvmpia Stadium here Sunday night. Lumley, Vezina Trophy winner, was plagued by jitters In their Alberta rivals. Over on the coast. It's still anybody's series. The season-winning Vancouver Canucks " "" Photo by Chnncller's Studio. WINNER of the first trophy in the Third Annual Prince Rupert Curling bonsplel was the Ai Miller rink who captured the North Star Bott!jng Works trophy by defeating the Carmichael rink from Prince George. Shown above are, left to right, are Jack Lindsay, skip Al Miller, Hec McDonald and Bill Lambic. unlay i To M-'st an, t'harlnitm am. Mar,), m To Sdtith ()u,( Tlnir.sday 6 ft iitli i I'assfn;,., y IKS smith Hriiirc R Third K, serving ei Frank Anlield, JohnClibbett Chalk up 98 s Frank Anfield and John Clib-bett topped marksmen of thei Civic Centre Youth Ritle Club at hist night's .shoot, both scoring 63 per venl. Other high scorers were Teio Paavola, ill; Jim McLean 96; Max Fleming 96; Ron Peterson 04; Gerry Jensen 93 and George l'eurson t)l. Members who have scored 10,) per cent to flute at the club sessions arc Frank Anfield (three times), John Clibbett i twice), Wayne Crow itwicei, Bill Ruinate, Glen Smith, Robert Peder-sen, Ray Win die and Max Fleri-ing. A shoot is planned for Sunday afternoon at the Department o( National Defence Range and boys wishing to enter have been asked to pick up entry forms al the Civic Centre. The forms are to be signed by parents. I have their hands full with the I upstart New Westminster Royals. Their best-of-nliie semi-final ai-I fair is tied 2-2. with the filth uame scheduled in Vancouver tonight. Pat Lundy was the big man in Calgary's win over Cougars on Thursday night, pumping in four goals. ShariiiR In. the other three counters were Steve Wlt- ! beat Lumley nine seconds ; I after the name started. He j City Bowlers Rank 29th In CNT Tourney By The Aiuoclutnt Press Bobo Olson 2-1 Favorite Against Gavilan Tonight liv PKKltY I.ISKA would hire about 17,500, paying CHICAGO OH Two world box-' "ome $320,000, sweetened by ing champions, Carl Bobo Olson $100,000 from the TV rights, of San Francisco and Kid Gav-I Olson gets 35 per cent of the broke the mark of 10 seconds j set only a week ago by .Mont- j real's Dickie Moore in the semi-final against liostou 1 Bruins, nhirh the Canadiens j won four straight i luk, Steve Black and Jim Mc- the opening playoff game here, which Toronto lost by the onesided margin of 5-0. There was talk then that the apple- Plan To Send Team to Tourney Gets Brush-Off Prince Rupert's Canadian Na- llan of Cuba, will battle 15 not Se and TV money, about jtional Telegraph bowlers placed Toronto s goal 'n ''J . J rouncLs or less for Olson's five- $119,000, agaUwt Gavilan's scored Tod SIoimi -3!00!Vi a tP!ini primnntinn period was by month-old middleweight crowii! Per cent for around $85,000. Fartden. Connecting for Victoria were Andy Hebenton. Eddie Dorohoy, Bill Sinnett and Tony Schneider. The turning point of the con-r tenement by setlinp up Heben-first period when Sam Bcttio ! in the CNT third annual Trans-! Canada Teletype bowling tour- ACTION EXPECTED I 4c - - at Chicago stadium tonight, unto a i-S tie in the second TV funs, except in blacked-out A torrid pace k expected 3 For transportation, ' the boys are to meet at Lindsay's garage.! m as aved off The penalty ul- Conrad Street Acnool or the Pot The local team, captained by Ken Mcintosh, chalked up a three-game total of 3.038 pins. lowed Wltluk to fire one in from Office at 12:45 p.m. the meeting of the baldish, tai-tooed Olson agaln.st the cocky Cuban, who has had almost twice as many pro fights as Bobo 115 to i0. It'll be Olsen, o I"---"- o"""' ' ; Chicago and a 100-mile sur- Kennedy and Rudy Migay. Then TORONTO (CP)- Ken Sobles ! , roun(!ing al.eQi wtttcn the Lum took over . dream of sending his Hamilton I favored oison, 25, make his first Tigers hockey team to represent L?et'i f'Td 7 coniv- ; title defence against welter-Canada s""t h'm b"1 h' in the world amateur' a!;e Wm,'kl; weight champion OavCan, 28. had the crowd of: hockey championships in Europe i nAy'e1?' "e beKlnnJng at 10 p.m. EST. to place about mid-way , down the list of teams in towns from coast to coast. Winner of the tourney was a J IMPORTANT MEETING! next year hit a snag here Thurs-. ou"'"s nu n.s There also will be a radio; busy, flailing crowder, against a crafty, skinny-ieggcd slasher. Olson won the middleweight '' St. John's. Newfoundland team dav at a meeting of the Ontario mults- u'vmg, iunbing ! broadcast of this first bout be Hockey Association -.nior A malinK one game-savmg catch .tw.,.cn two reigning champions council. ; after another. i Sjnce tne now-retired middle- The council gave a cool recep-1 He stoPPecl 33 of Detroit's first ; weight king. Sugar Ray Robin-tion to Soble's request for a co-' 36 shots. But he couldn't cope t son. failed to dethrone the then 'i! title vacated by Robinson when he whipped England's Ranoy Turpin at New York last O 't. '-it He since has had one figh'. To Orgonixe Pony League Baseball with a total of 4.608 pins. Runner-up was a Toronto team, with a total of 3.921. Mary Postuk paced the Rupert team posting 219 in each :f her first two games, and ending with a 180. for a three-game operation from the OHA senior :wlln N0- iL 11 was Lindsays, ngiit-heavy champ, Joe Maxim, in New York, June i5, 1952. KnocKing oui joe ninaone at tn:i 1 Francisco Jan 23 in a non-title OLSON FAVORED i bout team.s and made three cointer-! winning thrust, proposals, designed primarily to force Tieers to honor their frnn- on hl.se in the senior league. !, mfMlTr ! Odds hovered noverea around around 2 3 to to 1 1 in in j Gavilan has held the wltwj total of 618. Other players and 'a;ul uuwn!tltie slnce ne WOn a i5-rounU i their thire-game totals were weigh-in pi which Bo.w was ex- j decision ovei- Johnnv Brat ton m.i r itti.. it Jmii P.ihkU ssn SPORTS BRIEFS pected to outweigh Oavilsn by after the confusion in the 147- p;iul Fourier 475. Tiacey Mcln- aix pounos, io-j io ioj. i pound ranks which followed tosh a'.l and Ken Mcintosh 541. That yie Allan Cup champ- ! ions be Canada official repre- j .sentative.s at' the wcflct hock.v t tournament. ; That if the Aiiar Cup' champions decline to go. Harm!- Monday, April 5, at 8 p.m. Council Room, Civic Centre PARENTS! IT'S UP TO YOU! The International B ox 1 n (? j Robinson's climb to 160-pound' Club admitted it- would take a i champion when he stopped Ja'.e last-minute rush at the box of- LaMotta in Chicago Feb. 14, 1951. EDMONTON (CP) Edmonton ton Tigers be considered on the Oil Kings, scoring three of their Speedy Goals Give tJfilcnn lice to reach a goal of $360,000 ; Gavilan will hav xo give up his grass for a capacity 19.400 paid. 147-pound crown if he wins to-! It appeared likely that the fight flight. .... basis that they must compete in goals while a man short, romp-the regular senior league sched ,ed to a 7-3 victory over Flin uie, with allowance made t'onFlon Bombers Thursday night time to make the trip to Europe. f to move to within one game of That no team hp chosen 1 plinrhinu thpir western junior Registrations Slated Lead in Finals that is not in active comnef itinn hnckv Kpml.flnaU in four Tills advertisement courtesy of GORDON & ANDERSON For Little Leaguers ' in the CAHA. ! straight games. The council a.siid the OHA to j Oil Kings, who topped the .study proposals and pass thea I Western Junior Hockey League along to the governing body. I by a wide margin, took the first By The Canadian Pri ss Thanks to defenceman Bruno Pasqualotto's two third-period goals in 33 seconds Thursday night. Nelson Maple Leafs will enter the fecund game of the B.C. senior amateur hockey finals Saturday night with one-game lead over Pentictu' Vs. Tomorrow the call jroes out for registrations in the Prince Rupert Little League baseball association and regulation forms can be obtained by prospective players from the Civic Centre between the hours of two games of the best-of-seven series 7-0 and 8-2. Fourth game will be here Saturday. Soble attended the meeting and confirmed his offer to the CAHA, announced earlier by secretary-manager George Dudley. QUEBEC (CP) Lighthe;vy- ine council objected on the Atilloi'e 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. only. grounds that loss of TLrers mHiweight Claude Labelle of Mont GARRISON J thing for bi4 seriously disrupt operation of i rcal nus betn suspended for 30 They are to be returned bc- The Leafs t'OK a 5-4 t.ecLslon teams and the farm teams. Also fi'um Pemic ttr. in the first game the local Little League has group or the best-ol-jcvtn series to public liability insurance with ' determine the B.C. represent.i-lull coverage from April !' mi tive in the Allan Cup playoffs. days by the Quebec city boxing tween 9 am the senior A league. and 4 p.m. th; . . . !UP't A binaikm tl "i The loss was a heartbreaker to April 14. 1955. luxuntl. No' following Saturday, April 10. Official player agent Art Williamson will be at the Civic Centre between' the above-mentioned h-i"- n the two days only. The forms are designed In keeping with the official Little league Baseball form which are tijbe signed by both the father And the mother of ne boy. Ii. that is 'impossible, th:-n the w3l octeP1 commission for failing to fulfill a contract here last Monday. Labelle failed to appear for a bout with Gus Bruno of Red Deer, Alta. Bruno knocked out Labelle's substitute, Victor Pic-cio, Montreal, in the second round. BOSTON i General manager Art Ross, guiding' genius of Boston Bruins since they entered the National Hockey EXHIBITION BASEBALL Detroit A 12. Philadelphia N 1). Philadelphia A 5, Pittsburgh N 3. Washington A 3, Cincinnati N 4. New York N 0. Cleveland A 3. f Tt. liuuis N 1. Chicago A 4. Chicaso N 1. Baltimore A 6. t Milwaukee N Brilvir K Syracuse II, l6.: Toronto 1. 7J t .. . v . : , U ,1,1 t-K,i HOT PLATES SINGLE BURNER $3.60 TWO-BURNER, CO O R 1 Switch "."3 TWO-BURNER, C Q O C 2 Switch TABLE RANGETTE $49.75 FLOOR MODEL RANGETTE $92.00 Northern B. C Power COMPANY LIMITED Phone 210 Besner Block . Prince Rupert Also ot Stewart, B.C. Urn for the visiting Vs of the Okan-g;:n Senior Hockey League. Thev held a 2-1 lead after the opening period and forged ahead ; early in the third afier Nelson had tied it up 3-3 in the second. , Jack McDonald put Aie . Vs , r.head 4-3 at the eight-minute mark of the finale, onfy tb have Pasqualotto deadlock it agahl a few minutes later after finish- ' ing off a rush with Bill Haldano 1 and Lee Hyssop. Then, 33 sec- one!. later, his backhander i caught the open corner, and ' that was it. 1 Don Appleton. shared scoring j honors wiih Pasqualotto, snar- , ing two goals and an assist. ' Fritz Koehle notched the other. ! Marksmen for Penticton were McDonald with a pair, Jack Mc-Intyre and Bill Warwick. j " aBU" "'" u- ',"u l" League 30 years ago. announced ; his retirement Thursday night. 10l'm' Boss said he will remain with ' w signed, the form as-the Bruins until next October 1 8ures tlie Litll-' l eague assoeia-in an advisory capacity. I'on that the parents give their V approval of the player's par- DIGEST WINNIPEG (CP) Winnipeg tlclpation, in any and all of ; Paulina edeed Albeini Athletics Little League activities. HOW TO BUILD A QUICK CAAAPFtRE n ! 72-70 in the last minute of nlnv I The form, aftel .signed rs- i Thursday night to take a 1-0 ! 1('aS('s and waivej all claims ilead in their best-of-five series ' nRalnst the Little League and i for the western rnnari,i ninr Little League Incorporated, the MEICHERS OtSTl Oiitille" o( men's basketball championship. Second game of the series will i be played tonight. Rye Wbiiky- This adverliwwl or dispiov80 sponsors, organizers and supervisors and also waives to the extent not covered by liability insurance any claim against any person transporting the boy to or from Little League activities. A bdtii certificate Is required on request of league officials. In keeping with Little League's high standards the Prince Rupert group has already obtained EEt YOUR KN1PE RAZOR- k Control Boord Of lj of Britw SHARP TO SHAVE" THE SMALLER pieces of kindling wooa : PyPAMlO THE WOOO A ABOVB, AND SET A MATCH TO IT. ADO I HEAVIER WOOD WHEN Ft RE IS) ! BURNINS WBLL. Remember When Uy The Canadian Prras Winnipeg won the Allan Cup 23 years ago tonight by defeating Hamilton Tigers 3-1, after taking the first of the best-of-three series by 2-1. The Winnipeg team went on to win the Olympic hockey title the following year (1032) at Lake Placid, N.Y. LAST NIGHT'S FIGHTS Button Sandy Saddler, 133, New York, stopped Augie Sal-azar, ,139i'2, 'Oakland, Calif., 7, non-title. Portland, Me. George Araujo, 139, Providence, ,R.L, stopped Jacques Julien, 143, France, 3. Tacoma, Wash. Nat McMur-try, 182, Tacoma, knocked out Bill Mathis, 219, Eureka, Calif., 2. LYN TF.RTZE of Coral Gables, Fla., seems to be stacked with these rifles after Marines of the 2nd Gunnery Battalion named her "MLs:! Brachlifad." The Leathernecks tin ;lit it might be nice to call !.yn the gal thev would most iike to establish one for. Your First Stoo For C T'S CASI6 TOj vai u mi group accident insurance, which covers rot only members of ths j four teams that will be selected j but the boys trying out for the ; - - - i ii i TO FAN A FtKR I ALIVS... - til Stop here to gas-up, Mexico City Humbcrto Car-rillo, 127, Mexico, was awarded decision over Martin Rodriguez, 126, Cuba, Wednesday after referee disqualified Rodriguez for repeated fouling. t Drive o up and tune-up ...WITH A LENGTH OP 14 HUB-' BER TUBIN6, CARRIED HAMDlLV, IN VOUR POCKBT. f without a care on your rr IN cac 15 is 1 vz-ii i t nrw Ani jr riy" of hapP j rail for many mil CRAT1NO PACKINO STORAGE CITY TRANSFER Our interest in your cor -or; ; smooth motorino doesn t end away. from here. Actually our kj i FURNITURE MOVING LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE rLUb our best worKmaninin .-you. Vhotever we do for you, wo know that it s it RIGHT to keep your car RIGHT on the road Phone At the CIVIC CENTRE Price $1.50 400 RUSH SEATS WILL GO ON SALE 5ATURDAY AT 7:15 P.M. - - I SUPER SERVICE 950 FIRST AVENUE AND McBRLDE STRLET 2nd "Corner of 2nd and 2nd Where Service is