c Prince Rupert Daily News Friday. April 2. 1954 RockMounl C 3LACKWO0D op BRIDGE I . - Tim advertisement ri not published or Bojrd or by the Governmem l L"' t Kitimat Starts Scouting Group Special to The Dally News KITIMAT A Scout organization has been launched here In Canada's newest city, with one Scout troop and one Cub pack already active. One troop and one pack also have been started in Kemano. A provincial district committee has been set up under chairmanship of O. Malby, resident manager for Alcan, and the com I I , .m vokimba i i.i i. iii . i. i i ii nit mm m A By EASLEY BLACKWOOD .iJ&tJ Muzzy's Play Should Ik As Good As His Bidding Mr. Muzzy 's play of today's hand should have been as good as his bidding. His response, of one diamond on the South icards looks a little odd, but actually it was the least of several evils. , KEELfJT mm X '"a.en. I ,", 1L North dealer East-West vulnerable North (Mr. Aliel) 5 A K 6 H J D A 6 3 C A Q J 5 J Siiulh (Mr. Muzz.)) 6 Q J S H A 7 5 D -7 6 4 2 TODAY TO SATURDAY ACTUALLY FILMED BY jCM CN SAFARI IN Ki v ARI.ENE FRANCIS AXD EES TREMAYNE A GAY AND AMISING COMEDY titled "Love Crazy" will be heard on the Ford Theatre radio drama tonight at 8:30 on CFPR. Starring Arlene Francis and Les Tremane, it's the tongue-in-cheek story of a husband who dates an "old flame" and then nui't face the Indignation of his wife when shp learns of It. The date was harmhss enough but when the wife decides to do a little dating herself hubby is highly incensed. When she threatens divorce he pretends to be insane to prevent her getting the separation. She knows he is only feigning the illness and matters get even more complicated when her mother takes a hand in the matter. :-r-':: KVi.. SjJ71 Most players today think a bid of one no trump over partner's one elub opening should show a pretty fair hand. I go along with that thought because the reasoning behind it Is sound. To bid one trump, Mr. Muzzy should have been a king stronger that is, he should h:ive had an average hand 'in high cards. ; The reason is that a one n6 trump response cuts out all iuriher bidding by the partnership at the one level. If the original bidder wants to bid again, he has to come in at the two range and his hand may not be quite enough for that. LOW BID CONVENIENT How convenient it is for him it the respondcr bids one diamond. Then he can rebid one heart or one .spade and thus a lot of information can be exchanged at the lowest bidding level. Of course Mr. Muzzy was too strong to pass. Lacking the TtCHNICOLOB -iv-; 1 Ui 4dermemeni i not published or d'kpUicd by the Liquor (.cmirol Hoard ci by (he Oovtrnnicnt ut British BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING 1(1(1 TAKE (11 T OKII1KS Phone 200 f Broadway Cafe t 'U PLYMOl'TII ( uvtiim 4- clndr. Fully 'Tftiippcd. in beautiful, condition SliDO 2-Tono A.40 AL'STIN. Clean car. New tires. Priced to sell $750 it a io ,rsn Love ly shape. A good dr;il at $x;i.j PLYMOUTH 4-llMir. Completely overhauled, new transmission. Fine new tires M300 SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE Kaily Hews Want A as Gel Results CI Radiation Key in Battle Against Chronic Leukemia PORTLAND, Ore. A method- For chronic leukemics the av-of almost doubling the survival; erage survival time, between the time of people with chronic leu- tmset of disease and death, has kemia was reported this week by been listed in medical statistics a physician! widely known for ! as 30 to 42 months. TM HIIII NEWS - CARTOON Evenings 7: - 9:25' Saturday Matinee .. 2-4:25 &a elks strenglh for a one no trump re- Mr champion had the king of spouse, he bid one diamond on,cuhs anc tnc chance the op-a four-card suit headed by the posing hearts were divided 4-4. seven spot. As it happened, Mr. I Ater &n he was just as vul-Abel didn't have a four-card nerable in diamonds as in hearts major to bid anyway and after j and tne way he played it, he his Jump to three flubs, Mr. hud just once chance the club Muzzy properly went to t'.irce I finesse, no trump. ' 3 CAPIT0 6th St i m his research on blood. j The procedure involves the use , of constant mall do.ses of radi-' ation over the entire body. j Usually leukemia patients aiei treated only as lone, as they ai ; cutwani v ailing,' then sent i home. The new way is to keep on ; tnating them even tmm: h tin don't appear slrk. This uf-thod was ritvrlnl to science writers by Dr. E E. Os good of the University of Or j 4i(NK' 'Cor. 2nd Ave. and EVERY FRIDAY HM DOWN TW. The Irey of hearts w;i:, i.en-rd and, proving again a little learning is a dangerous thing, Mr. Muzzy laid off the first two mittee is planning extension of the movement throughout the area, as the population grows. Chairman of the Kitimat Scout Group is Wes Ge'mmell. Scoutmaster is R. Whyte, in charge of 14 Scouts, and A. C. Spicer Is Cubmaster, with 14 Cubs in his charge. The Kemnnn Oronn committee Is headed by F. H. Shields with O. H. Finlayson as Scoutmaster with 13 Scouts, and F. W. Smith Cubmaster, with 12 Cubs. Temperatures Hit New lows EDMONTON t Tcmpera- turcs hit record lows across the i Prairies overnight but the weatherman today promised a i gradual warming from the winter's latest chill. Coldest spot was Keg River in northern Alberta where the mercury skidded to 38 below zero. It was -37 at Fort Smith and -30 at Fort McMurray, also In northern Alberta, i Edmonton hit -14, coldest April 2 since 1920 when the thermom-J eter read -9. Calgary broke all April records with -22. At Win-1 nipeg the temperature dipped to -12, less than one degree of the coldest April reading recorded in 1899. Royal Couple Rest on Yacht ABOARD 8.S. GOTHIC I Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh rested today aboard this royal liner as It cut through the south Indian ocean at 18 knots under a warm sun. The royal couple watched a helicopter from the Australian aircraft carrier Vengeance delivering mail to other escort ships, the Royal Navy cruiser Ceylon and the Australian des- troyers Anzac and Bataan. The Gothic is due to reach the Cocos islands Monday. Fair weather is forecast for the voy age. Try Daily News Classified Canada Packers presents TORONTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA convurt JAMES PEASE IAKITONI ( tonight CFPR - 7:30 gon medical school. Tno science IisurefJ that b tn Ume lllesit writers are touring reHMr-.i ; ,Tllialning 43 are dead, the av-centres ndr the sponsorsliip of era surwiVai npr,ori win he be Music by THE WESTERNAIRES All unescorted ladies admitted trie before 11 p.m. HOT DOGS SOFT DRINKS ! I mm ii,t mi v i tM ' H-t,'.'""" irt' i.. .1,, Wollacc's Department Store Sew and Save! : SPRING SALE ! YARD GOODS ! WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE ! C 10 9 6 Hest Kat (Mr. friamiiUill) (Mr. .Mutrrn) 810 8 7 2 S 9 4 3 H K 9 8 3 H Q 10 8 2 . D J 10 D K Q 1 I C 8 7 3 C K 4 The blddinit; North East South West 1 C Pass 1 D Pass 3 C Pass 3 N T All Pass rounds of hearts. However, the ; opponents now shifted to diamonds and continued until the ace was knocked out. When the club finesse last, Mr. Muzzy was down two. The defenders won three diamonds, two hearts and a club. Mr. Muzzy should have won the first heart trick. This would have given him two chances in stead of one the chance that Labor to Protest Act Next Week VICTORIA The six-man steering committee of the mass labor protest meeting here will attempt to meet the cabinet next i week to demand withdrawal of j the Labor Relations Act. This was decided at a closed meeting of the conference on Thursday. About 300 delegates met here Wednesday and Thursday to discuss the act. They ' voted Wednesday to demand withdrawal. R. K. Gervin of the Trades Union Congress and a member of the steering committee said labor wants no part of the new act but wants amendments to the existing Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act. Logger Dies As Home Burns McBRIDE, B.C. (CP) Lcggfr Clifford Hinkleman. 37, was burned to death In a fire that destroyed his home 14 miles east of here Wednesday night, but his wife anH three children escaped the blaze. Mrs. Hinkleman had no wav of getting he'n. The nearest neighbor to the Hinkleman home lives several mile away. TRAVEL TOPICS SOME SAMPLE AIR FARES FROM PRINCE RL'PERT TO: One Way Return Va-.couvcr 44.85 80.75 Edmonton 57.70 103.85 Ketchikan 15.00 27.00 Toronto 162.70 313.85 San Francisco 85.80 161.85 New York 171.80 333.85 Your Local Travel Agent CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES 215 2nd Street Phone 620 I 1 See Your Local ROOFING and SIDING h- HYDABED GREER & BRIDDB LIMITED the Anfcrican Cancer Society, -which supports the work of Dr.; Osgood and many olher medical: scientists. Savings Stamps Cash-In Urged OTTAWA 0 The government is planning a special effort to get Canadians to cash in their war savings certificates. The last batch mature April 15. Kenneth Taylor, deputy finance minister, told the Commons banking committee today that the government will display ; advertisements in Canadian1 newspapers and In post offices informing the public that the j certificates have matured and will Invite holders to collect the cash. Officials estimate that about $50,000,000 worth are still outstanding. I - fr - ' HANGING ONTO the boat's rigging, actress Ava Gardner enjoys a breezy outing In the Riviera sunshine. Glamorous Ava is in Italy to make a film. si - ;v - ff 'I 4.V . ' 4. .; i.. f ' -t-r " V'""i ... -At Ci! t "J , .rr . ... '! 215 First Aj Phone 909 Lil E PROLONGED I Dr. Osgood reported on 163 pa-" tient.s, who have oeen treated as a group since 1941. At the end of 1!).)3, 48 of these patients still were alive. The average survival time as oi that date ws 57 months. Since 48 are still living, the calculated average .survival time for all 163 will be four years and nine months. Since treatment methods are improve-1 lriiin tinip to l,me. Dr O'iPnod tween seven and eight years. Since leukemia Is a disease of the blood and extends to all parts of the body, the entire system Is irradiated. Another research project which gives hope for added liie. to victims of breast and prostate cancer was reported by two ' other researchers at the school, I Dr. Clarence V. Hodges and Dr. Clare G. Peterson. ! Removal of the adrenal glands is one type of treatment used. This has prolonged life and bnn-ished pain for some patients, out Hodges and Peterson said they sre getting away from adrcru-1 surgery and using atx hormones 'Instead. i DANCE in the Navy Drill Hall on SAT. APRIL 3 Dancing 9- 1 Admission $.1.00 Dance In honor of ship's company of HMCS Sioux rf-lrtiiiftitiuiu fn ONE 1 30 i . Competitive Prices . . Instalment Poyment Plan if Guorontecd Workmanst1 Lorge selection of aspholt shingles, os A (shakes to choose ""'"SI W (r1 TUT CTF LJ "An extra room lor no more than !he cost of a fine sofa" fa Vi!h;n thirty seconds your sofa becomes a comfortable bed. Tr You sleep on a spring-filled mattress. it No rolling towards the centre. A- Bedding rolls right up with the sofa. TrV Fast as making an ordinary bed. There's a HYDABED lor your home... exactly as you'd like it . "LOVE CRAZY" - STARRING Arlene Francis and Les Tremayne WHOLE HOUR OF ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTED BY FORD of CANADA HOUSEWIVES DONT FORGET The Weekend Specials S KEEN A GROCERY WILLIAMS GROCERY 94-50 P M. - FROM RADIO CFPR - 1240 Kc FROM A. MacKENZIE ' Good PUiee to Buy For 3Q0 Third Avenue OB -PARKER- LIMITED FURNITURE LTD. Over a Quarter of a Century" Phone 775 . ..tiiDrU Dcocr The Home of Friendly Service' Your Local FOKU-mw"j -IV I